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You could maybe ask someone to add an outline and shading if you wanted to adjust it. But, as is, it's a nice tattoo of a morning glory.


What's wrong with it in your eyes?


Yeah, OP what do you think needs fixing? Because I can't see anything wrong with it. What are other people saying is wrong with it?


https://preview.redd.it/1jbdocgzvg9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d300ac469285cff899fc66cbabb0b48874705ab The only real finicky part I see is this stem line being a bit wonky! I think it looks beautiful the way it is, though. If you wanted a touch up on the flowers and outline, I think some more darker shading would make it look a bit more striking because of how varied the lines are. I think the stark color of the leaves is throwing you off a bit! Gorgeous tat :)


It’s beautiful


I’d maybe get another leaf on the other side? It looks fine as is though. 😊


I think that looks really pretty


Nothing at all wrong with it. If YOU are happy with it then it is perfect


far from the worst i’ve seen, but i don’t think i would be happy with this even as a coverup. it could just be the style i’m not crazy about, although i’m not confident i could even tell you what style it actually is. even so, if YOU are thinking you’re unhappy with it, start researching better coverup artists.


It looks good


i cant figure out whats going on with the bottom leaf? that and the leaves appearing more opaque than the flowers (which could just show the more delicate nature of flowers) were the only negative thing i could find. ur good mate!


I had another very small tattoo where the bottom leaf is. This tattoo is a cover up for that.


I think it looks great! If that bottom lead is bugging you though, maybe have your artist blend in more green from the center of the lead outward so it looks more similar to the leaf above it. But if it were me, I would leave it as is. 😊


It looks great 🙂


No one is going to look as close as you do. Tattoo looks great. Move on to thinking about your next tattoo and don’t worry about the great one you got on your ankle.


I think that I'm just hyper critical and a perfectionist with some stuff. You are so right tbh, thank you.


I like it a lot


I think it's fine, but I'm not crazy about the composition. I feel like it needs more...flowers at the bottom, leaves at the top. It just looks kind of odd to me in a line with the flowers at the top and the leaves at the bottom. Maybe even just adding some longer curly cues that are on the vines would help round it out.


Good spot for a panther head


idk what’s wrong w it but that tattoo is so pretty


It can always be better but it loooks good


Needs more balance if anything. Everything is more aesthetically pleasing in odd numbers.


The only thing i find a bit weird is the lowest leaf, but with some highlights it could be improved i think.


Wait for it settle a bit. I think it’ll look really nice as it heals and ages


The tattoo is alright . 99% of Tattoos just ruin the skin no matter what u do imo it will never look as beautiful as it once did but we've all done it once or twice being young and dumb .


I think it’s beautiful. I think you might want to get a few touch ups. There are a couple suggested in other comments. But none are necessary IMO. I agree with the person who says the main stem below the second purple flower is a bit wonky, and the stems for the two leaves are too small/thin. But it’s a beautiful tattoo even so! I genuinely love it and I would get it in a second, as is! If that says anything. :)


I don’t hate it


It's pretty cute


Looks gorgeous to me. Don't make it heavier please 😭 it takes away from the natural feel of morning glories


I don’t think anything is wrong with it


Nope it’s good.