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Salah asks “who gives a shit?” (in regards to visa). YOU give a shit, you turd lusting leech. Shit be you.


Turd. Lusting. Leech. 😂😂😂 hahahaha. I swear this thread has some of the funniest insults I see.


My contempt compels me.


The power of Christ compels you…




Jeez, like I need that nightmare of a movie connected with these two lol.


No no, you have it wrong. Salah was searching for death fats across the world and offering marriage after two weeks because they’re soul mates!!! Totally NOT because he’s a romance scammer, stop being so jealous.


But he’s such an Adonis. Who could blame me?!?


Ugh. She's sooooo boring. Another hidden visa run where Bitch Tits drives her over the border for a few days. Now she's "sick." It's astounding how stupid she thinks we all are. Her family must have bought every single one of her lies for her to be this confident in lying. And she's terrible at it 🤥 🙄 😒


Yup, rinse and repeat. Yawn 🥱 The same moves every 90 days and still vehemently denying that she’s on a tourist visa— as if we’re all as stupid as she is.


That’s my favorite part. Her travel/sick disappearing moments always seem to conveniently line up to when she’d need to renew a visa. Yet she still denies needing to do that. It’s so stupid.


Right? Like once or twice can easily be coincidence but it's been how many times now? She knows we all know it too but it's like she's got her fingers in her ears going "la la la I can't hear you!"


For someone who’s constantly lying she‘s really bad at it. I can honestly say I never saw a worse liar


I haven't seen this but definitely a visa run cause they aren't legally married but I really do hope she got sick too. Its possible with the shit she eats when they go somewhere.


The travel itself too, even if it is just by car, with how badly her health has deteriorated. It's like those episodes of my 600lb life, where they only last a few hours before needing a break and turn up at Dr Now's in a horrendous state.


Even if she were married, she still wouldn’t be able to have a residency. They only opened the family visa up again, but so far only for the families of certain specialised workers, like people working in health care


Her own overconfidence in her poor coverups is one of my least favorite personality traits.


That fake ass cough pisses me off lol




She’s magically sick once a month. I wish she would stop talking about ketoacidosis. She is obsessed with self diagnosing herself.


I don’t think he’s able to drive across borders. Traveling by car from Kuwait to neighboring countries can be complicated for a Syrian national due to various border restrictions and visa requirements.


So she picked something up on her border hop? I mean, where else would she catch anything, she never leaves the fartbox and very minimally interacts with one person who does.


She isn't sick period lol


her organs are rotting inside her and her blood is full of sugar so, business as usual for our short-of-breath spherical queen


God, this is awful. The only thing lit in season 3 is her burning piss (which she is apparently experiencing again).


Oh god. Not the hickory barbecue sauce again.


How do people get their pee that way? I had a liver transplant at age 11, I’m 34 now and it has affected my kidneys (they aren’t as good as most people) but I’ve never ever had anything like that. 😂 but I’m also a normal weight, and I take vitamins and see a doctor regularly. That might have something to do with it. 😂😂😂😂


I just had sweet baby ray’s lol




our marinated queen


Damn, she's got a urinary track infection again? Didn't Life by Jen have those a lot right at the end?


I think so? Her kidneys are effed either way...


It’s the uncontrolled blood sugar doing that.


Super high blood sugar will cause UTI in diabetics. Good luck with that Chins.


It most certainly can.


I'm convinced Chins is on a visa run and she showed up to divert attention away from FFG's live where she was doing a retro react to her going off on Alaa and his wife.


yeah, the timing was pretty spot on to interrupt that


Ohhhh good theory!


Can you or someone please break that down for me? Who dissed who first? What actually happened?


The short version: it was pointed out to chantal, a gross and massive hog who was unable to fit in Salah's shower, that she was, indeed, a gross and massive hog who was unable to shower. For weeks. Alaa's wife offered chantal assistance in ~~wallowing~~ bathing, given her prohibitively giant and gross mass. Instead of thanking alaa's wife, and taking her up on such a kind and heroic offer, Chantal chose rage and slander.


So THAT'S why she went ape💩 on the wife! She was embarrassed! 🤭


Shit, so that's what happen??? Lol how embarrassing


Yeah. After that, Alaa went live and said salah and chantal left the campsite early in the morning w/o telling anyone and took all the water (and napkins?) - the one thing they provided - with them. He ranted about that and how chantal was lazy treating his wife, and murad's, like servants when all they did was be hospitable and also help her clean herself. Blah, blah blah. Chantal retorted that they didn't take the water with them, back and forth.




I don’t think he meant cleaned her as in bathing her, he meant that the wife offered use of their shower yes, but also said his wife had to clean the floor around where she ate because she dropped so much rice and food and couldn’t, wouldn’t, or didn’t clean it up herself. I think that’s where the bathing confusion comes from.


That tracks. We have all seen how much rice she drops all over when she eats it with her trotters.


I never heard the showering part. Damn. That's low.


I saw a video with Alaa and Murad and people were asking questions in the chat. Alaa said that part about his wife offering to help clean Chantal is untrue. But all the other details are correct. About them feeling like servants, how Chantal and Salah never brought anything for several days camping except napkins, and Chantal ate all the food. It is true that Alaa’s wife did hear that Chantal couldn’t use Salahs shower and simply invited her to use theirs (in their home).


So she talked shit about the wife and ala FIRST? Is that right? Publically on YouTube? Or did they say something first? Who revealed about the showering?


It's more in depth, that was just the short version. Starts out that chantal records a video while they are "camping", In her recorded scenes, she pans the cam to the parking lot and shows cars, and later films herself after she had to take a break and retire to the tent, *but up till then, she totally had been pitching in equally with the other wives, doing the cleaning and stuff.* She needed to stop because she felt a migraine. Then the video gets reuploaded, she says she had to do it for privacy and made some snarky, passive aggressive comments about Salah's friends. She filmed someone's license plate, they complained, and she had to edit that out. I guess she edited out that part, but the interesting thing is that she edited out the italicized part about helping out with the cleaning and goes straight to taking a break \[cut\] migraine. So obviously alaa was mad, and also mad on behalf of the wives because she didn't help out at all. So that's the behind the scenes fire. It goes on, alaa or someone pretending to be alaa was in a reactor's chat. Then Alaa uploaded a video saying that he will go live and expose everything if he gets a certain number of subscribers. IIRC, the person in the reactor's chat was outed as a fake. But who knows. So then it starts going back and forth, with chantal's nasty community posts uploaded and deleted, over and over, back and forth with micro aggressions . Alaa said that chantal acted like the wives were her maids and they were sympathetic to her and even offered to help her clean hersel. Then chantal either goes live or uploads a video, can't remember, but the thumbnail was a pic of alaa's wife, calling her a whore "Sharmuta Shabib" Eventually Alaa uploads a variety of videos "exposing" salah and chantal.


Ok so she deleted a part of the video with the cleaning comments because Alaa’s in laws called and were freaking out saying “why is this person saying your wife is a slave, etc” and his wife and the other wife were upset and embarrassed. So Alaa asked her to remove the video. She refused. So as a compromise, he tells her if she just removed the part about insinuating they are your paid help, so that’s why she reuploaded it that way.


No, no. She pretended she was just another one of the gals doing the wifely duties at a group socializing. She sort of sneered in the video like... of course the men get to do what the men want, the women have to cook, serve, clean eye roll, but I was totally helping out. No she wasn't, she sat on her fat, lazy ass, because we know even then, she couldn't stand to wash dishes without a counter to rest her flop on or else it hurts her back and she can't get close enough. She can't stand long enough to cook, she doesn't have the endurance to cook or clean up. Also, she's scheming and defiant, so she'd never do any of that anyway. The wives were obviously pissed as hell when she told her viewers that she was co-equal to the wives hard at work, helping out so much when she dipped out with a migraine for all the womens chores. She did no help, she didn't call them slaves or imply it, she said she and the women folk pitched in together and all did the women work - which was a lie, she sat on her migraine (because certainly her head is up her ass) So alaa, via salah, forced her to edit out the helpfulness, so much work with the gals brag. Chantal didn't say they were slaves, she made herself sound as hard working as them when she didn't lift a finger. They said she treated them like her personal maids making them attend to her, not that they all "tackled the cleaning as a unit" So they were pissed and wanted her to take that lie out. Like if she's going to sit like a lump, she doesn't get too lie about it. So being caught on that lie and having salah make her edit that lie out lit her fuse.


After the camping trip, Alaa sent Pooplah an angry (private) text re: Chantal not helping the other women and the two of them sneaking off with all the water. No one would have known anything about this if Chantal hadn't started running her mouth about it. For some reason, most of her rage was focused on Alaa's wife. She said things about her that could have serious consequences where they live. I'm still pissed that Alaa let that slide. 😒


Didn't Chantal also state that Alaa and his wife had several black men living in their home and they would run trains on the wife frequently? Like it was a full on porno set? That alone would have been enough for me to push to get the hog deported, women have been murdered for lesser accusations of just *flirting* with another man.


I doubt he let it slide. Alaa is as big a skeeze as salah. They probably indulge in lots of stuff that's illegal there. I wouldn't be surprised if alaa dealt and/or home-brewed some stuff. He's not going to expose himself to whatever Salah can report him for just to own salah's landwhale.


Visa run and lying about it. Yawn 🥱 like she’ll have a health scare in 3 months.. BORING


Lol 45 min into her live she has a whopping 336 people watching. Meanwhile FFG has 3.6k


Her supporters are turning on her. Soon she will be in the double digits.


She talks to people like such an asshole. I saw a video of her that FFG was streaming the other day and she was explaining Canada to us simple American folk in the most ignorant way. She was saying that America’s believe that we think Canadians live in igloos. (She pronounced it e-glue) idiot. 😂


She insulted Americans again on her livestream.


It's hilarious how her fake fwanch accent comes and goes. "I'd like a quah-son with fwa-madge delivered to my e-glue in Muncleeaaaaahllll, where I'll be listening to some DAY-peasch mode"


Oh yeah and apparently Americans think Canadians have beavers have pets


I can bet money she thinks a bunch of stereotypes about Americans. She’s so stupid.


She is so fucking boring. And now she's got Shit Tits in the background running his rapey, poo-filled mouth. Can someone just let me know when she goes into a coma or something...its too boring to even watch on reaction channels.


> *"...and I will never, ever, ever, ever mistreat my body again"* --Chins, ***May 25, 2024*.** Jeebus, this woman is always sick since going to Kuwait. What a good idea that was. It sounds like the same sickness as last time. Her blood sugar is climbing, when it was already sky-high. It's not from not moving, it's from being sick, and chiefly because she's still overeating and not taking her meds correctly. Her pee is "weird", so there's likely some kidney involvement too. And the bad cough is the same. She says she her eating has been terrible. Oh, really? We didn't notice. So look for the "prayink and prayink and prayink" to Alah (again) to make her feel better. And claims of how she magically lost 30 pounds. Again. And then the mukbangs starting back up. Again.


Don't forget the re-reset of her palate. She craves only healthy, fresh veggies and potato chips are gross🙄


So salty and taste like oil 😑😑😑


She‘s lying, she wasn’t sick..:just border hoping.


Holy shit - her blood sugar is 15 (aka 270 mg/dl)... *after* taking THREE Janumet. She's royally fucked herself. ETA - I guess she's ~~never~~ talking about medical stuff again, eh?


Yeah but it could be 12 tomorrow and 12 is better than 15 so she’s already cured.




Did she test it live again? Also you can’t just chug diabetic medications like smarties they have serious side effects.


I don't know - I'm not watching, but catching stuff posted on KF and Xitter.


Welcome back oinky.




She wishes!




https://i.redd.it/80xv1zvzboad1.gif Oh no no....You forgot the balls of fewpahhh!


Lol oh dear 🤣🤣




Here we go, she talking about "I don't know what I was thinking... I knew those foods were bad for me" insert kid whine here ( )🙄


it's the perfect idea : she can stay off camera (and not show whatever airport lounge she's hiding in), and rage-bait her health for engagement (good luck with that).


Lol ikr


Omg. This is becoming more and more mind numbingly stupid by the day. I think it’s time to just forget about her again


Like how many times does she have to do the same thing to figure it out? She is so delusional. She needs psychiatric help, not even joking.


So what's the excuse this time?


She's sick.....blah blah high cholesterol or some shit




Lmaooo I would be more surprised if she *didn't* have high cholesterol.


She definitely does. She was prescribed in January 2021 (and even picked up from the pharmacy) a statin drug that she never took. She literally threw it in a kitchen drawer, rediscovered it a few months later and threw it back in drawer.




Sick, apparently. I think it's a visa run.


Visa run for sure. Sick is a given. That broad is a bag of chips away from being fish food.




We all know she does Visa runs (it’s so ridiculous that she’s thinks it’s some big secret- like, we ALL know) but every time she misses a couple days, people call Visa run. And they only need a run every 90 days. Her absences are more frequent than that. I thought GB said she usually takes off a few days at the start of the month after doing mad uploading the last week of the month to get that coin before the cutoff date. I would like to know, do we have any confirmed Visa run dates? I suppose thé most likely was the BKK one? I don’t know when that was, but I thought Visa runs were typically scheduled for right after her pay day (around the 24th of the month)… so around the 24th of every third month.


I was under the impression that her Visa run should be around July 24 or the 27th, but who knows?


I think this is what it was too


I do think she's probably sick but bc she traveled for her visa run. She's to big abd lazy not to feel bad for traveling in the heat. I think she said she has a uti again she's disgusting 🫣


It’s got to be her kidneys literally trying to leave her body. Girl is playing with fire.


Well also hee doubling her medicine is going to be rough on her kidneys too.


Salad is shouting like a 13 year old high on Mountain Dew, screaming into his mic during a Call of Duty game. No wonder he couldn't find a wife in Kuwait.


Since she went to Kuwait, it’s all lies. All of it. It’s not interesting anymore. Not even for hate watching. She not sick. I don’t know what she’s doing, and I don’t care. Might check back in six months to see if she’s still alive.


Honestly just the fact that she thinks she looks like this little cartoon is hilarious. 😂


Guise, her thoughts and prayers going out to those affected by the stupid hurricane with the stupid name.


how is Beryl a more stupid name than Chantal?


...and it infuriates me more cos I'm a Beryl! 😒😒😒😒😒 Never in my life have I met someone who said I got a stupid name and always think it's beautiful. Oh well 😂 At least I'm better than Chantal


Please tell me she didn’t say that.


Yep. I mean, we were all waiting for her to weigh in.


Also, does she have no clue/no time to learn about hurricane names with that ultra busy life of hers? Growing up in hurricane country, we literally got lists of the storm names printed out in various places at the beginning of each season. The point is to have unique names ready before the season begins, not a list of hurricanes named after Chantals ex lovers.


She’s dumb, plain and simple


Exactly. She’s so dumb. I hope the next hurricane is named Chantal. 😂


If she was in the fart box why not be on camera


https://preview.redd.it/uanevqq3ilad1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee47b0a52fed35a9cce5a47681e541c0068ca30f Because she's too 'sick' to don her garb, and she looks like this ⬆


No that pic kills me every time 😂😂


She told us. You want to look “fuckable.” Nailing it, as always




Annnnd here comes the incoming health arc “oh allah, I promise never to eat such terrible food again”


I love the way she builds up the incoming health arc. She expresses her regret for abusing her body, then goes into detail about what she’s going to do to reverse all the damage she’s done to herself. She speaks like she is an authority on healthy eating and gives everyone advice, because Chantal is now turning over a new leaf. The next video may have one meal that is somewhat better than the usual garbage she inhales and she sighs with dissatisfaction as she finishes the meagre portions she’s consumed. Within one day, it’s over, just like that, she’s sitting in front of a spread of unhealthy fast food. It would be funny if it wasn’t so predictably pathetic.


But, it's so fresh and *creamy!*




Same crap over and over. Now the stuff she is eating is "very bad, very bad". But last week it was none of anybodys business if she wanted to eat like a glutton beast.


Anyone notice around 48:30 min mark how she says she missed the cat & rat? Then she corrects it and says because she has been in the bedroom


I think she's gone visa hopping bc you could hear salad ij her background and on those stream where she has the avatar she's usually alone and he's in chat not in the room. She said she was in bed honestly I think he likes to pretend they don't sleep around each other


Someone should Deathfat that nobody cares where the fuck she has been


I do think she is sick. Shes been eating disgusting amounts with double the metformin on already failing health. Not looking good at all tbh


That cough she has does sound like she has something internal going on. I do think she purposely coughs to use it to her advantage..but also does not have healthy sounding lungs. I think it's been that way for a while now though.. same with ongoing kidney issues. She just hams it up when it's convenient to use.


[I'm pretty, okay?](https://imgur.com/a/c37YCdv) - ^(pic ^lifted ^from ^xitter)


I honestly didn’t know which pic to expect there…there are so many options


Boring as hell gorl if you were honest maybe it would be slightly more entertaining


It was actually nice and quiet without her.


When she goes away I always feel like the world is a more serene place!


I hate that she’s back. I really had hoped that she was just not gonna come back. Maybe she just was gonna stop give up her channel. Throw in the towel and just be salads wife. I sort of watched some of her live through FFG. It’s like the same thing the same thing from a month ago And the month before this happens like every month now I know the cycle but it’s like why is everyone buying into it including her stupid subs it’s not content she’s not so important that she can do no content always be sick stuff her face rinse and repeat! she’s only where she’s at because she’s obese and about nine years ago. People were interested in watching the train wreck that she is but she’s not a train wreck now now she’s just, obese and boring and mean and spiteful and hateful and she lies. She’s a manipulative and 1 million other negative words person! I’d really hoped that the reactors were all going to move onto other people and turn their back to her because that’s what she deserves she deserves to be ignored by the reactors and by the commenters, and just survive with her little 300 crew of codependent obviously desperate for someone to like people in her chats.


Even her visa runs are boring now 😂


I am so embarrassed that I know this shit but this was NOT a visa run! She is not due till 3 week of July and it makes no sense to do it earlier than she needs to. She is cycling. Please familiarise yourself with the cycle. There is a flowchart of it here if you search for it. She is in the ‘awakening’ part of her cycle with health crisis etc. this was not a visa run.


Aw I enjoy the smug, unbridled gluttony phase the most out of all her phases. Til next time!


Meh, she could very well do it early because she thinks it will confuse us and throw us off the „visa run schedule“. She’s smaht like that


That's not how visas work. She can't leave before her 90 days runs out and ask for an early reset. She has to leave when it's finished and only come back then.


That seems to depend on how the specific country manages that. I did re-apply for my tourist visa early when I moved to Mexico (before I was issued my residency). Fun story: I also never had to leave the country to reset my tourist visa. My now ex husband was a very charismatic talker and convinced the person issuing the visa to just renew it. In some countries there is a lot of grey area and wiggle room. So it is very much possible either way some countries. Granted, that was 20 years ago and things might have likely changed since then. Now that most visas are probably electronical and not just a stamp in your passport….or a piece of paper they hand you and you better not lose it 😂…you‘re probably right.


I see now so if she did border hop she still needs to stay gone the extra two weeks for her visa regardless to get it renewed.


The recorded meows.... that was so obvious. Second hand embarrassment


My favorite song by Elton John The bitch is back!!!!


Just cause she (apparently) isn't yet due for a visa run doesn't mean she can't do it anyways, right? I mean she would want to, realistically, draw them out as long as possible, but then again she's more interested in being smug, and when people call her out on a visa run, she now can tell them off saying "It wasn't even time yet, so you're wrong either way!"


She’s definitely on a visa run. I imagine you try to be creative about the dates and not go for 90 days on the nose each time.


The sound in the background sounds like they are in a hotel or motel room with A/C running


I am so tired of this vile creature. 1. She’s not sick, she can only keep up the charade for 30 seconds before she stops “coughing”. 2. That cat sound was from a recording. She really thought she was being slick. Even her beezers called her out on that. 3. I assume she’s in a hotel somewhere. She mentioned 7-11, she’s probably eaten a dozen cheesy toasts by now.


The cat was definitely a recording.


And she STILL hasn't figured out that her moronic ideas to outsmart people never work. You'd think that after so many times, she say to herself "I don't know, this stuff never works and seems to turn around and bite me every time." But no, not Chinny. 🤣


You mean it's a LIE-ve 🙌😅 I'll let myself out. Apologies


Predictions: First we get 1-2 "commitment to hulthy living" videos where she talks about how she's not playing games with her health anymore and this time she's serious YOU GUYZ. We get a few home-cooked mukbangs that are just like a bunch of potatoes and a salad or some kind of weird diet meal. We then get a week of takeout mukbangs from some Kuwaiti place, hubcap of rice style. People tell her not to eat that shit, and she says her doctor says she can. In response to being criticized, we get 1-3 weeks of western takeout fast food mukbangs, blend of fast food and takeout from sitdown places like Cheesecake Factory. This leans towards "ASMR"/Feeder content by the final week. She goes missing towards the end of the month, we get another health crisis. Rinse and repeat.


I give her till 2026, she's gonna die real soon. So sad.


They definitely border hopped for a few days and as soon as they came back, she came online. Pathetic.


It's sad, pathetic and predictable how giddy and un-sick she suddenly becomes during this stream when talk of ordering a "salad" begins. Of course, the salad *must* be ordered because "I was craving it". She wants something "super healthy", and talks of it containing: strawberries, oranges, apple, pumpkin, nuts, croutons, black olives, feta cheese and all sorts of shit she should NOT be eating with uncontrolled high blood sugar. Maybe she'll go to a doctor tomorrow. Eventually, she'll recover and spend one to two days "eating healthy" before going right back to the shitty mukbangs, being defiant to anyone who objects. Soon she'll get sick again and the cycle repeats again.


Here’s some history for those that don’t know. https://www.youtube.com/live/slIphJYSqxc?si=Rs9CGeYECYWLXU8I


COVID from a border hurple is my guess. Despite having allllllll the risk factors she doesn’t wear a masks and hasn’t been vaxxed since the 2 in 2020