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We have koi that size in our farm pond. We put two dozen feeder goldfish in 30 years ago and six little koi twelve years ago. The goldfish reproduce like crazy, but also get taken by kingfishers and herons. The koi are now huge.




This is pretty similar to how large producers grow them out in mud ponds.


Very cool! Am planning on putting feeder fish in one of our ponds that went dry in the drought last year. Nice and full now.


That’s a pretty fish


Thanks, people think I drained the creek lol


I’m curious what you caught him on


Oh all I did was put 2 worms in a ball of bread on an octopus hook. I don’t know what the size of the octopus hook was, but whatever size it is, try to cover it completely with bread combined with the worms. Also, if chumming is legal in your area, I recommend throwing 2 handfuls of bread into the water and it almost always attracts the carp. ;)


Classic! My local pond has big big carp up shallow for the spawn but they won’t take anything I throw at them


Get yourself a can of Creamed corn throw a few kernels on a hook. Done deal


I tried some KFC corn but I’ll try this next. Thanks!


Not creamed corn, you want whole kernel, the cheaper the better. Store brand has always worked so much better for me.


I tried a hair rig last season with corn and almost could catch them at will in the county park by my home. The hair rig definitely increased my catch rate. I was skeptical but gave them a shot and was pleasantly surprised!


can confirm


All hail the grand walrus


I can cornfirm this.


I've got a mule that won't even eat that KFC corn.


Cut a sponge in to small pieces or buy some in the catfish section at your bait/tackle shop. into small pieces. Saturate them in strawberry syrup for a day or two. They will hold scent for a while but take latex gloves.


That’s what Happend to me until yesterday, I threw chunks of bread at them, dropped my worm with bread on a hook, and 6 minutes later I watched as the koi looking one swallowed it. Ofc, breeding season ended it’s hard to get them to bite when it’s going lol


Have you not tried throwing Dupont spinners? They're dynamite on carp! Lol


I’ve just tried all the basic baits so far on small hooks like worms, corn, bread, garlic


Dog food


I toss a few handfuls of dry dog foot out off my dock on the mornings when I know I’ll be fishing in the evening. They’ll be there.


Ha. That's how my dad "fished" as a kid. They'd dam the sides and scoop out the water.


Cool, it may seem like that but all i legitimately caught him, and reeled him into the shallows to get the pic. If I could I would add the vid of me reeling him in.


I'm not doubting you. Just your comment reminded me of one of my dad's childhood memories in Ireland.


Oh ok, that’s pretty cool! Sorry I assumed that, since I’ve posted this people have been telling me “I drained the water” and “it’s my pet” and such lol


I believe you. I see koi in public waterways around Philadelphia all the time and caught one out of the Delaware River and had someone try to call the cops on me because they were “protected”.


That’s absolutely hilarious to me lol the pond I fished most frequently as a child was part of a much larger farm. The farmer had a huge water trough for his cattle and inside the trough was a pair of very happy koi. To think someone thought those were protected fish lol bless them.


Well, those two little guys were protected, but by the cows! Lol


Youre not even allowed to have them in a tank inside here. Invasive fish.


lol “protected”


As if anyone in Philadelphia uses protection


Sure when this guy does it reddit upvotes. But when I do it I'm no longer welcome at Dollywood.


They were probably a little sensitive.


I just read something about Disneyland having a fishing pier when Tom Sawyer Island originally opened up.


That’s a valuable Koi and might be worth a bit of money to a collector for their Koi pond.


As you’ll never be able to verify its lineage, serious koi collectors would not be interested. They’d home it for free tho.


OMG, pedigree papers for Koi? Learn something new every day!


Dude, people are serious AF about koi. Each coloration has a name. Etc. There are a few in Japan that are like 100 years old.


The oldest koi on record, named Hanako, lived [a whopping 226 years!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanako_(fish))


Wow that's way older than I thought.




Holy crap


Holy crap* Edit: damnit. Carp*




Well shiiiit.


that's mental


Went to a tea garden with a koi pond and when the koi hear you talking they all come gather around hoping you’ll throw some food to them.


You should watch some videos on Japanese koi breeding and auctions. Wild stuff


Man, was I surprised when my mom built a koi pond and started stocking it. Even the generic lil baby ones are like $50 a pop!


I know where it get one for free 🤫 lol


We went to a restaurant in Aptos, Ca where they have a bunch of Koi and one of the waiters says he is responsible for the breeding of the fish. He said one of the fish in their pond is valued at more than 10k.


So I could’ve possible caught a fish worth in excess of 1k?


Surely his is worth more! But just if the fish stays alive.


Dude koi breeders are serious as shit. There have been fish sold for over a million. It’s crazy


Even without a pedigree, a fish of that size, with those colors, in healthy condition, would probably still be worth a couple hundred dollars. The only catch is, I don't know how eager anyone would be to put a fish in their pond that might be carrying wild diseases and parasites with it.


Yeah you’d have to quarantine him/her for a long while. At that point idk just let the dude live. He seems pretty flipping healthy where he’s at


Yeah the bass I catch out of the creek is incredible! All very fat and happy. It’s one of the cleanest waters I’ve ever fished tbh


No pedigree, but it has black, white, and orange it's maybe not the best blotches, but add that to it's size I'm sure someone would pay a few hundred for that.


That’s not a valuable koi, that would be a $2.99 juvenile at the store. Somebody may want it as a cheap addition to their pond though


Except it’s not a juvenile anymore, clearly. Koi that size, even with poor markings (which this one appears to have) can sell for a couple hundred bucks.


Yeah i got that lol I’ve been selling aquarium fish for 20 years, nobody is paying $200 for that fish.


If I had a koi pond I would take that fish for two hundred dollars


Easy to say when you don’t have a koi pond, there are generally two types of folks that buy large koi. The ones that will spend thousands per fish and the ones that are looking for discount fish to fill it up with. It would be incredibly hard to sell a fish like this for more than $100, downvote all you want but this is a market i know quite well.


Where did you catch it? Or are you going to be coy about it.


I caught it in a creek upstate ny


I just wanted to work in a “coy/koi” pun……



whattt, upstate?! care to share more details?


Well to most New Yorkers, everything is upstate that’s not nyc, I caught this fish near albany. Not exactly upstate, but if I said ny ppl would think I’m I live in nyc.


The Atlantic Ocean


I believe you. Nice catch!


Don't be Coy, Roy


Get out the back, Jack


And set that fish free


Mans caught a Goldeen


My first carp lol


Holy Cr&p!!!!


Holy carp!


I've seen big carp/ koi like that in huge drainage ditches on the island I grew up on. They're all over the world, it doesn't have to be tropic.


I caught one in a pond before. I believe it.


That is a domestic koi fish. They are also a type of carp, but they were domestically bred to be pretty. My guess is that someone dumped it into a pond to "set it free." Don't do this. Domestic fish like goldfish and koi can become a serious invasive species to any given pond or lake. That's a pretty koi fish tho. Might be worth a bunch.


Not sure why people don't believe you, koi feed pretty much like other carp. I've caught a few in the local lake that has regular carp too.


I don’t think they want to, this was my first carp so they were saying I “drained” the creek and stuff lol


Some little kid be like “Goldie, we thought you were dead when we flushed you” 🤣


You could probably sell that koi for a decent chunk of money btw.


We had koi like that in our pond. Had to catch them every year for the annual pond cleaning. One year they spawned and we had hundreds of koi spawn. We moved them to our small pond in hopes of selling them. The raccoons had other ideas. Dinner is served. lol


Danggg, maybe a raccoon dropped one off at my creek


Someone carrying a koi of that size and $ value just to stage a picture in a creek for reddit seems a bit far fetched. Occam's razor tells me you caught that koi in that creek, because that makes the most sense. Incredible catch. I used to fish a pond that had a few giant koi like that one in it, was a really good catfish pond, but I could never entice the koi to bite. Super jealous, that's a cool and rare catch.


Nice catch. I've caught a few goldfish + carp hybrids. No koi yet.


But, it's in your hands... Although I suppose it could be a fake fish... I've seen it a million times before smh Where will this madness end, where I say!




We always catch a few in the Missouri River. It's where all your pets you let go end up.


Did he perhaps tell you directions to the Lady of the Lake? Great catch OP, keep having fun


Big goldfish. Cool cool.


I believe it because people let Koi fish loose around the streams and lakes all the time and they get huge


Sorry, my comment was purely a joke. Years ago when somebody said something about using a Dupont spinner, I said, "I've never heard of it." The person explained to me that a Dupont spinner was a nickname for dynamite (which stuns fish and they float to the surface to be picked up easily). Obviously it would be unsporting and it is illegal. It's just an old joke which is normally repeated when fishing is really, really slow ("If I only had a Dupont spinner right now.") And now you know the back story.


People dump um in our local ponds and stuff when they get too big. Your prob holding someone's former pet


I can hear r/aquariums yelling now- don’t put it in a 10 gallon tank! Seriously though- never discard pet fish into natural waterways .


I caught him?


Sorry for the misunderstanding - I meant that as a PSA for anyone considering dumping pet fish.


A carp in a creek? Totally not believable….


That’s a beautiful Koi. One of my favorite creeks gets Koi washed in from ponds and golf courses during big floods. I caught one similar to this and a smaller one a few years ago and transferred them to my pond.


Can’t see your face, no proof mate


I believe you! Wtf fid you do with it? Built a coin pond to hold it right?


Pepperidge Farm believes you


Super cool! Beautiful fish!


I believe you. Nice catch. 


Beautiful catch! I have been seeing this Koi at the pond that I fish at, I’ve tried to catch it using corn as bait but it ignores my bait, does anyone have any advice for me?


No way, I had the same exact problem. It wasn’t until 8 days I was told to throw bread into the water near the carp you see. keep throwing it until you get his attention. (you might have to wait) then put a worm in a bread ball on a octopus hook and drop it right in his path. I had to wait like 10 minutes but eventually he sucked my bait up, and I landed him. That was the exact way I caught this guy! (No weights, no bobber, if you can see him, sight fish him.)


Oh wow, glad I’m not the only one. I brought some cheap bread from the store and I’ve been using it as Bluegill bait, the corn works better though, but I could definitely try using the bread for the carp and make a breadball with a worm, I think that will get that beautiful bugger!


You will definitely get him, carp don’t leave their area often so just give it some time. One warm day throw bread in the water, set up the bait, and tight lines!


I believe so! I’ll def chum some bread for that koi.


Where else would you have got it lol?


The grocery store 🤣🤣


Albany - upstate NY Syracuse - central NY NYC - an entirely different state lol. What a beauty! Our fishing is underrated.


Looks like a koi


Picture goes hard


Stupid question but do you need a fishing license in New York if you are fishing catch and release?


If you’re over the age of 16 you will need a fishing license


I have a recurring dream where I’m fishing for huge koi.


I believe it caught you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


But it’s right there ?


How well did it fight?


I fought it for about 6 minutes, I had 10lb line so I took my time lol. He didn’t run as much as I thought he would, but he still did put up a hell of a fight


You’ll never know whatcha get brotha


You caught my goldfish! Set him free! Lol


I'd have believed you. Mostly because I saw one that had similar coloring and was nearly as big, swimming in a city pond.


Nope I belive it. Carp of any kind can get massive depending on the amount of food and how much room they have to grow. He is most likely either an escaped pet if it's a flood zone or one released


About 20 years ago my area had a massive flood from the creek I wonder if he found his way here then. It’s a very healthy creek, it’s pretty big too. I’ve heard that can lead to like a mutation, but my first theory makes more sense.


That is more than likely it then. These things can live to be super old, with the oldest being over 200 years if memory serves right. 20 years is nothing.


wow nice


Im confused now are koi and carp related to each other


Short answer is yes.


So hes just a albino carp


Wow that's a big Fish


I believe it, I've seen giant goldfish in bodies of water. Depending where you live there is a government report program to track these catches


I 100% believe you caught this. There was an orange one that swam around a duck pond for years down the road from where I live that was a little smaller than the one you got in the picture. I tried to snag it with a treble hook many, many times.


Monster koi


Nice here’s a close friend of ur catch that I accidentally snagged in the ass when I was bass fishing. https://preview.redd.it/a2llh5i7qa1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00247bbf573724ff00d36666c2523556511c3a58


Bank toss that thang and make it raccoon food


Not sure why you’ve been downvoted. Koi, Goldfish and even all species of Carp are invasive to North America. They may be fun to catch but they do not belong and can be incredibly damaging to our ecosystems. By removing everyone you catch, you are doing a service to your local waterway.


Probably because people don’t think, or see it, that way. It’s the same for Rainbow Trout in the East and Browns all over the place. Non-native/invasive species need to be handled properly because of their impact on the native communities.


I completely agree. Too many uneducated/willfully ignorant outdoorsman out there.


It would be even more believable if we could see your face. /s


Yeah I was looking down when the picture was taken lol


I was fishing a local with some guys one time. They were off doing something and I was sitting under a covered bridge scoping the water for my next cast when from downstream I saw a black, white and orange koi just cruising up the creek. I just stood there in silence because what the fuck?! I looked at myself in my camera to make sure I was dilated and tripping


Nice fish!!!! I was driving to work one morning and notice a bird flying over Rt 91 in Connecticut right next to the Connecticut river, looked like it had a blaze orange safety vest, turned out to be probable a 2-3lb goldfish/koi.. it’s cool because osprey hold the fish with the head facing forward for less wind resistance… cool sight, someone goldfish pond is probably empty by now!!!


That’s crazy, Recently I was fishing off a small bridge near the location I caught this carp. I caught a tiny bluegill, and when I released it a hawk swooped down and snatched him. I watched the bird fly away with him, it was kind of cool to see how coordinated the bird was.


I also had an osprey grab a trout out of a stream just upstream of me.. it scared the hell out of me.. the osprey couldn’t take off out of the water with the fish, it did the breast stroke to shore, I got it on video swimming across…