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There should be indictments coming. Henrik is a FRAUD, tried and tested. The COO/CFO was sn incestuous appointment as Geeta was neither qualified or humble enough to know her shortcomings. Instead she relied on a man named Murali, who is flat out SHIT! Fraud, waste and abuse. Where is the SEC, investigating the clear and blatany fraud. shareholders got SCREWED while Henrik and Geeta walk away with the bag. Meanwhile his daughter ram the online store, which generated zero$$$ and instead cost Fisker $$$ . FISKER name = FRAUD, Rudeness, incompetence and above all, just shitty HUMANS! That’s right, i said it, personal or other, they are just that.


Murali was a tiny man with a napoleon complex. He was the biggest piece of shit that didn’t know shit. The folks at Magna couldn’t stand him being in Graz. They hated Geeta and Murali coming there acting all high and mighty. I remember a dinner in Graz where that drunk Geeta toasted to Fisker being the next $trillion dollar company. You could hear a pin drop. We all knew she was a drunk but a dumb as F drunk. They couldn’t even be a $50M company. Worst thing to happen to Fisker was allowing Geeta to do anything within Fisker and hiring that half of a man Murali. That was the beginning to the end of Fisker.


It's interesting to see some insights, thanks for sharing. For me it is crazy if Henrik does not get consequences just from his comments on stocktwits forum , where he just lie and pump the stock. Also he gave investors on the plate to shark loans, he knew about skeletons in fisker closet and still kept lying to investors


I usually roll my eyes at “there was fraud, call the SEC” comments, and Murali seemed like a really nice guy, but whenever I see him called out by name I know “oh, this person knows what they’re talking about” lol


Former Fisker employee. Murali is the biggest piece of shit. He’s rude, arrogant, refuses to listen to anyone…him and Greta in a conference call…just an incoherent shouting match at times. It was hilarious to watch. Also, he’s as much as a nepo baby hire as Fisker’s daughter. He was part of Fisker 1.0, ran that into the ground and then he’s back for round 2…was not surprised the company failed and got out before shit got dire. Also, yes…there was so so so much illegal shit going on between repairs, financing, blatant false advertising…horrible company.


The only difference between Murali, Henrik & Geeta & a barrel of feces, well that would be the barrel.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


The "engineering crew" that you assume are horrible were heavily micromanaged and had no freedom to implement their ideas. As a former employee, I can guarantee you I worked with some of the finest engineering and design talent at Fisker, who were verbally abused, literally yelled upon by our CFO, and micromanaged by her to the extent that she would override engineering decisions made by the CTO - just because she could. Our travel expenses and flights would go to her - the CFO - for approval. The C-suite were shitty, and trust me, my co-workers were the only good part about this company.


Damn, that’s really sad. Fuck those grifters


It was a scam he didn’t pay dmv when he had 400m


Correct! Worst employee for sure. Can’t fix a f key fob


lmao cos they’re losers


They will be like “ ahh, we knew how to do it, but Fisker didn’t let us” stfu..


lmao that’s an excuse to hide their own incompetence. just shows that they cannot be pushed to do the level of things rivian (and that’s a joke too) and tesla employees have done to make a car with a piece of software that is repeatable and to some extent reliable.


You are projecting your own life on others. If you weren't a loser you would know not to make random comments about people you don't know anything about. You would then even know the concept of engineers and management. And how management can make great engineers fail to deliver because management thinks they are bright. Because they think their salary indicates they are bright. A software developer would know that to fix something, someone must have decided that time should be assigned on that task. Doesn't matter if you have access to skilled people if you don't assign the task to be fixed. Or if you outsource some parts to cheapest bidder. But you do you. Make posts that tells the world about who *you* are...


Fool me once shame on up, fool me twice..


Put down your pitchforks people, "You there!!, yeah you with the torch over there, come here!" I want to share with you an axiom known as **Hanlon's Razor**. Shine that torch down here for a moment, ok? See what it says? "*Never ascribe malice, when incompetence will suffice".* And the same goes for all us investors, too! We were so stupid to believe in this car company. We threw money at a dream. It looked like a nice car. So why not invest on our hopes and buy from the proceeds? They too were as hopeful as us. Only in a different way. They hoped some big car manufacturer would adopt their awkward, wanna-be-a-real-car-someday creation. HF and GF put it out there with every intention of being out of the game by 2025, riding on the backs of elephants perhaps, with satraps of C-Suite executives and booths on those elephant backs so to speak, loping-along India-style to carry them to their ultimate retirement destination. Well, it didn't work out to say the least. I blame Hanlon.




lol if he gets paid in bankruptcy it’ll definitely be a fraud case.




Yeah seen it. They wanted to sell it quickly and fuck everyone over and got slammed TF outta the courtroom lol


Just admit you got fisted by fister


That doesn’t mean Henrik or his employees are any good. Bunch of retards burning $3B


God damn we don’t use that word here. It’s regard. Regard


Nah i’m not a loser like them, I had GAP. let some dumb ass rear end me and had it written off. Shame it’s a comfortable car.


So instead of getting fisted, you got pegged.


looks like you’ve got a ton of experience in that.


Mistress V only lets me cum when she pegs me.


He gets pegged repeatedly by his gay lover that he nicknames 'Mistress V'. He's a loser in every sense of the word


You are so filled with spite and anger, doesn’t seem like it worked out so well…


When the CEO/founder appoints his wife as the CFO, it was a big red flag. Never make your family personal with your work. If nobody saw this coming, it's on them for carelessly investing in Fisker.


The most probable outcome when someone starts a car company - or any company - is that it fails. Exactly zero of your points are or should be criminal. I don't much like them, but if they are criminals for these things you can mark the end of entrepreneurship in any place that says they are.


Fraud has this loose definition: "fraud is intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right". There is a huge difference between a sales pitch and fraud and Henrik has tried to do this balancing act and started to fall into fraud again and again about a year ago. He has committed so many false statements and deceitful omissions that do not have any other trustworthy reason than deceit. It is perfectly legal to fail to make the product you advertised or envisioned. What is not legal is to continue to do so when it has become clear that any reasonable amount of control and inspection will show you cannot make or deliver the product as communicated.


1. Intent to Deceive - Fisker’s financial reporting has been lacking and has been excused as “material weakness” their accountants quit instantly as they were hired. Which means their financial situation was bad way back and they still said it was ok. 2. Material Misrepresentation - Fisker provided false information or in some cases omitted significant information that influenced the decision making process for buyers. Lots of features were promised on delivery when they opened the deposit and down payment but when the delivery dates became imminent they switched out all the features and offered the car that is on the roads today. 3. Knowledge of Falsity - this is harder to prove but since his wife is the CFO it’s a massive conflict of interest additionally the CFO would be greatly knowledge of how much money fisker had to build a car, how much the car was costing to build and what they were selling at. 4. Warranty and Service - Fisker openly stated they have the ability to service the cars but they have failed to fix simple door hinges, cracked windshields, bumpers and solar roofs since they cannot provide the parts. not a lawyer but have enough common sense to see what’s going on


You really should read all the stuff you signed. Further, failure to deliver on warranty and service isn't a criminal offense. Even what you're calling "knowledge of falsity" would at best incur civil/commercial liability, not criminal (in this context). Ditto for misrepresentation. I have not seen any intent to deceive, bit in this context also not criminal.


I did documents state how fisker will apply their software to the car. Take the agreement and have a lawyer read it, if they don’t say this document is fucked up i’ll revoke my statement 👍


I'm a lawyer. It's entirely vanilla. Even if they failed to do things they said they'd do I don't know why you'd think it's criminal. Do you somehow imagine that everything/time a business fails or doesn't deliver on warranty that it's a criminal activity? That's not how criminal law works.


I don’t think i used the term criminal. Deliberately hiding information and then falsifying to customers about contractual agreements seems fraud to me. You’re the lawyer what do i know 🤷


You can use the word criminal. What you described is the criminal actions of fraud. Deliberately hiding material information is fraud when it is common knowledge that those material omissions would have affected the terms of the agreement. Taking out a life insurance policy and not disclosing that you have terminal cancer would be considered fraud.


Jail time doesn't come from civil or commercial.


If you're an attorney, then you're not a very good one. This case is easy to prove fraud because of the simple fact that it's easy to prove that they took out loans they knew they could not pay back. Time and time again, courts have decided that if a borrower takes a loan out that they know they can't pay back, then they had no intent of paying it back and that consistutes fraud. It's how they get people that lie on their loan documentation. They use the 'lie' as prima facia evidence that the borrower never intended on paying back the loan and thus intended on defrauding the institution giving the loan... It's how they got Anna Delvey. It will be easy to prove the amount of documents that the Fiskers either blatantly lied on, or omitted material facts that would have significantly impacted the decision of the creditor.


Proving fraud isn't the same as proving criminal fraud. The standards are very different. Yes, Anna was convicted of criminal fraud. There is absolutely zero path for Henrik on this front.


Anything deal with securities is criminal as all securities fraud cases are prosecutable. And the primary difference between proving criminal fraud vs civil fraud is proving that there were actual damages, which will be easy in Henrik's case...


that it's about securities is not what makes it fraud. that would "securities fraud", which is the specific, fraud is the general. the examples provided by OP aren't "securities fraud". And...no, the standard for civil/commercial vs. criminal is very very different. Damages is more important in civil than criminal which is the opposite of what I think you're saying. You can be liable for damages without commiting a crime. Easy? Try impossible.


I felt like I was staring at an endangered animal when I say an ocean on the freeway. That car is gorgeous! Too bad it’s been so mismanaged. I watched it accelerate beautifully and I witnessed the right blinker working as it changed lanes. What a gorgeous machine. So sad! RIP Ocean


Why can't someone build an electric like the old EV1's that were destroyed. They had a great track record and you could charge them at home. Something simple without all the bells and whistles. A car to get you from point a to point b


I don't think a 2 seater with 55 miles of range will cut it anymore lol


the ocean is essentially going to be that


What do you mean by this


don’t tell me you don’t know it’s being sold to some company that rents out cars to taxis and uber/lyft drivers


Okay, how does that at all relate to the comment you’re replying to? Literally nothing about the situation you’re referencing is reminiscent of the EV1


it’s going to get from A to B and that’s about it. no bells or whistles. The software is capped to get the car into drive and reverse and park. that’s it.


What’s your source for that info? Other companies that lease fleets of EV’s never have to modify any software. Seems like you’re just making up random shit


I think you did not understand my comment. For your education - Fisker is giving the american leasing company the original source code and IP for the software. It’s in the bankruptcy document. Some sales 8k go read it. American Leasing Company is not a Tech company, they’ll use it to keep the ocean running, they won’t do anything else. So ultimately it’ll go to A to B and that’s it.


So ultimately completely inference based, no substance, and a loose tangential attachment to the original comment about the EV1s design and manufacturing philosophy. I understood your comment, it’s just a dumb comment. Even more so when you explain it at length.


what are you harping on about with the EV1? At this point i’m lost in whatever you are implying how different is the ocean to whatever the hell ev1 is anyway?


Except the from A to B bit.


Or the getting into the car bit


If these things drop to $14k, I think I’ll buy one. Despite all the problems. Cheapest car these days is fucking like $18k and that’s also a POS


it’s 14k for the fleet sale it’ll remain at 30+ for commercial sales


Can we pls add firehawk1776 to this list of shame?


American leasing gets to buy previously titled fiskers at $3200 each. I'm considering filing an offer to the bankruptcy court for 2 previously unmolested and running oceans. my offer is 6k each. must have v 2.1 and pump circuit board fix.


I made the mistake of believing in him as well and have lost a large investment. If there is a way to recover the money that would be absolutely amazing at this point because it does feel like fraud, it feels like the business was mismanaged


1) give it a rest 2) you have no idea what you're talking about. Were mistakes made? Yes. Is Henrik a business moron? Yes. But stupid isn't illegal. They have submitted everything to the courts, if there was fraud, it will be evident. But yelling about it being fraud when you weren’t intimately involved in the business is just lame. And since you aren't a lawyer, you'll have no understanding of the amount of evidence that would be needed to turn it from negligence to fraud.


Add more pain to the misery! Now Fisker is refusing to pay severances on 7/15/24 as agreed upon way back in May! The Fisker Follies are real, they continue to screw everyone while not missing a paycheck! It was so bad the bankruptcy judge commented. Is the SEC sleeping!? hey Gary Gensler, look over here, Fisker-Henrik & Geeta ran a ponzi, keeping money slotted for the DMV. $21 mm home in LA and no one sees the injustice?!


Are y’all still crying about him? Do better due diligence & don’t put all your eggs in one basket


Have you sat in a Tesla before tells me all I need to know about this post. Yes. I like my Ocean much better. And my friend with the Tesla will never buy another one. Go back to your Tesla group and leave this one.


LMAO you assume too many things and then let your assumptions lead your choices. I own an ocean, I agree it’s a nicer car than tesla but it’s not a complete product which makes it worse than a tesla.


I have both. The Fisker is nicer vehicle for sure with better build quality. The Tesla tech is superior and with Teslas supercharger infrastructure, is a superior travel vehicle in that aspect. The Tesla is more like a Toyota. The Fisker is more like a BMW. The one you take the kids to school every day will be different than the one you take to a fancy dinner.


I [thought](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fisker/s/jOyZ5VHENn) it was funny


I think OP is mocking Fisker’s hiring practices by also mocking the view that Tesla is the be all and end all of automotive experience. I’m not saying it’s the best constructed joke of all time but what makes it funny to me is it’s taking a shot at the unserious nature of both Fisker leaders and Tesla obsessives (two communities often pitted against each other).


Getta personal computer had the foundation where I bet they kept most of the money from hiding. I say all employees so a class action lawsuit!!! Who’s down for daily harassment and abuse.


look, henrik did what he had to do to provide for his family and protect his family, albeit at the cost of many others, but in the end he is a hero who saved his family. wouldnt you do the same if you were in the same position? you wouldnt think twice about hurting others if it means to keep your family safe right? give the guy a break alright? but it would be nice if natasha could share some n\*de pics of her as a consolation prize


LOL Henrik and Geeta shouldn’t be near a business. Natasha looks like a horse tf you want nude pics of her for?


oh you definitely know what i want them for


Who was going to hurt the Fisker family, forcing Henrik to be a lying bastard? Was it Elon Musk again? Your argument, the assholes paradox, is that the more asshole you are, the more people would want to hurt your family, the more people you have the moral right to f\*ck over? Did I understand that right? If Henrik was such a family man, he wouldnt humped Geeta while he was married to Patricia (read the divorce court papers. Cost $50 so buy them online). He would also not put his daughter in the line of fire like he did. And he probably would not have lied so much that he probably will end up in jail like Trevor Milton. Lets hope this for Henrik: "Milton was sentenced to four years in prison, he also received a $1 million fine and may be forced to forfeit some of his property holdings as a part of his sentence"


cmon man are you really gonna blame him for wanting that exotic indian p\*ssy? and you know all color\*d women risk their lives to lock down a white husband to obtain that white people country's citizenship dont you? so it was a win win for the two of them. the only losers here really are the ones who bough fsrnq stocks, and the ones who paid $50 for the fiskers divorce papers lol who does that f\*ckin gross


When you do due diligence before buying stock of a mom and pop business, you kind of want to know what kind of people you are dealing with. The divorce papers made a very strong case for staying the hell out of FSR. https://preview.redd.it/r2vp3l5w8ubd1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b50cde61277dc0dbb6f91d74f31e56e21712f10 And yeah... pass


ah lol good point. hey man dont judge other people's tastes


Well, they tried and failed. And you? What is your goals and fails?


Since you asked: 1. Successfully developed prototype electric vertical take off and landing aircraft powertrain and energy storage systems. 2. Successfully developed commercial grade Electric Vertical Take off and Landing Aircraft for FAA certification. 3. Successfully completed major Aircraft certification milestones surrounding the above mentioned electric powertrain and battery systems. 4. Successfully created a Low Rate and High Volume manufacturing facilities in the US to make the abovementioned aircraft, powertrain and battery systems. Forgot to add my important accomplishment - successfully created electric motors and batteries for Model S that went on sale and offered OTA on day 1 of sales. So just saying they sucked more than anyone. Laughable that they cannot do anything without. external help, come on, they didn’t design a single piece of hardware on the car. The only thing they did was write the software and control system logic of the motor and that sucks more than the physical vehicle.


A successful guy laughing at an unsuccessful is like a bodybuilder laughing at a fat guy in the gym. I am sorry for you.


You asked what’s my achievement expecting me to be some sorta loser, then you realised that you lost so you clapped back with some weak comeback. Let me remind you why they’re losers: 1. They chose to remain quiet when the company started to deliver cars. 2. They chose to remain quiet when they didn’t deliver any software updates on time. 3. They continued to collect paychecks for not doing any work. 4. They can’t be arsed to actually make things work. Where’s the sacrifice here? 5. When they did do something it’s ended up being work equivalent to a high schooler. 6. They continue to boast about their achievements to others on linkedin.


Since I get like 25 downvotes , I don't really care. My behaviour is due to negative messages by media and infuencers that obviously ruined company. My problem is that blaming continues even after the company went under.. I would like to read some new info. All I get is same repeating blame emotional vomit.


Bruh TF do you think you are?


OMG that was pathetic. That's why kids, don't do drugs, specially HOPIUM

