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I think her enabling family would fork up the money. There's no way they are ever going to cut ties or stop enabling her in my opinion


Her mother is the worst enabling doormat I have ever seen.


I think schmee only does it to keep chins away from her real family at the end of the day


What name does Schmee actually stand for?


Its a nic name she gave her mother. Its a short form from some book she had as a child. But also, as a control aspect, chantal renames all the people in her life with a nic name. Bibi, peetz, shmee, dom ..


Now that you point it out, it's creepy af.


Some narcissist use it as a control technique. If I rename you then I own you.


Everyone assumes it’s after Smee from Peter Pan 😂


This is what happened last visa hurple. Remember that whole thing about "I'm going to live in Canada for at least a year, definitely for the foreseeable future"? When her begging only netted her $37, her mom had to help her with the ticket back to Kuwait. Her mother is an *awful* person. What kind of mom would enable their own daughter being taken by a romance scammer? What kind of mother would look at her own child dying of fat and be like yes, good, back you go to the place where you have no family / friends / health insurance. Keep eating for cash. I continue to live in disbelief that Foods thinks it has anything worthy of admiration, let alone "jealousy".


We have no way of knowing but I don’t think her mother has the money for plane tickets for her daughter. I think Kim gave up a long time ago in trying to control the hog and just sits back and watches the crash.


Chantal is a middle-aged woman who does whatever TF she wants. Her mother had difficulty controlling her when she was a a child. She certainly can't control her now. Chantal will chase brown dick no matter what anyone says. If anyone is awful, it's Chantal, not her Mom.


I am convinced she just cries to mom and gets a flight home, but this one feels different as if she might have actually said no this time.


I couldn’t blame her if she did refuse to buy a ticket… last time FB went home she was supposed to stay past Mother’s Day but she ended up just suddenly bailing after collecting her gifts.


![gif](giphy|n4MI3Gc5mR0ChfIofe|downsized) Nothing cool and exciting like that ever happens to her 🙁 she seems to always pretty much get away with everything in the long run. So far at least it seems. Unlucky.


The devil looks after their own


Well said.


She has gotten away with nothing. Look at her. She is dying, not particularly slowly. She has no friends. No partner. No family. No education. No skills. She cannot tie her own shoes or go for a walk or call on a friend to get coffee. She has nothing and I love that for her.


Even Buster despises her big fat gunt.


The Canadian embassy paying for a plane ticket back to Canada is a myth. She would have to provide five names of people who could possibly lend her the money and the embassy will call them. And if they all say no, she’s still fucked because she’s a world famous YouTuber so she can make money while in Kuwait. She’s not getting anything from the embassy.


I’ve never heard of this in Canada.




Sadly no. They used to but got sued because it violated the charter of rights.


I have a feeling they're going to Malaysia for the Visa run.


she doesn’t have to go to Canada to renew her visa, just to any country that isn’t Kuwait


To renew her visa, all she technically has to do is leave Kuwait. She doesn't have to go to Canada and she def doesn't have to visit a Canadian embassy. With some countries, you cannot get a tourist visa without first proving you have the means and intention to leave. This is usually in the form of having booked a flight to leave the country. Obviously, plenty of people book that flight and then cancel or change it. So it's not that meaningful. But it does require you to pay in advance for a ticket. I don't *think* Kuwait has that rule, bc she never seems to have travel planned that far in advance. But if she does, i's possible that's why she's currently talking about about Malaysia - that's the *next* trip that she has to book now to get the tourist visa renewed.


I thought if you're on a tourist visa you have to show a return ticket to your home country before they allow entry to kuwait which means she should already have a ticket.


You can enter Kuwait with a one-way ticket. You only need an onward ticket if you have a *transit* visa, i.e., are passing through Kuwait enroute to another country. I'm not aware of any country that requires a round-trip ticket, although several require an *onward* ticket, meaning you have to prove you are leaving the country by a given date. You don't have to return to your home country -- you just have to leave their country.


*I know in the US if you can't afford a flight back home the embassy will pay for your ticket, but they will confiscate your passport when you return to the US until you pay back what you owe and are up to date on any other taxes and services.* This is a common misconception, but it's not that simple. The U.S. Embassy or consulate may assist you in returning to the U.S., but they only pay for your ticket in very limited situations, and only after you have exhausted all other possibilities. I won't clog up the thread by going into all the specifics. Just suffice it to say that you can't just roll up to the U.S. Embassy and expect them to pay for your ticket home due to your poor planning. Canada doesn't do this either, so Chantal better start doubling up on her mukbangs or Salah better start selling more MLM garbage and watered-down perfume or Chantal isn't going anywhere.