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The FDNY schedule is(or used to be) something like that. Most guys work out trades to make 24s.


Yeah FDNY is two 9 hour days, two days off, two 15 hour days, two days off, repeat. An extra day off is thrown in there every so often. We can swap freely to make 24s. Very flexible schedule. If not for being able to swap, it'd wouldn't be nearly as good so depends if this schedule restricts swapping tours at all.


FDNY does two 9 hour day tours (9-6pm), 48 hours off, then two 15 hour night tours (6pm-9am), followed by 72 hours off. Every 25 days, that 48 hours off turns into a 72 hours off. It’s a 25 group platoon system, with 6 groups scheduled to work every tour. We’re allowed to trade tours. Typically you “line up with” so you can trade and work 24 hours straight, followed by significant time off. We can’t work 3 tours in a row, and there are exceptions to the trades.


That looks horrible.


It's not actually that bad at all. I've known a lot of guys who have worked this schedule, they typically would have a mutual partner and would a day and a half, then have four days off till their next set. Some even swap into a 72 and have 6 days off. Obviously this has to be allowed by the department and slow enough you can do three straight 24s.


That was our old schedule and guys fuckin loved it. They'd do a 'chip' after the day shifts, especially after fires, where everyone from the tour would meet up at a bar. I'll stick to 24/72 though


24/72? Damn that'd be amazing. How's the pay though.. I'd I'm guaranteed 75k+ w/out OT that'd be a hell of a schedule. Do you guys get kelly days too?


I'm a driver and I make like 85k before OT. I'm not sure what a Kelly day is though. We get yearly vacation time, and we also get earned days. Every 2 months you don't take a sick day you basically get half a shift of a different type of vacation time. So I get 8 days of vacation time once a year, and then I earn another 6 if I don't use any sick time during the year.


Interesting. A kelly day is just a few day off every month. So like I do 24/48 for 8 shifts in a row, then I get a paid day off. Rinse and repeat. It's like having a 5 day vacation every month. I'd probably take 1 day on, 3 days off though. We're so damn busy I hibernate the day after work so it's essentially wasted.


Oooh I got you, my cousin works one of those schedules. It always seemed interesting, he does something like 1day on, one day off, one day on, four days off or something like that. I'll keep the 24/72. Your week basically becomes just 4 days. Every day I work is a 'Thursday' before a 3 day weekend, and then sometime I take OT and have to work 'Friday' as well. Yeah that's why I like it tbh. First day is for recovery, 2nd day is total freedom, third day you're getting ready to go back. The OT gets to be a grind if you always work it though because you work 48 on then only get 48 off. 91 days a year without taking OT is pretty great though, the guys who negotiated our schedule knew what they were doing for sure.


In my neck of the woods , Kelly day is three week . R day or half Kelly day is six week . So if your day is Sunday and you are on a 24/48 you wouldn’t work a Sunday ever . 6 week you would be off every other Sunday.


24/72 is still a 42 hr work week, so no change from the schedule mentioned above


When I was on 24/72’s we maxed after eight years and it was 110k


We do a 24 hours on, 24 off, 24 on followed by 5 days off. Also 42hours/week over a 16 week cycle


Same schedule for almost all dept. where I’m from. Tough to beat 5 days off.


What area if you don’t mind me asking? Looking for departments with this schedule specifically!


Cape Cod, MA


My department used to work that schedule. A lot of the older guys we have said they liked it just fine. Most people people like 24's better, but it's not a confusing or crazy schedule to work.


Is this New Haven? I think I just saw this on LinkedIn lol


24s are where it’s at


24/72 also gets you a 42hr work week.


That schedule is ass.


24/72 vs Houston schedule (1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 5 off)


I have only ever worked a 5/6 schedule. (24 on then 24 off for 5 shifts then 6 days off) Personally I really enjoy it because I can take vacation without using leave and it’s easy to work a second job with that availability


It depends entirely on you. I've worked that schedule in the past and liked it. I also worked 12 hours shifts, 4 days, 4 off, 4 nights, 4 off and liked it. I did 24s and 48s and absolutely hated it. My body did not function well at all on those schedules. What works well for one person may not work well for someone else. Think about what you want to do on your days off and how it will work if you get little to no sleep on your work days.


Personally I liked the 4 on, 4 off. It allowed for a second career and early retirement.


That looks awful.


It's a 42 hour schedule so it's automatically better than any 56 hour schedule. Some people like the broken up days/nights, some people like the 24s, I got on after my department moved to 24s but a lot of older guys still like the 10s and 14s. Biggest thing is it is less conducive to long commutes compared to 24s. My department used to do 2 ten hour days, two 14 hour nights and then 4 days off. With this one that you posted you'll work your 3 day shifts then not have another day shift for 9 days, so if you do part time work it can be really good for that.


FMLA pay down the drain! Sounds horrible!


Must be New Haven CT


My favorite schedule was Redding CA in the 90s. We worked 24 on 24 off for 4 shifts, 4 days off. Then cycle of 4 then 6 days off