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DD better be wearing the Jafar ring.


That would be perfect.


She was wearing that, wasn’t she? Did she take it off?


(As of a year ago) https://preview.redd.it/gob0144o0jad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0fdddcbdf8f933ab25bd5abca47455dcd7b976


This still makes me cackle like a hyena.




" Mr. Judge sir I couldn't possible have SA'd that elderly liar I am a happily married family man" This is all for show.


You know people well!


Agree. This serves a purpose, and I'm sure it has to do with Mae. Remember, he wined and dined Chantal in Toronto when it came out. But, I don't know how much it can help because DD wasn't even his 'girlfriend ' until months later. It's too bad that all the women he's abused don't start coming forward like they did on famous politicians. Music moguls, Bill Cosby, etc.. He makes my skin crawl like no other. He's a cruel, deviant, dangerous, rap*ist. I watched about 10 mins on his Daddy Naddy channel and was shocked at the changes in DD. At least the mom is out and safe. But it still pisses me off that her mother worked all her life and even had the condo paid off, and SHE'S the one that has to live elsewhere. The other thing that's hard to even think about for a second is his bathing her. When asked about it, he said, "Yeah, and she enjoyed it," and made hand gestures all over his body and laughed to suggest he washed ALL of her body. 🤬🤬🤬


you clocked it


Yes, I think you're right.


SPOUSES CANT BE FORCED TO TESTIFY AGAINST EACH OTHER EITHER! 🤯at least not in merica, IDK about canada. That little shit.


Ooooo, I got down voted, i must be onto something (hi chantal!)


I totally forgot 'ghoul' existed along with DeeDee and just today went down the rabbit hole ... again. Apparently DeeDee's mom was 'rescued' by DeeDee's brother because living with a crackhead is/was unbearable. JFC, poor old lady. I'm glad she's out. Imagine the abuse she must have endured. As for Double D, what the heck is her '**endgame**'? I cannot see it.


DD doesn’t have an end game. She’s an addict just like him, this is the life she chose


Exactly. It’s just like Chantal. She has a man and gets some amount of attention. Thats all she wants in life.


It's not even about actually having a man but getting to tell people they have a man. It's so pathetic.


And what “men” they are. Two losers that refuse to get jobs and just lay around to smoke and be degenerates.


Don't forget, he "bathed her regularly and she enjoyed it" according to that disgusting piece of shit


Fuck DD!! All of my empathy for her evaporated once she brought in her mother to be abused by the crack head.


The whole thing with her mother was so deeply troubling. You know they just wanted the check and to give that creep access to a vulnerable person. I’m glad she’s out of there and I wish they would get elder abuse charges but that’s a pipe dream I’m sure. D2 is as big a loser as Modest Miriam. She chose that abuser knowing what he was, just like Chantal did. Desperate pick-mes who will cling desperately to anything with a penis and a pulse. The pulse is probably optional.


I'm glad the mother is out. It all comes across as absolute madness.


The DoubleD would have that shit framed (license and pics) on the wall surrounding by Christmas lights if it was true. But then again it's probably easier to see the Cokey in jail if she has that certificate. Who knows. They deserve each other. Glad her mum was rescued. Hope the brother gets a POA and sells that condo. No more free ride.


I need sleep i read "christmas" as "chin-mus" probably too much reddit for today.


I’m surprised this lady is still alive! I’ve moved on to Jenna Jameson train wreck on Reddit and TikTok. It’s complete madness!


The former porn star? Can you suggest a sub please?


Brace yourself! It’s a wild ride! @wtfjemnajameson 😝


Thanks! I met her once. I wish I still had the picture with her lol


She does meet and greets now to try and earn cash but essentially she is now 50, homeless, has no c card or bank account, has been couch surfing after she split with her wife Jessi (another narc) and is in a serious battle w addictions…. It’s a shit show! Think chins in her Nader era x 1000


I met her circa 2007. She was so tiny that I looked enormous next to her and I was a normal size. Anyway, this sounds like a great substitute for crackhead Olympics. Thank you!


I'm on that sub, too and it's quite shocking to see how far she's fallen. JJ is aging horribly and has zero to show for the money she made from Club Jenna. Her drug/alcohol abuse and her abandonment of her children is incredibly sad. If you're younger, it will be hard to explain how famous she was in the 90s. Yeah, she did porn, but most people at the time knew who she was and it seemed like she was well-positioned (no pun intended!) to financially support herself after leaving the industry. Instead, her face is busted, she can't afford a pot to piss in and she's sleeping on clout-chasers couches.


Ya it’s absolutely shocking! I hope this doesn’t have the sad ending that seems inevitable at this point. I really hope she can recover somehow?


Is she still married to Tito Ortez? The UFC guy?


No!! She left her twins with him. Married a guy Lior and lived in Hawaii and got a divorce from him-left her daughter with him. And then married Jessie lawless, they are separated and going thru a nasty split…


Damn, that's a lot


Now I really hope this visa breeze is a canada one because you know Chantal will be motoring right over there the minute she finds out. She won't be able to stop herself. 




She'll bring them coffee.


I believe they've been married for a long time. A year or so ago (time is a strange concept in chantalworld) he had a thumbnail about having a busy day and paperwork in montreal. Or something like that. I think at some point, it became beneficial for them to be married (for what, I can't even guess), so they went to a courthouse and did it.


He's been wearing that ring on and off for awhile now - I think like right before her mom moved into the place he was wearing it? It felt very... common-law marriage/gross squatter power move. I ain't watchin that gorlicbread guy.


That's around the time I suspected they got married. A month or so before that, he had a video with wording on the thumbnail like "big day for us in montreal! We have our paperwork!" or something like that. With a big cheesy grin. I didn't watch the video so I can't tell you what it was about. Then, later the same day, there was a thumbnail of them eating outside and the title was like "today's been a great day <3" not the exact words, because I don't remember them exactly. But the overall vibe was "yeah, they got hitched". At the time, I assumed they did it for some strategic, legal reason.


DD going to get that channel banned. ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


Not watching gorlicbread lol.


In America, I “think” a woman cannot be forced to testify against her husband. Is it the same in Canada? Maybe they tied the knot to avoid testifying. Just a thought.


There are lots of exceptions to spousal immunity like if the crime occurred before marriage Canada has something similar https://bsbcriminallaw.com/can-my-wife-or-husband-testify-against-me-at-trial/#:~:text=This%20marital%20privilege%20is%20protected,answer%20the%20questions%20or%20not.