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Technically a two-episode television film,  but  TV nonetheless This was a cozy show that helped get me through a tough time when I worked a toxic, stressful job 


I love Terry Pratchett books and I absolutely love the TV Films/Series based on them. Hogfather is my beloved Christmas tradition


I liked the Hogfather best.


You love the watch?


Well, thats a strange one. Indeed. I found it okeisch...most of the time enjoyable. The end was horrible and the other dimension was awful choice in general but most of the rest was enjoyable. Characters were mostly great played, a lot awesome ideas implemented. It was good, if you are capable of separating it from the books and just try to see it as a different approach.


Only a lebowski could be so chill about that assault to the senses


Well, that's just like, your opinion, man


Ahahaha love it, class. I hate the fucken watch, man


Understandable. Like I said, you truly should be able to separate if far far away from the books. But yes, its so far the worst series based on Pratchetts great books.


Yeah I'll try. Been a while so I'm due a rewatch. Thanks for that interaction it made my morning


Youre welcome. Have a great day lad :)


Take er easy


Oh gods, that looks like that would be terrible.


It’s surprisingly good, although Rincewind is woefully miscast (David Jason is a much-beloved actor in the UK and would have drawn viewers, but book!Rincewind is in his early 30s at most). It skips a fair bit from the two books (it covers *The Light Fantastic* as well), but it’s an entertaining watch nonetheless.


And who are Tim Curry and Sean Astin playing?


Trymon and Twoflower respectively.


Isn't Twoflower the tourist who's portrayed as vaguely asian? And who was Trymon again?


They make Twoflower a clueless American and it works much better trymon is the baddie


Yeah but as far as what's needed for the story Twoflower can be from just about anywhere. At least where the colour of magic is concerned.


The actual ethnicity of twoflower is irrelevant to those two books. At the time is was a cliche joke about asian tourists and their cameras that thankfully is long in the past so the joke would fall flat.


Fun fact: David Jason palyed Albert in the adaptation of Hogfather, but with the condition that he'd do it so long as he got to play Rincewind in the next one. I can’t remember if this was legal or not, but I remember it from Pratchett's biography. Apparently Sir Terry wasn't too happy at either, and also also he didn't much like Sean Astin as twoflower neither. On meeting him he told hom "you will never be Twoflower." Although I understood he changed his mind upon seeing the finished project. The whole process with turning Discworld into movies has been frought with difficulty. At one point he was at risk of losing all rights to his characters and world to Disney, and the dreamworks trolls movies began as an adaptation of his Truckers stories.