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Alidoro on Sullivan St when the wife worked there. I once witnessed her tell a customer, “don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.” after denying her a sandwich because she wanted to add mayo to it.


This is it. And if you go to the Sullivan Street location, they still have loads of signs up telling you precisely how to order. I used to live on this street and the wife of the owner was a trip. I don’t think she’s there much anymore but the signs remain.


Was she sincerely that strict or was it a marketing gimmick?


Yes she was. She refused to add any additional items on sandwiches that were not priced add ons. You could pay extra form smoked mozzarella instead of regular or add on hot peppers. You could not add onions/mayo/lettuce to sandwiches that did not have them on. She was very adamant about how she trained her staff to make the perfect sandwich and that the customer was not right. Oh and it was cash only at one point. Do not dare try and pay with card. Things are more lax since they expanded but I would not want to catch her on a bad day.


Went once and was disappointed by the sauceless menu and anxietally scared by the attitude. I’d say it’s sincere and based on principles of what a sandwhich should be. Reminds me of the time I told an Italian person what an Italian sub is and what I do it


Came here for this. I haven’t seen her in a while but still feel fear just before ordering. They make a damn good sandwich though.


Not quite the same thing, but Shopsin's was/is well-known for having stringent rules: >Some of the rules I remember, and saw enforced at one time or another, included 1) No parties of more than four, 2) No outside beverages, even if it’s just a few sips of OJ left in the bottle as you enter the premises, 3) No two diners at a table are allowed to order the same thing, and 4) Upon appearing at the front door, you’re not allowed to request to see a menu. I once saw a party of Food & Wine staffers tossed out because there were five of them and they tried to break into a party of two and a party of three. Kenny detected the violation, and they were soon out on the street. I think they've eased up a lot since the original proprietor died, but the "no parties larger than 4" rule definitely still remains.


I went to Shopsins once never having heard of it before. There were only a few seats so the line took awhile. The waiter (the owner’s son) was picking his teeth with a toothpick. The food was ok, but certainly not worth the ridiculous rules. I’m a lifelong New Yorker, and while I do believe restaurant owners have the right to make as many absurd over the top rules as they want, considering there are so many other options to eat at, why would anyone deliberately torture yourself needlessly? If I want to be ripped a new one I’ll just go to the comedy cellar, where at least I know I’ll get my money’s worth :)


While we're slinging anecdotes, I've eaten at Shopsin's several times, with and without Kenny in the room, without having any issues. And the food was great to me. IMO there's no air of terror or anything, the rules at Shopsin's aren't that much different from other restaurants (other than the party of five+ rule). There's just a no assholes policy, and Kenny was one of the few proprietors who enforced it. There are plenty of other restaurants to bring your large party to.


I don’t know, the not being allowed to see a menu and no two people are allowed to order the same thing rules are both completely ridiculous in my opinion.


Have you been?


No, so if the person above is wrong and those aren’t actual rules, then I retract my statement, but if they ARE true, I wouldn’t patronize the place again. I will say this. I don’t care HOW GOOD a place is if it has totally asinine rules that bring down the customer experience, I would feel that way anywhere but especially in this city. There’s no point, there are a million other places you can go. Anyone that downvotes me is just proving more about themselves than about me. Nothing I said is controversial in any way, so if it offends you, that’s….peculiar to say the least. No menu is worth patronizing a business that is hostile to its customers, period.


They are true but the menu is wildly large so if you saw it, you may understand


I’ll stand by my personal belief that nowhere and no menu can justify going somewhere that’s downright hostile to customers, no matter how good the food may be. I don’t care who downvotes me, if anything, it says more about them than it does me.


Spoken like a man who has never eaten at Shopsins


Yeah, I literally said that.


I’ve eaten at Shopsin’s and have no desire to ever return…


And no photographs!


I like killing flies.


Gaia! They’re not operating as a restaurant anymore but she was like this mean (and I say that with all due respect) Italian lady who would literally turn the lights off at closing time if people overstayed their welcome. My husband screwed up our reservation once and she made him stand there for a good 15 minutes while she looked for a third folding chair for him to be seating at our makeshift card table. But if you were respectful, then she liked you and she’d send you home with a bag of Italian pastries.


I asked her for salt at a private event and she said "no" lmao 🤣


Lmao you have more guts than I do, I wouldn’t dare ask her for salt


I miss gaia! Was always very nice to her and she gave me so many fun snacks ❤️ She just closed down her storefront in December, hope she comes back soon. That pesto lasagna is incredible 


My mom was always a kiss ass when we went there and always left with pastries. Gaia told her that, if she called ahead of time, she’d make us a traditional carbonara. Never got the chance to take her up on that offer!


I was going to comment this! She yelled my husband once but he didn’t read the sign about waiting outside. Incredible food so it is completely worth it. I hope it comes back!


I loved this palce. Good food. ​ Once my friend asked for black pepper for something and she said "No, it doesn't need it" Another time, partially because I was an idiot, asked for a cafe au lait and she said "I don't speak French so I don't know what that is". lol


Heaven forbid you don’t have a ticket leaving Katz’s.


I've seen the bodies of those that lost their ticket in the cellar.


To serve man


It’s a cookbook!!


Shopsins, more so back in the way.


A friend took me here without explaining the “rules”… I bitched about the line and then when finally seated I accidentally placed my bag in the waiters way… my friend said “oh shit i forgot to tell you this place is “one of those” places”…. However.l the waiter was nice as can be and it felt totally normal


There is a place near Chinatown I sometimes get dumplings from. There is this lady who clearly instructs you to use the VINEGAR for the soup dumplings and NOT soy sauce that is there for the other things. She then proceeds to watch you like a hawk while you eat. I never dared to see what happens if you do not comply.


She's not wrong but the subjectively best sauce for dumplings is vinegar mixed with soy sauce with some fresh ginger, raw garlic, and chili oil crisp.


You may be right, but now go tell her... :)


This place? [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNgN7I3fhLFfVzLWCjopt0pnrqJoXGCpQ809DZ4=s680-w680-h510](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNgN7I3fhLFfVzLWCjopt0pnrqJoXGCpQ809DZ4=s680-w680-h510)


nope? I will check with my wife who also goes there from time to time to see if I can identify it, I do not read Chinese, so I really do not know the name.


We really want to know! :)


Emilios Ballato woman threatened to kick us out because we sat down while a friend was a minute away. then when we were finished ordering told us we didn't get nearly enough food wouldve been upset if the food wasnt so great


There's a place in New Haven called Louis Lunch, who apparently invented the hamburger. They do not let you pick how well done it is, or provide ketchup. If you ask for it, or bring it in from the outside, they will literally throw you out and ban you from the restaurant. In NYC XFF doesn't treat you like this, but has signs all over the walls telling you that you are wrong if you order it in a different way.


> In NYC XFF doesn't treat you like this, but has signs all over the walls telling you that you are wrong if you order it in a different way. Or takeout. They let you do takeout but they specifically say that if it's not amazing then it's your fault for not eating it on the spot.


An advertisement for a hamburger was found that predates Louis. [Louis Lunch](https://www.nhregister.com/lifestyle/article/New-evidence-busts-New-Haven-s-claim-as-16129180.php) The burgers aren’t good, ketchup or no.


And their burgers aren’t even good!


The IRL soup nazi does exist at 55th and 8th (or thereabouts) and he has cheap but good lobster rolls and good soup. If the man himself is there, he does actually get a little miffed if you don't know what you want, even if there is no line. That said, I love the place.


is that him? i order there every week. he doesn’t do the whole seinfeld thing. usually chill. or one of his cooks is running the place instead.


He doesn't go all Seinfeld, but I've seen him skip people that are still deciding.


I don’t think the original Soup Nazi is very involved with that location anymore. I’ve always been served by kitchen staff. He does have a brand of frozen soups called Original Soup Man. The soups and ordering at that location are nothing special these days, though you are right about the lobster rolls- they’re great for the price.


Cones Ice Cream on Bleecker St was kinda like this. The owner was also from Argentina like the Soup Nazi. There were even a few reviews on google calling him the Ice Cream Nazi. He sounded kind of similar and if you tried too many samples he would basically be like “No more samples for you” in the same voice but totally unironically.


>The owner was also from Argentina like the Soup Nazi. The Soup Nazi was not from Argentina. Newman said he was moving there after Elaine ruined everything. This was a reference to how real life German Nazi's moved to Argentina to evade prosecution after WWII.


Ha. I sold that guy a used cell phone like 10-15 years ago. I got there and realized it wasn’t unlocked. I said I needed to call t-mobile and unlock it because I’d recently paid it off. He said “no big deal. Just come back tomorrow.” I did and he bought it.


He would also say “next” really loudly when he gave one person a sample as to imply that they had their turn of sampling and it was the next persons turn. Come to think of it, maybe he did see the show because there are too many references.


A very different level, and you don't really order (omakase), but when I ate at Sushi Noz Chef Noz reprimanded this one lady like three times. First she was late.. then she didn't eat the piece in one bite as instructed.. I can't remember what the third was.


Someone posted a tiktok from there how he gave the only woman in the party smaller portions and the other guest didn’t want a final piece but before they could offer the chef threw it away. Can’t imagine paying those prices for that kind of treatment


I mean, at the risk of sounding like Kramer from the episode in question.. the man is an artist and he's creating things that are meant to be experienced a certain way. I do think that if this couple hadn't shown up late and wasn't being a bit loud and disruptive he probably would have been a bit nicer. FWIW I experienced the real Soup Nazi and I did get scolded for not moving down the counter fast enough once. I loved every minute of it. xD


Okay fine but the smaller portion for a woman? And charging the same


You're supposed to eat sushi in one bite. If the woman had a smaller mouth, then the pieces would need to be smaller so she could eat it in one bite. For high-end sushi, that's a good thing. You want the chef to be paying attention to those kinds of details.


Lol what Give her two small pieces equal to the large piece then, or charge less for less food Don't shortchange the woman on overall food amount at the same price


Probably added ginger (gari)to the sushi


Katz's. Don't throw away that receipt!


I've thought that Mamoun's on Macdougal Street can get that way. It just gets so packed, but people are very quiet, mostly behaved and waiting patiently for the guys behind the counter to acknowledge you ... but don't bark out your order to them. Then you step to the side and wait your turn.


That place is a mess when there are more than 3 people




Did you reply to the wrong comment? Chinatown??


i did :(


I used to work nearby and got his soup all the time before he franchised. There was a generous portion of lobster in his bisque and the bread was very good. When he expanded it wasn’t the same. I missed that lobster bisque let me tell you. The line moved fast so what he did worked.


at Lemon Ice King of Corona you are not allowed to mix flavors


They used to have stricter rules — back in the day they wouldn’t give you a spoon!


I've been at Malachy's Bar and Fanelli Cafe in Manhattan, where the bartenders got super oppositional towards touristy/bridge and tunnel entitled types who couldn't dim their shine. It's hilarious because they're both bars full of regulars who will team up with the bartenders to strongly encourage interlopers to leave. I've seen it with men and women bartenders. The real places don't suffer fools.


I went to the new Russ and Daughters on a quiet afternoon while it was pretty much empty… I did not know how the order system worked and the cashier yelled at me to order at the cases THEN the cashier… I left lol


Russ and daughters bagels are an embarrassment to this city. Sure the fish is good but the exact same thing available in basically every other good bagel shop without those chewy lumps of cement.


Manganeros. I loved that place. Really great sandwiches. Nice, crusty, chewy bread. I used to work near there and after pay days if we had some extra money, we’d jump for a $13 sandwich. But you had to know what you wanted fast! Otherwise eye rolls and rudeness. There’s a pretty great story about that place … nephews or brothers or some kind of family split happened and someone opened another business under a similar name down the block. The other place might still exist, but I went once and the bread was just awful. The original closed and now is a restaurant.


Other spot with Hero Boy. I used to frequent them both in the 80’s.


Though not required, I still like to follow protocol at The Original Soup Kitchen. Order, pay, get change and shugfle left😆😆


Yes any fast casual salad, Mediterranean, poke etc place in midtown at noon on a weekday. If you stop to ask a question 500 people behind in line will groan.


I get that though, why the fuck you got so many questions, the menu can't be that bad. If you dont know what you want get the fuck out of line, i dont have time for your wishy washy food question bs. If you wanna ask questions the place better be close to empty, if its not, go to a sit down restaurant which has servers, thats what they're FOR. If you can't understand a fuckin poke or salad menu you just need to leave. I was literally at a place last week with a 20 person line and the guy at the front took 10 actual minutes to explain shit to this customer. I only get a 30 min lunch break, get the fuck out the way.


Yes maybe my response wasn’t well written, I agree with you. Figure out what you want in the line, no time for questions


In the past? I mean, it's modeled after an actual place where I actually did get yelled at for not moving left fast enough after ordering. Luckily, there was still soup for me.


Back in 2015 Melampo was the panini Nazi of Soho. And for good reason. His combos were sublime and changing them according to some customers whims was akin to telling a surgeon how to operate.


Not really rules per se. But The old lady who runs totonnos in Coney Island is approaching nazi levels of meanness. Also whits end in rockaway has a whole list of “rules” some of them are kinda comical but I’ve never had an issue w them being rude or anything there. But they do audibly curse aloud. I personally don’t care but some might


Does everyone ‘audibly curse aloud’ (weird way to phrase that)?


Ok yes that was redundant lol. The kitchen is open format and they curse Loud enough at times to hear


So? What is this, a Pennsylvania suburb?


They have curses written on the actual menu. It’s definitely not the norm even for here


The menu at whits end is so annoying.


I kinda like that it changes regularly though. Gives you a good variety. But yea there’s zero description.


Not soup nazi level, but I feel Burger Joint very much wants you to order in a specific way, and has a sign telling you so.


At hamburger America, if you don’t call the patty melt by its secret code name, the cashier will pretend it doesn’t exist.


Which is?


The Chester. If you call it a “patty melt” they are trained to play dumb.


At most places on Staten Island, if you say you don't like Trump they'll kick you out...of the entire borough


Imagine having that dope on your mind 24/7 that you felt the need to hi jack a food post. It’s either a mental illness or just juvenile behavior. It’s also embarrassing. Good God


It was a joke. Cry about it. Or we can talk more about which of our replies is really the embarrassing one.


Why pick Staten Island?


Because that’s where I’m from and it has a reputation and also…it was a joke. Just in case that wasn’t clear. A joke, mind you, modeled after one of Pete Davidsons. The idea that I’m looking to “hijack” anything is a but dramatic but it should make you happy to see it getting downvoted into oblivion because you seem so concerned about preserving the sanctity of a reddit food sub.


Really not funny but whatever.


To each his/her own I suppose. Sorry if I upset you in some way.


You think they just made that up?




This, ladies and gentlemen, is how one tries too hard.


Bad times


Soup Man in Midtown


Azuri in Hell’s Kitchen was like this. Best sandwiches in the city, but don’t ask to customize them. The owner would also often hang up when you called for takeout.