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Barkov is also on a whole another level compared to last year. Conn Smythe level play so far.


When Barkov is playing like this, I genuinely don’t think there is a team that could beat us in a seven game series. Man is so good both ways


We need to get Chucky’s little brother imagine the kind of destruction we could create with mentally fucking with the opponent with Brady


It’s basically impossible to do. Contract would never be signed due to how much we would be forced to give up. Hey, maybe when they are in their late 30’s we will see that.


We have more depth this year. The bottom six is contributing! There is a whole fifth line of proven dudes waiting for their chance. And no real liabilities on defense this year.


We got players like cousins gadovich and lomberg who are great backups ready if called upon Would love to see maroon and gadjovich square off


Except ekblad lol


Terrible game 1 and has been pretty good the other three games. https://x.com/jamesoncoop/status/1789853680033734702?s=46


Hey fair enough I guess I hold grudges too long. I called for Weegar’s head on that last second turnover before OT against Tampa a couple years back. At least he hasn’t done anything that egregious. Just want the consistency to tighten up, he has the potential to be a liability more so than anyone else back there it seems


No one is perfect. He’s been good since


Ekblads offensive game is nothing what it is used to be probably cause of alot of injuries but is still contributing Panthers have alot of defenceman waiting for there chance. Carlson balinkas and bjornfot waiting for there chance


This team is about to do that thing... You know the thing I can feel it don't say it.. You know why


No idea what you mean![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


The big shiny thing... You know..and you can't mention it.


I wish we still had Gudas in this mix.


I loved Gudas but Mikkola has been much better. Spreading the grit around instead of mostly relying on Gudas has proven much more effective.


Yup Mikkola has been a significant improvement over Gudas defensively and he's got the size and reach we needed. Replacing Gudas, Staal and Mahura(good to still have him as depth) with Mikkola, OEL and Kulikov completely changed the dynamic of our defense


Me too


As an outsider, this is exactly what I want to hear. Sharpen your blades and unleash all of your molten fury upon the remaining east coast teams! (especially the Rangers)


We look good. I think it’s not being discussed much how dominant Rangers have been since deadline and that will be the real test. TB and Boston were pretty soft intros after all and lack depth. The winner of the west will also come out ready for battle. Looking forward to the stretch but have lost a lot of respect for Boston fans in this one


We gotta beat Boston first


Lomberg punked rags in msg and Barkov dazzled on arguably the goal of the year. Shootouts mean nothing so that second one in March a wash. Rags had a cakewalk w a historically bad “playoff” team and have had two coin flips go their way against shaky goaltending in Carolina. They’re a great team but cats have no reason to fear. If Bob does his thing and we limit PPGs against (shortys too!) as we have w Boston and Tampa (great reg season PPs), it’s a very winnable series. Also, Swayman > Shesty so I expect more goals, just gotta limit theirs.


I think NYR will crack like Boston did. Shesterkin is the wildcard.


As a Canucks fan, it's so entertaining to watch the Panthers clobber Tampa and the Bruins! If the Canucks don't win it, I want the Panthers and Luongo to win it all! Go Cats Go!


Fuck Messier. I hope you guys show Edmonton the door.


It is. We could win the war. We could lose the war. But it is. This thread is fucking crazy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/z7kfzz/fire\_paul\_maurice\_appreciation\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/z7kfzz/fire_paul_maurice_appreciation_thread/)


Im hyped. Can’t wait for Game 5.


Every team in the league would love a player like bennett he gives the team just another dimension. And if maroon was smart he wouldn't challenge Benny on a fight who can also fight




Go away dude. You’ve got some drywall to punch


Patching it up as we speak, funny enough…lol Good luck ECF, this time Win it All!




Well nobody is smoking your pole and I'm sure only fans comes up in your browser(s) simply by typing "O"


I guess that’s an insult…


If only you had the brains to realize it.... Oh well


On a scale from 1-10, how mad are you about what’s happening to the Bruins?


I’ve only seen them win one Cup, so if I let dictate my life,I would jumped from the The Garden, lol, Good Luck in the next round


Hi pal....go tell your motha Pasta wants his balls back. Oh, and give Marchand a little kiss from us.


You have to kiss his ass first! You guys are Cheap! And can’t play hockey unless you’re dirty. Your coach encourages it too, saw this BS with Pens. Hes Goon Coach


Which team was trying to pick a fight with the goalie? Or that's right bruins which team asked to fight Chucky and then got beat up, ohh that's right the bruins. Which team is trying to hit people instead of play hockey ohh lol look at that it's the bruins. Relax it's not your year 😂 the new nickname for them is the Boston "tough guys" because they definitely are setting the tone 🤣😂


I think you, me, your fellow fans, and the rest of the hockey world knows damn well that Boston is an inferior team to Florida and are simply outmatched. Your team needs to muscle up, and you need to suck it up.


Typical Boohooin


Nope, I don’t mind losing, losing is fine, a cheap cross check into a goalie…called Interference at the youth and Pro level are the same. And in front the ref, I may add




**We are dirty...**🫥 And we can score. And our goalie is on fire.. How is the Red Sox doing? Time to catch up


We have been playing like shit and that’s why I’m blaming you, 😂, Good Luck in the next round, if you beat us Win the Cup this time


What cup? There is no cup ~~BOS~~ton > NY > Fucking Avalanche


Rofl bruins can barely even get shots on goal. 18.... 18 shots on goal in the last game. Go grab your favorite coloring book and have fun.


We have been trying beat FL at it Game and it shows, Good Luck in ECF! Win it All, I have family to visit for the Parade


You wanna talk dirty? Vegas was dirty as hell last year, Tampa was pretty dirty a few years before, I actually haven’t seen too much dirty play from Boston. But you know what I *have* seen? Zero class, all trash from Boston fans. I have respect for Boston as a legacy team, but their fans? Garbage


Sorry touched a nerve, my apologies, I’m frustrated with the Bruins, that’s not their hockey, anyways, Good Luck in ECF!


Could a kind mod please take out the trash...?


You know that no one in this sub plays for the team right? You are literally raging to group of people who will only laugh at you




Among Reddit hockey fans* lmao


Yup lmao


Username checks out


Funny how when the major markets play dirty and have rats on their team "that's just good old time hockey" but then Florida plays same way but better at it everyone cries WAAAAH THEY'RE DIRTY PLAYERS WAAAAH. I think you need to see the doctor get an Rx for some Copium.