• By -


Can you post your code?


For example if I put this as the only content of my chrome/userChrome.css, in FF 69, this colours the `` \- element on developer tools to be red instead of default light blue. .theme-fg-color3 { color: red !important; } On FF 70.0b5 it does not seem to do anything, all inspector colours are the default dark theme colours. And if I put this code there instead: :root { --test-property: "test"; } I can see the custom property (css variable) while inspecting the dev tools `` row (that has the `class="theme-fg-color3"` in it in 69 with the option+cmd+shift+i "inspector-inspector", but not in 70.0b5. I can see this custom property when I navigate to the root level of the page (outside of the inspector iframes) in both browser versions, lets say to `` \-element. ​ \[edit: it seems that pasting images to this reddit text editor is a **bad** idea and stalls everything.\]


I think [DevTools requires `userContent.css` rather than `userChrome.css`](https://www.reddit.com/r/FirefoxCSS/comments/t1g8z9/cant_get_userchromecss_working_none_of_the_normal/) /* Tab bar */ @-moz-document url-prefix("about:devtools-toolbox") { * { color: pink !important; } } /* Tab contents */ @-moz-document url-prefix("chrome://devtools/content/") { * { color: orange !important; } :root { --theme-body-font-size: 18px !important; --theme-code-font-size: 18px !important; } }