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> 51% of cases of domestic abuse Nope. Not even close. Now do cops, grandma, with your thin blue line flag.


51% of cops, on the other hand...


that number seems a bit low


Remember seeing something like 41% of cops admitting to domestic abuse a while ago, so yeah that probably is low


key word there being "admitting"


That's why I said I agree with you


Source - we made this up


Brought to you by: The Senator Armstrong Fact Check Foundation


Senator Armstrong would never. He doesn't care about anything other than your strength. If you're strong and trans or strong and gay he'll respect you all the same.


A nation of the TRULY free, dammit!


And memes, for some reason. God, that game sucked.


Sucked? It was fucking great.


Fucking L take my dude. That game was baller (and I think it was made before the term ‘meme’ even became what it is). Plus it was a different character who said that, not Armstrong.


Memes were established in Metal Gear all the way back in Sons of Liberty, in 2002. So even if meme had its modern definition back then, they sure as hell didn’t mean it like that


Gotta disagree. I played it when it first came out, and $60 for 5 hours of game with a nonsensical plot was not at all worth it.


Co written by Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln


I like how the source text is all blurry. There’s a source in there though, we promise! Real, proper science!!


I encountered this on Facebook, and I did manage to zoom in enough to look up the source. Surprise! It’s just opinion piece after opinion piece from a right wing propaganda outlet, with absolutely zero objective facts involved


If it's in a newspaper it is officially a source and thus a fact. I am very smart but those leftist colleges will never accept that truth./s


The cited sources are almost all news articles, I checked




Actually this was from a school in Singapore


Intestinal worms? Where the hell did that one come from?


Unless you’re doing some really freaky shit with like raw meat, they’re not gonna get worms from having sex. That’s not how it works.


Maybe they caught it from the gerbils that 72% of gay men put in their rectums.


you leave minsc alone


great adventure is waiting for you ahead Hurry onward Lemmiwinks, for you will soon be dead


Hurry onward Paris Hilton, for you will soon be dead


Eminem is straight.


71.9% No need to round up, man!


Undercooked pork.


Do they… do they think gay guys just deepthroat uncooked sausages? Never mind, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did…


>Do they… do they think gay guys just deepthroat uncooked sausages? You don't do that on the regular?


Only on Wednesdays. I call it weiner Wednesday


.... Can I join?


…I’ll fetch the weiners




It must be a regional thing. In my neck of the woods, it's Frankfurter Friday that we deepthroat uncooked sausages on.


All the semen that gets pumped up their rectums becomes mutated by their shit? /s


I don't like this sentence very much


Something else I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they believe


Happy cake day


I also like how it's listed here in an attempt to make us hate them. Like intestinal worms certainly aren't great but if someone told me they had them my opinion on that person would not change, so it's not only fake but a poor attempt to spread hate (seriously who tf out here hating people because of worms)


Yeah if someone told me that 78% of [minority] had worms, my reaction would be 'oh my god, we should probably provide them with better access to healthcare and education on how to avoid them', not 'haha ew'


My personal favorite attempt is "gay men have 80 sex partners a month, straight men have 8 in their lifetime". Like dang bro, it ain't gay people's fault you don't get laid


Sounds like something a worm would say…


There's a conspiracy theory spread around by them that says gay people are the way they are because of intestinal worms spread by cats or something. I wish I was kidding.


Oh yeah, it's all the toxoplasmosis driving all of us to be queer.


Most human beings carry parasites anyways...


As far as I'm aware, this is actually true.


97% of conservatives are rapists. 89% of white straight men beat their wives at least once per week. 92% of straight women have HIV See I can lie too.


*"97% of conservatives are rapists."* Wait, that's a lie? Are you positive?


Total lie. The actual number is 99%.


Thank you for bringing in those trusted Snopes facts right to Reddit.


Eh I’d say the number would likely be in the 60 percent range if we are talking politicians


1000 sexual partners is just impressive, because how the fuck do you fit that in your schedule


That's 80 per year. Which means on average gay people only have 12.5 years of sexually active life? and almost 2 partners per week? the math isn't mathing


Eventually they settle down and go monogamous? They did fight to get married, I guess; at least they're respectable in THAT way 😤 Or, more ghoulishly, they're assuming gay people all die young. Or they just figured nobody would do the math and picked ludicrous-sounding, scaaaaary numbers.


Even worse, it's more like 1.5 partners a week. 4 days, 13 hours, 30 minutes, and 0 seconds. This is how long you would have to spend with each partner in order to complete it all and you would not be able to have any breaks.


Ummmmm... one night stand? It simply is implying that gay people don't have any kind of lasting relationships.


Very carefully.


Bisexuals be like: those are rookie numbers.


The only intestinal worms here are the ones that hitched a ride with the 'facts' he pulled out of his ass.


and of course I found this on twitter


this is Singapore, right? the slides were shown to secondary school students in a talk


Not proud of my country 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬


wdym? nothing bad happens in singapore ever 🙂


There is no war in Ba Sing Se 🕯️


Why are they talking about homosexuals while using the trans flag, the intersex flag, the bisexual flag, the non-binary flag, and the pansexual flag?


Either: A. They just know those are pride flags and pasted them on their bigoted pics. B. These were originally not bigoted but someone edited them to be so.


I don't care that they are bigots (because I try my best to ignore them), but the unintelligent bigots who don't even try to be accurate are soooo annoying!


tbf, if they were trying to be accurate, they wouldn't be able to be bigoted


As an intersex person, seeing the intersex flag here made me laugh, the fact that it’s included shows how idiotic the creator is.


Did you know? 153% of intesex people like oreos


Trust me bro


I wonder... In Germany, could slander like this actually qualify as an insult grave enough to get you fined?


It can in most places in America. The only exceptions I can think of would be small conservative family businesses.


No you cannot. That is not how the law works. First off things like libel or slander are not crimes, instead it falls under a civil dispute. You can be sued for that but only if you can prove that there has been actual damages due to that and you would need to prove that it is a cause and effect such as this caused that. This is very hard to prove when it comes to this. For example Alex Jones was sued by the Sandy Hook families because he had a direct involvement in their suffering. What happened is that Alex Jones did things like doxing people and spreading misinformation about the shooting such as crisis actors and stuff which eventually even led to the death of one of the parents. https://www.npr.org/2022/08/02/1115269280/sandy-hook-alex-jones-trial


I hate this country.


They could have at least picked realistic numbers if they were gonna make shit up.


worms?? what kind of random "fact" is that???😭


Did you the majority of pedophiles are straight? So, does that mean that EVERY straight MAN is a PEDOPHILE?


Yep, and the vast VAST majority of men who rape boys have never previously had relationships with adult men. It's almost always they're just into kids or women and kids.


Well if we factor in anyone over 19 thinking anyone 17 and under is hot,. Including cartoon characters .yes.


Stolen art, and made up data


By the way that art may not necessarily be stolen. For example they may be using canva which gives you a pieces of art and clipart to use in their works. Using pre-made assets on a service that obtained them legally is not stealing. It kind of looks like a canva thing because I've noticed that a lot of canvas stuff kind of looks like it has no lines to it and then has these characters that kind of have weird like proportions are exaggerated stuff. Some reason canva does have a really wide selection of different clipart you can use for almost any situation.


Fuck whoever made this picture.


First off the actual number is 5-10% identify as gay or LGBTQIA+ in some capacity. Second, child molestation is almost exclusively a heterosexual thing.


the sexual partners one is true. there’s just a guy named gay john who has had 2 billion partners so it shifts the average. he’s best friends with spiders georg


if it's true that a great many gays are csa survivors, doesn't that mean you should be sympathetic towards them?


They are trying to imply that the REASON they are gay is because of the abuse, and that they would be straight otherwise.


diversity win! asexuals are fine apperently


yep, we didn't do anything, we were just eating our garlic bread (all jokes aside, most queerphobic people I met said that ace people aren't in the lgbt community because "they aren't gay")


god, i wish i had 80 sexual partners


Dude just learned what the % sign means and tried to use it with numbers they know (knowing how to count properly is in the next unit)


Doesn’t like 70% of the population have herpes? So what is the 7th’s point?


Using US numbers here. Kinda! If they're counting oral herpes/cold sores, then yeah, that 78% number is correct-ish in the US, but that number is the same for straight people. The percentage is a lot lower for genital herpes. This could also be in re: HPV; about 85% of the unvaccinated population as a whole will have had an infection at some point in their lives.


One of their sources (obfuscated by an archive link for obvious reasons) is literally just a tabloid with an end times prophecy on the home page On top of that the study cited [literally has a Wikipedia page going over all the flaws of the study](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Family_Structures_Study) Cutting edge journalism!


How much you wanna bet those sources aren’t legit


The picture looks like someone edited a post about LGBT+ people. So the sources might be legit but about different statistics and someone was too lazy to remove the sources to fit his anti LGBT+ bullshit.


The picture also just looks like a pre-made template possibly using something like canva. You can use pre-made assets such as people and things to help illustrate your point. It's very possible this is not stolen or edited artwork but instead our work that they used with something like canva or some other kind of quick graphics tool program.


Who the fuck has the time on their hands to make shit like this? I just wish these social parasites spent half the time spreading love instead of hate and vitriol, it's fucking pathetic.


I think it's a pre-made asset template so they probably just use something like canva and then just placed all of the things onto the template. It takes a very short amount of time to do that and it's really good if you're trying to just communicate something really quickly that looks like it had a lot of effort but in reality it was just a bunch of pre-made assets.


source: trust me bro


I know these numbers are invented, but how is 47% a “perfect correlation”??


It makes perfect sense if you don't understand maths at all


Why do keep claiming that queer people were SA’d as children, why does that make it less real wtf.


It's also one of those things where even if that was true is it that they are gay because they were assaulted or were they assaulted because they were gay?


Queer people would be a staggering number if SA led to same sex attraction or transgenderism.


33% being alcoholics doesn't even sound bad, that's gotta be close to the General population figures if everyone was honest with themselves. If you're gonna make shit up at least make it interesting.


Out queer people are more likely to discuss diseases with their doctor, if they have insurance.


Change every mention of homosexual to Republican and this'll be very accurate.


“That’s a nice argument Senator, why don’t you back it up with a source?” “My source is that I made it the fuck up.”


**ALCOHOLISM** So, I shouldn’t be proud to be a Slavic queer, because of a 33% chance of **ALCOHOLISM**. This dumb shit is hilarious.


lol same (I'm also a Slavic queer)


‘on average up to’ lol


I mean, I think the STD one might be true in general with sexually active adults. I know like 1 in 5 people have an uncurable std


For the lesbian one somehow making up 23% of child abuse cases It's this article from [this rag](https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/gold-standard-studys-striking-findings-children-of-heterosexual-parents-hap)


Those are OLD anti gay talking points started in the 80s by evangelicals to demonize us.


I don't think I know a single gay person that knows 80 other gay people, so how are they having an average of 80 A YEAR. Also my uncle is gay and has only had two partners in the last 30+ years. He's been with his current partner for over 8 years now. Neither of them have intestinal worms, and have never diddled a kid. They don't really drink either.


"Perfect correlation" is just proof this is propaganda. Anyone who knows and base level statistics knows that 1) Perfect correlations essentially don't exist, and when they do it NEVER happens in social situations because people are so varied and unique, and 2) Correlation doesn't mean causation. Even a perfect correlation can mean nothing. Ice cream sales and crime rates have an extremely strong correlation everywhere you look, but the two have nothing to do with each other. They just both get more common in warmer temperatures


Alright, now do percentages of Christians. Tbh, I wouldn't be suprised if that was the stat for them and they just swapped it for their sake. That would be a pretty cool move from someone if they pulled a fast one on em like that but yk


I remind a nazi in quora spamming this gosh i hate it soo much


Me when I fucking lie over and over


Wallace wells (https://scottpilgrim.fandom.com/wiki/Wallace\_Wells) is an outlier and should not have been counted. Thats why the alcoholism rate is so high.


Oh no they know about the worms it’s over


90% of all statistics are made up


These mfs have source links on the bottom that make me desperately wish these were higher resolution.


Not even true when in ancient times people had young boyfriends. They ere not that young and times were different


It’s easy to make your enemies look bad when you just fucking lie


Why didn’t you post the whole thing..


this is the whole thing


The bottom is cut off?


yep, it was like that on the original post


Me when I just make shit up


You know it's legit when the source is an archived link 🙄


These are disgusting incorrect percentages I'm sure there are unfortunate individuals not fall into these categories but it's definitely not this high. Shit those numbers are normally with straight people, which is still really sad, who ever made this needs help


Gay people are really flexing on my monogamous lifestyle, I guess.




literally the only one that sounds like it COULD be accurate is the top right one, and that's just because of how low that number is like seriously, I can believe that one in 15 LGBT people pedos but that's just because I can believe that 1 in 15 people as a whole are pedos


“1in 15 homosexuals is a pedophile” *Shows person with ace flag*


that's the intersex flag


I mean alcoholism rate is true as of like ten years ago It’s also a reflection on societies treatment of lgbtq persons than anything


I’m tellin’ ya, this is the type of person to read/watch Carrie and walk away from it blaming her powers for “corrupting her” and not the bullies or her mother. You’d have an alcohol problem, too, if you were surrounded by people who consider quoting Dorien Ditsen an act of anti-hetero hate. Newsflash: Every stripe of human being is capable of being a pedophile or domestic abuser. It’s your happy ass that makes it harder to call out.


A lot of these problems come from being oppressed


Fun thing that is true about stds. The majority (something like 60%)of sexually active adults regardless of sexuality have some form of herbes and the massive push in queer communities to get tested and to have safe sex , the number of hiv cases in straight people either is or is on the way to being higher than among gay people cus people seem convinced its a gay issue when It can be spread to anyone. Only thing that may be true is alcohol cus when you're a minority being threatened, life can suck and people think drinking helps.


being a pedo is pretty unlikely, if same sex rape happened it’s more likely it’s molestation