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I know she was still freaking obese & immature back then, but she looked presentable at least.


She wasn’t really startlingly unattractive in a general sense but the change in her personality has created a sneering snarl in her face and eyes. The fatter she gets over in the sandbox, the angrier she gets. It shows.


This really happens. Personal info here but my brother in law used to be pretty good looking, but over the years he has gotten bitter and angry and mean and all his good looks are gone, replaced by a sneering snarl not unlike Chinny's.


Her outsides are now matching her insides.


Yes, I've definitely found that narcissists all age really really badly, their evil ugly anger really does do a number on their faces. It makes sense, when someone is always angry their angry expression is eventually going to shape their faces. There truly is nothing uglier than a hateful person


Yup. She’s still the same old, delusional Fugly Bootie, but this is at least a human. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yanno?! She looked terrible, but was still shaped like a human being. Now she's shaped like a duffel bag full of potatoes with a human head on top. 😩


It’s what happens after years of abusing ur body by eating garbage.


*with a butternut squash on top.


One of the first videos I saw of Chantal was a live stream she was at some fast food establishment parking lot. I think someone had called the police on her for some reason (either going live or high while driving). But anyway, when she came back this freaking woman said about the cop “omg guys he so wanted me” with her whole chest. She was completely serious. It was the most delusional thing I had ever seen.


I fricking love your profile picture!


I do too. Chantal hates it, and when she TOTALLY never reads this subreddit I hope she sees it.


I covered the hair with my finger and you totally can't even tell that's a different person in that tiny pic. 😂


Yep. Can you imagine dumping Peetz, your cats, your home, and fly halfway around the world to end up with ANOTHER PEETZ. That’s gotta burn.


She did get approached by a cop while she was parked in front of fast food restaurant. Someone had called and said she was driving under the influence. They didn't do any field sobriety test, probably because she was parked. And OF COURSE, the cop was flirting with her. 🙄 I can't tell you how many times she was handed 3 sauces instead of 2, and Chantal would consider that a sign he wanted her.🤣 the delusional it real.


Yep and don't forget all the times she would go to Starbucks and they'd give her an extra dollop of whipped cream (because the guy looked at her and said to himself, Yeah, this lady would likely kill her first born son for an extra dollop of whipped cream, so what the hell) and she said to us: "The barista gave me extra whipped cream because he totally wanted me!"


Oh wow


He was just scared she'd eat him if he didn't give her extra.


when i see these old clips i get nostalgic lmao i feel like she had more genuine followers than hate followers here. what a time


I still don't know if she trolls or if she made herself think that is the truth!!! There's no way in hell that she genuinely thinks that.


She must think every take out place in Kuwait wants her when they give 10 pittas for her meal for 8.


We're talking about a woman who thinks that the guy that brings your baggage up to your room in cuba wanted her because he's paid to bring up stuff.... She's so ugly inside and out.


Damn cocaine really took a toll on her lmao


Imagine the utter filth under those claws.


I LOVE when this happens bc the normies haven’t seen such a spectacle. Their horror amuses me. https://i.redd.it/gn3ab57flbad1.gif


Probably wanted to deter any conversation from her narrow-palate, unbrushed, stinky mouth. Just gave them up to move her on.


He probably thought hey, this wildebeest looks like she can pound sauce like tequila shots so I'll just give her extra in case she tries coming back to the drive thru.


Crazy how everyone seems to have a crush on chins, and always compliments and hits on amber. I guess I need to gain 300 el bees and be basically immobile to be as beautiful 🤣


no more tooth gap now


This will always horrify me. I didn’t even know that was possible until her


I saw a comment on YouTube taking about how she had it filled in a couple of years ago. 😂 such bullshit.


The delusion is real


Ham nails era.


I miss the times she had pretty lipstick and good make-up on at least SOMETHING was good in her videos


She never had good makeup, it was always dated and unblended.


It wasn’t pretty; just “attempted beauty.” Lol. It was truly “lipstick on a pig” and I will die on that hill 😁😂


Uh oh. A good number of the posts there were calling her cute. If only they could see her now.


Dank Fupa did an awesome song about this.