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I found your listing. You listed it as used. Buyer is clearly wrong and eBay will remove this feedback if you speak to the right person. You'll have better luck reaching out to ebay for business on Facebook.


I'd lean heavily on the listing condition and the fact it blatantly stated the contents in the description; of which eBay often hides the description on mobile platforms despite being critical to this buyer's purchase decision. Did it happen in this situation? Can't know for certain but you can certainly tell the buyer didn't read the description.


For purchasing, I prefer a desktop over a mobile phone / tablet, purely for this reason. It's often too hard to get all the correct info.


I always copy my condition text into the description because I know how lazy people can be.


Is the seller not allowed to leave a rebuttal to the feedback? I thought you used to be able to.


Rebuttal is the last thing I'd do, only after giving up on getting the feedback removed. eBay seems to be steadfast in refusing to remove feedback if you've left a rebuttal. Until then I'd heavily lean on the blame being on eBay as everything the buyer needed to know about this listing was blatantly listed in the description/condition fields and eBay likes to hide 1 of those fields on mobile.


Oh I am blaming the buyer for not reading the description but if the seller can let others know that’s what happened (like being able to leave a screen shot of the description would be great) then others will know that plus the fact the buyer is a retaliatory idiot.


Yes, as a last resort that would be what you'd do (post a rebuttal with a screenshot of the description). The buyer, obviously, didn't read the description but there is a real possibility the description was hidden because that is exactly what eBay does on most listings on mobile. That possibility should be grounds to get the negative removed as that is an eBay choice to hide vital information from the buyer behind a link (buried between advertising).


A buyer hit me for sending a "black" item when they ordered "silver". It said BLACK in all caps in the listing title and the photos clearly showed it was black. I previously worked in a product photography studio and all my photos have excellent colour reproduction. Sent the buyer a screenshot of their order confirmation and they called me a liar. I spoke to 10+ different agents over various platforms. They all gave me some story about how it can't be removed due to it being the buyers opinion. The feedback system is totally ridiculous and allows illiterate buyers to trash your reputation.


The feedback system being broken goes both ways, I've had sellers have legitimate feedback removed because they kept calling and being annoying to reps until someone just did what they wanted.


Hearing all this makes me glad I don't sell on these platforms anymore. I dipped because of the fees, this is just a bonus.


Ebay doesn’t remove feedback by just “speaking to the right person” anymore. They only do it through the ebay feedback removal tool which you can’t talk to on the phone.


Wonder how I got bullshite feedback removed a few weeks ago by speaking to the right person then?


No it can be done, it's just harder


Yeah don't just try once


You can't speak to any person to remove feedback anymore. Your advice would have been good until last year. Now everything is done through the feedback removal tool and it's usually handled by AI. You can't speak to anybody that will remove your feedback. Believe me, I've tried.


“This because it portrays a buyer’s opinion (?) and expression of their overall feel” Just… wow. Like are they imagining the buyer: “I feel this item should be new and it’s my opinion that the seller is wrong in their description.” wtf eBay reps huffing glue or something




payment act consider workable rinse ink brave dinner profit pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't worry about it. Write your side of the story in follow up comments and be done. Buyers understand that there are a lot of crazy people out there. If you start to read other sellers negs, it becomes entertaining bc so many of them are just nuts


This happened to me. They responded to my response and basically called me a liar. eBay didn't allow me to respond. Is that the end of my responses?


Yes. But buyers can read through that - when you sound professional and the buyer is basically screaming nonsense, they know who is telling the truth. I sell a lot on ebay, but I also buy a lot. When I look at feedback, I'm looking for didn't ship / didn't process returns - and responses in which the seller is rude and calling names ... the rest of them are basically all static.


I had a buyer leave a negative feedback I replied back and blocked them. Im not sure if they're able to still reply after being blocked


This. I used to get worked up over negs. They are super rare but I'd let one absolutely ruin my day (week even). I realized what I hated was getting everything together to simply try to plead my case to eBay. Who even when it's clear cut in your favor will still often site some nonsense about buyer's opinion, how buyers don't care about feedback anyway when shopping (so whys it here????) and so on.


Call eBay, on the phone only, state case, good luck.


I just called them denied me again. I will just reply to buyers review stating my side of the story.


You can't speak to any person to remove feedback anymore. Your advice would have been good until last year. Now everything is done through the feedback removal tool and it's usually handled by AI. You can't speak to anybody that will remove your feedback. Believe me, I've tried.




Why? It clearly states one of the bags was open and missing pieces.


I've had one case overturned a while ago. I had clear cut pictures and a description showing that the item I was selling did not contain anything but metal fittings for a model ship. I said it over 4 times in the description that it did not contain a single piece of wood. It took me like 3 hours to get the negative review removed. Ebay eneded up refunding us both and he got to keep the set as well. I called back after it was finished and told ebay I this is the main reason there is problems with the platform. You rewarding stupidity and encouraging scam like behavior. 


As a buyer if I read a negative feedback and the reply is explaining the buyer did not read the description I just ignore the feedback. I only worry about feedback when there are many and its a pattern.


It's wild how everything is an opinion with eBay and therefor valid. A while back I asked a rep a question that should have been very easy to answer correctly. I asked *"If I sell someone a picture of a pony, and they leave me negative feedback saying I sent them a real life pony instead, does eBay assume I mailed them a living, breathing pony?"* I was legit told that if the buyer claims I mailed them a real, living, breathing pony, then I must have accidently sent them one. Their opinion is that a picture of a pony is a real life pony and it is is valid. eBay has zero common sense and the party line is that sellers are dishonest, scummy liars by default. I pressed it further and asked them why I should even bother providing good service when my reputation can be trashed with obvious lies, and their response was basically go fuck yourself and leave if you don't like it. eBay alienating their sellers is going to be their downfall. We will all see how safe and trusting the buyers feel when the only sellers left are the shittiest that nobody else would have. When 75% of transactions end up going wrong with the sellers that still remain, maybe that light in their brain will flicker and they will realize where they went wrong.


I stopped selling on ebay A LONG TIME AGO for this reason (there are no profits to be made unless you're selling tons of stuff consistently. If you're a small or occasional seller You're WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better off keeping your stuff or throwing it in the trash. at least this way you wont raise your blood pressure dealing with the useless representatives that have NEVER given any fucks.


It’s honestly wild how well eBay does despite treating their sellers so horribly. I would move to any other platform if they had enough traffic. Wish ebay would do better by their sellers but I don’t see that happening anytime soon


Look, you're not wrong. But when some buyers see READ, they take it more as a challenge than a warning. If you want to avoid these idiots, make room in the title for MISSING PIECES. I can't guarantee that will get all of them either, but it will help.


sometimes i even put important info with big red letters now in the first picture


That's the best idea I've heard in a while actually.


label quarrelsome cough head workable library dinosaurs homeless slim slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol so stupid and yet not even surprising. The internet is cray


I had a very similar story recently. Buyer was provably wrong in the messages - eBay didn’t give a crap. Spent 15 mins on the phone pleading my case and they acted like they couldn’t see exactly what I was telling them. They then had the audacity to say “there’s been no policy change internally” when it comes to removing feedback when there very clearly has. They are completely anti-seller when it comes to feedback currently. Sorry this happened to you also!


When your item is flawed or missing parts, you need to bring way more attention to it than just typing it in the description and Read in the title. Your pictures should show what’s missing or bring attention to it. Buyers can be very lazy and not read it. Or they read what they want to see. I also would not have used the word “new” at all in your listing. “Bags 2 and 3 are sealed” omit “new” Sorry this happened.


100% this. Whether we like it or not some buyers only look at the pictures and do not read anything at all. Not the title nor the description. Unfortunately, we are the ones that have to pay for their behavior. If my item has any flaws I add text to the photo before uploading and circle the flaw in red or whatever I have to do to guarantee it is seen.


Ryan can suck a d*#k!


Ryan can go spend an additional $30!


and what if he likes that?


Then no dick for him! ❌


I have the same with a recent neutral that I know couldn’t have been for my item. eBay has denied the removal and appeal over and over even after they said in an email that if my buyer doesn’t reply to me they will remove it. I thought that alone would result in its removal but no. It’s pretty aggravating.


I generally find the 87th time I contact eBay support someone finally actually reads what I write, understands the issue, and fixes it. You've just got to keep coming back to them with the same thing over and over again until you get someone who isn't useless.


There was a smidgen of good in Ted Bundy even if minuscule. These new eBay catchphrases are ridiculous.


He did fall in love once, so, technically, there is a smidgen. No one is born evil.


The buyer probably searched “new Lego fluffy,” and your listing appeared because it searched the description where it said new. The buyer most likely did not read the description and only looked at the first picture.


ebay is basically not removing feedback anymore it seems.


Gotta get them on the phone. Edit. I see you did. I would piss off the buyer some more with professional but repetitive messages in the hopes that they go off the deep end and curse. I vaguely remember that helping my cause once. I would keep pushing ebay, though.


I love when buyers curse/threaten. It pretty much guarantees that Ebay will side with me


Cal back and focus on the "new vs used" issue. Lead with that. Don't muddy the waters with anything else.


Lol I just realized You can tell it’s used if you look at the listing photos I even show the missing pieces. That means the buyer is just blatantly lying 🤥.


You should call back ebay and speak to someone else. I had a similar situation happen to me and it took months to get rid of the negative feedback unfortunately.


eBay sucks for sellers anymore. They always take the buyers word over yours and don't reach out to you for clarification And obviously won't fix it when it's obviously wrong


Call, never email. Make small talk with the rep. Never be confrontational. Treat them like they are the boss of your account. That rep doesnt work, move on to the next. Walk them through the listing.


Ok yeah I just called them got denied. I will keep calling them see what happens.


The key is to call first before anything. Do not email first. I've come to learn that through experience, that calling and actually connecting to a human works better than emailing — in most, but not all cases.


There is no point. I used to be one of the reps that take these calls. The system shows the previous denials on the screen and after a couple of them, it turns the button off to remove it. eBay doesn’t play the arbiter of truth, they don’t choose who to believe. If they can’t prove something, it’s not changing.


Except that they CAN prove that the buyer is lying or wrong. A 5 second glance at the listing and the feedback is absolute proof. Buyer says seller said it was new and not missing any pieces. Seller states very clearly that it is used and is missing pieces. Open and shut case, or at least it would be for any rep with a functional brain.




Don't do that. They'll blacklist you after multiple attempts. Reps don't even have the power to do anything after you try twice. The system auto-blocks it


What did you put as “condition?”




Looks like the buyer is claiming that you selected “new” as the condition. If that’s the case, you deserve the negative and that’s why eBay won’t remove it. But if you selected “used” and described accurately, then the buyer is in the wrong.


Yup selected used. That’s why I contacted eBay


You didn’t do anything wrong, then. But eBay rarely removes feedback anymore. It used to be easy to get it removed, now it’s nearly impossible. They changed things since sellers were abusing the feedback removal tool.


Yup, they got rid of the preferred seller call # too. It used to be a pretty much guaranteed way to get feedback removed if ebay reps weren't helpful.


He definitely selected “new” as that’s clearly what the buyer is trying to say. I do NOT agree with the buyer as he knew what he was buying and thought because of this error he could get somewhere. I’ve had buyers try this exact same thing but they messaged me and I just told them to return it if they aren’t happy with their purchase.


If I selected New I wouldn’t even had made this post.


Id avoid putting in “sealed new never opened” anywhere in a used listing. This might have caused the confusion to begin with, not that you really did anything wrong.


Regardless you are worried about a negative feedback….. unless you a have problem with constant negative feedbacks this 1 isn’t going to affect anything at all. Move on it’s part of selling on eBay


Yeah that’s fair.


If I took that advice, my feedback wouldn't be 100% Maybe we should stop treating all scummy and scammy behavior as normal, and maybe we should hold eBay to a higher standard. This is just one negative, but make no mistake about it, the word is getting out that it is open season on sellers. If you want something free or at a discount, it's easy to get by lying. When buyers who enjoy this sort of game figure out that they have us by the balls, it won't just be this ONE negative.


I know what you’re saying. He said he’s spoke to 2 different reps so far who’ve declined to remove the negative. It’s not going to be removed. That’s all I was trying to say. I didn’t say don’t ever dispute negative feedback.


When I sell stuff like this I message the buyer before shipping to make sure they understand what they are getting, that nips most of these issues in the bud right there and then


Your best move would be calling eBay and speaking to a representative. I’ve dealt with issues like this before, phone calls are best.


just respond to the review with facts and move on you cannot beat an idiot with logic, don't waste your time, be reasonable and other customers will clearly see the reviewer is an idiot and will disregard it


speak with someone at eBay on the phone and you’ll get it removed


You're gonna have to keep calling them until you speak to the right ebay "team mate." It's gotten harder to remove feedback recently


Respond with an apology. Sometimes that's all they want to hear. Then ask what you can do to make it right. A partial refund is usually enough. You can even include a discount on a future purchase. This is rarely used but a nice gesture. Just be super nice no matter what and maybe you can send a feedback revision if you feel the buyer is now happy with the resolution. Bottom line, treat others as you'd like to be treated in that situation. Maybe even treat them better. ;)


Plus, since so many buyers are also sellers, word is getting around that negatives are harder to remove, therefore they carry less weight. Also, when everyone's % goes down, it will be even less important.


There is good in every individual except for the eBay CSR that put their feelings above policy.


What do your interactions with the buyer look like? That last paragraph makes me think they checked your messages and you either a) never reached out them or b) you weren't professional when reaching out to them. Ebay wants you to handle issues without their involvement. If they see you asked for their help without trying to fix the issue yourself, it's rare that they'll help you, even if you're right.


Who gives a fock about negative reviews. Grow up and move on!