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The worst part about getting good at fishing is the realization that getting hung up doesn’t go away lol


A wise fisherman once said “cast into the tree on purpose to know how to get it back out”


haha. truth. an old bass fisherman once told me that I need to hook a fish before worrying about losing it, so throw deep.


That’s right boss!


Just got done diving a Midwest lake. So much line. My friends had to cut their way through a treeful. Even found an anchor that was hung up down below.


If you’re in a pond or a lake and fishing from the bank then try a shiner under a bobber. I’m a work in progress myself but these almost always work and you can get good practice setting your hook. And the gratification of catching one doesn’t hurt!


I’ve thought about using shiners soon! I just grabbed some worms earlier because of nostalgia. I haven’t fished in years till this May, but when we were kids we fished with worms and a bobber all the time. Caught lots of fish that way too!


Worms and bobber is how I fish.


Try a size 4 hook on 6 pound test half night crawler, no bobber just cast it out let it sink wiggle it every so often and if there is fish you will catch one


I use 8 pound


That will work same way


Why no bobber? What's the difference?


The bobber hits the water the fish scatter, with the piece of worm they come running


How do you explain gettin a smashing like 1 second then? Cuz I've definitely been hit almost immediately!


I was talking to the guy that was not catching fish. If your spot has tons of fish you can catch em either way the bigger gills seem to like it a little better with no bobber.


imagine you're a fish - you have to learn what is food and what isn't really quick or you die. Now, imagine you see a worm just randomly suspended halfway up the water column... not swimming, not sinking, not drifting. Yeah, it's a worm, but something isn't right. Fish that have seen a thing or two are suspicious and move on. Without the bobber, the worm can fall in a semi-natural way, as if it fell off a rock or tree or was swimming and got chomped in half by another fish. Looks more realistic.


Yeah but how do you know if you have a bite


If you don't feel a bite then something is wrong. Not trying to be mean but it should be pretty clear pretty quick.


The way it would describe is your line vibrates. For bass, I can tell 100% of the time with bass because the pole literally shakes a little.


How do you get jus the worm to go far en I ugh distance? Feel like you'd need some kind of weight


If weight is a concern to you, a small split shot up the line a ways is a good way to go


If I am bringing my kids along I buy worms and bring some bobbers. Almost always at least get some good bites for them.


Have 2 rods. One for fast predatory fish like bass or even just crappie, blue gill etc and have a larger cat fish rod with some hot dog out there too. We gotta cover our bases haha


Just started fishing 2 weeks ago. Been 3/4 times and haven’t caught anything! I don’t mind because at least i’m at the beach. Switched from a diamond jig to a popper so hopefully that works. My casting has gotten way better and less birds nests. I do need to learn some knots though only know 1


1 knot should do you just fine. Not sure if at the beach means salt water but I would spend time looking for the tide charts and when the best time to fish is. Good luck keep at it


Just keep at it. My wife went from not being able to bait or tie a hook to driving the boat and being in charge of a side. I can take a nap now while fishing bc she is great at it. Also, the best part about fishing is the experience, it’s like going on a hike but you get too wet a line. You will catch that fish.


Love your attitude! Do take some time to practice, even for a few minutes a day. At home, tie on a practice weight (a sinker or clipping the hook off of jig head works for me), give yourself a target, and get some reps in. It can make your fishing time more productive. Most times your line should be fine, but if it’s banged up or dragged through a bunch of dust or lawn chemicals just strip off that part of the line before you go out.


> Fishing can be hard! But don’t let it get you down if you get skunked, at least we got some practice and got some quality time with nature! It can be, but there's no reason why anyone should do 10 trips without getting anything. All I can say is, don't go alone. Especially when you're a beginner fisherman. So much of fishing is choosing the correct spot and correct lure/bait. And any experienced fisherman worth his salt should be able to more or less guarantee a catch within 2-3 trips. Most likely he should be able to get a catch on the first one, but there's always exceptions as sometimes the conditions can be truly bad.


I have gotten back into fishing after about a 15 year break. I did it as a younger man with my family, but we only fished for catfish to eat. Now as an adult I have just recently taken up bass fishing. It just tickles a part of my brain that I need. I have caught 3 fish in as many trips this week. Just a few smallmouth, probably not even more than a lb and a half. I spent a long time depressed and inside but now all I want to do is go fishing. Regardless if I catch them or not. Like you said, I'm outside and not as depressed. A win win. I'm sure you will be ripping lips in no time bud. Good luck out there!


Get up before dawn and be at your spot as the sun rises. You WILL catch something.


"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."


It takes time. The waters around here are getting hot which makes it harder. Fishing is a skill that you continue to learn throughout your life. Eventually you will catch a fish.


The best part of fishing has little to do with actually catching fish. Embrace that approach and you’ll start catching more fish than you can shake a rod at.


Texas rig purple worm. In the last week I’ve caught bass, crappie and bream on the same setup. About a 4 inch worm.


I did pretty well for a year then couldn't go out for a couple. Haven't caught anything this year. I'm about to give up


Don't give up, just go to deeper waters!


I've been fishing twice a week for the last 7 months and caught 3 fish total. It's a joke around here. But it gets my son outside.


I've been fishing 10 times lately and caught nothing, which has been a bit disheartening when everyone is catching massive pink snapper all around me. But over the last two weekends I've been going back to basics and pulling in baitfish like herring and squid so I'm now moving my self back up into bigger baits and hooks for snapper, now that I've got a bit of flow back. But you're absolutely right, just getting out of the house and enjoying the scenery/day does wonders for my depression. Good fishers are rewarded with patience! You'll get a big one soon :)


If your fishing ponds right now try throwing Texas rigged plastic lizards. And also there’s a small spinnerbait called pond magic get a couple those in different colors. This time of year the bass love them. I’ve been doing really well with both. And good luck like you said just being outside in the outdoors is part of the fun.


Fishing is more than catching. Try to slow down your presentation on your lures. You can’t go wrong with the worms. Make sure you have a long shank hook make unhooking them easier. Brink drink and snacks. Enjoy your day out.


Enjoy going on the water and learn your combo. It’s enjoyment and mastering techniques.


It takes time my friend don't let it get you dissapointed , it took me about a year before I caught anything. The best thing to do is to ask fellow anglers for help and tips.for example what am I doing wrong and help with casting you be fine just remember you gotta crawl before you walk ,the best rig I use is a ledger rig with a swivel and bead so you put a swivel on your weight,put line through swivel eye then put a bead on then attach a swivel then your hook length this means when the fish takes your bait it feels no resistance and the bite is transferred directly to your rod tip. Hope this helps anyway hope you catch something. All the best from the uk Tight lines


Fishing is hard! I’m not sure how others feel, but after going on many failed trips I finally said I need help. I paid some local fishermen to take me out a few times and just talk me through their mindset and process. It turns out I had almost all the right ideas but was just executing one or two things wrong. When to use certain baits/lures, pick a spot, the time of day, water temps. If one thing is off, man you’re probably not gonna catch a fish! If you know any fishermen, if there’s a local club, or if you have a bit of money to spare to hire a guide for the day. It really fast tracks your ability to organize all the theory into a proper game plan.


Don’t forget to put bait on the hook!


Keep at it! I fish for the atmosphere. Hooking one is a great feeling, but don't let go of that outdoor magic you're experiencing. I think of it like a casino. Odds are against me, but I'll enjoy myself while losing


Sometimes you just have bad luck. My first time I had. A huge swarm of carpe in front of me and cast right into it but nothing would bite


If you need a pick me up, use a worm and bobber setup, bluegills never let me down


I just started, only been a few times, and I find the trial and error to be part of the fun. Getting nothing doesn't mean I failed, it means I get to add to my list of "what doesn't work" and try something different next time!


Smaller hooks and try worms, sunfish will DESTROY it. I also like using a smaller rooster tail on sunfish.


It’s time to go catching!


Good luck! If you get bored watching that bobber maybe throw a small rooster tail. Tight lines 🤙🏼


That's good to hear recently fished my first winter and it was rough. But I realized how lucky I am to be outside enjoying some water instead of working. I don't know where you fish but a bobber, splitshot, and a worm have always caught me some panfish. I also heard switching out the worm for a minnow or other small fish will catch other fish.


Here’s something to do when you’re at home. Get a pair of dice. Roll them 100 times keeping track of odd and even. When you’re finished and tallied both odd and even and you’re probably going to find that they’re pretty equal. So for every off day of fishing you have an on day coming. You get to many good days in a row you start to worry because you know sooner or later you’ve got an off day coming


There’s nothing much better for the soul than being out in the middle of nowhere at the crack of dawn just seeing and listening to the universe around you. The fish are just a bonus. Keep at it. Try different speeds, try different retrieves, stay close to cover. You’ll find them. Good luck out there!


Not holding your mouth right.


Time on the water! Keep at it, you'll get there.


If you're in an area the holds catfish, take 3 rods.... two for cats, 1 for junk fish. I never get completely skunked.


Keep it up!


Prob 95% of the time I go I don’t catch shit but eventually you’ll get a big one.. just caught a 5 lb large mouth the other day on a buzz bait


I always through out a worm and bobber, and a sinker with some chicken liver. Then I'm actively casting my other ones for bass. That way if I can't get the bass to bite I can usually get a catfish or something on the worm. In defense of a skunk.


That’s awesome man now wait till u start catching!!! Keep getting outdoors and trying !


Can I ask how though? Where are you trying to fish and what are you using? Have you tried simply putting a worm on a hook with a small bobber and casting 3-10 feet from the bank? I have never not caught at least a panfish like this. Shouldn't even take a few minutes.


Be resilient, try lots of different spots, it just took me finding a honey hole and now I always pull 5 + fish


I will also add changing your bait can help. Yes everyone likes worms, but cast out some bacon, or pork. Heck try anything, use tiny hooks and catch a small fish. Just go get that first one. Honestly the worst feeling is being on one of those fishing party boats where you have 20 lines in the water and everyone is hooking up but you. 😂


Fishing is better than therapy


Youtube is great for actually seeing lures in action under water. I had no idea I was fishing my plastic worms way too fast and that merely lifing the rod on tight line causes a worm to bounce really far.


I grew up fishing bass in Louisiana and then kind of got out of it in my late teens and 20s. I have now been in Colorado for almost 10 years and have rekindled my love of fishing, except there's not really much bass fishing here. As such, I've been reading, learning and going out to trout fish. Turns out, it's kinda similar to bass. You are essentially trying to mimic whatever a particular species of fish is eating at that time of year. Of course, in practice, there are techniques to be perfected. Just always keepin mind thatbyour lure should mimic what the fiah is eating. I'll be eating the trout we caught this weekend with my family next weekend. Half of them the kids caught on earthworms and bobber. The other half I caught on rooster tails.