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I like electricity enough to let this slide.


I'm glad she's letting me know her husband's not going to be home for a while


They’re out fucking. So why not?


And she likes picking up stray dogs….big ones


lol that’s crazy my buddy just sent a snap with your lady!!!


i’m guessing they’re both pole workers


And lineman's job is actually dangerous, unlike police.


Hell yes. I love my AC. I’ll bake them cookies if it would help.


Same, we lose power often where I live. I'll back the line people any day of the week. Last Christmas, they worked all Christmas Eve in -20 wind-chill to get our power back on. I was actually kind of worried about them!!




Gonna get my wife a “Cybersecurity Analyst’s Wife” “The hardest job is watching your man on his computer, wondering if he will ever come back to you”


That's too long. Shorten it to Cyber Anal. Wife.


Like, if you're both an analyst and a therapist, you shorten it to analrapist


The world’s first even!


“Outside sales rep wife” she never knows if I’m working or golfing or both.


“UPS drivers wife” … dammit I think this actually is real with some of my coworkers wives lol. My wife couldn’t give 2 shits as long as the check clears.


Remember how during Covid us UPS drivers were basically told that we were heroes?! lol it was always so cringe to me when I was delivering to a guys house and he would come out and salute me lol.


Nobody can do a job anymore without developing a hero complex. It’s unreal.


That's not true, work retail or customer service, you'll develop a victim complex


lol that’s gold


This is too real. The shit I’ve seen in fire can’t hold a candle to my years in retail. I still have the emotional damage…


And serious PTSD and Anxiety.


I work as a sprinklerfitter, and some of the guys I've met compare themselves to firefighters. Just no, we hang pipe. We don't run into burning buildings. While what we do could end up putting out a fire, the similarities end there. We are in no way the heros some guys think of themselves to be


Some people are just...ugh.


As a lineman I would like to say we are not first responders. Also as a white trash tradesman these niche stickers on the back of a jacked up diesel truck are obligatory




Definitely think about them in Florida during summer time and usually can't wait for them to hurry up and get that shit running again


yup my porn server doesnt have that big of a ups


No fr, or after any hurricane, always out there in possibly electrified water n shjt


You may not technically be first responders. Though when my dad was on life support at home and the power went out. It was a lineman that lent us a generator until the power was back and arrived faster than the police ever have. He lived for another year but it was people like you that made sure I had more time with him.


Yeah just look at the huge emergency Texas had recently when their power grid failed. Linemen getting electricity going saves lives for sure. The sticker here is still cringey as fuck though.


Yeah no doubt about the sticker.


Btw I'm sorry about your dad. That is really tough. Glad electricity got restored and you got some more time with him though.


As a lineman I get it can be cringey. I will say these women are amazing though. We go on storms and outages in all weather and hours. These ladies hold down the fort and keep things running at home. They are comparable to military families, in the fact of we leave to go on storms and never know when we will be back. They are our hero’s for keeping life running whether we are there or not.


Absolutely. Your job is vital and, like many other first responders and the military, you often will get called out on very short notice with no idea of when you'll return home. That has to be tough on spouses and SOs. I had a relationship that did not survive the unpredictable and erratic schedule of my first EMT job, but my girlfriend at the time didn't have bumper stickers talking about her EMT boyfriend. Even if we were married, I would not have been ok with her having bumper stickers proclaiming her to be an EMT wife. I completely understand the sacrifices that spouses and SOs make when their partners are first responders, and linemen are even more forgotten than EMS. "Police: the finest. Firefighters: the bravest. EMS: the forgotten. Linemen: isn't that a football player?"


intelligent resolute gaping disgusted detail summer hunt carpenter amusing wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


for the most part reactions that severe are rare, but people in general are so so so nice to us, even when we aren't on storm. my last time down in florida we were working a pole off this highway and some lady pulled over and gave us like 10 plates of food. in virginia on a snow storm we were at this pole until like 3 in the morning and someone brought us all hot ass coffee and donuts, which was great cause it was cold. my experience with other people as a lineman has been so positive, I just wanna be like you know I get paid for this right? i'm happy it's helping you, but this isn't a passion project for me.


I agree with you but want to add you’re gonna save more lives during your career than the average police force over that same time.


No hate here my guy. I definitely respect your profession! I think an important thing in life is being adult enough to poke fun at your own career, especially the clowns that all of them attract. Be proud of what you (or your spouse does), but don’t shove it down everyone’s throat. Edit: a word


To each their own, be proud of your trade. Why should the lineman care about no life trolls on the internet who failed to get the job and decided to trash talk everything they lay their pathetic eyes on.


This isn’t a jacked up diesel truck tho


Maybe not first responders but your job is pretty dangerous and modern civilization literally depends on it. We're all fucked without electricity.


She bought a cricket a while back, but it's not the name brand one, it's one of the better other brand versions according to the 200+ tiktoks she watched about them before buying it. She's made stickers for other people, too, and sold just enough that she's pretty much earned back the original cost of it. With the money she's made she's gonna buy a rotatory drier for yeti cups and a hydro dip tank. But she never does the yeti ones, just like Ozark trail. Eventually she gets some money and moves onto the next thing.


White trash tradesman perhaps, but a rich one at that


Thank you for your service.


Bro I’m a firefighter and I still consider myself a white trash tradesman. Also you do a job I could never do. High-voltage scares the shit out of me.


I don’t know about you, but firefights call me. Work in underground electrical grid.


Lineman here, this is definitely an apprentices wife. I do think it's funny that lineman are starting to make it on a first responders page, though. We aren't first responders to anything except the hotel bar after work.


Actually I am not an apprentices wife. I am a wife of a lineman and I am very proud of it.


I very proud you made an account to post this comment alone.


Well a picture of your truck made it on a cringe sub, so you should be prepared to be roasted a little. I'm proud of him too.


I know this truck. Not an apprentices wife.


I'm gonna get my wife "degenerate attorneys wife" and it'll be a silhouette of me dropping acid into my eyeballs


Found Hunter S. Thompson's attorney.


Yeah but I'll go toe to toe with you on bird law any day of the week


i respect linemen more than cops so this rules


I respect all pole workers more than cops.


Linemen generally want to suck off Mitt Romney or Donald Trump. Aaaaaand for that reason I’m out.


Their unions are deep blue.


lmao fair as hell


Attention seeking is a handicap, learning disability. Anyone seeking attention who is an outlier or not the primary focus yet inserts themselves into the scope of focus is a high functioning sociopath with zero regard for anyone but themselves.


so can i make fun of handicapped people or not? i need a clarification




Do you see how you inserted yourself into a topic that doesn’t involve or affect you, exactly as the OP said lmao


But we are on a public forum,where the express purpose is for strangers to insert themselves into conversations that don't involve them. Also, saying "attention-seeking behavior is what sociopaths do" is such a wild generalization.


Ignorant. It absolutely affects us all.


Yes. Your attention seeking handicap is bringing all of us down with you. Be better.


But we are on a public forum,where the express purpose is for strangers to insert themselves into conversations that don't involve them. Also, saying "attention-seeking behavior is what sociopaths do" is such a wild generalization.


It’s a sticker…


God at this point I need someone to make “food runners wife” or “Servers wife”


"Door dashers wife"


Why would you define yourself by what your spouses job?


Dont forget about the Oilfield Wives!!!!


I want one of these for my wife. I park cars for a living. Where can I find a sticker that says "Wife of a "C" student"?


I support linemen’s wives over officer’s wives any day


These "_______ wife" decals are basically just a giant sign that says "UNEMPLOYED".


What is up with the "wife of a whatever" thing that seems to be getting more popular? It almost needs its own sub. r/wivesofworkerscringe? Probably a better name, but Jesus Christ. Now I wanna see a bumper sticker that says "husband of stay at home mom".


\-2 points for the wife sticker. \+10 points for the dog rescue sticker Pass permitted


How dare someone be proud of their spouse.


Correction: they are proud of their *spouse's job*


I'm sorry you see it that way. My wife worked for almost 20 years climbing between companies and positions to get to the position she is. She put an incredible amount of leg work in. The sense of accomplishment pinned to her face when she comes home is what I'm proud of.


What's your sticker say?


Look at this woman who loves her husband. What a joke!, say single, lonely Redditors.


Seriously this post is wack


Dude, you've clearly never been without electricity for awhile.


be cool to swap that telephone pole for a stripper pole


“My lineman husband works the pole so I don’t have to” is a popular one seen in elementary school drop off lines in my area.


Yes a guy at my work has this…. HARDO central


"i am a whore" generally works too


Over time whore for sure


These actually might be worse than police wives.


Not sure why I'm on this sub...it's actually a bit creepy tbh since I'm a former first responder. Anyway, I get the shade here you guys would have, but after our massive fire evacs for rural communities, seeing all our ATCO guys having to work in active fire zones to restore power....it is not a safe job and just like other services, is vital to our day to day. Some spouse proud of her husband...y'all bitter af. And I say that as someone who believes most of us are dead within 5 years lol


Hey man, they work the pole too !! Keep those linemen happy ladies so we can get our power back !!


![gif](giphy|ayuOQFjbAvUz0tjiQQ|downsized) Tow Truck wife is where its at yall


Tbf, linemen is one of the gnarliest jobs out there. Out there trying to touch Blue Jesus


Lmao wtf


Hopefully this is just satire. In that case it's pretty humurous


Haven’t you heard? All wives matter.


Any person that makes their entire identity based on their spouses definitely don’t work


She keeps the tea kettle warm.


The whole “X Y or Z wife” thing is so mind-boggling for me. Do these women so lack accomplishment in their own lives that they attach themselves to the accomplishments of their partner to compensate? Identifying yourself through the actions of your spouse is so… negating.


Thank you for your service, linemen everywhere.


My question is unless you had that made, where the hell did you find that?


I’m a lineman’s wife’s friend’s friend do I get a sticker too?


This level of niche means this woman has a Cricut and knows how to use it (to cut stickers.) And she is proud her man is on a pole. ‘Nough said


TF this bitch have against small dogs!? 😡


I like linemen a lot better than police officers or their cheating wives


I'd let 100 cops die to rescue one lineman from a trolley


I have more respect for lineman than police. I hate almost all bumper stickers though.


I respect linemans wives way more than any pig fucker.


Basket bunnies are cringe


Even police officers wives need heroes.


Lineman have a way more dangerous job statistically than any first responder, it’s also a pretty damn hard job. The wife’s stickers are still kinda cringe but forgivable.


He’s like a modern Jesus climbing on to the cross


Lotta respect for the sparkys. If they fuck up, they die. If I fuck up (medic), someone else dies. Far different stress levels.


Ima start getting a bumper sticker with my girls occupation


Absolutely horrible


ah their job probably more dangerous


What about Garbage wives?


Pathetic cringe..


I wonder if she works on a pole too


I read it as Lineman std wife. My brain turned the pole and lineman shapes into letters.


Let's make fun of a woman who is proud of her husband ha ha ha


It’s either he works the pole or she will work the pole they’re just trying to make money.


A lot of linemen die each year


Hvac guy here! All my wives left me and despise me.....is there a sticker for that?


Hey don’t fuck with linemen! They sort shit out when you lose power.


Oh yeah lineman and their wives are some proud mf 100% they're like " who you gone call when yur wifi ain't fi-ing its just wi-ing "


They’re the queens of the tow truck/truck driver/crane operator/roofer wife set.


Op is an electrician for sure. Butt hurt


Linemen are the biggest hero’s of all! Who do you think keeps the power on in your parents basement??


FINALLY some representation!! 🙄💅


Lineman’s jobs are way more dangerous


I mean yea


Just watch out for those bucket bunnies, ladies!


I mean, much more dangerous line of work at least.


“Thank a lineman’s wife”


The Thin Copper Line


The thicc copper line


The Wichita lineman is still on the line, so I assume he's skinny.


Still don’t understand basing your whole identity around your husband‘s profession. Get a life.


A late night power outage call of the side chick is always met with words of encouragement because We Are…..lineman’s wives


[Phoaming Edison - Wichita Lineman](https://youtu.be/LaACXULbjIg?si=Kac2s-PufJYBjhkl) The only necessary lineman tribute


I’ve been weirdly hearing a lot about “Lineman” culture these last few years in casual culture. I think they are making a power play on the service status quo


More useful than your correctional or protective service first responders imo.


Daddy climbs the pole, so mommy doesn’t have too.


If you like that you should see my mom’s “my husband turns you on” hoodie


Did she watch the Travolta movie?


Can’t tell if she’s a stripper or really into jesus


I have a short that says, "There's only 2 kinds of women. Those who want deep sea divers and those who already have one" and my wife likes to wear it ironically/on purpose


Lots of Linemen layoffs in the Midwest the last few weeks. Hopefully she has a job too.


Linemen are cool And their families sacrifice time with a loved one so that people can have electricity.


He works on a pole so she doesn't have to.


Recreational hate


It's weird but this is actually a thing believe it or not. Only trade I've heard a "Wives" thing for too idk why. My old trade instructor when he worked as a lineman had a story or two of his coworkers being catcalled on the job. I guess it's because lineman's make a lot of money but idk.


This isn’t cringe I’ve met some wholesome and jovial linemen with the job they got they deserve proud wives lol


I too like electricity and pretty dangerous and rough job. I give her a pass too. Those guys dont get there d sucked by the public like the other first responders. Just from their wives so let her have it!


They make more than police too 😂


Now can we finally agree that all lives do indeed matter?


I got my Great Dane Sadie from that rescue organization. Love those people.


I feel like this is ironic to a degree, like the lineman shirt that was posted on this sub earlier


The dependas of the world are the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen


Heck, there is even a movie about linemen starring John Travolta. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life\_on\_the\_Line\_(film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_on_the_Line_(film))


These wives are very protective of their husbands