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“And what if we called it… a ‘New Era of Orange’.” Cutter Gauthier


pat verbeek met cutter gauthier and is praying changing to orange will make him ask for another trade


Why the hell didn't they just go back to their original colors?


Because owners suck


The ducks owners are actually great. This is there only thing that’s annoying.


Branding is a huge part of a team’s identity. Saying it’s the “only thing that’s annoying” makes it sound like it’s not a big deal.


I read every comment from a Duck fan that defends their current colors in Jeff Spicoli’s voice. It’s the only way it makes sense.


Well, when they are so great in every other area. It’s ok that the colors are not exactly what we want. It’s not perfect but orange makes more sense.


Orange County


I think the league knows who the OG orange team is. Never changed colors or logo. Ducks will do something else in 10 years.


They’ll cave within the next 5 years and give ducks fans back the OG colors they all want. Baby steps I guess. They finally gave them the OG logo back.


Forsberg ogo shall not be talked about


i do think the purple/green is one of the best looks in hockey, but i actually really like them. yeah it might be the same shade of orange but it still has its own flavor imo.


Ducks fan coming in peace here.. totally agree with this comment. Trust me we allllll want the eggplant and jade back. But our owners have made it clear they want to stick with Orange. They are even referring to Honda Center as “Orange Country” now. Overall our roads do remind me a lot of the Flyers jerseys.. but there are a lot of differences too. Super stoked to be going back to our old logo too.


the orange pants go a long way for me, they scream "NOT PHILLY AT ALL" lol. but then again the black CCMs have always been my favorite look of ours lol.


Haha agreed! I’m not too keen on the orange pants right now but I’m sure once I see them on the ice they’ll grow on me a bit 🤣 Yeah the black pants def go well with the Flyers jerseys.


Love the old/new logo


Ducks fan myself. They arnt calling Honda center orange country. They are from Orange County and that’s what they are referring to. We all want the OG colors but it will never happen. That’s when Disney owned them and they have moved a different direction.


Gauthier to his agent “I wanted out of Philly because orange scares me and now THIS happens!”


I just don't understand why they don't go back to the OGs. They're arguably top 5 jerseys in sports imo.


Flyers vs Ducks is going to be the biggest freaking eye sore to watch EVER 😂


Isn’t our shade of Orange a little darker


It's the exact same Pantone now with this change.


Those bastards will pay for this


It's mostly the jersey makers wanting to save money. Let's be honest. Not that the fans will ever see it.


Fuck em.


Time for a new Era of Purple and Teal


Orange and gold is not a good color combination.


Willem Dafoe meme: Anaheim Ducks: I’m something of a FLYER myself!


this is good


It's going to be one hot confusing mess on the ice when they play us


Its going to look like an intersquad scrimmage


It's disappointing because their classic purple and teal colors are "chefs kiss" incredible. Additionally, so many NHL teams share color schemes, and the Ducks original scheme was original, iconic, beautiful, and would still be unique today. At least orange isn't a totally new color in their scheme and they are doubling down on orange for Orange County, so at least there is some reason behind it, even though it's weak. The Flyers' colors were unique in the NHL and not overly shared across the big North American sports leagues. So that is a shame, but who knows how long the orange ducks will last. Let's just be glad as a hockey community that the Ducks brought back/using some version of their classic logo as their main now. It was a travesty when they removed it and even more so compared to the boring, bland, and overall crummy duck foot.


Flyers make it look 100x better with more black. Especially with black shorts. Bringing the old ducks logo back is the way to go and their new jerseys do look good, but as a whole they've got nothing on the Flyers uniform.


Technically they stole the terrible 50th Anniversary color scheme uniform. They can have it. FWIW I like this look on the Ducks.


The gold trim... the mixing of the old and new logos... the lack of contrasting colors... truly awful


This is like a WISH version of the us lol. They should have went back to their eggplant and Jade. We know where "Orange Country" is. And it ain't the Honda center.


Agree. It was classic cool look and they won a cup with it. Actually change that. They moved to the black and gold a year of two before the Cup year in 2007.


Am I the only one that doesn’t care the Ducks are also using Orange?


I don’t care that they are using orange, but at first glance both of those jerseys are basically the same exact layout as the flyers jerseys. Edmonton at least has the dark blue shoulder.


Ducks FLYer Together! Get it?


Tbf, I saw that Edmonton, Philly, and Anaheim are now all using the same shade of orange. Which would mean Philly stole that specific shade from Edmonton first. Anaheim used to share the Islanders shade.


Don’t quote me but I heard that’s due to fanatics stream lining jersey colors to save money.


e no end to how cheap fanatics is as a company. I absolutely abhor that the major U.S. leagues have all sold the rights to their most marketable products to such a terrible, bottom line focused company.


If they wanted to save more money theirs like 600 Chinese companies on Ali express that could make better quality knock offs. 🙄


My first “protest jersey” from DHG just got here the other day. It’s a black Foerster and it is a beauty! I’m happy enough with the result that I’ll absolutely be ordering more of these in the future over Fanatics garbage. I heard they are doing away with stitching altogether for the highest level of fan variant NFL jerseys (at least for the team logos). Could you imagine them pulling that shit with hockey kits? NHL- you only have yourselves to blame. I’ve been an authentic Jersey snob my whole life and recently stepped into the kind of level of income where I could and would buy multiple authentic jerseys every season but I’m not sucker. $200 for fanatics level quality is never going to happen.


I haven't seen it explicitly confirmed, but that's my assumption as well. I don't love it (Ducks fan here), but if Fanatics is pushing colour matching there's not much any of us can do. At least orange makes sense for available and they aren't sharing just for the sake of change.


Yea I’ve heard it enough times now to say it checks out with all the new designs. Fanatics is a trash company and can’t get booted from the league fast enough. I’ve always thought the wild variations of NHL jerseys was one of its coolest branding schticks.


Can't get booted from pro sports fast enough, they're responsible for the baseball uniforms this year, which are actual trash to the point the players started wearing old uniforms instead. But the Baseball Unions has an ownership stake in Fanatics so they blamed the uniform issues on Nike instead of Fanatics.


Couldn't agree more.


The Flyers orange is darker than this and the Oilers.


It's been confirmed via multiple credible sources that it's the exact same shade.


Love to see where this is confirmed


https://www.reddit.com/r/AnaheimDucks/s/QQF5Wm9E7e Chris is pretty much the go-to authority on all things jerseys.


Aren’t the flyers going back to their OG orange? And the Flyers were established 5 years earlier?


We don't own the color. Everyone knows Philly is the only true Orange team (Edmonton/Blue, Ducks/eggplant jade). It's different enough and we still have ours, I'm not pressed about it.


Came with the Gauthier trade


I love that logo, but if they were going back to it they should’ve gone back to the purple and teal.


Pretty much


All I’m saying is I’m getting one they are my second favorite team


Ahhh reminds me of the leafs, lightning and Rangers argument. Lots of blue teams, black/yellow, red teams etc. I do have to say I prefer the eggplant/teal ducks colours though.


Whole franchise full of quacks


what is wrong with the color purple? purple and teal rocks! It is iconic too. This is a flyers misprint where they put the wrong logo on.


I mean these are sick haha


It’ll be awesome when they host the Flyers…and Philly has to go into someone else’s barn and see them wearing orange. That has to be weird.


"oRaNgE cOuNtY"


That does not make me want to quack.


There’s only one Orange and Black!


Flyers use Orange, ducks fly, ducks use orange. The logical progression, I assume.


I like them. The ducks are my 2nd favorite team in the NHL too. (EXCEPT GAUTHIER) And I'm a huge fan of the orange Duck logo.


They went to black/white-gold-orange in 2006 when the Samuelis bought the team from Disney. Orange was an accent on black or white though. They had orange alternates in 2015-2017. And we stole Princeton’s color scheme anyway.


Yea, its kind of weird. They use to have a pretty cool purplish color. Not sure why they went away from it other then they are based in Orange county.


Ownership wants to distance himself from the mighty ducks. Still dumb cause there’s no longer a purple team


It's worth noting that when the team was purchased by the Samuellis they polled locals and 2/3 stated that wanted a redesign away from the Disney aesthetic. According to the marketing director today at least.


Disney sold the team. New owners wanted to get away from the Disney cartoony look. They only brought back the duck mask logo because all their other logos suck.


And they look better than any flyers jersey with the exception of the black with orange stripes. IMO


The ducks are orange and only orange have been orange for 20 years. The oilers are sometimes orange sometimes blue. The flyers are orange AND black and have been since 1966


Tf you mean the ducks been only orange?? We’re mainly like weird combination black/brown and some orange previously and the mighty ducks were never orange


It's just more of a reason for me to consider them my Western team. Rock on!


These are so much better than ours though


Hottake: they do orange and black better than we do


ngl these kinda go hard