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I mean…. I don’t think anyone has a problem with security companies issuing their people things that clearly label them as security? We have a problem when they purposely use vague language to indicate otherwise. Someday, this dudes gonna get mixed up as a cop and pay the price.


Where does this badge “properly ID” somebody as private security? - unless that was your point in which case, OOPS!


It doesn’t, which was my point haha. He says the “oath breakers have a problem with badges” but I don’t give a shit when I see allied guards with allied security badges. He’s purposely trying to come across as LE.


I work for Allied in Missouri, not in this dudes area, thank God, and we are currently switching out our polls with the stupid fake badge patch with polls that have Allied Universal embroidered on the left chest. We are doing this for this very reason here, I don't want my guards to get hurt because they might have looked like LE


I gotcha now. I thought you were saying his badge properly ID’d. I was like IN WHAT WORLD?! 😂😆 Nah nah I gotcha now - I agree 1000% Hensley is being Hensley what we all know him for and is purposely deceiving


Metal badges in the shapes of shields or stars on a guy with a belt and vest on is exclusively a cop thing. Security people doing that is impersonating. Wear a shirt or vest with big white "SECURITY" letters on it. Nobody will mistake you for a cop.


Most states have laws for this. Texas state law is your uniform is required to state SECURITY on it and the company you work for. However, the law doesn't state that it has to CLEARLY state SECURITY on it. Which as a SO, I think they should make that change. However, Security is supposed to give a professional appearance and demeanor. So I think badges look professional compared to a little sewn-on patch. However, use the sewn-on for polo shirts because that's what they're meant for. Uniform shirt and plate carriers should have a badge, but also state SECURITY on the back.


This dude is gonna flash this (quite convincing badge) to the wrong person someday at the wrong time. I guarantee it’s “when” not “if”. Either it will be a real officer who’s gonna put him in cuffs for impersonation or a real crook who knows tin stars don’t stop bullets… This is all bad, the ego driven mania behind these incessant posts and eagerness for attention is alarming. I am 100% certain he will get the attention eventually, but not the way he wants it…


What’s an “Oath Breaker”? Whom is he referring to with that title?


He believes cops are oath breakers. Problem for him his “oaths” are meaningless and he, if he gets into a real situation, will require said “Oath Breakers”. He is just a security guard that dresses up tactic-cool but really doesn’t do shit. If you saw his kit and you are military or police you’d notice he has so much impractical nonsense for the job


So he doesn’t like cops because they “have broken their oath” which by this, I’m assuming he thinks they have infringed upon on the rights of others…YET… He detains people for allegedly trespassing and photographs the homeless sleeping… He is literally infringing on the rights and privacy of others while denouncing police that he alleges infringe on the rights of others? WHAT IN THE MENTAL GYMNASTICS IS HAPPENING HERE?!


He lacks self awareness. He is a mall ninja who has never gotten into a real fight. The same idiots who live in a fantasy world and end up in a morgue


I had read somewhere that “hero fantasies” stem from chronic depression and a desire for belonging and acceptance… Not sure 100% if this is what’s going on here, but the overt posting for attention and placing one’s self into dangerous situations for little to no reason literally other than “well these people pay my company to keep other people off the property”, is sad. Like is this what you think your life is worth? I get having pride in a job, and taking it seriously, but honestly, do you really want to get harmed or killed for someone else’s property? Getting stabbed to death by a mentally ill homeless person in a dark parking lot seems pretty depressing, especially given this person seems to seek out altercations. Your company won’t care. There is no memorial wall. Your headstone won’t be adorned with “Security Guard KIA”. Like damn, all joking aside and however clownish and attention seeking this individual is, if you dig a little deeper, it’s mental illness (sociopath) or (narcissist) or depression… Dudes gonna get himself waxed, and the internet will laugh and shout “told ya so” and his company will forget about it, and that’s that…


It could also fall into Aspergers type spectrum. We have a few wackers who are very high functioning but they don’t seem to get a clue when we tell them to leave the scene repeatably.. It seems to be ego and delusion. Depression could be a stretch.


I can see the Aspie there… Failure to register social cues and an over eagerness to “help”… I never interacted with a single cop in my time as a guard. There were most certainly times I wished they had been there, but the old adage “leave while you still can” always echoed in my mind when shit started to get sporty. “Ehhh nah, fuck this, I’m out.” “I don’t get paid enough for this.” And “Not my business.” Served me well from the E4 Mafia days. My ass wasn’t gonna get shot or stabbed to death at 2am at the crackhead apartment complex I was stationed at in the middle of winter over some bullshit. We had cuffs and batons but ZERO training or direction on how or when to deploy them. I had training on that stuff in the military, but hell no I wasn’t cuffing someone, especially with no printed SOP/ Guidelines. Crackhead cooties are next level.


Why not both, psych diagnosis' are seldom mutually exclusive.


What’s wrong with his 6 flashlights, 4 tasers and 100 round drum? I pray this guy doesn’t hurt anyone. I’ve never seen so many red flags. If the prosecutor trying his case gets ahold of this sub, the guy is toast. He has a countless number of shit posts and videos with thousands of comments roasting the guy and issuing warnings about what a nut he is. The guy needs professional help.


He’s clearly referring to “oath keepers“.. At least that is my take away Of course, I don’t completely understand what that has to do with private security personnel But I assume with his terminology, he would have loved to be part of the SWAT team that would stack up on boomers doors to arrest them for trespassing on January 6. 🤷‍♂️


It'll be natural selection...you know, one of those concepts that most Missourians don't believe in.


I hope he just cools off and lives a long and happy lowkey, low stress rent-a-cop life. Maybe marries the fat chick that works at the Cinnabon in his assigned shopping mall and has kids that grow up to be normal, well-adjusted members of society… Thats a better life than most folks have anyhow.




Basically lmao


Brother is using liberty ammo… hope he never needs it.


I’ve heard Liberty is good, I’ve heard Liberty is bad. You’re talking that Liberty civil defense stuff right? So what is it really? Because for me personally anytime I get conflicting reports about ammo I just stay away from it. I’ve stuck to Speer Gold Dots, Federal HST, I got like 2 or 3 HP’s I float between, just whatever I can get in my favored stores when I go into them.


Gold Dots and HST are solid. Never heard anybody talk negatively about them.


Bring back golden sabre


Bring back 147 HST


That golden sabre 40 was astounding.


It’s a gimmick. It sucks


Beautiful so I’m good staying away from them ok thank you. I’ve heard yay, I’ve heard nay. If I can’t come to a conclusion on ammo I just stay away from it


Hornady Critical Defense, Federal HST although I’m taking a long look at some of the Underwood offerings.


This guy is like an ACAB person... except he thinks cops should be replaced by private security contractors...and they should have less oversight lmao. All jokes aside he seems unhinged and genuinely dangerous. Probably shouldn't have access to firearms.


He wasn’t. His insta was all dick riding in the beginning. I’m sure some actual cops told him to fuck off with his GY6 bullshit, and he’s been dragging his sucker in the sand ever since.


Yeah that tracks. I figured he was an academy washout or couldn't get hired and this is his way of coping. Idk, he's still a danger to society


He was a municipal park ranger for like 3 months lol


My thoughts exactly - well put


He’s an Oath Keeper or heavily admired them. That’s where the “oath breakers” part comes from


>Investigations Investigating the missing Krispy Kreme selection box




An adult saying "womp womp cry harder " while crying about people calling him a nerd for wearing a badge for a security job. Just say you cant be a cop loserrrr


Because he can’t pass psych - for obvious reasons


Or he cant pass the Physical


Ah yes - that too


Or background. I’m pretty sure he’s said in his comments that he’s got a record


Oh yeah I’ve seen that in his instagram threads too


“Does your agency or department issue the Public Safety Officers they hire badges?” Good god. There really needs to be an IQ test with a result higher than room temperature as a qualification to work in any ‘public service’ capacity. This guy can’t even correctly speak English at a third grade level and he is presumably issued a firearm and a certain degree of authority? This is just ridiculous at this point.


Honestly dude, as someone that has had to administer/ co-administer my state’s armed guard pistol qualification and maintain range safety during the quals, you should be uneasy around most armed guards. Over the last several years in the training industry, I would say only 20%-30% are truly competent with a firearm. Some have legitimately never handled a handgun in their lives before the exam. We encourage basic pistol courses and private lessons, we harp on safety constantly, and we push them to train with anyone of repute and the proper credentials, but rarely do we see them again. If they shoot the state minimum standard, it’s off to the job site.


Oh yeah, it’s pretty bad. I used to do armed security and would have to qualify every year and between the course of getting your license to carry on the job and recertification, there was a lot of stuff that was quite alarming. I saw a guy that didn’t even know how to load a magazine properly so I can only imagine what you saw. It is extremely scary. They want all the cool tactical toys but don’t want to train and it should be the opposite. I also blame the companies for simply giving the absolute bare minimum in ‘training’ and then nothing more. They need to get all their people up to a higher standard. I’m sure you have a lot of horror stories though


Well, long ago when I got out of the military, I took a job for a medium sized security outfit based out of Washington, but I worked in Alaska. The pay was awful, and nobody seemed to really know what they were doing. My supervisor was a genuine guy (retired Marine), he did his best, but we were in truly bad areas and the extra $1.25 wasn’t enough to make me want to pick up a pistol and take on that extra liability. I encountered a genuine murderer on the job one night and between the violent drug related folks I’d encounter and the generally shitty nature of people, I decided to just focus on school full time and hang it up. I get it, I’ve lived it, night shift in ghetto areas in Anchorage… It’s a crappy job, but if it’s important, these agencies need to step up the pay to entice better candidates, and then invest in proper psych evaluations and training. Private security can be a good thing, but most of the time it’s pretty lame and staffed with folks that are wild cards. Weirdos, “I woulda joined the military” types, and power trippers were common IMO when interacting with other guards at both my company and others.


you misquoted it lmao, his actual sentence does make sense.


Doesn’t surprise me that scumbag company would hire him.


I’m shocked this dude hasn’t had a complaint filed against him with whatever state agency oversees guard licenses in his area. His instagram is loaded with concerning posts that should get his license revoked


Missouri doesn’t have a state board that’s the problem. Each county regulates their area.


Insane. Complain to the county then?


I’m not a local - but yeah that would be my recommendation to folks I developed a 50 state cheat sheet for private security that’s how I know that


Ah got you. I think more bitching into the void more than anything.


I live in St. Louis where he is located. Who do I complain to?


I guess it would be the county he works in?


Never mind I guess he’s moved to Kansas City lol


Yeah same. I know a guy that worked for metro public safety and he got shot while escorting a transient off the property he was assigned to. MPS fired him and dropped his insurance.


I saw that on Instagram, and I think he’s getting bored of firing back at his detractors. The guy is just a moron, guarantee he’s gonna wear that with a suit and claim to be a US Marshal somewhere and get arrested for police impersonation.


He’s a potential suspect in an alleged murder in Kansas City. He posted a picture from the victim’s obituary, how “he’s no victim”, claims Vic pointed an AR at him, and how he fired back with hollow points.


Yeah, I saw that whole thing. I’m betting his story is absolute bullshit, I’d be very curious to actually see the bodycam footage on that.


this dudes pretty racist too tbh, digging through comments he repeatedly makes racial jabs against the people he’s supposed to keep secure


Oh yeah and the “Weimar Republic” dude is closeted Neo-Nazi. Fucked individual


Someone needs to just make r/hatinonhensley because I feel like he's half of what I see here 😆


Pretty much


His badge says “Patrol Officer” and has the state seal of Missouri on it. How is this not personating? Anyone know what this kid’s real name is? I know some very real cops in STL who’d be interested in this.


Dylan Hensley, supposedly St Louie is already of him


Ahh, ok. He’s got a conviction for concealed carry and a restraining order against him for stalking. That’s why he’s not a real cop.


And the fucker is still allowed to carry professionally?!?! What the actual fucking hell Missouri!!!!


I live here. Have you seen our politicians? The people who write the laws? Dumb as shit. It’s basically the Wild West for retards out here.


It appears to be a misdemeanor, so he’d still be able to carry, to the best of my knowledge.


Met him couple of times he used to work for my company 🤣 dude I'm talk by co workers and my boss he was fired also probably mentally ill or on spectrum. I could just show alot of his posts to the police review board that oversees our licenses .... Posts are concerning , part of me thinks there's not enough there other than a misdemeanor charge, I could talk to a few people I'm sure he's being looked into but


Investigations? What are you investigating? The price of a cantina bowl at Taco Bell?


Hollow points to protect the staples parking lot?


I’ve done federal contracts. I don’t do hensley’s lowend CVS stuff. I primarily do suited security and office security from a client that received a rifle threat and now has my employer on a permanent presence based contract


The guy or possibly last guy that ran that company was a former cop, convicted of a felony, revenge porn. This seems like a fitting person for him to hire.


https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/jason-mcginness-cop-gone-bad.26468/ > Jason McGinness was arrested while on the job in Greenwood by his fellow officers last week after they got news of the indictment. The indictment came nearly a year after McGinness was fired from his job with the Claycomo fire department. He was booked into jail and charged with felony stealing. McGinness was a sergeant with the Claycomo Police Department when he was accused of using his police car and his badge to steal from someone during a traffic stop. Claycomo police said the traffic stop involved a construction crew passing through Claycomo on their way to Laredo, Texas. A man who spoke little to no English told police they'd just been paid in cash, and after McGinness searched them, he found more than 500 dollars missing from his wallet. The Claycomo Police Department fired McGinness soon after the incident for policy and civil rights violations, saying he had questionable cause for stopping the men, no probable cause for searching them, and failed to submit paperwork on the stop. https://www.metropublicsafetyinvestigations.com/about > Metro Public Safety & Investigations has succeeded under the leadership of its current Chief of Operations & Owner, Jason McGinness, also a current Law Enforcement Officer for over 20 years. Jason is a certified Taser instructor and has held the rolls of FTO, Corporal & Sergeant. Jason has numerous certifications in Law Enforcement, Supervision and Management Courses, as well. https://cityoflakewinnebago.com/departments/police-department/ > Meet Our Staff Police Chief – Michael G. Mrachek Deputy Chief – John Eidson Sergeant – Jason McGinness 




That’s nuts, you got a link?!


I actually thought it was state public safety, which is what I was referring to. But it seems like Metro has there own issues too lol


“ Hey HEY! That’s Lieutenant Snitch to you asswipe “


The next Jeremy DeWitte.




Yeah I'm mad about you wearing a badge that anyone can go out and buy. I know he doesn't know, but real badges even say, "This badge don't mean shit without credentials."


Yup you have to have your creds, the little book (idk the proper term, I’m not sure if that’s it or not) with you. Otherwise zero authority. Just a paperweight without your cred book with ID


Cred = police ID No book


Thank you. I honestly really wasn’t sure if I had proper verbiage


You're probably thinking about that badge and ID wallet that they flip out like a little note pad on TV or movies. Only the feds do that for the most part.


That’s exactly it. I’m thinking of all the times I’ve watched the fictional NCIS and watched the 1811’s flash their book/creds


That's because they get issued little cracker jack sized badges. Local cops wear their badges on their belts and carry their police ID in a regular wallet.


Yeah I worked tsa for a short time….i was shocked the fbi flashed their little keychain thing and I told the guy to quit messing with me…. No it was his actual badge….in a little keychain dangler type thing. I went straight surprise pikachu meme face. I was dumbfounded lmao


That's why you see the new agencies (HSI, CBP,) issue those big ass Baltimore style badges because they don't want the little tiny badge pins.


The state should step in at this point. Missouri is this who you want as a state representative?


Just use th Badge that's your security company give you, this badges usually have there logo on it and most of the times use the word security or patrol on it. Like public safety make you look as a police officer.


Exactly. Too many Jeremy DeWittes in security…


The more nonsense in the security companies name or title the more batshit they are. The same with countries.


I'd respect the authority of a dude that has a clearly labeled "security" badge rather than "tactical public safety peace keeper private professional tactical response officer private investigator" or some tryhard shit like that


It’s both hilarious and kind of sad, he’s clearly mentally ill, but I don’t know how the private security section hasn’t yoinked his license yet


Supposed St Louis yanked his - but this is the problem when a state doesn’t have a security board, he can hop to another county - another jurisdiction and continue with his bullshit Over in r/SecurityOfficer some 2 months ago I posted a 50 state cheat sheet for private security and like 5 states don’t have a regulatory board - Missouri, chucklefuck’s state being one of them. So he can just keep hopping county to county just like a disgraced LEO and keep on keeping on with his nonsense


That’s the thing, I’ve seen him working in STL recently, he’s still operating here


Remind me to never visit Missouri if your state and local staff are this fucking stupid and inept


I try and give the PSS the benefit of the doubt, they only have like 36 civilian employees overseeing almost 10,000 licensed security officers in the city alone. But I agree it should just be a state level issue, like our neighbors to the north, my home state of IL. At least St. Louis County does a better job than the rest of the state lol.


I was always told different in class that private security sector once u get the security license yanked your done. I wonder if they pulled his license I sometimes see him around working places in. The city lol used to work at my work lol until they fired him... When I first met him looked him up and down was thinking boi your doing to much what is all this crap . Granted he has a lot of what security uses on the job so .. Maybe a little redundant equipment wise. Maybe I should see about asking around I'm sure our instructor that issued our licenses would love to see all this... Feel he's either mentally not stable or just on spectrum. As long as he isn't violating rights and just doing the job he's assigned... He lacks awareness for sure .. same thing with someone else I know but that kid is on the spectrum but that's a whole nother thing.. lol


Id definitely arrest this guy for impersonating a police officer. That badge is fucking crazy.


My cash-in-transit company had badges you could buy. Unless you get promoted to manager, then it’s free. I always thought it was the stupidest idea. I mean, yeah, they carry guns, but come on.


When private security largely has zero authority except for niche positions like SPO’s, give them the metal - rest of us can get by with patches Metal is how you get Jeremy DeWittes like Hensley. Something I’m personally sick and tired of seeing


How can someone try so hard to be mistaken for a cop while simultaneously hating them. I suspect that he was not issued this by his company, but went out and paid to have it made himself, which is actually really sad when you think about it. Also, can any American law enforcement explain how a security guard can make up a badge that does not say security anywhere on it?


There’s 2-3 different badge creator websites…. Smith and Warren being one of them I’ve played around on them myself - as a security guard. But emphasis *PLAYED* on the site and made a badge, I’ve never “pulled the trigger” on any design I’ve made on those sites. We don’t need metal…patches for us is my thought


So is this guy patrol or investigations?


“Yes” 😂😆


Probably got his license as owner operator and decided to give himself all the titles. Surprised he's not a detective colonel of patrol operations.


He's a patrol investigator tactical response operator guard


We don’t get badges where I live and I don’t really care honestly. Having a badge as a security guard is absolutely worthless. As someone who is now in LEO and has a real one I still don’t even wear it on my uniform. It stays in the wallet with the ID card and stays at home when off duty.


lol it isn’t the badge that people have an issue with… it’s the douche bag narc attached to it who thinks he has a little power and goes through life getting revenge for all the guys that stuffed him in lockers in high school…




Your post has been removed for promoting hate and/or violence against an individual or group. Racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, etc. will not be tolerated here. Any post encouraging self-harm or harm against others will also not be tolerated.


let's *not* use autism as a synonym for stupidity




can we all move past using autistic as an insult & just call stupid people stupid?


I'm using it as an observation, not an insult.


Your post has been removed for promoting hate and/or violence against an individual or group. Racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, etc. will not be tolerated here. Any post encouraging self-harm or harm against others will also not be tolerated.


“Oath breaker” lmao im sure ill see him here at the local QT.


We all know he “operates” doing nothing but fucking CVS and QT, small time bullshit security lmao


I don’t know what you’re talking about, bro. Protecting the potato chip aisle at the local QT is serious bidness.


The hollow point round has me 💀


It’s proper carry ammo


I like how almost nobody is mentioning this at all…


Taking bets, what do think will happen first? He kills someone and is thrown in prison? Or he gets himself killed?


The former.




I’m sensing the next Jeremy Dewitt.


My thoughts precisely


I post before that one he called himself a “ High Speed Security Operator “


This kid is such a clown I can’t even anymore with him




In Texas it can’t say Public Safety or have the State Seal.


We’re not talking Texas, we’re talking Missouri


Man, for a guy who talks so much shit about cops and is so adamant he is superior to them in every way, he sure goes the extra mile to look like one. Blue line regalia and all...


Ive had exactly one run in with a security guard who thought he actually had some legal authority…. Didn’t end too well for him.


They’re my least favorite idiots in my profession - they reinforce the stereotypes and remarks people throw at us


Yeah. I respect security personnel but when they don’t know their limits it’s pretty comical. I had one legitimately try to flex on me with a badge like he was somebody. 😂


Just get a Nazi armband same thing.


Free Scotty!!!




I looked up his ig after this and found something that made my heart fall out of my ass.


As a private security person, this guy would get suspended, fired and have his licenses taken away if he were caught with such bullshit.


In your area…. Apparently Missouri is stupid enough to let shit happen


I gotta google


I work at Mac Donald’s and I don’t go around insisting on being called chef!!


Why "Oath breaker?" What oath did they break? Honest question.




Part of me is hoping Hensley is just doing a super elaborate troll to be this sub-reddit's mascot, and that this is a sort of hat he wears to just stir shit up and read the sub explode. But unfortunately, that's probably not the case. He probably envisions himself as a super hero ... or at least a super hero's 120 lb cum rag dressed in temu tactical gear.


I don’t have a problem with security agencies issuing badges, but “metro public safety investigations” sounds like a cop thing, not a security thing.


Mall cop desperately trying to convince anyone that he is useful in any way


Is he maybe just a troll?


No…the guy is a known clown


I have to wear it it’s part of the uniform and BSIS will fine me


BSIS is not Missouri. That is California’s state agency


Yep we are so regulated here in California $500 fine for not having my badge


I know. I’m a Las Vegas security officer who just got hired to work the state border, I’m driving to Victorville on Wednesday to my employer’s office. I have to get fingerprinted and all that shit for Cali. But hey - this is at least my third state. Now I’ll have CA-NV- and UT credentials


Badges look more professional in general. Security is supposed to give a professional presence and demeanor. On a polo shit, yeah, just use those sewn-on ones, but on a uniform short or a vest, a badge is the way to go. In my experience, it doesn't matter if people read SECURITY or not. They assume we're law enforcement. Almost every time.


for when regular racist cops just arent enough! Call in the super(villain) team of Hensley Klan!