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Ilmari might just fly, Ilmarinen sounds like naming your kid Beowulf or such. T: third name Ilmari


Also it's more common as a lastname.


It's the equivalent of an English-speaker being named Beowulf, Mordred or Gandalf. Fantastical and silly in a modern setting. 


Depends on your genre but in general if a name ends with -nen it's a last name.


That would be silly. Only ~100 Finns have ever been named Ilmarinen, first and second names combined. Ilmari is a great name.


I agree that my name is great 


Bile-Ilmari is a Great name.


It's great if you wish to invoke a feeling of similarity between the character and a pension fund company.


Maybe the character is a man in finance ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Ilmarinen is more like a surname. Ilmari is a good first name


It wouldn't be totally impossible, if the parents are a bit strange, but would be standing out alot. Lile you could meet someone named Odin but it would stand out. The other reason is that -nen at the end is used for family names. So a bit like meeting someone who's first name is McDonald is Scotland. Everyone would always be mixing his firstname as family name.


Ilmarinen is also a big insurance company in Finland. Wouldn't call a kid that.


Anything ending with "-nen" is usually a surname.


If you want to market one of Finland's largest insurance companies then sure XD It's like naming your character JPMorganChase or, as another user pointed out, General Electric lol But honestly I would just stick with Ilmari :D


It's basically the same as your character having the first name Smith vs. having the first name Smithson. Close together but miles apart in connotation


I would just first assume anyone with a name of "ilmarinen" to be called as "ilmari"


Why not Nokia?


From [https://nimipalvelu.dvv.fi/en/forename-search?name=ilmarinen](https://nimipalvelu.dvv.fi/en/forename-search?name=ilmarinen) you can see, that Ilmarinen as a first name really is rare these days, only some after 1940's. Ilmari as a first, and especially second name is a bit more usual, but would that be too usual for your purposes, don't know.


How about General Electric?


Can you tell more about the book and the context?


I would go with Ilmari. Ilmarinen isn't unheard of, but people are likely automatically going to associate it with [one](https://www.ilmarinen.fi/en/) of [two](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilmarinen) things (or just see it as a surname because of the -nen)