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Maintain an emergency kit stocked with supplies such as water, food, battery-powered or crank radio and flashlight, extra batteries. Store important documents such as passports, birth certificates, banking information and insurance papers in a safe place in an above ground location. If you have a vehicle, keep the tank full in case fuel stations lose power or close down. Keep a vehicle emergency kit and include an extra phone charger with necessary adapters. Remember to quickly be ready to take your pets and their belongings such as food and such at moment’s notice. Be prepared to be ready to go when necessary and evacuation is underway. Also please check on your neighbours to ensure they are ready to go. Look out for eachother and be safe!


And keep a couple of jerrycans filled up and at the ready.


For real?


Southern communities. Let's start checking RMWB FB and Twitter like we did in 2016.


It's ridiculous how little information from official channels there is. No word on where the fire lines are, no info on the condition of the surrounding forest. These daily updates are practically useless with the pace forest fires spread.


That's what you get when you cut the budget.


Complain to your UCP MLAs, Brian Jean and Tany Yao. They are the government you voted for. Best of luck to y'all.


I saw the live update just now. It was disappointing to say the least.


"We have the equipment to handle it" Looks like he is lieng through his teeth...


Ya... It wasn't at all convincing was it.


Right all he was missing was the Rodney Danger Dangerfeild collar pull


Honest to God guys and gals... What do we really think, 2016 repeat? I can't fathom how it's burning again.


It's dry as shit? .. pretty simple 👌 or are you like that guy on tower road that saw mud and assumed since he found mud nothing should burn .... conditions are bad they are slightly more prepared.. can hope it stays I'm the grass... that's been the main difference


Na I saw that video and laughed. I meant more on the 2016 being area burning again


It was just a site all call here at Fort Hills. Beacon Hill Abasand Grayling Terrace Prairie Creek


Man I remember 2016 May 3rd, is this the same thing again?


You think with the last fire they would have a better plan


What exactly are we mad about here though? The evac alert was out for a few days, had 2 hour notice when conditions changed.


I think the plan was to ignore the issues


I bet you'll have people on Facebook saying the government is using layers to burn the city.


It would be a lot better if people could read. The alert says that those communities are only being evacuated to give fire crews better access. It literally says if you aren't in an area order to evacuate to stay where you are. Stay where you are so that the people order to evacuate can do so easily. The roads are jammed because of people evacuating who are not ordered to evacuate. The free hotels should check Google maps and driver's licenses and see if the street they live on is in one of the designated areas. If someone's street is in Timberlea, for example, and they're looking for a free hotel or accommodations designated for someone ordered to evacuate, then they should be declined because they could literally be home. And were TOLD to stay home so evacuees were taken care of...


Even Thickwood Boulevard is Blocked up


Who will let folks know when they can evacuate. Getting a little nervous. People in line saying road south is open now. Does this mean 1 Other area are being evacuated? 2. Anyone can go south. What is the mechanism for updates.


The RMWB Facebook page. An alert may also come through your phone through the provincial system if your neighbourhood is required to evacuate. You can leave town even if you are not under evacuation notice but it is at your own cost. The traffic started to flow south again around 5:00pm.


Will there be another mandatory evacuation for the northern areas of the city? Anyone.


That’s what I’m wondering too. I’m up in thickwood and just staying in place for now but I suppose if anything changes or if there becomes a need for more evacuation orders, I’m sure the city will issue them and let us know in advance.


I hope to god that y'all left before shit got real like 2016.. the evacuation of 2016 made me so angry..


Came down the hill from Gregoire and they had a road block about half ways up the hill. That’s where the traffic started from.




So that crews can get into the neighborhoods that were evacuated in order to have better access to fight the blaze. Evacs aren’t due to fires, but to allow crews to better access.


I thought it was to let the Gregoire and beacon hill people evacuate and then the rest.


Ppl were pissed.