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120?? Dang man. Be careful. Personally I wouldn't be riding in such heat


As an exclusive commuter, I dont really have a choice. Gotta get to and from work. Bag gonna be real heavy with multiple water bottles lol. Also FWIW, I lived in vegas for a few years, on the same bike my commute was 12 miles each way. And I worked outdoors at the time and lived in a house without AC šŸ˜†. You could say Im built for this type of climate.


youā€™re gonna get cold when you get to hell


Dang, now I see why. Feels like summer's just getting hotter and hotter each year. Stay safe mate


I disagree with hotter summers. I was raised in these parts, and can verify this is an every year occurrence, not an isolated event. Staying safe for sure! But maybe also pushing a few limits for funsies ;) ill post a strava when I take an extra hot casual ride.


Make sure to put on sunblock! Otherwise respect


Beware cramps!!!! Magnesium, electrolytes, WATER, sunblock, and comfortable clothing. I'm from California, heat waves are normal throughout the summer into mid fall. But 120 degree weather has me worried for you. Be careful!


I second this Cali native born and raised specifically Sacramento itā€™s like this every year and has since I was a kid but what people donā€™t understand is when we were younger we could tolerate the heat a bit more than we can now as adults i try to condition my body as much with the heat we can adapt and overcome our surroundings


Absolutely. The biggest problem with extreme Temps is that our bodies regulate at 98.6 F. When the ambient temperatures exceed that threshold (especially 120 F) and sweating isn't enough to cool the body, heat exhaustion turns to heat stroke. Heat waves are notorious for lack of a breeze to make the sweat cool the body. If you're climbing slowly, lack of a breeze will literally cook you, especially in open sun. Sweat evaporates with lack of function when there's no air movement. That's when it becomes dangerous.


Oh 100% Iā€™m prone to them but at the same time Iā€™ve been just fine lately as Iā€™ve been pushing myself to ride in the heat more but Iā€™m blessed to be by two rivers Iā€™ll just ride right into the water haha


Yep, at least you're on the flats too! I took a ride from Martinez to Sacramento last year and touched down at the yellow tower Bridge on West capitol. Hot day. I seriously saw that water and did a double take...


Thatā€™s a hefty ride my good sir yeah Iā€™m about 4.5 miles away from a major body of water so it is convenient


I too am a Cali Native, specifically the town my forecast came from. Born and raised in this hell hole, and I spent 20-23 living in vegas. Still warm up season far as im concerned šŸ¤£


You are hardened as all hellfire. I did a 9% climb for like a half mile in 104 degree weather last July. Its a hill I normally have no problems taking. Stalled twice not only to a leg cramp, but heat exhaustion due to no air movement while climbing. Are you from like Death Valley or Palm Springs? Ubermensch! You make me jealous.


Not that hot here in San Antonio but as the day goes on the heat index has it well over 100, anyways I'm up EARLY on the weekends to go out riding....wheels down no later than 8 am


San Antonio, heat index. Bro yeah, thats worse than what I got. We have basically 0% humidity. Straight up dry heat that cracks your lips. Yall down south in the muggier/humid parts are warriors.


Houston has me up and riding before 7:30 if I want to stay alive. Fucking black hole of Calcutta ass heat.


Lol I know that's right! Stay hydrated family


You too friend!


Used to live in San Antonio, and I can confirm. I even rode from 7~9am sometimes cuz even by 10 I'm steaming


Oh for sure and yeah you're right past 10 you're asking for it


I'm from Phoenix, that's normal, at least it cools off at night where you are. If you live in central Phoenix it usually doesn't go below 90 at night. Until October.


You get me šŸ˜Ž vegas was much the same, if only a few degrees cooler than phoenix. By the end of July our nights will remain warmer. Summer here in Nor Cal is a weird build up, just keeps getting hotter until the end of September, and then slow cooldown to halloween.


I lived in Sacramento for a bit it was nice, low 100s and mid to high 60s at night. I didn't care for the hills too much though.


Sac gets that nice bay breeze at night. Im in Redding where no such breeze reaches. Also im right at the foot of the mountains, so yeah, the hills suck šŸ¤Ŗ


Btw great username. I love unagi šŸ˜‹


Thanks, it's my absolute favorite also.


Came here to say Iā€™m jealous it drops below 85ā€¦ Phoenix summers are brutal.


Steady 100 to 103 in so-cal right now. Still ridin. Just hydration and know when to take a rest


Are you in Sac by chance? Cause that looks exactly like the forecast I saw haha


Redding. If you ever find yourself up here letā€™s ride!


Thought this was sac but that 119 changed to a nice and cool 108, but yeah way too hot even here, has to be an early or later evening ride, or deal with the heat, riding slower, more breaks and all


got to 95 here in mallorca today and i was still out, however i don't think i'll be riding above 100 as it is super hilly here and on the fixie i'd die


Itā€™s actually 71 degrees here in California ā€¦ and last night it was a bit cold


This is California šŸ¤­ we just have a wildly diverse climate in our state.


Last night it got cold with fog, misty weather, and on Friday it was the same thing when I pedaled 100 miles around LA ā€¦ despite of pedaling literately ALL DAY, coming home I took the beach route and it was cold despite of pedaling up hill on roscrans ā€¦


Making me wanna fix my car so I can drive somewhere for new rides. This small town is getting boring quick.


https://preview.redd.it/uhui8kwcct9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f44af2ab46ef5d07684fc559eaa3dd1bf3183fa Are you in the Central Valley too? Hereā€™s what our forecast is looking like. Iā€™ve ridden 150 miles this week so far. I love the heat


Farther north. Redding specifically. Fresno is quite similar tho. Clearly, but in more ways than just climate. Is there a fixie culture down there? I have only ran into two other fixie bros in RDG, but they were not very receptive to talking.


Yes thereā€™s a small group. We have a weekly Tuesday track bike ride


Riding makes me happy no matter what (until someone stole my bike) so as long as the heat won't kill me, I'll ride.


Agreed 100% Thankfully no one ever stole my bike. Attempts have been made, but Ive always been able to out crazy the crazy people and close enough to see it about to happen.


https://preview.redd.it/z8egk8qfku9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c1f1ca17bd93f1eb8b95e2b7dc968e0b53f53e Nope!


I live in Vegas dry heat is not that crazy


i remember it getting up to 119 once where i live and it felt like a hair dryer blowing straight into my eyes. not sure i would cycle in it. lol.


Had a week in the 90s here which is odd, but I kept riding with plenty of water.


yeah the heats totally taken the wind out of my sails, sitting at only 30 miles for the week :(


I only ride in above 90 and humid af lol


Must be Sacramento?


Bro that's nothing it's been 90-95 all week in Atlanta and I still got my miles in


That's fucked up dude. 119?? I'm a Phoenix dweller. At least you guys have decent lows. Our lows these days are 85-95. :(


I'm in SC and some mornings the heat index is at 93F at 4am


Yeah, I am *NOT* built for heat. Above 85F and I'm suffering. Above body temp and I'm out for sure!


Triple digits is a no for me. Maybe a couple miles, but that's it.


Dry heat is a different beast than wet heat. At least with dry heat you can _breathe_.


I put an ice pack in my bike helmet and drink electrolyte water. And nothing over 98F. Donā€™t die


Iā€™m from south Florida and we see temps like this with extreme humidity. You can ride it - but youā€™re risking your kidneys. If thereā€™s no way to avoid it then take all precautions.


Tell me more about the kidney risk plz


ā€œProlonged physical work in the heat can reduce renal function and increase the risk of acute kidney injuryā€ https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/ajprenal.00350.2023#:~:text=Prolonged%20physical%20work%20in%20the,acute%20kidney%20injury%20(AKI). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6769672/


Oh im straight fked then lol. Cause I I do package delivery in one of those rad square trucks with no AC for work šŸ™ƒ


The bike will rapidly dehydrate a person and I think thatā€™s what makes it damaging more so than less intense cardio in the heat.


Imo you'd be crazy to ride during the peak hours of 3PM to 5PM. I don't need to commute for work since COVID started the work from home. If I ride for leisure, I do it once the sun goes down.


My leisure ride tonight started at 6:30. And usually Ill avoid the peak hours. However, when its so extreme, I cant deny that a grueling even 1hr ride makes me feel very accomplished. Also, if I get off work at 4pm, i am 100% heading straight home, not waiting for a cool down. Lol


I would move somewhere cooler


I moved here from Seattle. Turns out im less likely to ride in the rain and cold than I am in blistering heat.


Iā€™ve only ridden in 110, but here are my tips: Start drinking water heavily at least an hour before you leave work. Take it easy, high cadence and low resistance. If you have a way to monitor your heart rate, try to keep around 110 and definite under 120-130. Drink lots of water while riding.


As a person using normal units those numbers terrify me xd


hottest iā€™ve done is 100k in 35 degree heat, drank like 5 litres of water without peeing (probably dangerous), and took frequent breaks to swim in the lake i was riding by, personally canā€™t imagine going for more than a couple dozen km in 45+ heat šŸ„²


Here in Florida it gets pretty bad around 3:00 in the afternoon


Damn 120. Hows the WiFi in hell?


Update: I got off work at 4pm today. It was 108 degrees outside. I rode home. It took 21 minutes. I was drenched in sweat, and more poured out of me as soon as I walked in the door. Looking forward to more miles on the hotter days. Now if youll excuse me, 10 miles across town I go!


Yup! Lotta night rides https://preview.redd.it/i4jiwf3ecmad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454c8fc1aa127881a9ef2ebeb5c662fb6417950b


Apple weather sucks.. use a real weather app if you wanna see what it's really gonna be


Damn and I thought I had it bad. Currently staggering 70 degrees with highs at 72 degrees.


You need to get some AC stat!