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Anyone know how to get rid of fluid without meds?Getting nowhere with doctors/HF nurses or Google. I have DCM/H failure, Chronic kidney disease, Hypothyroidism, Gastroparesis, Sjogrens Syndrome, type two diabetes and Fibromyalgia. I have consistently been putting on around 4lbs every month since Christmas, despite upping my exercise and I eat no rubbish.(vegan)I don’t add salt to my food or eat sugar. It’s mainly in my stomach but nobody taking it seriously because there’s no pitting. I’m desperate. Any ideas most welcome.


Ask doctors subreddit 


I am afraid to think about my body fat,it has gone higher for sure.Nothing a good diet,gym,discipline,can't solve 💪


Can anyone estimate my bf%? I’m thinining probably around 20-25%, thanks! [29m/5’7/159lbs](https://imgur.com/a/vmJGBLB)


25% sounds more accurate to me, no offense. I've been as high as 30%. People underestimate the leanness of 20%. You wouldn't have abs at 20% but you also wouldn't have that widening around the mid section it would be more of a straight line lats to hips.


Not offensive at all! I appreciate it, just makes me want to work harder


[M/23/225lb/6’0](https://imgur.com/a/iASxJgs) Just started working out again and have been really trying to 'develop’ the lower corner of my right pec, any tips? 😕


You just need to do a standard program. Starting Strength is good. You don't have enough visible muscle to worry about imbalances. Progress in a program and worry about symmetry a few years down the line.


Bro i think that is just genetic but if you develop an Overall bigger chest its gonna Look way cleaner Trust me you got this


35 next month. 5'5" maybe 5'6". Always had weight insecurities. Cut from 160lbs to 139lbs today (about 4 months). I am happier with my body because I am slimmer. I want the life goal of having a 6 pack so the plan is to continue cutting for a bit longer but I'll do maintenance soon after and then bulk later in the year. Any muscle group I should focus on for my accessories or tips is appreciated! https://imgur.com/a/Tt4c1yV


I actually think your lean enough to have somewhat of a six pack if you just had more developed ab muscles. I know this goes against the conventional "abs are made in the kitchen" advice. But in your case I think you might benefit from some more focus on growing those muscles. The reason I say this is cuz you have pretty big arms. Your arms seem more developed than your core. I would recommend adding something like a cable rotation to your workout and also maybe trying to really progress and get strong at something like a deadlift, or front squat to really get strong at bracing the core.


Thanks for the input! I suspected this but really couldn't tell for myself. I'll try to do more weighted cable crunches and look up cable rotation. This gives me something to focus on :)


Weighted cable crunches are probably the best crunches but its important to remember that "crunching" is not the primary function of your core muscles. Their main purpose is to maintain spinal stability and rotation / anti rotation of the torso. This is why people with big squats and deadlifts always have bulky cores cuz stabilizing that heavy as bar activates and trains a lot more muscle fibers in the core than a crunch. [Same thing with rotation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHIEp_2D_Dg) If you leave it out of your core routine your just not working a huge chunk of the muscle fibers that make up your abs.[ If you look at pro kayakers for example a lot of them don't lift weights consistently but they all have super bulky core muscles ](https://www.indulgexpress.com/life-style/sports/2018/Jul/13/one-on-one-with-extreme-kayaker-and-red-bull-athlete-dane-jackson-8789.html). Its because of the sport is 1000s of reps torso rotation against resistance (the water in that case). People fixate on the rectus abdominis but the internal and external oblique as well as the transversus abdominis is really what makes up the "bulk" of your core (at least the front of it).


Thanks again for recommendation and cites (I never previously considered kayaking haha). I did mostly ab wheel, cable crunches, leg raises , and rarely piloff presses (of which the only one I did consistently were the ab wheels). I never did the cable rotations. I mostly workout from home so I'll have to see if I can get some bands to serve this purpose.


Yeah I did it with bands all through covid. They work really well, just not quite as easy to progress as a cable machine.


So, after about a year of cutting/maintenance cycles to lose about 30 pounds, I’m trying to decide whether or not to stay the course, or start lean bulking. Honestly, while I’ve got my bad eating habits tamed and physical activity way up (depression is a motherfucker and I can’t believe I ever ended up at my before pics), I’m feeling mentally exhausted with the whole process. I feel like I’m going to hit a point of diminishing returns on how I look, unless I put on some muscle. I’m currently doing PPLx2 and could easily add some more intensity/volume and start putting on .5lb a week, but I’m not sure if my bodyfat is low enough to consider it yet. https://imgur.com/gallery/W2tZcla


It's bulking time I think. If you had a bit more muscle mass I would say to keep cutting for a tiny bit but your physique will improve more with added muscle in my personal opinion. In my opinion if you bulk for 4-5 months then cut down you could look really good. In terms of focus areas I would say try to develop your shoulders a bit more.


Thanks for the input, I agree.


How do you take pictures like this in a 3D model?


https://www.fit3d.com/ I couldn’t recommend it enough. This plus a DEXA scan made me realize how utterly fat I really was, and that I didn’t need to waste any time trying to recomp or bulk. Being able to compare scans every 3 months has been a really helpful motivator for me.


I would say it's bulking time. Everyone is different but based on my experience I would suggest a bit more aggressive bulking. Not dirty bulking ofc, but a bit more than lean bulking.


Male 28 Started jogging a few weeks ago. Have improved my stamina considerably.... Now doing 2.5 km daily at 9 kph, 5 days a week. Now gonna improve that till I can do 3 k at 9.5 kph... Eating healthy... reduced my carb intake considerably Making great progress with my weight loss goals. Feeling happy and fulfilled


M/21/237/5'11 Been running 2 miles a day for 6 days in a week and sometimes I throw half a mile on and I've been eating way healthy with no soda or sweets, just been eating goldfish a snack here and there. I have no idea if I'm on the right path or not. I've lost like 3 pounds but I just wanna make sure I'm doing the right stuff


[M/25/217/5’11](https://imgur.com/a/AOm61Ot) Still cutting. Feeling pretty good! Added running 2 weeks ago and it has definitely sped up the process a bit.


[start](https://imgur.com/a/GkO1pez) [now](https://imgur.com/a/F2ciVBc) Im 15 did some calistenics Till the yeah started and yeah since then im in the gym💪


[Pics](https://imgur.com/a/n7wHthS) M29 / 6ft / 184lbs as of this morning I'm curious what you guys think my bf % is at. I've started lifting in June of last year and have honestly been working my ass off trying to get in shape - [picture of me in spring 23](https://imgur.com/a/QrjHRvL) I've been bulking throughout winter and hit 195lbs at my max. I'm trying to get down to 175lbs by August before starting my next bulk. Also how long do I realistically need to go from 225 to a 315 BP? I've hit a paused 225 in Feb. at 190. I'm currently at 250 1RM. Can I realistically ride the newbie gains out into a 300-315 BP with my next bulk or am I delusional and going to plateau hard within the next couple of months?


That's a really good 1 year progress photo. Personally, I'd start a slow cut. You'd look shredded at \~165 or 170 \~10-12% body fat.


> I'm curious what you guys think my bf % is at ~20% >Also how long do I realistically need to go from 225 to a 315 BP? Never a flat answer for something like that. You could commit hard to a Smolov bench program or something and climb fast. You could respond well to linear progression still with 5/3/1 and get it in a few months. Or you could plateau and spend another 2 years chasing it. If putting up numbers is your number one goal, I'd say start housing beef & eggs and blast some gear.


[before](https://imgur.com/a/DAgDt1L) - [after](https://imgur.com/a/KPD93X6) about 9 months progress 170 -> 152 @ 5'9 Trying to figure out what my body fat % is. I think i'm like 13-14% right now. After i'm done cutting down to 10-12% I plan on lean gaining. I mostly train for rock climbing and skiing but started incorporating some lifting into my training again BP - 175 x 5 Squat 225 x 5 OHP - 135 x 5 Pullups - (BW + 115 lbs ) x1 - my goal is x2 body weight this year as I've been training for 1 arm pullups I don't do deadlifts anymore due to back problems


Bro your OHP and pull ups are running laps around your other lifts here.


Holy hell you look amazing!


[Pics](https://imgur.com/a/UJZS1Im) M36 / 5'4 / 143 lbs Finished a 6 month cut and currently in maintenance. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at. I want to be as shredded as possible for summer (November) so I am not too keen on bulking until next year. I've been training full body and wondering if it's worth starting to focus on weak areas or just keep going with the full body thing. Any advice, where to next, weak areas, etc appreciated. Just want to look good and pack on as much muscle as I can :)


How many days do you train if may ask? Im doing PHUL (4 DAYS) but also started doing 1 day of Crossfit with my wife and often it replaces 1 day of PHUL. I want to focus a bit more om getting leaner (lose some bf) and am considering Full Body again


I usually train 5 days a week using the stronger by science hypertrophy program


southern hemisphere seasons? might just get back on it and wrap up the cut as soon as maintenance has washed out enough fatigue, get crispy peeled ahead of schedule and gain very slowly thru the summer (1.5-2lb/mo)


I like this suggestion, thanks. How much more do you reckon I've got to cut?


not sure that looks close to the leanest ive ever cared to get down to so id literally just say every 3-4 weeks of cutting, carb up for a couple days and see if you're comfortable gaining from there.


Dude fucking great job


I’m almost the same stats like you… IMO, you look great… No comment 👏


23 years old. 7 month progress: 286.6 lbs to 181.6 lbs. not the most amazing, but I feel proud [before](https://imgur.com/a/4hA5p7t) - [after](https://imgur.com/a/mKl7EO6)


That's absolutely wild my guy


thank you so so much!


People are always harsh on themselves. That's such a great fucking 7 month progress dude. Keep going!


tysm man, means the world to me!!! have an amazing day


Height? Plan? Good job!


tysm, means the world to me! I'm 177cm tall. here is my plan: diet: I was on a 1900kcal deficit until last month. I go once every month and a half to a nutritionist, to measure my weight, body fat, muscle mass to weight ratios etc. last month, I switched to maintenance calories: 2500kcal. as for macros, I eat around 130g of protein, sometimes a bit more training: started with Phrak's GSLP, to which I added arms superset + grip strength training + core & lower back work. at the end, I would do 20mins of intense-ish cardio (heart rate above 170). did that until 2 months ago, when I switched to the 5day variant of nSuns LP that's about it, tbh. my training might not have been optimal, but I made sure to have proper techinque and push myself with enough weight & reps :)


you should definitely feel proud. you lost a small human! hang onto this achievement as a reminder of how much you're capable of given time, dedication, and the right resources.


> not the most amazing Don't sell yourself short. That is an insane amount of weight loss in just 7 months. I bet that required a huge amount of psychological and physical strength. Own it, you did amazing!


Good job brother! That's a serious amount of weight to lose in that time! You look great!


tysm, brother! I'm trying my best, may you have an amazing day :D


Curious what my bodyfat might be. Never really been sure around where it is. M27 / 5'8 / 156lbs Bench 145 for 5 / OHP 115 for 5 / Deadlift 265 for 12 [Pics](https://imgur.com/a/0fVBj6D)


Probably around 20%. I don’t think you’re 25% like the other commenter. I’ve had DEXA scans, I’m at 18% currently and have very similar stats to you


Definitely on the higher end. It's only a guess but 25%+ If you can keep track of your waist size over time it'll help to track fat gain / fat loss.


I’m 48 years old 5’6” currently 148 after cutting for about 10 months down from 195 lbs. My target is 145 where I plan to maintain and god willing add some new muscle. Here’s a pic of my current physique and an old photo I found of myself when I was 27 yo to compare. Age 48 https://ibb.co/gz4mVxr Age 27 https://ibb.co/VHKq3DV


> I’m 48 years old Bro like get out of here. You look 35.


You should have seen me in high school lol


Unsure of whether I should bulk or cut. [First pics are relaxed, last 2 are flexed.](https://imgur.com/a/nxJ130U) Been in the gym for about a month, not really too concerned about getting huge just trying to get the fundamentals down as of right now. My long term goal is to eventually get more muscle definition around the same size and get rid of the stomach and chest fat. so is it worth a bulk, or should I just go for the cut?


The links are no longer working. But take full advantage of your newbie gains while you can. Unless you are seriously overweight, you should be bulking that first year at the gym to best take advantage of your body being primed for muscle gain


[Does this link work?](https://imgur.com/gallery/nxJ130U) Okay Imgur just doesn’t like me or Reddit ig, but not that important. For some reason editing my original comment won’t fix it. Anyways, I’d say my body type is best described as skinny-fat. Would a light deficit still be killing my potential newbie gains? I just don’t want to deal with an entire year of being fat, it would wreck some serious havoc on my mental health.


I can't really comment on mental health. What I will say is cutting is significantly harder than bulking. As a newer lifter and newer to the fitness space, can you really trust yourself to maintain a high protein/low calorie diet for months? When I am in my cutting phase I meal prep and plan out everything. I eat the same 2 and a half meals every day with a protein shake at the same time every day. A light deficit means you count every single calorie every single food. You will not be allowed to deviate. So keep in mind what your headspace maybe if you yo-yo your weight. You see constant up and downs AND little to no progress in the gym. Or you can take an easier route, enjoy food. Still eat clean ofcourse but much more. See your strength and muscle grow which inevitably makes you look and feel better regardless. At the end of the day what separates body building from general fitness is diet. If your goal is purely aesthetics which it sounds like it is priority number 1 is going to the gym consistently. Priority number is locking down your diet.


Dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Eat and train for the body you want. You want to become more lean and muscular, and you’re only a month in. Focus on eating more lean protein, getting stronger and applying progressive overload properly.


My main eating goals have been getting at least 100g of protein per day, mostly lean protein from tuna/chicken but supplement with whey. I guess what I mean is am I wasting time/gains by being at a deficit?


If you’re new to training for the first 6-12 months you’ll likely put on muscle while losing fat. After a while that stops being possible as you lean out, and putting on muscle requires a bit of fat gain. Having said that, you should probably focus on at least 100-140g of protein daily, whole foods like veggies and leafy greens. It isn’t obsessive to calorie count and weigh yourself until you have an innate understanding of nutrition and your body. So for a little while just track what works and what doesn’t. Don’t forget weight can vary up to 5% in a day based on hydration, glycogen and recent workout. Day after a hypertrophy workout you’ll weigh more from water retention in your muscles, that’s good 👍. Feel free to ask more questions. Don’t forget to hit legs, it’s critical for strength development and fat/weight loss.


Thanks. Any tips on getting more protein in? I’m already eating way more than I was before I decided to get serious about fitness, and it still seems like it’s not enough.




as far looking fit and strong? everything. not saying you look bad. but you look like an average reasonably healthy non-trained person. what to look more 'toned' and 'shapely'? start lifting with an intelligent program (e.g. from thefitness.wiki) that fits your schedule and eat to support some muscle growth. concerning your. 'focus': a nice behind is more than just glutes, you need good hamstring and a solid back for it to look proportional and well supported.


I’ve been working out for 2.5 years now and am doing exercises focused on posterior chain I just feel like one side has more fat making it seem uneven


What exactly are your goals?


To look good I guess and a nicer butt


You do look good! Focus on getting stronger in your DL, hip thrust, squats, RDLs. A strong butt is a big, firm, shapely butt. I’m 5’7 (male) with a 375lb squat, 500lb DL and my dumpy brings me plenty of (unwanted) attention!


Been cutting down from 100 kg and i just dipped into the 80's and [89.8](https://imgur.com/a/Qwqwjxu), am 6ft 3. Noticed a nice difference over the cut but i dont know if i should keep going. The love handles dont seem to budge which is fun. I have gone to the gym for about 4 years and im currently doing 5/3/1 to try get back nearer my PR's. Any comments appreciated.


I don't think it'll matter too much in the long run - you're probably going to have to do multiple bulk/cut cycles to get where you want. Do whatever order you want, just make sure you're training hard and your diet is in check, especially the protein.


Up to you and your goals of course, but if this were my physique, I’d want to bulk.


Some background - I'm 41 y old, and I do a bit of running (5-6 hours per week). I've always had kind of skinny fat upper body, but 4 weeks ago, I started to add some bodyweight exercises to my running routine, like doing 100 burpees after a run or some pull-ups (I can do 17 good form pull ups). My goal is to reach the waist/shoulders golden ratio (1.6). My current numbers are: height 182 cm, weight 75kg, waist 83 cm, shoulders 124 cm (1.49 ratio). I'm not a big fan of gyms, but I guess to reach my goals, the best way is to join the gym and do a solid 6 days PPLPPL program? The pics: Natural - [https://imgur.com/gallery/JPx6r5r](https://imgur.com/gallery/JPx6r5r) A bit of posing - [https://imgur.com/gallery/w7Dhas7](https://imgur.com/gallery/w7Dhas7)


pick a routine from the wikj that fits your schedule. add extra lateral delt work. you look reasonably lean so your waist is not going to get smaller. and only way to get 'wider' at the ahoulder is to slap some bwef on your side delts. apart from that your hip shoulder ratio is genetically determined by your skeleton.


You should do one of the beginner routines from r/fitness wiki and eat in a surplus. If you eat and train diligently, I bet you could pack on a good amount of muscle to your frame.


[Imgur album](https://imgur.com/a/5F7rodP) M25 / 5'5 / 130 lbs Bench: 195 / OHP 105 / Squat: 225 I feel like I don't know angles or lightning because I feel way better about myself at 9:00 AM with the lights off, but I only have time to take a picture in the early morning haha. Anyway, I'm a month and a bit into a cut and I do see results from the when I began and the last time I posted here. The abs are much more visible in non-front facing light, but I'm not sure if that's copium or not. I'm still annoyed with my love handles and bit of belly fat. Is it productive to continue this cut or at this point, should I refocus on building muscle again? EDIT: I don’t know why Imgur seems to be broken on my phone but I’ve tried to fix it again.


Looking nice and fit from the front, you clearly have good definition, as your fat percentage is low and you have decent muscle mass. That being said, your back seems to be lacking quite a bit, especially your lats. Maybe you have bad "back genetics" or you simply don't train your back as much as you should. Perhaps think of emphasizing those muscles in training, that's what I would do if I were you. I'd say bulking is the way to go (I have waaay more belly fat than you do and I'm still trying to bulk at this point). Size over abs every day.


Thanks for the compliments! The bit about my back does hurt my ego though cuz I used to think that was my best trait haha. I can see what you mean though. I’ve been doing pull-ups everyday for years now though and good number of them each day, so I just wasn’t expecting that. I’ll try to look into more isolation exercises for that area.


I’m 5’7 180 and generally liking the way my body looks but whenever I see someone a similar height down in the 130’s it’s a reminder that keeping going with the weight loss is totally worth it. Looking great bud


Link doesn't work.


Imgur links keeps breaking on my phone but I think it works now.


If you've only been cutting for a month you probably can keep going a bit further if it's not too hard. I think you will hit the point where it's better to bulk or maintain fairly soon. You're about the same height at me but 10 lbs lighter and stronger, so good job 💪