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No, but formula is a complete and safe source of nutrition. Mixing breastmilk and formula isn't better for them, it's just two complete and safe food sources mixed together. I personally will use a can of formula for up to six weeks, but only if I know I'm going to use it all in that time period.


Good to know I guess I will start giving him a full bottle of only formula before bed so I use it … I just feel like 30 days is a short lifespan for formula


Well it is if you’re combo feeding, but we exclusively formula feed and go through a can in like 5 days (rip my wallet).


That’s the only reason I’m breastfeeding is to save money but I’m going to wean at 5 or 6 months still haven’t made up my mind. I’m building a freezer stash to help out on saving some money when we do get started on only formula


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted because you seem to be genuinely asking and just trying to the best for your child. I’ve noticed that when I’ve posted about combo feeding the same thing happens, so don’t take it personally. Also wanted to add that if you are in the U.S., WIC can be a great resource for help with formula. Even if you think you won’t qualify, give it a shot. In my area they are able to help a ton of people who don’t qualify for full benefits.


I currently don’t need wic but it is a great resource & I don’t know why I would get downvoted.. I really don’t care


I feel like as long as it’s not passed the cans expiration date it’s fine to go a little days over 30 days


I would use this as an opportunity to freeze some extra breastmilk! No reason to waste formula, it’s a perfectly healthy way to feed your baby:)


Yes totally it’s a prefect time to do so I could probably double what I have available in my deep freezer thanks for the advice


Worth noting - please try feeding your baby frozen thawed milk before you start going crazy building a freezer stash! If you have high lipase milk baby might not like the taste (even if you normally have no issue with milk that’s been refrigerated).


I have and so far my milk isn’t high lapse he drinks it I’m so proud bc I was scared that would be the case


Maybe you could use this as a chance to build a freezer stash if needed? One extra formula bottle to help get through the can and replace that with a pump session?


Yeah totally I’ve already started building my stash to help on cost when we do strictly formula feed but totally I could bag extra milk