• By -


Hear me out o==8 8==o


lol, I needed a laugh


I want my birth year too and I fucking hate that it was hijacked by a bunch as assholes. So our year isn't our year lol


same, I hate that 88 is associated with nazi shit


Just add an apostrophe at the beginning :) ‘88


Or a “19”. Or just join a gang where others were also very fond of that birth year


Exactly. So much hijacking!! Punisher, Washington’s pine tree flag, Gadsden flag and so much more. Here in Vermont the flag for Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys has come to symbolize tRump support. Pretty sure Ethan and his boys are rolling in their graves over that.


I have a Gadsden flag on my arm from almost 25 years ago. I can’t wait to get it surrounded by a pride flag. Fucking white supremecists


Happy to hear someone bring up the punisher 😭 they massacred him and turned him into a symbol for the exact thing he hated


1984, I’m guessing?


Whats wrong with Orwell?


69 is a hard year to have as well


Better gay than hate symbol. ;) (Edit to clarify - for some reason this reminded me of ‘moon landing’ - gay position from Modern Family) haha


That’s the dry version of the splash down, right?


Tell that to my uncle daddy


Better gay than hate ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/o0jnohuzys3d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d599740be3a57ad64290adb602f80fc06d6570ee How's this? I posted this below but thoughts? does this solve this? I am overwhelmed by the response here, thank you all for the ideas!


If you did dots instead of dashes like in Europe, it might look less crowded. Sorry Nazis ruin everything!


We're using dashes in Europe. Dots would look fine tho :)


German here, somehow I would still suggest the dots. Idk why, still gives me the 88 vibes


Definitely not lightening bolts


I laughed way too hard at this.


So I was scrolling through this thread without knowing what “88” meant for hate and saw your comment and decided to finally look it up. Before reading “nazi”, I was not expecting white supremacy! Holy shit!! 😳 Honestly I weirdly laughed out loud. Not cause it’s *actually* funny, but I have a dark sense of humor and dayum that is ironic how sweet of a tattoo it’s supposed to be and how insanely bad it can be interpreted. Oof. Def not making fun of OP, that sucks :/ I’d probably lose my freaking mind if I realized I (a white person) accidentally tattooed something that could be misconstrued as white supremacy on myself. Thankfully for OP, there’s lots of great answers here to make this work better without laser or super extensive work. I hope OP finds a meaningful solution and shows us later! :)


I had no idea 88 was a hate symbol until this thread. I’m surprised too because I read a lot about the Holocaust and watch Holocaust based movies/documentaries. I’m panicking now/feel like an idiot because I made my husband and son matching jerseys for Father’s Day and I made my husband’s jersey number “88” and my son’s “23” for the years they were born. Now idk if I need to throw them out and remake them.


Oh man! I mean, I probably wouldn’t think much of it on a Jersey (now that I know) unless it was accompanied by other hate symbols on the person or their clothes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Okay, that’s what I was thinking too. 🤦🏻‍♀️😅


That looks really good in my opinion!!


Looks way better! no confusion with it that way


Definitely not a hate symbol anymore. Either way, the artist should’ve warned you or denied to do the original lol


It’s possible the artist didn’t know


It’s fairly widely known as a hate symbol and especially should be known in the tattoo industry. If anything I’d be suspicious of the artist.


I’m an artist and I had no idea until this thread 🥴 it’s not like something you think to look into without a reason (or at least for me) but I might have a google now haha


You should check out hate symbols on the southern poverty law center and aclu websites. There’s a lot of covert dog whistle hate symbols out there.


Probably a good idea. Pretty sure I’ve also seen the reverse of this situation posted somewhere on Reddit, where an artist found out they accidentally did a Nazi tattoo and felt gutted about it.


Looks fine! I’d do dots instead of dashes though and then maybe do your kids names just to be extra covered lol.


Just add a 17 on the end and you can add a heart at the beginning so it's more centered


Or the 17 at the start and say it’s to show your support for the constitutional party and when the states first really signed/adopted it.


or make it 1887 and they can talk about the appreciation they have for Romanian chemist Lazăr Edeleanu, who became the first man to synthesize Amphetamine


Truly the greatest moment in world history 🙌🤣


Amphetamines? Now we've circled back to Nazis!


You win the under-rated comment of the day lol


don’t you mean under-ratified? Eh? EH?


Or the birth flower for August, or some other meaningful little symbol that would take up space and point to the deeper meaning of the date.


Yeah I was gonna say the leo symbol, OP will get more shit for the astrology rather than potential hate symbols at least


Yeah if it’s an astrology symbol people will just maybe poke fun, not assume OP is a raging bigot.


8817? What does that mean? Or what is it supposed to look like? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious because of all the likes. Lol Edit: just went back and read the description. I missed that, my bad! Yes I agree. ❤️8817 would definitely work!


Unironically a sick ass panther should cover that up nicely


Always a sick ass panther


What about a sick ass tiger?? Joe Exotic next to it!


No. Panther. A sick ass one


sick ass panter….


Can we still get the Joe Exotic?




I’m thinking a panther with diarrhea


Or the pink panther in a straight jacket


Never a Panzer


This is always the answer https://preview.redd.it/aocu4v8rzv3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dff40501030e659f601c0453ef09e5d9f0b2339


No fucking way bro. You’re a legend lol


that or like a really bitchin' pirate ship with skulls all over it and some exploding cannons.




Greetings, my brother in saying "bitchin'", ty for yr comradery ❤️‍🔥


You could add another 8 on the inside and it would be an angel number. I have no idea what they mean but they are popular right now.


Ohhhhhhh this is an interesting idea


“…strongly associated with abundance, prosperity, and financial success.” So get another 8 tattooed then buy a scratchie right after brother 


My sister did the same exact thing with an accidental gang related number tattoo.. turned it into an Angel number


888 is for success


And toll free phone calls!




888 is definitely balance.


My dob is 8/8/82 and the 3 8s are always so fun to say. Sadly, have not had much success. Though I do seem to have a lot of luck, sometimes it's not good.


8/18/98, and my mom is 6/16/66. Repetitive noises are good to my brain


I’m 8/8/87. Giving my DOB is fun because of how it sounds.


888 is for abundance 🥰 at least it’s fixable!!


The number 8 is the sign of infinity as well and is a very sacred number in many eastern traditions. Triple 8 would change that hate into fate my friend.


This seems like the best clean idea but least meaningful? I’m torn


In numerology, you add the digits of a multi digit number together until you're down to 1, so 17 would be 8. Takes a little negotiating, but the third 8 could stand for 17


OH MY GOD, YOU JUST SAVED ME. I think this is the cleanest solution but I didn't want a hate group to steal the meaning of my tattoo! So I was really bummed that this might be the best solution, and now you made it just as meaningful, I'M CRYING THANK YOU!!!!


I think this is a really great option!


Reddit is sometimes the best! I’m glad some internet friends were able to help you get to a place of comfort 🥰


Yes, my dads bday is 8/8/53, so we got 888 tattoos for him


Put two hearts above or below it (can look into the symbolism of placement if you want … I have no idea or else I would share) that way it still has some representation for your twins. Hearts or any other symbol that reminds you of them: flowers, suns, sun and moon, or maybe the first letter or their names. To me that associates the success and other positives of the 888 with your girls.


Honestly probably the best and simplest fix I can think of. Also makes for a kinda funny story.


Just get one of these 🚫 over it. Then it's anti-racist. /s


I love this


what about adding a lot of 8 around it and doing a full sleeve of them


An 88888888888 arm band would be dope.


The barb wire of 2024


It actually would be! Hah I love unique arm band ideas


Add 2017 under the 8s to balance it out Or, add a small heart before and after. ♡8-8♡


I’m not sure the hearts would fix this


It would make it waaaay funnier though


Lolol I feel better I’m not the only one that thought that immediately.


The thought just gives kawaii facism uwu vibes


Which is sadly like, already an aesthetic.


That's horrible, amazing, and tbh half of them are anime avatars anyway so it's not a far stretch. Poor OP.


Love ya 'dolph! Squee!


😂 fuck


Yep. It might communicate that OP really loves HH.


Better than lightning bolts, as far as symbols go. 


Or 20 on one side and 17 on the other in larger script, like a fancy monogram?


Now I'm just picturing a really effeminate white supremacist and chuckling 


I mean there was the whole Gay Arian Skin Heads movement and bands. So it can absolutely get worse


❤️8.8.17 so it’s centered


I don't do tattoos but is it suss that the artist didn't blink an eye at this request?


Fuck those of us born in 88 I guess


Yeah, it's not great! Fuck those people for taking an innocuous number and making it a hateful dog whistle.


for real, 8 is my favorite number (my therapist pronounces “favorite number” as “ocd fixation” lmao) and i would absolutely love to have double 8’s on me but that will never be an option because the douchebags have stolen it. i’ll have to settle for one 8 but one 8 doesn’t feel as nice as two of them, and don’t even get me STARTED on three in a row, disastrous


You could do a bunch of single 8s in different spots and fonts


> my therapist pronounces “favorite number” as “ocd fixation” Thanks for giving this therapist a laugh.


If that’s supposed to be a date it should be “8/8.” Or, if you’re European, “8/8.”


I appreciate the clarification. I always have to pause and think about where it was dated for any numbers 12 or less.


Actually I didn’t realize I responded under yours. In your case, the short form for 1988 would be ‘88, with the half-quote mark preceding the numbers.


>half-quote mark AKA an apostrophe


I couldn’t think of the word! 😁 I blame the scotch.


The 8th letter of the alphabet is H so 88 = HH which is short for Heil Hitler. Yeah, it’s convoluted but that’s kind of the point of a dog whistle. And there are a lot of examples of numbers being used as stand ins for letters. It’s really common in motorcycle clubs as is white supremacy.


I don’t think most people know that?


True, I might be overly-aware. Honestly it IS a very sweet tribute you got, I am sure you'll get some good suggestions here.


I genuinely appreciate that. This info broke me honestly


Yeah I understand where you're at, please do NOT beat yourself up for this! It was an honest mistake.


Enough people know it that I would definitely want to add the 17 like you said you were going to. Then it would be fine for sure


Except that Q is the 17th letter. So now it's racist and conspiracist. I think turning them into something else is the best choice.


It’s be more immediately recognisable as a date though especially if written as 8.8.17. Putting their initials above or below the date would help move it away from that too. Sorry you’re in this spot op


This is definitely common knowledge among tattoo artists and it’s a highly recognizable symbol for “heil Hitler”. At least it’s small enough to cover up or get removed. Sorry you’re going through this. The artist should have told you.


Most people don’t, but most tattoo artists will. Legit surprised the artist did it tbh


Yeah I wasn’t aware of the significance until I joined Reddit and it came up because of my username. I was born in 1988 so often used 88 to add numbers to usernames, something I won’t be doing moving forward now i know the potential connotations. I think the knowledge of it as a hate symbol is more well known by younger people as, pre-internet, these sorts of symbols were only really understood by the neo-nazis/white supremacists that used them. However, with internet culture the knowledge is more widespread and I think the more online someone is the more likely they are to get the reference outside those groups. I sympathise with you OP it was such a sweet concept for a tattoo. Hope you come up with a solution that you like!


I was in my thirties before I found out the significance of "88." I used a random username once that ended with "88." Someone on AOL chat asked if I was born in 1988, and I said,"Yeah, I was, I didn't notice that." And they left the chat. To this day, I wonder if it's bc I was underage or if they thought I was a nazi. Either way, good on them.


Tattoo artists should know better to be on the know of such things. I work at a tattoo shop. Can't hold a "no hate symbol" policy if your artists can't spot them.


Tattoo artists know


Not really. They are associated with good luck in China. They are Marvin Harrison's jersey #. And if he came in and told the story then said he wants the date on him, why would he think twice? Though, not suggesting a period or a different format may show his ignorance


More like, it should be more common knowledge among artists, to the point they could have offered tweaks before just doing the 88. "Hey, man. Sweet idea but 88 is a racist dog whistle. How about we add more to it or format it differently?" "Oh shit! I had no idea and that's definitely not what I was going for. Thank you so much. What should we add?"


Me too! Most artists I know don’t do symbols of hate or even gang signs and even though face tattoos have become a thing again, a lot of them won’t do those either.


I didn’t know it was a hate symbol either. So maybe the artist didn’t know. How common knowledge is this?


Honestly, I can't say. I saw a post about racist/fascist dogwhistles a long time ago and this was among them.


It's very common knowledge in tattoo artist circles. Most shops wouldn't do this tattoo. Among just average people? People probably don't usually know unless they've had to deal with white supremacists in their lives before.


Tattoo artists will do whatever the fuck you pay them for.


As a tattooer, if it weren't for this sub, I honestly wouldn't know this connotation and wouldn't think twice about it.


I mean I’m so out of the loop I don’t even understand what’s racist about it. But you’d assume a tattoo artist would be more familiar with common racist tattoos. These friggen dog whistle codes and shit are really annoying though. If you’re gonna be racist at least have balls to just be out in the open about it. It’s dumb that we let these people ruin numbers and other mundane things. We need to take back the number 88.


I mean the only reason I’ve known the meaning of 88 since age 14(?) is because a relatively deep cut Sum 41 song from Chuck so I’d say it’s not out of the question that the artist had no clue.


Most people aren't aware of this. I just recently learned what it meant.


Adding the 17 is a good idea. ETA, I wonder if there's a way to turn them into lion cubs, (for Leo's) or flowers?


Dandelions flowers with the Leo thing still incorporated


Adding the •17 is a great idea. 8•8•17


Thank goodness it wasn’t 2014 if OP goes with this format. I like your solution though!


so sorry to all the people born august 8th, 2014


https://preview.redd.it/gn453vf5us3d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b047b2f29a51b5da3c53cd7d5748d02c321a9315 Turn them into bows


I see a two headed big titty alien.. maybe I need to make another appointment with my shrink


https://preview.redd.it/sy5l32cius3d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=90580ed8c1e6425a8a9c4df2230448197b83fccc Or a butterfly


I’m taking appointments all week if anyone needs any exceptional ink done /s




that’s a cute idea actually. maybe put bow design over the 8s and put the ribbon ends on opposite sides


get another 8 and say the one in the middle is the infinity symbol or it’s just 888 angel number OR put dots in them and parenthesis on either side so it’s two smiley faceeeeS 😅


It’s cool just put a 14 before it and you’re set 🙏🏻


Other people were worried about it being centered. If they are fans of Harry Potter they could add some lightning bolts at the end to balance out the 14. Maybe add a maze, too. 


Oh great idea! What about 2 lightening bolts? Just because if you do one it will get lonely, love the maze idea too! Man what would this dude do without us good folk helping him!! Last thing, you know the company Independent? It’s a skate company, throw that logo in there too with maybe an eagle or something, thought? Concerns?


I had never heard of the skate company, but I learned that they changed their logo. 


Oh weird. Anyways, let me know if you want to come to a campfire later, we wear robes and do chants, it’s a hoot


Lol. For people who don’t get this, 14 is white supremacist code for “The 14 Words”, a white supremacist slogan created by David Eden Lane. > We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.


maybe make it 8/8 ?


Would that slash fit you think?


I'm gonna be honest, I don't think so. I think it'd look crowded. Personally, I'd tattoo over it with a heart or whatever and put 8/8/17 under it. E: Or 08/08 if you're looking for that double number to symbolize twins.


i think a - or • would fit and gives the same idea


or 8-8


Im so dumb , why is this a hate symbol?


88 = HH =Heil Hitler it is the same as having the double lightning for the SS I think it was meant as a 'stealth' way without putting a swastika on you though I think most of those fucktards have both anyway.... (not at the OP)


Oh damn 😳


Stands for The Schutzstaffel


Honestly just put a big swastika above it so no one gets confused


Why don't you just frame it with a small heart or flower or angel wings or something? I highly doubt anyone intending to permanently tattoo a Nazi dogwhistle on themself would go through the effort of making it cutesy to hide it. I think that would give pretty clear context to the fact your tattoo has a very different meaning to you. You could also potentially add the year underneath to make it clear that it's referring to a date, since the numbers are somewhat close and might look crowded if you tried to add punctuation between them.


Adding 17 under the 88 is a good idea


Yeah, do this, OP. 88 17


Thank god it isn’t 14




Seconding putting a . Between the 88 then put a 17 under it


add a little heart or dot between 8•8 or 8♡8 and 2017 below it or maybe their names above and below? not sure it would fix it. I think a dot or dash between the hearts would help it read more as a date. also, I would be a little surprised if lots of folks know about the 88 thing I guess? I'm Jewish and spend too much of time online, as well as a teenager who has had to spend lots of time around teenagers who think stuff like that is funny, and I've never even heard of it. Had to google it. Most normal folks probably won't know it if I had to guess


Well at least if you go to prison now, you will be welcomed with open arms lol.


>I think I’m just going to make it the date 8.8.17 Good thing your kids weren't born in 2014.


Please don't come to Germany with that tattoo. Really, don't!


I'd fully cover it. Whatever you decide, I'd do it ASAP as to be honest I think if I saw this in passing I would immediately assume it was pro-Hitler. It's just short of accidentally getting a swastika.


I’m amazed your tattoo artist didn’t stop you here. In the culture, they obviously know that connotation. I wouldn’t worry too much about the symmetricalness of it, adding numbers. Can alway say its off centeredness is purposeful if anyone ever asked, which I doubt.


add another 8 to make it an angel number. or get it covered up


My god what tattoo artist would give this out lol


Two hearts that connect between the 8s with the 17 below?


Add another 8, make it an angel number


You could add a dash in between, and maybe the year below




Oh hey, **my** birthday is August 8th!


Pertaining to amateur radio it means love and kisses


73 de NU3I! Yeah, that was the only thing I knew that 88 stood for until this post.


If you get “1788” tatted you can say that you’re hella pumped abt the US constitution being drafted?


If you find another artist that’s REALLY good you can get the 17 centered. this should be an easy fix


Yeah you gotta add the 17


Add mph after and people will think it’s a Back to the Future tattoo!


♡.8.8.17 add a heart to the beginning to even out the space with the 17 on the end.


You could just tattoo “Fuck Nazis” under it.


Here me out 88 + 332 ------ 420 It's kinda shit but anything is better than what you currently have. Saw some folks say 888 which realistically may be the best choice


Cover that up quick .  


tattoo artist is at the very least a nazi sympathizer


Side note, I was going to get a norse rune as a matching tattoo with my grandma and realized that almost all runes are associated with white supremacists now. I can't even get anything from my heritage because of fucking skinheads. We ended up getting a quenya word instead.


8.8 17 That's how I would edit it personally