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Shezleth nation, reporting for duty hereā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


For me this is it tooā¤ļø I am a Dimileth shipper from the very beginning, but while I still enjoy it tremendously, if Shez was in Three Houses I would choose them in a heartbeat šŸ˜‚ I just adore possibilities of them connecting over entities that live inside their heads and supporting each other in all this weirdness ā˜ŗļø I also have a soft spot for Lysithea/Cyril, Felix/Annette. Sylvain also has really amazing support convos with Mercedes and Dorothea, but most of their supports are really well done so it's hard to choose a favourite šŸ˜‚ (Mercedes and Dorothea are very shippable with a lot of characters šŸ˜‚) I'm also not sure if I actually ship them, but Ashe and Catherine support conversations were truly one of my favourites in the game.


> (Mercedes and Dorothea are very shippable with a lot of characters šŸ˜‚) Except between the two of them. If there is ever another Three X game, please give Dorothea and Mercedes a support, if only because I bet they'd bond well over people thirsting over them.


https://preview.redd.it/0n4s176e8s9d1.png?width=1914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c31992683883535e2c8b6d14494760d783b546 What I like from their relationship (beyond the fact that they both are part of my favorite character archetype) is that it's actually balanced with two people going in the same direction together, instead of one simply following or even dragging the other with them. Their story (Stoic lifelong mercenary want to give up living an empty life sheeding blood, to open their heart and find a purpose and a place to belong) is identical and the S support where BOTH come in knowing they'll get married right there and then is a real show of that. From Shamir's side specifically, I like that she finally embrace ALL of her buried feelings, and while Byleth show her the way, he never actually push her in doing so (except for the S support, but then it's a VERY different context and more comedic than serious), which is a trigger for Shamir and I think her relationship Catherine would never work without Byleth in the first place. Her relationship with Byleth also progress very naturally (as naturally as the game allow at least). Going visibly from curiosity, to interest, to trust, to fondness, to love. From Byleth's side, I like that Shamir is someone who understand him and grow with him, but most importantly, treat him normally and trust him without a fuss wheras to pretty much everyone else, he has to prove himself and change first to gain approval and the mere fact that he DO gain their trust is actually something big instead of just something more simple and natural. One of the big highlight of that, is how it's stated multiple times over the game that becoming a professor changed Byleth and make them a better person. Meanwhile Shamir imply that Byleth was always a good person and being a professor simply showed that, something that was enforced in Three Hopes. Considering that Byleth have serious issues with their past as Ashen Demon, that is probably world changing to him. And that's something that Byleth need because for has much as Byleth care about their students, Sothis, Rhea, Jeralt and everyone else, none of them are their equal or truly understand him. Whoever he interact with, Byleth is always something before being someone, be it Professor, the wielder of the SOTC, vessel of Sothis, the commander of the army or hope of Fodlan. He is all of that, and those are definitly major part of him, but above all, he is Byleth, just a guy and Shamir is one of the few, if not the only one to treat him as such first and foremost.


You see that's also why I like their ship so much. And the interactions feel the most natural because of the fact that they're both mercenaries I feel like they could relate a lot My second favorite shipping is byleth and Marianne that's because of how much he helps her and helps her get over her shyness and security issues but yeah that's my number one


I thought that the ships in Derdriu harbor were an interesting element that adds to the depth of the map.




absolutely based


Yay polycules!


I believe in Netteflix supremacyā€¼ļø


Edgy boy and cinnamon roll girl will never not be absolute peak




Ferdithea They fit too well together Their abilities synergies together Dorothea wanted a noble husband, and Ferdinand wants to understand commoners It's also the favorite ship of their voice actors (Rest in Peace Billy, this was your favorite ship)


Iā€™m a sucker for Caspar and Hilda and their cotton candy haired children. Second is Raphael and Bernadette because I think he brings out the best in her and their ending is so sweet and wholesome. and Bernie deserves that.


Those are literally the 2 pairings I never separate no matter what


CASPAR/HILDA THANK YOOOUUUU i never see enough appreciation for this ship. it's one of my favorites ;;;;;;


Sylvix for sure


Edelthea~ Once I saw their B support, it was all over for me. They're also "dearest friends" in Three Hopes which is very "gals being pals" to me ahaha. Really like Edelgard being with a commoner and proving that stuff doesn't matter to her. Dorothea needs someone to love her regardless of her status, and Edelgard started a war over that ish, so you know she means it lol. Plus, two of few canonically bi characters? Sign my gay ass up


What do you mean by canonically Bi? I thought everyone who has at least a support with the opposite gender is bi. Same reason why almost no character is completely straight nor homosexual


Why would having a support with someone of the opposite sex... make you... bisexual Dorothea will marry Byleth whether male or female as will Edelgard. Only a few characters have that ability (Mercie, Yuri, Lin, Jeritza.)




![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized) (Dimivain is SO GOOD, read so many wonderful fics over the years!!)


Seriously! The amount of creativity and love people in this fandom put towards even the most slept on ships and characters is such a gift ;-; (not even just referring to Dimivain here, but in general) Perfect gif choice btw lmao


I'm not really a shipper most of the time, but I do love Dimitri and Marianne's relationship. It's the ending I always aim for in Blue Lions for them.


Same, dont ship often, but those two are a ship that i can get behind


I love Felix and Lysithea - as much as itā€™s nice for Lysithea to live longer with others they just have the nicest ending. I get quite protective of Lysithea if it seems like someone else is getting closer to her than Felix (looking at you Balthus). Shamir and Byleth is so good as well. Both are outsiders who still have a reason to commit to the cause, and their bonding feels so natural to me.


* Yuri x Byleth. Even if that ā€œdateā€ Yuri asked Byleth on was really a rescue mission, I was like ā€œHonestly? I can see those two getting together for real.ā€ Then when I saw that you can romance him as male Byleth, I went for it in my Verdant Wind playthrough. If I hadnā€™t already been in love with the pairing, the S-rank conversation + ending card really sealed it for me. * ā Mercedes x Sylvain: Just about everything (especially their A-rank conversation) about this pairing warmed my heartā€”I actually like this ship better than Sylvix. If I hadnā€™t been planning on S-ranking Mercedes, I would have done my best to obtain this paired ending. * Catherine and Shamir: I just absolutely love their dynamic ā¤ļø * Dedue x Ashe: Hadnā€™t thought much of them at first, but after I unlocked their A-rank conversation, I was immediately on board this ship.


Felix Dorothea Their support is just perfect and I just think they'd be perfect together. Felix is loyal, protective and a true friend, exactly what Dorothea needs. On the other hand is Dorothea one of the few good partners for Felix, because she's levelheaded and not afraid to call him out, while also being affectionate of him and everyone else.


Also: - Felix likes singers - Felix is always worried about the safety of others -> Dorothea can hold her own in a swordfight - Dorothea wants to marry into nobility, but hates stuck-up nobles - Both are quick to judge other people, but are willing to listen and change their minds accordingly


The throuple known as DimiSylvix


Hapistance. I love these two so much. Despite everything they've been through and what they have to live with, they can just be themselves around each other. I like that their supports together focus on their love of food and never mention their curses/trauma, because they just accept that about each other and instead focus on their shared interests. Even tho one is a noble and one is a commoner, that doesn't change anything, Coco defends Hapi from snarky nobles and wants to be with her regardless of status. My favourite support between the two is actually the 3 Hopes one where they both admit they would be lost without each other.


Hapi calling her Coco is always cute. In a way it shows that Hapi sees her as a normal girl, and it is a very affectionate nickname. You wouldn't expect the noble and proud Costance to be named like that


This is something Iā€™ve thought of before, and itā€™s very cute. Thank you for saying this.


Marianne X Happiness!


Top 3 Petrashe: absolutely adorable and the fact that Petra will literally create a WHOLE new knightly order to get Ashe to come with her along with him going from orphan to prince consort Shezleth: rivals to lovers mmh M!dimileth: will never forgive IS for depriving me of bi Dimitri


Idk from a breif look I'd say USS Dewey, but I havemt played the game. Maybe I will now tho.


Sylvix has my heart. Same with Caspar and Linhardt. I'm a sucker for childhood friend to lovers trope


https://preview.redd.it/27o58dv93u9d1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e9ce1753adc866bd1eef4d97d1d055757a8c8ae theyre litrerally the cosmo and wanda of the fire emblem franchise theyre so funny theres a serious answer somewhere. theres for real so muhc in game plot, lore, and history that surrounds why these two are so amazing for one another. from unique dilaogue during group tasks and dinner to their paired ending being probably some of the best outcomes for each other (caspar's a travelling hero, linhardt gets a settled down carefree life.) in 3hopes, theres a dialogue change in the linhardt bernadetta support after caspar dies. this support chain is all about lovers conflict of fighting in the war, and how "true love" cannot conqer all. when caspar is dead playing this support chain, lin is more pessimistic than normal. its evil and horrible and mean and i hate it (its a genius small detail!!!! like ever!!!!) and in the balthus caspar support, balthus talks about how while he and holst, and he and cas+lin are childhood freinds. linhardt is different from holst, in more ways than one. and encoruages caspar to be that heroically charming justice grappler man, "for linhadt's sake." its very sweet TDLR: i just think theyre neat EDIT: also, the general ship name for cas and lin is called casphardt, this is funny you see, because it's pronounced "cas fart" and see the joke is that it's because they're a comedy duo and and-


My OTP I love them so much. The way their lives are so intertwined since childhood and the way they talk to and about each other all the time itā€™s so sweet. Actual soulmates. (Also happy birthday Caspar)


the intertwined thing is so huge too. 3hopes makes this clear more than ever too. when i found out linhardts dialogue got more cynical when you play a route caspar isn't in/caspar is killed, it shows how negatively impacted the two are when they're separated. killing linhardt in claude's route, caspar screams absolute bloody murder and it's gut wrenching; he doesn't let you forget either, having his stats completely boosted on the same map and the following map making sure to remind you what you the player took away from him, his livelihood, his love, his lin! it's one thing to separate school mates and lovers of a couple of years, but caspar and linhardt both have so much stuff pre established with one another, they almost feel like they've been married for decades. "bickering like an old married couple" is a good example i like to use to describe their exchanges. it's so casual, so fluid. they aren't bubbling fantasy romance lovey dovey, but they aren't bitter angst and enemies to lovers either. they're just natural, and for a franchise as dramatic as fire emblem, it makes these two extremely refreshing in that regard. they're realistic and seeing that makes me extremely happy lol, i could go on and on about them happy birthday to the short king himself šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ«”


Yes exactly! The way their meeting is literally a significant event in both their character bios and the implication that their relationship is an integral part in shaping their identities! The way 3 hopes also elaborated on suspected headcanons by canonising that Caspar was the one to tie up Linā€™s hair as kids and gave him the ribbon (which he kept for years) and just shows us through these subtle details of how intertwined their lives are. Also the way they keep bringing up each other in expeditions is so cute. Thereā€™s one where Linā€™s like ā€œyou wanna talk about me? Uh wouldnā€™t you rather hear a funny story about Caspar instead?ā€ And I love the way they interact with each other. Itā€™s just so familiar and fond where they already know everything about each other. Even in their paired ending it has this tone of ā€œof course they travelled the world together, who else would they do it with?ā€ Itā€™s just so wholesome. Theyā€™re a package deal. Do not separate. I love them a very normal amount.


Claude and Byleth to almost a crazy extent. I know some people really disliked their ending but for me it's perfect. I tried Byleth with all three house leaders, and this one just hits different because I truly believe their closeness by the end is very amazing... I have written some very interesting fanfics about these two, haha. I never cared about writing fanfics before playing this game and now I write steamy ones about these two. One of the things I love about this pairing is that you can go straight from his power of friendship speech during his and Byleth's battle against Nemesis to him proposing at the goddess tower...it's just such a good way to end the game. I love that they also hug when he confesses his feelings. I feel like their ending card is a teaser into something more too. I discovered that I just didn't like him with any of the other characters, either, because it seems like his scenes with Byleth are his most authentic/vulnerable. I have two other favorite ships: Sylvain x Ingrid and Lorenz x Leonie. I feel like these pairings bring out the best in each character, which is what I find satisfying in any pairing. If I had to choose someone else for Byleth, it would be Dimitri. I think their bond is very heartmoving.


Dimitri x Marianne Claude x Petra Edelgard x F!Byleth


Based asf


Edeleth. I think their romance would be absolutely adorable but also I love the ā€˜symbolism.ā€™ Byleth, even if he is a war hero at the time, is still a commoner, and Edelgardā€™s the Emperor. That love would be almost entirely unheard of in the old world. Their whole goal im CF is building the world where people can become whatever they want and rise and fall in accordance to their abilities, rather than just some bs birthright whatever, and I feel like that goes perfectly along with that vision for the new world. I know it can happen in the other routes too but it just feels more ā€˜rightā€™ in CF. Also I read somewhere that the Japanese name for To the End of a Dream is ā€˜The Result of Our Feelingsā€™ which I think is supposed to refer to the Crest Stone fading and all that; that itā€™s their feelings that result in Byleth regaining his humanity, which would sort of explain why it doesnā€™t happen in SS even after bringing down the Immaculate One, and the Japanese name for Colors of Sunrise is ā€˜The Sunrise with Youā€™ so likeā€¦ how am I not going to love that ship lmaoooo




I feel like Bernadetta X Casper would be really cute. However, the devs have denied us HOODIE GANG!


C A S P A S H E Gay cat daddy supremacy


Sylvain/Ingrid Dimitri/Edelgard Claude/Hilda


my Rheagard brainrot is as strong as ever. The two of them continue to consume my life in every aspects and im sure my partners are tired of me talking about them all day. :)


Dorothea and Sylvain


The topmost one on the Derdriu map.


Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri and Rhea in a polycule. Fodlan is at peace now.


I am a degenerate and like Dimigard


Rhea x M!Byleth


Edelgard and byleth. Inject that shit into my veins.


Edeleth! I know Iā€™m basic, but I just think theyā€™re neat!


Dimileth (either gender, though I prefer Bylass), because I am nothing if not incredibly basic.


Big fan of Hildaleth (M!Byleth x Hilda) but Iā€™m also a Felys (Felix x Lysithea) Dorovain (Dorothea x Sylvain) Mercedue (Mercedes x Dedue) Dimianne (Dimitri x Marianne) and Claudegrid (Claude x Ingrid) enthusiast. I like a ton of 3H ships even a lot of these characters with other ship options lol.


I LOVE Claudegrid and Mercidue. Especially good to see another Claudegrid supporter as we are a rare bunch it seems




Favorite: Dedue x Ashe Others I enjoy Sylvain x Felix Byleth x Felix Annette x Mercedes For now!


M Byleth X Bernie


Hashepi, which definitely sounds like a drug.


Dorothea x Ingrid. I will die on this hill


That one Theseus had


"Canon" ship: Mercedes x Byleth. Don't really know why, I just think they're cute. Crack ship: Edelgard x Rhea. Because reasons.


I just want Bernadetta to be happy tbh. I just have no idea who would work best for herā€¦ any suggestions from yā€™all?


m!bylitza, f!edeleth, casphardt, sylvix, hapistance are the ingame pairings i love. they all have such cute dynamics <33 in terms of rarepair i love balthus x jeritza hear me out on them šŸ™šŸ™ EDIT: idk how i forgot ferdibert in the list..


- Dimitri/Marianne - Dimitri/Felix - Edelgard/Hubert - Ferdinand/Dorothea - F!Byleth/Dorothea - F!Byleth/Seteth - M!Byleth/Yuri - Sylvain/Ingrid - Dedue/Ashe - Claude/Hilda - Hilda/Balthus - Claude/Annette - Shamir/Catherine - M!Byleth/Jeritza - Dimitri/Hapi - Constance/Hapi - Balthus/Lysithea


Dimilix is so based


Edeleth F!, Dorothea and Ferdinand Von Aegir, Felix and Annette, Marianne and Dimitri, Claude and Hilda


Too many to count but if I had to describe a few it would be Claude/Petra and Bylass/Dimitri.


MByleth x Leonie, Felix x Annette, Dedue x Mercedes


Dimitri x Marrine because Iā€™m depressed Edelgard x Byleth because gayĀ  Hilda x Claude because Iā€™m scared of Holst Ā 


Yurileth MLM


Hipdannette. Their supports are so cute and nobody talks about it šŸ˜”


Iā€™d sell my soul for a good FeLys ending.


Byleth x Flayn / Claude x Hilda / Lorenz x Marianne I'm an indecisive man.


I'm a big fan of Lorenz/Marianne/Ignatz. I love any of them together. Outside of them, I like Hilspar.


Caspar and Bernadetta. Classic definition of opposites attract but works well.


I like Dimitri x Ingrid, Dimitri x Edelgard, Ferdinand x Dorothea, Ferdinand x Marianne, Ferdinand x Edelgard, Hubert x Bernie, Sylvain x Dorothea, Lysithea x Claude. My crack-ship is Balthus x Edelgard.


In my first run as Black Eagles I adopted Marianne and when I saw how natural and cute she and Linhardt were together I hardcore nudge nudged them. There's nothing super profound about this ship, Lindhardt being a crest nerd and developing genuine care for her, and Marianne feeling seen as someone who isn't cursed but still having her desire to get rid of her crest taken seriously. Just two quiet, quirky little mages being themselves together. During one of our group dinners, Lindhardt was playing with his food or something, and Marianne is like "Lindhardt please don't be weird around the professor" and I thought that was just hilarious and cute and showed how natural they can be around each other.


Felix and Annie, Yuri and Bernie, Hapi and Lin, all three are tired for first.


I feel very strongly about Yuriashe and Sylvix...... they are so special to me...... Other favorites are dimileth (both genders), edeleth (both genders), dimitri/marianne, doropetra, ferdibert, casphardt, lin/shez (both genders), mercinette and caspar/hilda edit: YURIVAIN I FORGOT YURIVAIN!!!!! so good luv it


To name a few Hilda/Ignatz, Annette/Caspar, Bernadetta/Felix, Raphael/Shamir, Marianne/Sylvain, Ferdinand/Manuela, Claude/Ingrid, Seteth/Catherine


Edelclaude all the way, love these two plotting rings around each other and lying and conspiring only to finally kick down the walls and build genuine trust and love


Edeleth (male)




Annette and Felix :)