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A fish doesn’t know it’s swimming in water


Yeah it is pretty much scientifically proven. Lookism, Halo Effect and Horn Effect. The world is unfair.


> For example, if I'm not in a good mood and don't exactly feel like socializing, I get called a dick, rude, etc. Me everyday.


Society somehow expects unattractive people to compensate by being very kind, generously, or overly positive.


Looks matter and anyone who says otherwise is just trying to cope that a large part of your attractiveness is out of your control. Yeah you can "looksmax" as much as you can but sometimes genetics beats whatever is humanly capable right now. Or maybe it's an attempt to virtue signal that they are deep and "see the beauty of people's souls". It's not so much that looks mattering is the problem, it's the fact that people lie to your face about the reality that it does.


As someone disfigured (genetic facial deformity) I feel like I could write a novel on this. **tl;dr** is that you're treated differently in nearly every aspect of society based on your looks. I've gone out to eat/shop/get my nails done/etc. with very attractive co-workers. They way they are treated by complete strangers is a total 180 from my experience. Doors held for them with smiles, attentive waiters laughing with them and calling them 'dear' or 'miss', sales associates rushing to help, nail techs complimenting their beauty endlessly, random men smiling/waving at them as they walk by, men approaching them to offer their numbers... They also sometimes get flowers/cards/gifts at work from patients. Even those they barely interacted with. Totally different reality. It's wild.


>As someone disfigured (genetic facial deformity) I feel like I could write a novel on this. Same and same.


Good looking people have no clue how much they depend on their looks. There is research to back this up, for example taller men are better paid, despite there being no link between competence and height. The difference is, as an ugly person, everybody wants you to f\*ck off. You have to work hard for people to be civil you, they are basically looking for any justification for their shallowness to get rid of you.




Exactly. As an ugly person, people call me retarted and all that stuff all the time. Those same people spew the bullshit phrase 'looks don't matter'


It's even worse when the person saying this trash is a good-looking person. When they say, "looks don't matter" it actually translates to "look don't matter **for me**." because that's the perspective they have. You don't hear people that were called ugly for most of their life say that same crap, because they know it's not true.


I don't even want to be treated like them anymore. I just don't want to exist.


It’s biology. We just need to accept it.


Another post like this⁉️ 😒


Looks matter a lot even if not in romantic relationships. People want to be around you more, give you more opportunities, like you more, etc.


it really just depends. i think looks matter for many people but they also don’t matter for other people 🤷🏻‍♀️ but i do agree with you, a lot of “bad” stuff slides when an attractive person does it but when an ugly person does it, it’s gross or creepy


Looks matter for everyone it’s a biological thing, if they’re not physically attracted to you it’s not real love


i agree, i guess i worded that wrong. op made it sound like unattractive ppl can’t find partners but there’s plenty of “ugly” people who are married, currently dating, etc.


Miserable marriages


Bad sex aswel


Looks matters to all people, what depends is how much it matters.