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I've been going to Jungsik since it opened. It is and always has been an incredible dining experience and, like other posters have said, it is the example of modern Korean dining. Highly recommended.




Jungsik, 1000%. Been to both and the cost of Jungsik is eye watering but seriously one of the best meals you can have in NYC. Atera was also great, and I think better value, but it wasn’t the same level IMO.


Jungsik has in many ways been *the* genesis point for haute Korean cuisine in the United States. A number of other celebrated restaurants have chefs who came up there. The innovative spirit showcased there is well worth the visit.


*The* genesis was most definitely Momofuku Ko. Yes, a handful of Korean chefs has come out of Jungsik and opened their own restaurants, but its about 10 years removed from the foundation of "haute" Korean cuisine.


Jungsik is excellent and consistent but has gotten more safe over the years. I'd argue it's more modern American than Korean at this point. I have not been to Atera since the last couple chef changes, but my understanding is that it still in that New Nordic type of cuisine, so YMMV.


This is what I felt when I dined at Jungsik. They played it way to safe. We were served an octopus course that was described as their "iconic" dish, but it was just some roasted octopus with some gochujang. I thought it was missing something, but that was really all it was. Now the octopus was superbly cooked, but was it a 2\* preparation? No.


If it’s Michelin 2* you’re asking, I’d put Saga over both rn.


another recommendation for Jungsik


It goes saga > le Bernadin > jungsik > atera


Atera, Jungsik was just good I thought. I’ve been back to Atera a few times and it’s always been amazing. Be aware in Atera your basically in the kitchen it’s one room.


Can’t go wrong with either but Jungsik would be my pick 


I've never been to Atera, but I'm probably one of the few people who did not enjoy Jungsik. Maybe we just went at a bad time, but their menu was excessively safe; quite dull for a 2\* experience. Yes, the food was good, but it was moreso a 1\* experience than a 2\*. We also got a new hire who kept dropping everything and forgetting what he was serving, so it was not the ideal dinner in any way. If you're not too familiar with Korean cuisine, you'll get a lot more out of their tasting. Otherwise, you might find the menu to be lacking in Korean influence.


jungsik is S TIER


It boils down to whether you plan to get a drink pairing. Atera with the temperance pairing is just as exciting as Jungsik, but without the pairing I found Jungsik more interesting and polished.