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Believe it or not, people still have human rights even if they are obese.


What does this have to do with human rights? wtf


Basically people seem to treat fat people like they are the worst in soviety instead of offeringg them help. People dont feel the need to change if they already feel shat on by society without anyone trying to help them up


How do we help them?


Anything but verbal insults and calling them names. For example ask if they want help to begin with, a person only can be helped if theu want to. If they want help with thier aituation, offer resources like sites to get advice or if you are qualified offer to help, some would even pay for it. Or if you cant do that, spread awareness of being healthy, and having a balanced diet depending on ones body type (some would need different proportions)


I wouldn't offer help out of the blue. A lot of people are trying and may already be seeing a doctor to try to lose weight and just not talking about it. I know I'd be annoyed. I have a bunch of gut health problems and get aggressively bloated. I'm big but look worse a lot of the time. as well as I have so many limits on my diet from gut health problems. It's a struggle just to find food I can eat without waking up the next day in pain. I eat barely 1 meal a day. People like to tell me "oh you should probably eat less " without knowing i regularly go 24 hours without eating because it's such a hassle. I've had many days as a full grown adult where I barely ate 1000 calories in a whole day so someone approaching me talking about healthy eating and portion control is honestly exhausting. All this and years of trying to diet and I'm still 260lbs.


Holy shit fucking this. I feel you hard man. Likr fat people already know we're fat, doctors have already told us, society has told us, this isn't some shocking revelation. We already know all the 'tips and tricks' to lose weight. If I want your help, I'll ask for it.


Do you drink?


I have ibs so no


Sounds like you eat too much.


Okay good, we’re at the point of not calling them names, but “spread awareness of being healthy”? Trust me, they are aware lol


I can’t imagine being able to provide them with anything they haven’t already thought of. It’s quite insulting to ask a friend if they need help managing their weight! Isn’t that just offensive and a bit condescending?




what do you mean by tip toe? yes no one is obligated to help anyone, but all it is asked is you dont be those types that be a dick to people just because they are fat


I have no idea why you are being downvoted. It is a good question.


I’m assuming people think I’m being sarcastic or horrible?


Obesity like that doesn't exist in a vacuum. Morbidly obese people never actually choose to be obese, and at the same time, while you might deep within yourself want only what's best for them, you can't "push" them to get help. Same with every bad addiction and super unhealthy lifestyle under the sun. You have to wait for the unhealthy person to look for help. First comes the trauma that caused them to get to where they are, then and only then can they tackle the weight.


Yes, I agree. Sadly, I don’t think we can help. I’m a recovering alcoholic so I get it, but the idea that “society” has an obligation to “help” obese people, and their failure to do so is leading to more obesity, seems a bit of a reach. I live in the UK, our healthcare is free and I don’t know how many more resources we can provide. Every time there’s a big push to get people active, there’s kickback, as though it’s offensive to fat people to even suggest exercise. It’s definitely a monster of our own making. Not sure what it’s like stateside, but obesity has overtaken smoking as the leading cause of cancer here. People are getting really big and don’t want to listen to reason.


The right to be left the fuck alone :)


Love how the amputee is still only valid if she’s active despite her disability 🙄


“I work out to compensate for the fact that I’m perceived as less traditionally attractive now that I’m disabled.🙂”




I can’t tell if you’re actually this dense or if you’re trolling but obviously I’m referencing the specific reason mentioned in this post, which is “confidence”. Jokes can be hard without context, try reading the post next time. Hope this helps!




Oh that makes sense, you can only view things through your own experience rather than the context that it’s obviously written in.


Fit shaming is real, and should probably stop


Being active is incredibly important, especially with mobility related issues. It can be the difference between living independently or not. What's important is that we do not judge people by the standards of others. Someone with Parkinson's shouldn't be expected to aim for the activity level of an able bodied person.


Idk if you saw the original post, but it seemed to suggest she was being active out if a state of “deserving help and respect” rather than for her own health. Also, some mobility issues can be worsened with certain kinds of exercise, especially high intensity exercise. And getting used to a prosthesis should be done slowly and steadily, because there can be a lot of damage done by overdoing it with a leg prosthetic. Bleeding, tissue damage, wounds that don’t heal, etc. it’s all about pacing yourself and doing things at a rate and intensity that you feel comfortable with.


Couldn't agree more, which is why you should always pick your exercises and activity level with a professional. That tends to be where I come in (But I am only an assistant and not the physiotherapist who is advising, don't want to do medical stolen valour lol).


No-one is claiming that.


I hate that body positive ads never feature like, bad deformities.


From a marketing perspective you wouldn't want to risk grossing out potential customers just for a bit of virtue signaling. There are far more healthy and able bodied people than people suffering from severe conditions so it would end up as a net loss for them. Of course I'm not saying it's normal or acceptable to feel repelled by the mere sight of someone but unfortunately that's just how things are.


Oh I know why they do it. I have some pretty bad bad scoliosis, like a kind where people would ask if I’m in chronic pain. So to see “ body diversity 🥰 💕 “ and rarely see someone like me, in favor of weight, is like “ what the hell” ( there s a viral video about a model or someone who got a mannequin made from her from I think) . There are peopl worse off than I am. But you just then get people focused on weight. Even for animals. It’s easy to get it people riled up when you say a 70 pound Chiweenie is it in bad health


I’m slightly overweight (actually possibly now I may have fallen back to high end of normal) BECAUSE of my disability. Does that make me double invalid?


No, just less healthy than you’d be if you weren’t overweight.


Maybe a little bit, but I kinda doubt 1% over the BMI normal percentage is doing much in comparison to physical therapy and medications to regulate my actual health issues lol


BMI isn’t a percentage, and if you were a healthier weight you wouldn’t need the physical therapy


A) BMI is based on percentage. It’s often also showed as a number besides that but at least for people under 20, it’s also shown as a number 1-99. That is the way my BMI written on my visit info the last time I saw my doctor B) I’m in physical therapy for my disability?? I promise you losing weight wouldn’t fix my genetic fairly severe connective tissue disorder that makes me dislocate my shoulders often. Luckily physical therapy has made that go from daily to only about weekly! Edit: forgot to add I was also in PT at age 11… wasn’t overweight then.


Whatever number your doctor gave you is not your BMI. That is by definition not a percentage but an open ended scale as it is simply the relationship between your weight and the square of your height.


When you use the CDC’s BMI calc it give you a percentile and the standard number. My doctor wrote the percentile. That’s what I’m referring to


Okay, that's a whole different thing though.


Impressive, every word of that was wrong.


This doesn't belong in this sub. Why dio fat activists constantly try to put themselves in the same boat as victims of racism, homophobia and transphobia?


Because fat people getting worse services is a real thing, even if those services have nothing to do with the person's weight. Also, medics extremely often misdiagnose obese people with illneses entirely based on the person's weight while another completely different reason is the cause of their visit to the doctor, leaving the real issue completely unchecked and rampant. Claiming this doesn't happen is simply ignorant.


Sure man


> Also, medics extremely often misdiagnose obese people with illneses entirely based on the person's weight while another completely different reason is the cause Lemme guess, *genetics* LOL


Here’s a good example: https://youtu.be/i6GPKiDHkxQ?si=AlHh9LZQY8ujnUgR


In your making fun of the truth you also found another truth. Something might even be genetic and be instead (partially or fully) attributed to the patient's weight.


Because fatphobia is literally getting fat people killed. The medical attitude towards fat people is killing them. Thats why.


Being obese is what's killing people. Very literally.


https://publichealth.uic.edu/community-engagement/collaboratory-for-health-justice/addressing-weight-stigma-and-fatphobia-in-public-health/ https://withinhealth.com/learn/articles/medical-fatphobia-weight-stigma https://www.ihi.org/insights/risks-fatphobia-health-and-equity https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5201160/ https://www.cnet.com/health/medical/fatphobia-in-health-care-is-way-too-common-heres-how-to-deal/ https://www.wbez.org/reset-with-sasha-ann-simons/2023/01/31/bias-against-bodies-medical-fatphobia-can-have-life-or-death-consequences#:~:text=Advocates%20say%20barriers%20to%20care,more%20harmful%20than%20fatness%20itself. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6565398/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/in-obesity-research-fatphobia-is-always-the-x-factor/ So are medical personnel.


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23404873/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23404873/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4855514/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4855514/) Obesity (i.e. a BMI above 30) is literally the strongest indicator for all-cause mortality in under-65 year olds. Though some studies suggest waist circumference and BMI together make an even better indicator. Of course medication dosage and similiar things should be correctly adjusted by body weight, but telling someone how unhealthy their lifestyle is as a medical professional is not and never will be "fatphobia".


BMI is one indicator among many, not the be all end all. I would also point out that both articles are over ten years old at this pont- but tbh, I didn't check dates for mine. Yes. Obesity can be bad. I just think acknowledgement of medical fatphobia, stigma, and other outside factors are critically important. It's not just 'fat people lazy bad'- the issue is exceptionally complex.


BMI or BMI plus waist circumference are, again, the best known indicators for all-cause mortality in under-65 year olds. That hasn't changed in the last 10 years. I just picked two studied that are pretty popular. I agree though that there shouldn't be a general notion of "fat people bad" or "fat people lazy", I was obese (my BMI was around 31-33) from my early twenties up into my early thirties. And I wasn't lazy, I was just eating more calories than I could burn. My doctor told me that it still, even though I was physically active, was unhealthy and that there was good reason to reduce my weight. And that was very sound medical advice and not "fatphobic". If a doctors job is to keep you as healthy as possible for as long as possible than it is very much their job to tell an obese or even an overweight person to lose weight every time they get the chance to do so.


Your interactions have gone very differently than mine, and your body is very different from mine. I'm going to disengage from this discussion because I know better by now. Take care, thanks for keeping it civil.


Thanks to admitting you have no factual basis to your argument.


Annnnd then you ruined the civil part. Have the day you deserve.


From the first link > Decades of research have shown that experiencing weight stigma increases one’s risk for diabetes Damn that’s crazy


Fat people are doing the killing of themselves, doctors can’t make people be healthy.


https://publichealth.uic.edu/community-engagement/collaboratory-for-health-justice/addressing-weight-stigma-and-fatphobia-in-public-health/ https://withinhealth.com/learn/articles/medical-fatphobia-weight-stigma https://www.ihi.org/insights/risks-fatphobia-health-and-equity https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5201160/ https://www.cnet.com/health/medical/fatphobia-in-health-care-is-way-too-common-heres-how-to-deal/ Doctors aren't helping.


Lol when your sources try to discredit BMI I know we’re not having a productive conversation. Have a nice day.


In all seriousness, it's well known that the BMI is not a hood indicator of overall health, but it _is_ one of the many factors that can indicate poor health. Like... that's not a new concept. [Harvard Health explains it indepth.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-useful-is-the-body-mass-index-bmi-201603309339)


It, along with waist circumference, is still the best indicator for all-cause mortality in under-65 year olds we know.


I thought we need to weigh ourselves in water to get a "real weight"


Fatphobia isn't real, and obesity kills fat people.


I can't be the only one who's seen more chuds whining about body positivity than people actually promoting it.




Ah yes someone is obese therefore it gives me the right to say rude things about the person.


I'd wager a tenner OOP cruises Walmart on a Rascal scooter and it's not because of an injury.


Unfiltered fatphobia, nice


Seeing some of the comments here is somewhat disconcerting too ngl, some of them feel like something you’d see out of a reactionary subreddits comments


Reddit is an absolute cesspit of bigotry outside of communities where acceptance is the main focus. Fatphobia is a real thing here, and it's extremely common in the bigger subs too. Post a video of a fat person in any of the main, most popular subs and you are gonna unveil the most vile fatphobic comments you have ever read and they will be even be upvoted.


Ppl hate fat in such a mundane way. In my family, it’s like every generation is extremely disordered, but there’s this trend of unhealthily thin and unhealthily large the flip-flops. It’s extra weird to be a thin person with fat or obese family and then hear someone say something extremely fucked up about them, thinking they couldn’t possibly be related to you. People sure have audacity.


I'm so confused with this comment section. One thread someone is getting downvoted to hell because they are saying fatphobia exists and fat people absolutely have been mistreated, along with talking about fatphobia in medicine, but then here in this thread people are being upvoted for talking about fatphobia.. So damn odd


Two cohorts of people are engaging with the post because they’re outraged by it - but for opposite reasons. Each top level comment is engaging with one cohort more than the other, depending on what is said and how. So each comment chain is a biased sample of the population, not uniform random. That’s why you’re seeing the discrepancy


Stating the simple fact that obesity is the largest health crisis in developed countries is not fatphobic. Neither is stating the simple fact that BMI (plus waist circumference) is the best indicator for all-cause mortality in under-65 year olds currently known.


Obesety being a real health risk doesn't mean who has this risk must be mistreated, what you seem to be dismissing instead. You are contributing to fatphobia this way Also, the statement about BMI is simply wrong. BMI is not an indicator of all-cause mortality, as doesn't at all indiciate a person being at that moment in good health removing the risks to that health. Bad health and health risks are two very separate things.


Of course it's not okay to insult people in the streets for being obese, but pretty much all upvoted comments I could find on this thread talked about the medical implications of obesity. And yes, BMI (plus waist circumference) is the best known indicator for all-cause mortality in under-65 year olds. Of course there will be outliers, but there is no better predictor we have right now.


lol reread my comment because I never stated either of those statements.


Checks out. Fat people highjacked body positivity so they could pretend it's okay to weigh the same as a fiat 500.


"no youre not being thoughtful by bullying a fat person on the internet, youre just being an asshole"


You missed the - (name) part


I don't even have time to be this angry at people for existing ahhh


A lot of people do, especially here on Reddit


I can't even imagine what that's like no matter how many I meet


Funny thing is im fat because of my disabilities i have an inactive thyroid and im nearly bed bound on severe medications. Whenever I say that to these type of people they still insult my weight 🤷‍♂️


No no didn’t you see the picture? Disabled people are supposed to become fitter and better than everyone around them /s


I will add: medical providers sometimes end up misdiagnosing overweight patients. For example, my friend's ex kept going to her doctor complaining of heart palpitations. The doctor's solution was always to lose weight, eventually the palpitations brought her to the ER, where it was discovered that she had Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, a congenital heart defect. Losing weight would not have fixed it.


Losing weight would still have reduced the risk by about 40% if she was overweight, 80% if she was obese. So still sound medical advice.


im plus sized and perfectly healthy, i dont really understand the comments here. i just did a bunch of exams and im doing great, fatphobic people need to stop pretending they care about our health. fat doesnt mean unhealthy. some people are fat because of genetics, even if they work out and eat healthy, and thats okay! the body positivity movement is made for us to embrace our bodies and feel happy with who we are, it has nothing to do with "promoting obesity". ive had all kinds of eating disorders in the past because of comments like these. do these people think an anorexic, severely underweight person is healthy just because they are skinny?


Exactly! I am way healthier a little bit overweight because of my disability making it dangerous to exercise much than when I was literal eating 200-400 calories a day while worsening my disability with excessive exercise to lose weight. This is my healthiest state right now.


At 200-400 calories the average adult will lose about 3-4 lbs a week. That is of course a dangerous rate to lose weight at and every medical professional would advise against that for any prolonged duration.


Hence why I said I’m healthier than when I was doing that


Literally 0 people are fat purely because of genetics. If you have a slow metabolism because of genetics then that just means you require less calories, and should be eating less


BMI plus waist circumference is the best indicator for all-cause mortality in under-65 year olds known today. Every plus 5 in BMI above 20 correlates to about 5 years lowered life expectancy, even after correcting for micronutrition, exercise and general socioeconomic status.


WRONG BBWS 🔛🔝🗣️🗣️🗣️


And one shouldn't feel like a monster to have a preference for them


Why did you crosspost something you posted two days ago in the exact same sub?


“Burn Victim Billy” what the fuck


Don't you get it? The only people allowed to be positive about their body are the ones that *I* decide!!


Even with the argument that representation of body positivity is lacking when it comes to physical disabilities or permanent injury, you can tell this was not made from a place of sincerity toward people with disabilities as much as it is from a place of disdain for bigger people.


i agree w this actually. originally, body positivity as it related to fat ppl was the act of taking control and recognizing you need to work on yourself, and also accepting things like loose skin, stretchmarks, etc, that might be left behind are not to be shamed cuz it all means you loved yourself enough to get healthier. then it got twisted into a movement to accept super morbidly obese bodies which shouldn't be glorified in any way tbh. i'm not saying super morbidly obese ppl should be treated as subhuman, but it is bad for you full stop. by all means display your body if you want, you're free to do whatever, but the general populace will never accept that as attractive or that it's ok to live like that lol sry it's the truth. i don't think ppl need to be bullied or ridiculed, but they need to live in reality.


Nobody is forced to find something attractive, but just like some find a smoker attractive one shouldn't feel like liking an heavier person as a gigantic taboo because that's how it currently is


if a smoker got on SM smoking cigs and said "i love myself and my bad habit, and you should too" i'd feel the same way about it that i do super morbid obesity. do you think ppl would say someone was brave for showing how much they loved cigarettes? no cuz it's unhealthy and shouldn't be promoted.


Nobody says a smoker is brave because it is by now normalized. Nobody sees a smoker and immediately think the person is ugly or creepy, while this happens against fat people. Who says "i love myself and my bad habit, and you should too" is some niche and targeted TikTok accounts or influencers, and a few people. This is a result on the general populace not accepting fat in general, creating its own form of radicalism. The vast majority of people in the fat acceptance community just want to be left alone. If smokers would have been seen the same way, you would have seen the same thing happen.


Tons of people (in some surveys up to 70%) think smoking is unattractive. Obesity is more normalized than smoking at this point. Although both should not be normal at all.


that does happen tho. i used to smoke. ppl think less of you. they think you're gross and that you stink. all of which are true. smoking is banned nearly everywhere, and there are surgeon gen warnings on packs. obesity is also normalized, so is fast fashion, so is single use plastic. normalized doesn't mean ppl accept it as ok.


That mostly happened when you smoke in front a person, and of course that makes you seen badly if that person is not a smoker themself. I will not discredit that smoker do get judged too at all, and I am so sorry it has happened to you, but doesn't mean an obese person isn't. Maybe we are in very extremely different cultures, but a smoker doesn't get seen as that immediately on mention and some extremes chain smoking are needed until they are seen as gross. While an obese person does indeed get seen as gross on sight. Both smokers and obese people should not be judged for what they do or how they look.


but the same could be said for weight. a few extra lbs and a lil fluff isn't always ideal but ppl aren't gonna be straight disgusted, some wouldn't even give 2 shits, but excessive fatness-- just like chainsmoking in your culture-- is when the line is drawn for what's acceptable. and sure, it's possible a smoker would not be pegged as one at 1st glance and thus could avoid harsh judgement, while an obese person can't hide it, but that's cuz the result of an obese person's bad habits can't be hidden at all. there's not really anything that can be done. ppl are gonna find it off putting cuz their instincts tell them it's unhealthy (and it is)


Sometimes I see people on other sites say they ban scales from their house and don't let their children to weigh themself. And see nothing alarming if one loses a certain amount of weight or gains it in a short time.


i mean i don't really think a scale is necessary tbh if you teach them healthy eating habits and keep them active you wouldn't need it anyway. the scale could actually be detrimental cuz some ppl get obsessed with numbers and it can make them have unhealthy mindsets, so i get banning them. esp since at reg dr checks they'd get weighed/measured anyway. it's more important to teach them to have a good relationship with food and exercise.


But how regular are the checks? But I guess one would notice if you dropped 10 in a week or gained 20 and you know it’s not a 20 pound tumor


Then again being 20 overweight could be good if you get sick in anyway. From my experience loosing 20 while I underwent chemo in ‘22


Being fat is so funny because thin people think they can lecture you about your health and then you find out they haven't eaten a vegetable since 1997 and don't drink water without sugar in it.


Still, BMI plus waist circumference is by far the best indicator for all-cause mortality in under-65 year olds known today.


Being a fat pig shouldn’t be glorified in a functioning society.


They are


How is this klandma?


Posted by a fat


> active on r / conspiracy I don’t think you have the right to insult anybody, mate


Your first instinct when seeing something you don’t like is to go through someone’s Reddit history. I don’t think you have the right to insult anybody, mate


Nah I just had a hunch that this subreddit has a nazi problem and I have been proven correct yet again


fat what?


Fatties ARE ugly tho


Are you lost mate? This is a progressive subreddit and based on your comment history you probably shouldn’t be here.


Don’t talk about your mother like that


At least you know why you're alone.


OOP makes fun of fat people while putting out enough small dick energy to power the whole nation of Italy for the price of one subscription to GamerSups.


*Gets mad at body shaming.* *Body shames.*


It's only fair when *i* do it to them!