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Whether this is just bait to get pictures of muscular tattooed arms or a genuine question I gotta say I really respect you for it either way.




I'm studying their ways 🙏


I was going to say, nice try 😂


I think they make my arms look bigger https://preview.redd.it/35cpit3jmg0d1.jpeg?width=1543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c998b63e863929c7760dbc33e709152aaa91b04a


Got dam girl


Mother is mothering! 😳




You literally stole my breath I’ll have you know 💜


https://preview.redd.it/lhe90jtnyf0d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c5d6840fd9e0f5954c554115b48b808524e245f The tattoos just make it harder to see the definition.




This, the definition visibility decreases but with good lighting you can balance it out.


This, it doesn't really make them look *smaller* but I definitely feel like the definition shows up better on my clean arm


pictures of muscle sleeves ![gif](giphy|kQmr2OwBTD2L5Hzo1T|downsized)


Thank you guys!! And I didn’t mean smaller I meant if it affected how the definition looked. And it was a serious question 😂 but I do love the pics, I think they look great, not so worried anymore!


https://preview.redd.it/8c02ctwoyg0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba57e6a83daa79b6849d960600a2c5b5c5c6d763 A side by side


I think the left actually looks bigger!


I think if you have a circular tattoo on your deltoid and allow it to go with the curve of your arm it can make it look bigger. My right side has a dream catcher (I have Native American blood not just a basic white girl 😆) but I feel like my right deltoid and bicep look a little bigger than the left


https://preview.redd.it/8ymspvb7gm0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6fee583b86ca215010664133bacfef6ad1c55c0 With overhead lighting you can see the definition despite me having chest tattoos, once side of which ties into a medium sized shoulder piece on my left arm. My gym has posing/changing rooms with lighting set up specifically for posing pics and such since a lot of competitive local bodybuilders workout there and it’s so nice. Plus you can move the mirror around which is key depending on what muscle group day it is.


https://preview.redd.it/19hnn573hm0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d26e468a4bc57ff64b683e442fa89b6fc0a095a2 Same shirt different day ☠️ I need to make more cutoffs


I so badly want these arms bro omfg. I struggle with my shoulders a lot, may I ask what your arm/shoulder routine is?


Hey! So I’ll send you what I sent someone who inquired about my arms routine recently since I had it all nicely written out lol and I’ll send you shoulders once I remember to write that down too haha (this was a one off just arms day I believe as I usually do a push-pull-legs split “Hey! I actually did arms today (normally I work then into my muscle groups but these past few days I’ve just been having fun with my workouts and doing what I want outside my normal routine). I’ll run thru what I did today + some I left out cause I usually keep in the same exercises I just rotate them. I started with biceps and ended with biceps 3x12 bicep curls superset -3x12 hammer curls (pause at ending position where they’re curled for a 5 count) 3x12 ez bar curls 3x12 rope pull downs 3x12 v handle pull downs 3x12 each single arm rope pull downs 3x12 each single handle rope pull downs Like to throw forearms like 2x a week 2x20 db forearm twists 2x20 db reverse curls 2x20 ez bar reverse curls 1x10 bicep curls superset 1x10 hammer curls Today was high volume bc I was pushing myself more than usual and like I said it’s normally split over 2 days. and it was more a fun for me stress relief workout. Hope this helps!!”


Amazing! thank you so much! 🙌




No flexing


or this https://preview.redd.it/h8yv7wurq01d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3379907592ddddaf1dd74103eb72ab6bea5a25


You can have your sleeve in a composition that compliments your muscle tone


I don't think they make them look smaller, but I know on my arm that has an inner bicep tattoo, it makes it harder to see the muscle definition there when I flex. (I also don't have big biceps, though, lol)