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I'm seeing Dave Attell this weekend!!! Hands down the best working comic out there. And to me personally, the greatest comedian I've ever seen. This will be my 6th time seeing him. At one point I saw him twice in 2 months, never repeated a joke. Laugh out loud funny from start to finish. Also exclusively plays small comedy clubs at $30 max a ticket. Highly recommend.


He's my personal favorite too. I've seen him twice and I'm seeing him again in two weeks. Not only is he hysterical and doesn't repeat jokes, its insane how reasonable ticket prices are for him


His new Netflix special is very good


I saw him at a comedy club in SLC when he was there to film an episode. My skull hurt from laughing so hard.


Dave is the man. I was once in the comedy cellar in NYC on a shitty cold Tuesday night when who comes in at midnight but Dave and Jeffrey Ross. Everything Dave says is funny to me.


My favorite thing is when he's out back seeling his posters after the show, he's so awesome and really wants to make sure you had a great time at his show. Hands down just a great experience going to see him.


Fuck fuck fuck. This may be the thing that actually gets my ass to travel. I love him!! Thank you for the info.


Ugh. I checked his die and he Durant even come close to Southern California.


Kick the sandman in his sack


Stay up late,..... INSOMNIAC!!!


Came just to say those two things. Goodday! This was a real good show, for real tho.


Ho’s and flo’s and one eyed pimps!


Down the alleyway they creep!


They’re all your friends when you can’t sleep


Forgot half of what I studied in school, but this song, I’ll never ever forget this song


Ahh fuck man i loved this show


Came to say exactly this


Is there any way to track down full seasons?


There's a big following of folks that are trying to compile the best quality versions of each episode and specials. Seems like theres a few episodes they can't find, as well as a few specials. The rest are on the torrent sites though, since CC hasn't been motivated to sell legit copies.


I'm pretty sure I have a lot of the episodes on DVD, but those might have been best-ofs?


The guys at r/daveattell would love for you to get them a good rip


Looks like what I have is the best-of DVDs part 1 and 2. Guessing those they have and the hard-to-find ones are the ones that were never on DVD. Could be interesting to try to upscale at least... It's a shame I didn't record them back in the day - I had the setup for direct recording from cable and a provider that didn't need a box in 2005-2007 or so, but I guess I didn't realize this stuff would disappear so completely.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DaveAttell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DaveAttell/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dave's specials in one place, some of them have transcripts too](https://comedybuff.com/comedian/dave-attell/specials) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/DaveAttell/comments/18p7s65/daves_specials_in_one_place_some_of_them_have/) \#2: [Great Show Tonight, See Him ASAP](https://np.reddit.com/r/DaveAttell/comments/16vzjie/great_show_tonight_see_him_asap/) \#3: [Some love from Mulaney at 17:49](https://youtu.be/W78ChV1ZE-A?t=1068) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DaveAttell/comments/14mzqdi/some_love_from_mulaney_at_1749/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Theyre literally available right there on the reddit and ive been watching them on repeat for a few days now


I think they're on Blu-ray, but I don't have any way to play physical media


I seriously doubt it, people have been looking for episodes for a while now and the existing ones were all TV rips. If you know of Blu-ray copies the lost media peeps would kill for them.


They only released a few "best of" DVDs. But all episodes have been found online by now. A few were missing for a while, but they've been located recently.


I have it on DVD. Is this a hot item?


I still have the DVD box set.


Love Dave Attell. There's a funny coincidence I'm reminded of every time he's mentioned, regarding Amy Schumer (whatever your feelings are for her put them aside for now, they are irrelevant). Attell is her favorite comedian, and once she was at one of his shows, and ran into her babysitter from when she was a kid. It turns out, the babysitter was Attell's older sister. So by pure coincidence, her favorite comedian is the little brother of her babysitter.


I love stories like that! It really is a small world we live in. *Picks up feelings of dislike for Amy Schumer put down at* /u/revtim *'s behest.*


No way is this forgotten. This show is legendary


this show was so awesome and i miss it still to this day.


Loved this show, I think Dave Atell is sober now.


Favorite episode was Columbus Ohio, just because I lived there, it even made it in the local paper The Columbus Dispatch


Columbus resident here. Loved this show and Dave when it came out. Was reminiscing about this show with friends one night and turns out one of them made it in the episode! Skyrocketed in cool points. Wish I could see it and the series.


Back in days of the old Awful Awful, and the old price.


Is awful awful gone


Yes it closed a way back, there are some restaurants that get close but the experience is not the same.


This show is how i first learned about the awful awful. Almost wrecked my Honda Civic driving to Reno in the snow to try one.


He just released a special on Netflix. This show is now fun for a memory lane trip of . I love that he caught Austin when it still had some of that weird stuff. I think he wound up at a late night robotics club, and maybe went to Beerland and the death metal pizza place on 6th


He interviewed the pawn stars before they were famous.


I love how they scrubbed their image before going to the History Channel. Rick tried to sell the show (I think) to HBO about the seedy stuff they see being in Vegas. I think in the Insomniac episode, he even shows Dave Nazi stuff he has in the back. On the History Channel show, he says he never buys Nazi stuff.


Back when you really never knew what would go through that shop door. Could be treasure. Could be a gambling addicting selling his wedding ring.


This is the show that showed me Mardi Gras


Dang seems like it was on longer than that


Loved this show


Oh man, one of the best shows ever! I bust out the two DVD sets I have once every year or so! Damn can't remember where I put them last. Always wished he would revisit this for like a 5 or 6 episode new season. Guess it wouldn't happen cause isn't he sober now? Saw him once at Caroline's when he was clearly not in his right mind and it was still so much fun! Attell is the best... Between Caroline's and the cellar I must have seen him a dozen times!


They need to bring it back


Dave's past that part of his life. He still makes like a chimney, but he's been sober for awhile now.


Oh i mean the reruns not actually resurrect the show


He just did whatever he felt like doing and they shot a show around it. It was a precursor to YouTube.


Yeah man.


Shockingly formative show for me in high school.


Dave Attell and Anthony Bourdain inspired me to travel


Hell yeah classic, I used to watch this when it was on TV when I was like 13 and 14. Back in the golden age of Comedy Central.


I remember staying up late as a kid and this was always on. This show and ER are the 2 shows that remind me of staying up late when I was a wee lad.


It was a great show, watched it after getting home from the bars.


Kick the Sandman in the sack! Stay up late! Insomniac!


Check out Bumpin Mics that he did with Jeff Ross. Fuckin insanely hilarious


Ugh…I’m gonna have to go ahead and uh…disagree with you there. I felt them constantly “bumping mics” was lame, and I just don’t like Jeff Ross. Attell was fine but I couldn’t get into it.


I love how this show showed us the Pawn Stars guys half a decade before the show premiered


They need to bring it back


They need to bring it back


This is a top notch submission. Loved watching this as a teenager. Haven't thought about Dave Attell in 20 years....


I grew up going to the Comedy Cellar at least 1x per month. Since Dave Attell basically lives there, I’ve have the privilege of seeing him perform more times than I can count. Insomniac was such a fun show. He’d often show boring jobs, like sewage plumbers who start their shift at 2am, and he’d make their jobs seem hysterical.


He visited the Pawn Stars location before they were famous. Rick was working the night shift with a Chum Lee look alike.


This era of Comedy Central was gold


Tough Crowd as well. Introduced America to Patrice O’Neil, Bill Burr, Kevin Hart, Nick Depaulo, Greg Geraldo and of course the world famous Rich Voss. And many more. I loved how “politically incorrect” they were, with Colin trying and failing to read the cue cards and his comedy buddies roasting him. Maybe not Burr cause he might have been on the Chapelle Show skit prior.


Amazing show, amazing comic


I still remember the episode where he dropped some altoids into the sewage treatment pools. Good times. I love altoids


This was the golden age of late- night stand up!


He shot river rats in New Orleans with the Police, while drunkish. Legend


I remember a lot of the good CC stuff around this time. This, Strangers With Candy, TV Funhouse..


TV Funhouse was gone far too soon!!


Kick the sand man in his sack. Stay up late! INSOMNIAC!


Loved coming home from the bars in college and this was on.


In the studio they had a life size Dave Attell piñata that was pretty fucking cool….


Absolutely awesome show. He came to Arizona once too. Fun show.


Kick the Sandman in the sack! Stay up late! Insomniac!


I stayed up at a friends house and he put this on. I just remember Dave had a dildo on a power drill in a brothel and then the episode ended.


dude, I just watched 2 dvd's worth of that show two days ago, you read my mind.


The only thing to do in dayton ohio is pack your shit and leave


Montreal and New Orleans were fantastic


I just downloaded all of it to re-watch.


Honestly a reboot would be cool but have a different comedian host each episode. Maybe keep the same host for multiple episodes in the same city. Dave has said the show was kinda hard to do after he started recognized this ruining the man on the street nature of it. Having a new host every episode would address that for the most part.


Was a fantastic show and his other lesser known one, Dave’s Old Porn was hilarious as well.


Fun fact: [The Las Vegas episode](https://youtu.be/Gvu6APT3JLY?si=hoMQMoQeBUsIKvcy) of this show was one of the first times the pawn shop from Pawn Stars was on TV


I always felt like this show was the forefather to Dirty Jobs. So entertaining.


For me, that was must watch television each week and like others said, it made me want to explore the nightlife not just in my city but in other places and it's one of those shows that I wish that they could have continued with once a year specials or even with a new host, but maybe that was just lightning in a bottle. Especially now in the era of live streaming through Twitch or YouTube. That show even made me carry a disposable camera anytime I went out before phones with cameras was a thing.


I'm a drunk with a job, and I've got the pictures to prove it


I recall one specific episode where he ended up staying with just one guy the whole episode. The guy was a crime scene cleaner. Wild stuff.


I like the Alaskan episode. A very fun show.


I watched this show my senior year of high school.


Incredible show saw him in something new the other day!!! Think he may be up to something 🤔


This was a great show. Thanks for the reminder.


One of the best theme songs of all time


He was my Anthony Bordain


listen to his very recent interview on the Are You Garbage podcast


Dave is in Arizona maybe and he asked this girl’s name at the bar and she’s in a mood so when she says her name is “Sunny”, Dave goes, “could have fooled me, it’s more like stormy” I fucked it up i a sure maybe someone will help but i loved that quip and that’s what hooked me in to Atell.


Attell is still killin it!


Absolutely loves this one when I was in high school


"What's that smell!?!"


"They call me 'Too slow'"


Loved this show. Recorded every episode. I wonder if he would ever consider bringing the show back even for a few specials?




My all-time favorite comedian. His early stuff was so wildly creative and irreverent. Dave is the comic’s comic.


I loved that show. I miss it a lot


I had an "Insomniac" T shirt I wore for at least a decade before it turned into a rag. It had "Lookin For Freaks" on the back. I absolutely loved this show!


Love this Show!


I watched this every night.


This show was pure gold. Dave Attell is funny as shit.


This show is the best. Dave is the best.


I can't believe that show was 20 years ago.


I loved the show bit I remember nothing about what happened on it


It's sad that this is so difficult to find outside 6 vhs quality TV recordings or so online.


Are we able to stream this show on any of the streaming platforms? Maybe Paramount+??


Hey! What's that smell?


Such a fun show, and cool premise. And Dave is hilarious.


I saw this way too young


My friend used to watch this but I disliked the show and Dave Attell. I just remember he looked like he was burning the candle at both ends by always staying up overnight as in he did not look healthy. I would just think of the times when I was traveling and had to be up overnight and how I felt and somehow that was a big part of why I didn’t like the show. I later went on the work overnights for 6 years as a nurse. The sleep depravity did actually suck.


Is this the correct years ? Swear it came out a cpl years earlier.


Bought season 1 DVD for a dollar years ago. Now it's worth $15...stonks!


This is a show that would be soooo great with a revival.


Am I crazy, or did this show start as Insomniac Theater?


We loved this show!


Needs more Spider Man: The Game.


I could have sworn that this came out in the mid 90s. I guess I'm wrong


I miss this show!


One of the best comedy shows ever!! Fast and the interviews with the people he would meet were hilarious.


It was only on for 4 years? I could have sworn it was on for at least 10 years or something.. good times.


Dave crushed it on Are You Garbage podcast. Shout out to the boys!


My favorite was the episode where he did the porn voice overs.


1 of my favorite shows!!


This show made my high school years glisten. This and Conan.


Oh, yeah! I watched this one!


I went out to the east end of Long Island one night to Steven’s Talk House to see Robert Randolph and the Family Band play, and Attel opened with a 40 minute set with his film crew there. It was honestly one of the best nights of my life. He is a legend


I have the Best Of DVDs of this, wish they had the full seasons. I’ll need to watch them again as it’s been awhile. The ones I remember most are him shooting nutria in New Orleans and the Amsterdam episode. Another show he did a few years ago Comedy Underground at the Comedy Cellar in NYC was also great.


My college roommate and I loved watching this show, like a ritual. RIP Tony, miss you brother


I partially blame my watching this show as an impressionable teen for developing my drunken night owl tendencies. I thought this was the coolest idea for a show!


From the heyday of Comedy Central


I once met Dave in a bar after he'd performed in my town. There were about three of us drinking in a sleepy quiet bar when a guy came in, looked around, said "this will do" and left. About two minutes later a crowd of 40-50 hammered people burst through the doors and it turned into an instant party. After a few minutes I notice one person who isn't taking part in the party sitting quietly at the bar, talking to no one. It was Dave, and he looked absolutely miserable to have an entourage following him around and drinking on his dime. I knew the staff well as I was a regular there, so I sent a shot to Dave and one to myself. I didn't say a word but just smiled his way when we both got our drinks. On a night where he probably bought a couple hundred drinks for strangers, I hope he enjoyed having one bought for him by someone who understood his wish to just have a quiet fucking drink at the bar by himself.


Is there a place I can rewatch this show


Insomniac was great


I wish someone would make something similar


Oakland episode was my favorite..


Never missed an episode. Even aside from the drunk stuff, it was super great. Loved it when he was in New York and visited the overnight soap opera set crews.


Yup, I stayed up late watching this show in my room. Fell asleep to it often. Was definitely too young to be watching it, but I appreciated Dave as best as I could for being really young.


I got my photo taken with Dave for this show!


I thought this was on HBO or am I thinking of one of his specials?


I was just thinking about this show the other day. So many great episodes. Brazil stands out to me


I like travel shows, and this is one of my favorites. Each show Dave does a set in a new city and then he goes out to do what there is to do in that town. Sometimes it’s a bar, sometimes he shoots guns, maybe he joins a first responder. It’s always entertaining and a bit of a different taste of that city that you will find in a show.


Probably some of his best work !! Dave is a very funny comedian


His new Netflix special is great!


Came here to say this


Never seen before


I was asleep


The Alaska midnight Sun episode was really fun.


A late night freak show for you and me! Kick the sand man in the sack stay up late insomniac


Dream job LOL Binge drink and make fun of other alcoholics? I'm in!


This was the golden era of Comedy Central for me


Get some sleep!


Kick the sandman in his sack!


“Kick the sandman in his sac, stay up late, Insomniac!” Been stuck in my head ever since


Get some sleep! Still lives rent free in my head.


Thanks, Parrot!


Great show.


His mom was the afterschool cook when I was a kid. Woman is nice as hell. Also a good af cook. Love you Lillian


I watched this religiously.


My friend jalapeño.


Used to sneak watch this & Adult Swim after my parents fell asleep.


Drunks and losers, Dwarves with limps Flo’s and Ho’s and One eyed Pimps… Classic opening theme!


I remember he went to a bar that allowed dogs and said “you know the best thing about this bar? Plenty of places to wipe your hands” then starts petting a dog 😂