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They just presented a graph that contradicted themselves? The guest said fortune 100 companies have historically favored the republicans (60-70%) including the the Bush candidacies and then shows a graph that shows less than 50% of fortune 100 ceos have supported the republicans’ candidate as far back as the chart goes (since 2004). Those points are directly contradictory.


I tried to speed through it to see graphs but didn't see it not watching the full thing lol. What to are saying isn't inherently contradictory though. Depends on how we are defining fortune 100 companies vs fortune 100 CEOs.


The graph is number of CEO’s, not percentages. If not all CEO’s donate to presidential elections, it’s not ‘directly contradictory.’


It’s CNBC, what do you expect. If they tell the lie often enough their low intelligence viewers will believe it to be the truth.


It's MSNBC, even worse


Joe Scarborough is a proven idiot, and a drunk


Joe Scarborough has been spot-on through it all: Russia collusion, Covid, Hunter's laptop. He's always first and loudest!


lol, you forgot the /s


Can’t tell if this is a joke or not. Please add the /s so I can stop thinking bad things about you.


You need social stability to make money.


lol that's being very very generous to the moral compas of American corporations.


Not really. American corporations want to make money. Tanking the economy loses them money. Trump came off like an unprepared fool when he talked to a room of businessmen with his "I chose 20% tax because it's a round number." American corporations want more planning than "I pulled it out of my ass."


Yeah, we'll see. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of confidence in the MSM's ability to get this right. I actually think Trump has a chance in November even though I'm not a fan of his. Also, his policies, such as less regulations, lower taxes and increased Green Cards for educated immigrants really resonate with business. We'll see...


Those aren't his policies. He is very anti immigration (he cut green cards last time), and he is proposing disastrous tariffs this time.  The problem is he will say whatever comes into his mind depending on the room he's in so his supporters can "choose their own adventure" on what excuse they give to support him.


Horseshit. My wife's parents with 2 degrees slogged away through the green card process for 10 godamn years before getting it last year. Donald's time in office didn't do jack shit for them. It's still insanely hard, particularly for brown people.


If they really clamp down on the illegals then boost the number of skilled legal green card holders this should help things. The businessmen I hear speak always say they want more skilled immigrants, not less. The problem is that the immigration issue has become so dysfunctional. There should be a grand bargain, where the Dems agree to eliminate illegals/deport or whatever, but in exchange they allow more high-quality legal immigration that can help business, something people like Trump and business-owners want.


With all due respect…. I don’t trust a single word that comes from MSNBC.


just believe the exact opposite of what they say then you have the truth?


Nope. Of course not. If it’s a topic I care about, I do my own research.


How do u do ur own research?


Start with typing the topic into google.


No, then you just have Fox News.


Lmao it’s MSNBC…does anyone still take them seriously?


Most programs no...but Morning Joe is good. Joe is a previous Republican congressman so he's not leftwing biased.




Please enlighten us, what are your sources? Fox?


MSNBC is further left than Fox is right, bud.


Fox had to pay $700 million for having repeatedly lied to his audience. Don’t think you want to die on that hill vato


MSNBC is trash. Doesn't mean there isn't trash with other takes but it doesn't matter Trash is trash Grow up


Source: trust me bro


Ya bc stating the fact that MSNBC is trash really requires a source Or you just live in the real world and realize Reddit is 90% trash too TrUsT mE BrO Fucking puta


Who hurt you? 🤣


Msnbc is just liberal vs of Fox tbh. They both belong in the trash


MSNBC is trash. Doesn't mean there isn't trash with other takes but it doesn't matter Trash is trash Grow up


Who watches these nimrods? Fake news.


The democratic equivalent of MAGAs.


Turns out dictators are only good for some business -- their own.




On the one hand Democrat voters vilify these ultra wealthy business owners for ‘not paying their fair share’ (including Biden himself); on the other hand, those same individuals will gladly watch (drooling even) as those ultra wealthy donate to Democrat campaigns and candidates 🤷


Sonnenfeld is hardly a bipartisan spectator. The Fortune 500 in general is sitting on massive amounts of capital which they are afraid to invest right now. They’ve held those record capital amounts since 2021 as well. So pointing that at Trump is a little daft imho…..


Wishful thinking.........


They still want his tax cuts. This is why greedy people should not be in charge of anything, they’d sell their family to be richer, Trump included obviously.


There’s a difference between conservatives and regressives


There’s ways to finance his campaign anonymously.


If he wins all these CEOs will do a 180 and grovel at his feet.


I think these CEO's don't want to be associated with Trump but will vote for him in a second because of tax cuts. Then they'll grovel at his feet.


Andrew Sorkin is a hypocrite. Can’t stand that guy and will not watch cnbc because of his biased views.


Scarborough is the living embodiment of the Dunning-Krueger effect. I suspect most CEOs despise Trump personally but will contribute to his campaign because it's better for the country and themselves personally.


A few hundreds CEOs vs millions of small business owners? It’s a bold strategy Cotton


Democrats love the rich…


MSNBC talking negatively about Trump? Shocking!


Morning Joe is going to get 4 more years of Trump bashing, and he can't do a damn thing about it.


I always go to MSNBC for honest/unbiased news (I don’t go to FOX News either)


Joe Scarborough looks like a cartoon character. Maybe the little boy than wanted to be a dentist in that XMAS show