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I assume the receipts have the name of the company / worker, and the contact information? Because if so, I would contact them, and double check repairs. And if not, I would ask the seller to provide me with that contact info. Edit: Oh, I realized you closed already. Well you can try what I suggested but seller will probably tell you to shove off since the contract is closed.


I do have the contact info so I will be giving them a call.


I definitely would not have closed until those agreed upon things were fixed. Or would’ve asked for XXX dollars to be put in escrow for you to fix. But too late for that now. Hope it all works out for you! Congratulations on your new home!!


in some states you have to close, then file with the state to make the builder fix those items.


Thanks! So they fixed one of the things and I had it checked over after closing and it was all good. The thing they didn't do is clean the furnace/AC and get it serviced. I probably should have asked for the money but maybe it's better that I get it done myself if they're using some shady company.


I'd hold up closing and get a credit that goes towards the fixes. Like a number 2x the estimate for my troubles. Its the principal


For me personally, I don't let things like that slide. If they said they will fix it then I will hold them to their words.


I’m getting a re-inspection done prior to closing after the seller says all the repairs they have agreed to do are fixed. If there are things that were not actually done, I’ll be asking for some kind of credit at closing.


I want to know what your RE agent said when/if you pointed it out to them. They are your representative, they should be negotiating/advocating for you.