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Back in the broke student times I commuted for a month with just one pedal. Bought a new bracket the day one leg got noticeably bigger than the other


Idk, is one pedal really better than walking it?


anything beats walking. I snapped a chain once and ended up flintstoneing the bike around for a little while. It’s like a really overbuilt skateboard.


Man, I hate walking. I can hike all day, but if I’m going to a buddy next block I’m biking. One pedal or no pedals


Just like those little balance bikes for kids


Haha, I’ve had to flinstone my bikes to work a couple of times. I always feel like a goof.


Rip, you good tho? 💀


I finished out my camping trip with 11 miles on one pedal, Definitely a ride to remember.


Crazy stuff, have you talked to Phil yet ?


Yea. It kind of seemed like a pain in the ass tho. I commute on this bike so it’s my main transportation. They want me to send it in to see what they can do. I’m just going to buy another new one and sent them the old so I can be up and rolling faster.


Kinda nuts they don’t just give you a new one…


Cheaper to just fix the broken part I guess.


I’m sure it is but I’d expect more from what is basically a luxury brand’s customer service.


No way they are going to repair that, any reputable manufacturer would want to inspect a failed part to understand what was the cause of failure, so they can modify the manufacturing process or recommendations to avoid it in the future. I guess they're going to give you a replacement, a price of a BB is dust compared to the price of reputation


I can’t wait to send it to them then. Lol I had seen another break just like this posted on Reddit about 9 years ago, but not much else.


I’ve never seen a bottom bracket spindle break before, much less one from a manufacturer as reputable as Phil Wood. What the heck happened??


Last thing I expected, the Phil rep said it looks like my crank arm bolt is a little short. (I did unscrew it before the picture to see if the bracket arm would come out) They are the stock sugino 75s, I’m gunna ask my local shop about getting a longer pair? Lol


That is nonsense. The bolt does not add any kind of structural support that would prevent this. Clearly the bolt did it’s job fine too


I agree, complete bullshit. They’re trying to deflect from a obviously defective spindle.


I had this exact same thing happen on a Dura-Ace NJS bottom bracket. That being said, I did a lot of jumping around at the time.


I'd expect there was just a flaw in the metal which gradually expanded during use until it fully gave way. But you should definitely tell the story as though you pedaled so hard that a rock solid BB snapped under your incredible power output.


Luckily it was a group camping trip, everyone was totally impressed. It was awesome.


That’s crazy shit. Steam is coming out of my ears thinking of why it happened.


That’s a steel rod by the looks of it, surely mere pedal locomotion wouldn’t snap it like this?! 🤨


I see this happen all the time at the gym with assault bikes. It’s crazy lol




My money says that besides examining it for flaws they want you to send it back so they can replace the broken axle there if you guys work it out. But as long as we are on the subject... Does anybody here remember back about a decade ago that after they introduced their sealed BB for 75s Sugino started making a hubbub about their "proprietary taper"? Did that turn out to be real or a ploy? OP - has your Phils customer svc rep ever mentioned such a thing? Good luck.


They didn’t mention much. He basically just stated the crank arm bolt looked very short on the crank arm. But I definitely unscrewed it before the photo without even thinking about it.


I can't know what you had in there but current general standard is 8mm & Phils own crank bolts follow that standard. I love my Phils ISO BB myself - & thank goodness its performed perfectly for the many years - but there are more than a few nice correct size BBs for 75s out there if you blow off Suginos proprietary taper nonsense so if they don't fix this easy you should think about looking at alternatives. Ride safe.


53/13 uphill? You TorqueMonster!! 😆


48/14. It happened on a camping trip, very very flat trail.


Huh. Ok, now I see what looks like rust or dirt on the lower half of the fracture on both pieces (awesome that you bookended it for the photo). That indicates it was already half fractured when it fully broke away. Moderate force on a flat road was all it took. Did you mash it or crash it in the past? How old is it? Maybe it was defective from the get-go. A small fracture can propagate. Phil's probably want to examine the fracture lines microscopically. I hope they send you a replacement n/c, or at least a good discount (like 50%) on a new one. Could you do a follow-up post?


we were riding a rail to trail whenever it broke, so it is a little dusty. Flat tho no additional stress besides camping gear. It’s maybe about 4 years old, I’m just gunna send this one in a buy a new one so I can be up and rolling faster. I have other bikes but this one’s definitely my favorite.


Is it titanium?


Nah I don’t think so. That would be so cool tho.


Has anyone here made the switch to GXP?


Sorry for your loss


I’m finna get another.


That is nuts I have just broken the crank arm which is very easy to replace the bottom bracket was fine.


Too many watts


😨 you alright?


It couldn’t have broken off in an easier spot. I was on a flat rail to trail with camping stuff going 12 mph max. It was definitely more of a surprise than anything. Finishing the ride was even funnier.


😂😂 must have been hilarious going back


Still faster than my fiancé.




One more post for my file “reasons to always have a front brake”


Bro gross.


Brother ewwww


That is some serious wattage you got there bro. Keep up the good wotk


most reliable square taper drive train:




Weird question. It‘s not the cranks that snapped but the bottom bracket axle. Asking for the bottom bracket model would be much more appropriate.


It’s a Phil square taper bottom bracket.


that’s a surprise.


Definitely Wasn’t Expecting That