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I have noticed it as well. I don't think Facebook has put enough development into the Marketplace for it to be truly robust like ebay.


I’m an individual seller I don’t have a company and I sell my random stuff I want to get rid of. I follow all of the rules and make sure everything is even below reasonable. I take great pictures and post good videos I mean I go all out and I still never receive any views. Therefore no clicks. I’ve checked my account on other accounts and I always get nothing. But Facebook always likes to mention “oh you can pay more money to advertise your product to get more visibility.” It’s like they are forcing me to pay more than what I’m even selling my stuff. It’s gross and they don’t deserve to get anymore anything from us users! They already make shit loads of money off of us by selling our data which we never agreed to, advertising for big products, click bait, and they even use us to for experimental studies. This company is a piece and it’s wrong to treat your customers/employees this way. This has been going on for probably over a year now. So do I just have to quit using their service and use eBay from now on, because this seems very deliberate. Gross


I agree 100% on your side but you did agree for them to use your data anyway they like. Its in the service agreement when you sign up for facebook.


I've become a top seller in fb in 2 weeks. I find to this day, easy selling. What you need to do to gain views is Title the listing concise, but with the right buzzwords. Use brand names first, leave some info to be found in the details. Titles are cut off on mobile so keep it short. Price it competitively. Too low and ppl avoid, too hi gh they never click take amazing photos. Got a Xmas tree up already? Leave it in the background, kinda off focus. It sets the tone. If the item is "nature" like, take the Pic outside. Lighting and backdrop is important. Think instagram. Pose your action figures. Hang your clothes. Learn about which colors reflect light per your items Selling lots usually does better than single items. If possible. If not, use the groups. Offer shipping (it doesn't have to be free I've found). Use your views as a way to gauge your price. No views? Prolly bad Pic or wrong category. Little views, no saves or shares? Price too high. Adjust but 1 dollar every few hours/twice a day as a way to gauge your price. Once you get one save or share, stop. Make an adjustment daily in the title, fiddle and play around with the words. or relist it when offered. This bumps it up. Use fb labels - I can't confirm this but I think using their services makes them bump you up. Lastly - find one very desirable item and list it expensive. It's like a window display item. Ex- I have a sealed base set pokemon 2 player starter pack up for 650. It will never sell that high, but it draws ppl in and they click your other listings. It's a popular item. The more likes and shares you get on one item, the more fb boosts your other items.


Thank you for this information!! I also am a 4.9 star top seller (150 reviews) with over 300 items sold and shipped through marketplace. However, my listings have not been getting views lately. This has happened once before, but fixed itself (I think) What I think the problem is, is that even though I"ll pick the category of the item, marketplace changes it to what it sees fit. For example, I'll list a women's hoodie, manually inputting the category, then facebook changes it to Men's Tank Tops, or Baby Girls Clothes. Is there a way to change my settings or something to list in the correct category? Women's apparel is where I make most of my listings. I have NEVER sold ANY men's apparel so i'm unsure as to why it thinks thats where i wanted it listed? ​ Thanks ​ I


I don't sell clothes so I can't say for sure, facebook has weird restrictions and it does change what your listing is for clothing. Dunno why


Another example would be I was selling a Dymo Label printer.. And Facebook listed it under vases..


All of those are good tips and can translate to most other platforms. "Top Seller in 2 Weeks" might suggest that you haven't been selling long enough to experience what happens when algorithms begin to suppress your listings on the whole. I can confirm 100% that marketplace engages in shadow banning. I had an item recently for pickup only that was visible to me, both on my page and in messages, but nobody else could find it by searching exact title, or click through the link I sent. I tested this for several days and in several ways. There is NO mistake. 100% shadow ban on this item, which is completely legitimate and I used "Amazing Photos" and all the rest. Now let's talk about the 0 views thing. Here's the kicker: Even though nobody else could find or view my item by any means, the "view" ticker went UP just a little each day. So this either represents internal (FB employees) viewing the item, or the system is falsifying views so that hopefully I won't notice the shadow ban. I tend toward the latter. This has nothing to do with anything you mentioned. Just today, I saw someone selling a Hustler magazine for $123. Not only is it way overpriced, but the item itself violates Community Standards! However, their title passed the bot/algorithm "sniff" test, and there was no mention that they were selling what was pictured anywhere in the title or listing. To put icing on the cake, FBMK had this item in "Today's Picks"!! These are just 2 examples to illustrate what I'm saying. It is very, very naiive to believe that you have total control over visibility via the things you mention. Some of the things you mention "may" help to keep you in good favor with the algos, but maybe not for long. I did find one little trick that catapulted a particular listing through the stratosphere lately, where most listings were getting no to low views, this one racked up almost 8,000 in 3 days. I won't discuss it here, but you can YouTube "Zero Marketplace Views" and find some answers. I'm still struggling with new listings, but the keys, to your credit, are ENGAGEMENT - meaning people message you about a product, or share it, etc., and to avoid redundant ad copy, which the algos and AI learn to identify as "spammy." There are certainly other factors but the bottom line is, if you are experiencing low to no views on many items, it is because FB has "demoted" you, and is no longer showing your item to potential buyers. It's that simple. Any legitimate views you get are either internal, or purely organic - your item is being found by marketplace search. On that note, one last observation... I've noticed that many items FB promotes in feeds are newer sellers. So a new(er) seller gets priority in many cases, and I believe that this is to build excitement or trust in the platform. You start selling lots of items and making money, then suddenly you find your item views and sales trickling and dwindling... getting low to no views for days on end, and you end up here looking for answers. Take that for what it's worth.


Totally agree with you on this, I am getting so discouraged about selling on FB Marketplace with 0 to few views. Occasionally something will have a lot of views. but most of the time o to very few. I'm having to delete and relist and sometimes that helps , sometimes not. It's getting crazy!!!!


You nailed it. I actually have had to chat with them several times about this. It's bullshit. I sell 100 items 1 week, the next week 10. My items are normally more visible in say Michigan and then all of a sudden no purchase from there in weeks yet I'm getting a random order from Idaho or Montana.. GTFO They totally manipulate who's stuff is seen


110% and everything you mentioned is spot on.


I wish that was true but no. Possibly if you list a similar item as someone else. FB MKP is controlled by bots.


You haven't been selling long enough for it to affect u yet. I sold 80% of everything I listed for 4 months. Then like overnight I couldn't sell anything. Its been 2 months and sold 6 items.


2 yrs later and I can say it's the same for me, idk what to tell ya.


I wish I knew how to get mine going again! Have u ever had a problem getting a label ? I done a prepaid label and then it wouldn't let me get. I couldn't pay what it would cost me to ship and make any money so I canceled 2 orders. The buyer had already paid shipping.


Yeah! It glitches out a lot esp lately. It stopped even alerting my notifications when I had a sale too. If you clear cache on the app it should work.


Do any of you guys, say, make any political posts supporting a political party or ideology that is not endorsed by Facebook.... that's why you're being shadowbanned.


Yeah I posted one meme actually about rising prices and I got banned lmao I Don't use it anymore


**that's because when you are new they make the algorithm such that you are "sent" to the top to get you excited and hooked and then slowly but surely the views and exposure becomes less and less.** **there is a bit of a trick i have found over the years with mktpl and that is to make sure you post basically every day, so save a listing or two for each day to post.** **i shoot and measure everything over two days** **i spend a day fixing the pics to look optimal and then post everyday and i have found that trick keeps your listings at the top. really what i need to do is ask friends to send me a message like "is this still available" and usually THAT brings more interest, i get NO views or interest and then one person asks about an item and then all of a sudden 3 or 4 people ask about the same one.** ​ **there are tricks and it is apparently OUR job to figure them out. FB in general SUCKS, they have NO support for buyer or seller and they don't care when things go wrong. I wish i didn't need to make money this way because I think FB are a bunch of dicks who use their users. Gross.... if you are taking money from me as a way of profiting bc i am a dealer then you should have a f-ing telephone number to help us out. COME ON.**


But how can your friends find your listings if marketplace is hiding them? I’m getting 0 to few views, I used my friends account to search for my listings and my listings don’t even show up, invisible.


I too have noticed this inconsistency. Posted the same items several weeks apart (same pictures, price, details... identical) One listing got 150 views, the other got 2 lol. Something fishy. Maybe the algos are tired of me selecting “I’d rather not say” when asked if I sold it on facebook.


I noticed the other day I couldn’t just browse what was in my radius.. it was all stuff from shops not junk my neighbors were selling. I have some awesome 1940s chairs I thought would be snatched up but they’ve had less than 10 views. To browse my neighbors stuff I have to go into a few submenus and I figure no one is doing that...


I’ve been selling on Marketplace for years…In the beginning it was great…Now I wonder why I bother! It goes in waves…I can be dry for weeks, and then I will sell 3-5 items in a week. I understand its a free service but seriously is annoying. Can I ask where else everyone sells and has good luck? Obviously, the type of items matter but any info would be appreciated. Thank you.


Sometimes it does to my listing too. However, I did a little experiment. So, I always used my wife's account to search for any listings I have. Sometimes my listing cannot be searched in my wife's FB account. Those are listings that have no views. After a couple of experiments, it turns out, in my case, it is related to location (Zip code). My listing that has no views is the listing that I didn't use my GPS to identify my location. Whenever I activate GPS in the listing, the 'hidden' listing gains views and I can search it through my wife's account. I think this is a protection in FB to prevent users from manipulating location in the FB marketplace. Every time I create a listing, I always enable GPS and use my wife's FB account to search it to make sure it is properly listed.


damn tried this and still getting zero views :(


Thanks for the great tip! I went to post a new item and can’t see where to turn on GPS. is it within creating a new listing?


Try it on mobile not desktop




Damn that fucking sucks, searched up to still no answer




I’ll try it out


Most likely... Youl find your views and shares/saves actually correlate to your prices. I like to adjust until I get at least one like or share. And if I get more shares than likes (50/50 ratio) il bump my price up a bit


Everyone who is blaming it on “Bad Pics” is talking bullshit, I’m literally a photographer, I post the best photos that is incomparable with any other photo. It is not about the pictures. Facebook has a weird algorithm. I don’t know why my listing gets no views. Every time I post it barely gets up to 30 and doesn’t go above that. If you guys know any solution please let me know.


and how would you figuratively be a photographer?


I think bad pics do play a part for some, as well as not staging your items. I can't believe the way some people post items. They don't take the time to make the item even look presentable, then expect someone to purchase it. It's that way on poshmark, mercies, ebay, etc.


incomparable to any other photo you say.


I notice they now offer to Boost the views for a payment of $5 or $10 - dependent on how many people you wish to reach.


Typical facebook making you pay to get views lmao


Yeah. I just listed a few lower cost things locally and definitely couldn't see any value ( profit-wise) in paying anything. Needless to say, no sales and minimal views (under 50) for an highly populated urban area.


I've gotten much better results posting from the phone app and do not additionally submit the item to any local groups either.


I have posted all my listings from the phone app, didn’t put them on groups


How many total listings do you have and how long have they been for sale?


I listed 2 for about a week, then 1 for a couple days then another yesterday


I think Facebook limits listings that you don't pay them to boost. The boost my listing is there for a reason. To make them money. I have listings that's had 0 views in over a month. Waste of time if they are squeezing everyone to pay them to get views.


Heres paying facebook to boost for 3 days. 36 views.[https://ibb.co/x7jpC0p](https://ibb.co/x7jpC0p)


In most cases, many Facebook users find it very difficult when it comes to filtering out the Facebook marketplace dealership. For those account holders who want to know about the procedure to [Filter out Dealership on Facebook Marketplace](https://www.monktech.us/blog/filter-out-dealerships-on-facebook-marketplace/), they are on the right place. Here, you can find out the effective modes of filtering out the marketplace dealership without any kind of hassle. On the other hand, you can also take help from the professionals who would love to assist you out. https://www.monktech.us/blog/filter-out-dealerships-on-facebook-marketplace/


My experience is when I started selling on FB I had quick and easy success selling trading cards. When I listed the first few cards they all received hundreds of views in just 2 days and I sold about $1,400 my first month and that was without putting much effort into it. The next month I listed about 20 items and they all did amazing with the number of views. I had a range from 50-300 views in just a couple of days posting the items. I sold many and had another good 2nd month. After the 2nd month I continued to list items and all of a sudden every card I post I am lucky to get 2 views in 2 weeks. It is to the point where every single item I list either receives 0 views or just 1 or 2 views and that would be weeks after listing the item. I have not sold a single item in over 3 months because no matter how I adjust my title, location, description, key words; I will never receive any views. The people who do not think shadow banning is real are beyond naive! It is odd that most right leaning political people on FB are the ones having problems getting views on their products. Prove me Wrong! and yes I post pro trump things all the time on FB. ​ Another instance is when I tried to list a card that has "ticket" in the description and on the card since these basketball cards were made to look like a ticket stub on the card. I listed this and FB came back with "this goes against our community guidelines since we do not allow the selling of tickets". Very understandable and I immediately noticed that it was probably flagged since it had ticket in the title and description. I clicked on the option to object to this and even wrote a note explaining that the item is a basketball card and not a ticket and that it only says ticket because they made the trading card look like a ticket stub. I even took the "ticket" out of the title and description. They came back with "denied" so I couldn't list the card. You may think, well that does not prove that FB shadow bans trump supporters right? WRONG! I look on FB marketplace and I see cards just like the one I want to sell and if I can find them then they are not being banned like I am. ​ Agree or disagree I wanted to put this out there so others can make their own judgement but I for one truly believe FB shut me down selling because I am very vocal on my page about my support of President Trump and my dislike of Biden. I mean how do you go from having most cards reach 100+ views in just a couple of days to having EVERY card I list only getting 2 views in a couple of weeks???


I started selling on FB marketplace early this year. I sell really cool clothing. I take amazing pictures (I am a photographer). I state all measurements needed. It was gangbusters. I was selling about $1500-$2000 a month for the first 3 months... and then it slowed. And now crickets. I would get a little love after a 'delete and relist'.. and now zero views on everything... and I have GREAT product...and apparently about 800 followers. I don't understand how I have zero views with that many followers. I am very left in my political views. FB marketplace is has a crappy algorithm. My listings have been ghosted for a few months now. I have listened to a couple of youtubers about it and they instruct to actually delete and relist by hand... not with the marketplace 'delete and relist'... and to provide fresh pictures. Also, to not list too many items. When you renew... to maybe supply one new picture and change some wording. Their algo picks up on repeats and it doesn't like it. Not sure what to do. I was thinking of pulling all items down and giving it a small break and then relisting again in small increments.


How are things going? A year later? I’m currently having this same problem. Does it get better? Worse? I did exactly what you said the YouTubers recommended delete, reword, re-list not seeing much response yet! Let me know.


I listed things on marketplace for months and averaged about 500 views a week, for months. I made a few political posts supporting a non Facebook endorsed political candidate, and watched my views drop like a rock starting the very next day. My new posts, get nothing. Maybe a view or two coming from the groups I post them in. Nothing from marketplace. Conservatives are being shadowbanned, and it gets worse every election year. Literal political persecution via technofascists.


It's funny, what you wrote is exactly what is happening to me now with the exception of the right wing paraonoia part. I had the ticket thing happen as well on a Contenders slab that I listed but I did request a review and eventually they let me list it. But I'm definitely having the no views thing happening all of a sudden and I assure you I'm not into right wing politics. The cards that do get views sell or at least get offers so it's extremely frustrating to me.


Maybe Trump can buy some of your cards.


I have the same problem, after that fb outage or whistleblower came forward nothing is getting views.


Having the same problem since the same day! Wth


I’m having the same issue; a few months ago I had quite a few sales. Over the past months I’ve added at least 50 items and most have 0 views. So frustrated!


Terrible, it's happening to me and too now. I'm a realtor and got so many views for my rental listings for 2 months ans now 0 views. What did you end up doing?


I’ve been deleting and relisting different items every few days; renewing some old listings, played around with different categories, etc. nothing has helped. My listings also don’t seem to show up to anyone local, as I’ve only ever had 1 person ask to meet up. It’s frustrating. I’m wasting so much time and energy without getting anywhere. I just want to declutter my stuff and be done!!!


Wow sorry to hear. I feel your frustration. Am glad I asked. I will not waste time with it I guess. Have you tried 5miles? You might be able to sell some stuff on there. There's offer up too. Good luck. Disappointed.


I have not tried that, thank you for the suggestion!


I listed a house for sale and in the property address area they won't except the fucking address so I hit a Chicago address that came up and figured I could edit it but I can't edit it I cannot put the correct address In of the house I'm selling!! Can someone please help me?


Anyone have problems with after selling an item you can't get a label thru prepaid label? I canceled 3 items because of this. Thr buyer paid shipping but I couldn't print label.I would have had to pay for shipping again.


Same here! Bogus! - FB wants you to pay for views thru their boost -which only takes your money and does not offer real potential customers or people to view just a couple of random people that fb “pays to view” and gets more $$ if they comment - feels like such a scam.


I think it is because they are trying to get sellers to pay to boost our listings so they will get views.


I have two FB profiles. One for personal use and one for my side hustle. I don't get any views on my listing before after 24 hours have gone by. I've from my other profile added the listing to favorites, gone back to my other profile where I have listed the item and concluded it hasn't updated any of the view counts or saved to favorites count. What's the reason for this?


For me its a hit or miss. I sell chairs and sometimes my add would get 12k views in couple of weeks, sometimes I will delete and repost it and it gets only 30 views. I think its the algos that prompt it, there are some criteria to it to be bumped