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From what I have seen on YouTube is that car upgrades are dependent on your luck. Like in the Crew 2. Which I absolutely hate. I don't want upgrades depending on my luck. If I want a race exhaust I just wanna buy it. Not doing an event and then cross my fingers and hope for the best.


And here I thought we were done with RNG car upgrades after the backlash to NFS Payback's upgrade system


I'm not sure why you thought that? The Crew did the random upgrade system first 3 years before Payback was released. This has always been a part of the Crew Franchise.


At least they were super easy to get in TC1 since you could just do the same jump over and over until you got a max-level platinum card for the part you want. In TC2/MF it borders on feeling like a mobile game with it's random tiered loot.


Sounds really fun


In Crew2 they added a form of protection with drops to upgrades as a QoL upgrade a year ago, This means the game prioritizes your lowest grade of part and tries to keep all upgrades evenly. Motorfest doesn't have that.


The crew 2 was annoying in that the one reliable way to get money to buy upgrades that i found was doing that East Coast to West Coast race. First time i found out that i could fall asleep in a racing game


I had the same thing. Feels just like driving to tired in real life too.


That really is the absolute CRUX of Forza: It just feels so much fucking better to drive on than any other arcade/sim cade racer. The physics and stuff are just so superior and they pretty much always manage to get the games to run really well on console with performance modes that work.


I will take motorfest being an overall fun game over Horizons good car feel with otherwise dead game. Motorfest actually achieves a sense of speed as well, none of this 250mph feeling like a leisurely stroll


I'd say gt7 drives better, but it's a marginal difference


Since they are not emulating real life driving would you say its a matter of taste.. and not better or worse?


GT7 feels better on wheel (obviously it's not even a competition) but Forza EASILY beats its ass just as bad with controller IMHO. They're both trying different approaches and shine in what they are clearly focusing on as a product.


That's fair, i only play gt7 with wheel and psvr2, while i play horizon with a controller, so it's not a fair comparison


In that sense its kind of funny Horizon beats its far more "serious" brother in Motorsport, in terms of enjoyment.


I hate that while going through playlists you're forced to use loaner cars, even though some playlists require ownership of specific vehicles, it still forces you in to a loaner. Makes it pointless to own anything until you're done with the lists so you can freely use any vehicle


Do you mean in horizon? Because it’s only at the very start, or when it’s a specific car you can’t afford that is in the event where you have to use a loaner, for instance I have never had use a loaner in horizon.


I mean the crew motorfest, which the post was about


Cheers, the reason for my confusion is that OP is comparing the two games, feel free to ignore my comment😊


No worries, it happens


Imo that's a good point to force players driving a specific car. If not, everyone would just drive all, lets say street 2 events, with the same car. Would get boring way faster. And after you've finished the playlist you can customize the race the way you want.


But did you like the island? How do you compare it to Horizon's?


I like it for the most part.. too many places where you'll have to go around or fly over stuff rather than just going straight over hills.. in typical crew fashion, accidentally driving over a sidewalk can really screw your driving up, which is really annoying during races


If you played TDU2 how similar is it to that being set on the same island?


Can answer. It's much more condensed then tdu2. Consider it like the greatest hits of Ohau Which is good and bad. Good because it make events like the Grand Races not take like 20+ minutes and the overall detail is better, like there really aren't any dead zones of nothing on the map. Bad because once you get used to the island it feels *really* small and cramped. Not exactly sure how they are going to fit more Playlists on this map in let's say a year or 2


That's... a concern for me. I love TDU because their longest races can last more than 30 mins in the fastest cars. Their huge map makes the transition between different environment very natural when you're in a long race. I'll try Motorfest during the weekend. Let's see how the map and physics go. I skipped The Crew 2 because of its weird physics.


update? I stopped the crew2 instantly too because of the physics so i wanna know how you feel about motorfest


It's way better than TC2. Still worse than Forza but it's acceptable now. I feel like it's better than NFS Heat handling (haven't played Unbound). The jumping part is still bad, just not as bad as TC2. The map is way larger than FH5, but it is definitely smaller than The Crew 1, not sure about TC2 map since I didn't fully try it. But they put way too many decorations around the track. This is probably why some people feel like they keep driving on the same road. You can barely see any natural sceneries around the map during races. And the npcs talk A LOT, even more than FH5, at least they're a bit less cringe than FH5. I decided to buy it. It's at least a fresh new experience from FH5.


thx !


Turn your adaptive trigger to 0 in accessibility settings


I bought the gold edition so I played 3 days earlier and I think FH5 is still way better than Motorfest. I don't mind the upgrade system, I've played The Crew 2. The biggest let down, is the handling. While it's way better than The Crew 2, it's still average. Cars feels so heavy, have terrible understeer and oversteer issues. The AI is cheating, way much more than FH5. From what I've played, you only have playlists (scripted races with a locked cars) and you can't' use your cars in solo races (to be confirmed ?) FH5 feels way more solid, way more polished. The Crew Motorfest has a better driving experience but races are a mess and cars don't feel as responsive as FH5 cars. Overall it's a good alternative, but I do think FH5 won't be shaken up


I agree. And damn I completely forgot that rubber banding AI. You're really starting to respect Drivatar system once you look back. And boy do I look back in Motorfest. Like 5-10 years back. Drivatar makes you a better driver and can teach you some things. In Motorfest the AI skyrockets from the start for no f* reason just to be completely exhausted on the final lap so you can overtake it, so dumb and doesn't feel as good as in Forza. When you start to count all these small things you're really starting to understand what a huge multimillion Almighty Cthulhu monster Forza franchise is.


Oh yes. I've played the Expert difficulty in TCM with no esp, no tcs and manual and it's a nightmare. AI seems to have infinite boost, takes turn without losing grip, rams you while they're nitroboosting. Countersteering is terrible even with the assist. I had a glimpse of the nightmare with mini cooper S, drifts like hell while it's a FWD cars but the AMG C63 took the cake. Oh and the touge race with the RX7, infuriating. I had to tweak to 2/5 difficulty with all assists. Dude in in MX5 has 1000 hp but still has perfect cornering.


>The AI is cheating, way much more than FH5. From what I've played, you only have playlists (scripted races with a locked cars) and you can't' use your cars in solo races (to be confirmed ?) After completing the playlist you can use your own vehichles


Oh yeah ? But there is no reason to play it again imo


Im still doing them....but we need to farm parts somewhere.


The main thing for me are the physics, it doesn’t not feel natural at all. I know it’s a game but when u hit a jump it’s like a magnet. Real world uses acceleration, not stable velocity


I played beta Motorfest for a short time and was irritated by the cringe already. What is it with those scriptwriters? I get it that they have to write with young humans in mind, but you can do that with some style and without the patronizing YOU HAVE TO BE HAPPY attitude.


I dont think the writers actually take any look at what the competition is doing or how customers receive it . Everyone has been complaining about the cringe characters in Nfs and Forza and yet they still keep writing em like that


My theory is that car people are showing up to these games despite the cringe, but the “yay, you’re a rad superstar” messaging casts a net toward the young players.


I would like the next Horizon to have a big city, great for street racing and then good point to point road races and killer off road racing. I feel that Japan, China or South Korea could be great locations. Modern city, neon lights at night, lots of rural areas, seasons, etc.


Let me present to you: Stockholm. Great seasonal changes. City driving with good tunnel network highway through the core of the city. Nature around the corner for rally. And street scene is naturally built on the "get away in stockholm series" So the races would be the cars that were used in the videos..


I just want german autobahn in forza ;((


I completely agree with you. I remember playing the beta of Crew Motorfest and said it to a few mates of mine that if a Forza series were to be based just on this map alone, with Forza graphics and car handling, it would have been one of the greatest open world racing game ever. Purely from the perspective of diverse driving roads and biomes to explore. City streets to country roads, multiple mountain passes, multi lane highways, and scenic coastal and forest routes.


Series S apparently only has the intro sequence in 30fps, then it’s 60. Saw a video with footage, looks legit


The beta footage is 60, but it looks like the actual release is 30.


I’m installing it, will check Edit: checked and it’s 30 only on XsS with pretty bad screen tearing constantly. Wouldn’t recommend playing on S, even if you have VRR screen (I do, didn’t help). Disappointing since FH5 can do 60 on XsS


I tried the free trial. Glad l did. Got caught up with hype and trial slapped me back to reality. Imo forza is heaps better. Car handling less arcade like, better reflective shiny graphics and no irritating narrative. Plus l enjoy creating tracks and car decals.... I'll buy motorfest only when on sale.


Great choose. Because the more you drive the more you can ignore how driving feels after Forza. The events are worth playing on discount for sure.


Forza phisics is why its the best racing game for me, nfs and the crew feel just wrong and luke a kids game, forza feels a lot better and the crucial part for me, its open world!


Does it feel like it fits in an open world? My biggest complaint with The Crew 2 was that to me, it felt like they crammed a standard racing game into an open world, just so they could say it was open world. I think that game should have been structured like Gran Turismo or Grid, where you select events from a menu


Is the game entertaining? Hell yeah. I just wish it could've had a better handling model, car physics. But compared to NFS this is better imo: diverse setting, cars galore, playlists etc. I can't say I see the open world that much, you just use it to get from one story to another. Stories are better than in Horizon 5. By stories I mean playlists. One of them is Donut, the same Donut from Horizon's but it's more fun here.


TCM has been amazing on PC for my friends and I. Slightly worse physics and graphics but still good. I only play Forza/TC to cruise modded street cars and it definitely scratches the itch. The first person Motorcycle game-play is super fun and the engine sounds are far superior IMO to Forza. Both seem to have a set of pros and cons depending on what youre in the mood for.


I agree. I liked it tho. I’ll probably pick it up if it ever goes on sale for like $20


I know this is an older post, but I am SO RELIEVED to know I'm not the only one that feels this way. After a week straight of Motorfest I went back to Forza 5 for fun and GOD DAMN this game is just so perfect man.... Forza runs like a dream on the Series S. It looks so much better, runs smoothly in performance or graphics mode, and the physics just *feel* *so natural.* Motorfest is a fun time killer for sure, but in the end it just made me appreciate Forza Horizon 5 that much more.


Let's hope Playground will return with something really crazy next time, they made festivals mainstream, it's up to them to perfect it. Or maybe completely turn the table, people are getting tired of festivals.


The physics are just dogshit, and the map is too empty, like, the roads are even larger than in FH5, and the terrain feels dead and empty if you aren’t in the middle of the jungle


1) I’d say even on PC the graphics aren’t comparable to FH5, and I play on ultra settings. Cars look cool and nice but environment is crap. 2) I agree about physics and what also annoys is that if you slightly go off the asphalt you loose massively momentum. 3) As I’m quite new to The Crew and Motorfest is almost first game for me, the tuning part is confusing for me 😅 and doesn’t seem realistic like gearbox adds 100hp? 4) Have to agree, map is better in Motorfest 5) Sounds are cool, but I don’t know if they are correct. (No visual flames from exhaust tho).


I cannot compare tuning, I mean I understand what you're saying but I prefer not to modify cars at all in single player.


honestly i think that the crew motorfest appeals to an audience thats different from forza horizon 5. i think same as the crew 2, it is a game that is in between nfs and forza horizon. from a driving point of view, sure the crew, same as nfs, is not as realistic as forza, but it is more appealing to people who simply wanna play a racing game and just throttle down full send it. its more of an arcade racer like nfs and less of a simulator like forza. as for customization, some people dont really wanna get into customizing and tuning their cars. one of the big downsides for me for forza is that unlike arcade racers, tuning is way too complicated for the average player, who probably just play 2-3 hours a day max. the crew appeals to such people. a part with a higher number means its a better part, and player can simply slap them on and forget about it. i personally like tuning and spending time on my tuning setups, but its hard to convince my friends to do that and deters them from trying it out themselves and just simply use popular tuning setups.


I am leaning towards this too. Because once I played Motorfest I didn't remove it, I actually took 1 month of Ubisoft+ to play more. And I didn't remove Horizon. What I did remove without hesitation is NFS Unbound and Dirt 5, I didn't play them anyway but now it was just clear that I won't run them at all any time soon.


Noticed the graphics of the game, like the lighting no where near to FH5


I hate that forza brain washed the entire arcade racing community into thinking there's should be only one way a car game should feel.


Locked at 60fps, kept hitching and dropping to 45fps on hardware that easily gets 120+ on FH5. Uninstalled.


Yeah.. it does not support any of the available PC upscaling techniques (FSR, DLSS or XeSS). Not only that but there is no Exclusive Fullscreen Mode and the game is locked at 60fps. That's completely laughable by today's standards.


Like Forza Motorsport will be online? How more FPS in FH5 makes you faster? Can´t blame them for testing there engine and seeing issues which Playground games did not.


Makes me wonder if Ubisoft knew that Horizon 6 would be in Hawaii and wanted to get in on the action.


do we even know that? all i can find about FH6 is speculation


I probably won’t play it but if it sucks than it sucks. Hopefully it improves though, imagine how good Forza would be if it actually had competition and was forced to innovate.




Cockpit view in The Crew Motorfest is unbelievably better than Forza one.


Does it still have the weird thing they did in TC2 where your character barely moves the steering wheel? That entirely turned me off ever using the cockpit camera.


It's got full 900 degree steering wheel animation.


It really isn't. Considering that they still don't have functional mirrors in 2023.


Mirrors is the only thing that's worse compared to FH5. Everything else is better. FH5 cockpit view is unusable.


Not really. The interior textures in FH5 are miles ahead of what Motorfest have.


No it isn't.


When you look back. Does the car disappear like it does on Forza?


No, it doesn't dissapear.


Good so you are actually looking through the rear window. Forza needs to learn that.


I personally find motorfest more enjoyable to play than fh5. The world feels much more alive


Yes the world is way better. I only wish it would've belonged to Forza 😁


Idk how people are downvoting. Horizon 5 has like 1 city and 2 towns filled with grass and cacti between.




Hope it does well and starts competing with horizon. Spark a flame under pg and get those lazy assholes to do some work for once. The last few months have been great hopefully they can keep it up


What are you even talking about? Car handling in TC2 was not existent. Cars drove like on rails. Completely unrealistic. In real life even rally cars or trucks slide on grass or dirt roads, not even talking about street cars. Compared to Forza Horizon 5 I like the handling in Motorfest much more. There is weight to the cars, they bounce when going over sidewalks or bumps in the road. In Forza all cars feel like bricks. No bodyroll, no proper weight distribution in corners etc. The suspension just filters everything present on the road. Take for example the Bentley Continental GT, I drove the car in real life, and in Motorfest the car feels heavy. Because it is heavy af. But in Forza you cannot feel the weight, it feels the same to drive as a Miata. In Motorfest you can feel the tyres trying their best to grip on the road and get the car around the corner with proper bodyroll, but in Forza the heavier the car the more it just slides. And I'm not even talking about the cockpit view.


On PC motorfest is so much better, and felt more like the spirit the original Horizon 1 had than 5 could ever give


Lmao, only if your blind deaf and dumb


> On PC motorfest is so much better, No, its trash on PC.


you must have a lousy pc


What specs do you have?


What do my specs have to do with it?


You're complaining about the PC experience, your specs are everything with that.


No they are not. The problems are core gameplay problems, PC specs dont change that.


Then why did you say that it's "trash on PC"?


Graphics trash Map was trash Physics was trash I aint buying it. AND any idiot who says it's better hS been smoking something


Not on Steam so it doesn't exist.


One plus of consoles aside of obvious negatives is one storefront, one payment management system and no launcher galore. So yes from this perspective not having it on Steam is not consumer friendly. Though I hate Steam that they allowed other launchers to squeeze into their releases, like Ubisoft's or Rockstar Club.


Funny shit with those launchers allowed on Steam, they work better with Steam than standalone. I only play Rainbow Six Siege from ubi, had some EA games too, and every time i launched any of those games, it insta legged me into theirs launchers, vs my fren who bought R6 on ubi and constantly had to type his login informations in the og launcher. If I am asked bout it from time to time, i just switch it back off and launch through Steam again and it works like a without me having to type anything.


Damn u fly in the new crew game I'll pass on that game just like crew 2


I had a lot of the same opinioms on the weekend beta trial i played. Map was amazing but drifting and physics not so much. Took a while to get used to what seemed like very arcade drifting without assists


The graphics really turn you off???


Actually I am still playing cuz events are fun, but here are things that I consider bad: * HDR black is gray and I can't find another way to fix it except RV settings, which is absurd tuning per game. * The game applies strong color filters depending on the event. It's like an evolution of the infamous piss filter from the PS3 era, but now there is a whole rainbow of piss variations. I understand that some people might enjoy it though. Like a duller colors and a weak grain on a retro playlist, idk. * The resolution is comparatively low and that's already using the TAA, which has strong visible trail artefacts. I am.playing on Series X, the PC version is probably might look way better. * Bloom on bright elements in the night. It feels like Midnight Club 3 from PS2 but Remastered. Of course graphics are miles ahead of PS2 don't get me wrong but the trick library they're using, I am not sure I am fond of. Forza in this comparison would be Grand Turismo 4 from the same PS2.


The controls feel so bad. I did a lot of tweaking which made it better but not nearly as good as Horizon. Jumps and dirt driving feel more satisfying. I really like the island too.


My best settings for now are: Abs: on, drift assist: comfort. And the one that helps to turn (pointing tour car in the right direction) on. All other things off: esp, trc.




Tbh the only thing I liked about the beta was being able to ride motorcycles


My friend and I played TCM for 1.5 hours yesterday and it's okay the plane handling is way worse the cars are a weireder then TC2 character models are ULTRA LOW RESbut the game doesn't look bad. For some reason there's a 60 FPS lock in the trial version really irritaing but I coukd get over it. Other then that I'd say it's not worth the 60-70 bucks maybe 30-40 but that's just my oppinion


I bet 60-70 targets PS5 players.


> 60 FPS lock in the trial version The full game is 60 fps locked


We see how people handle corners in FH5, they wouldn’t be able to handle a tight city corner at all.


I just use the guide line and play mostly in A/B class, Subaru STI 2019 most of the time. In Motorfest however drift feels artificial, so when you use brake and slightly turn you can feel the moment when the car goes into drift mode and it's hard to get it back into driving mode again. It's like on rails and every mode is a different rails. In Forza you're slightly drifting literally all the time, except in hypercars maybe. So when you drifting in a corner in RWD car you feel what you can do and how you can use it to your advantage. You can complete many drift events using non-drift car, simply add torque and that's it.


But yes, my first days of playing Horizon were like handbrake, turn, off the road you go.


I like the game but I hate the controls the most. I play on the Xbox Series X and I'm used to playing Forza. So having to learn to shift with XY rather than XB and using LB for handbrake instead of A is very counterintuitive. I wish we could bind our own controls! Would make the game a lot better!! It does other things very well though: - 3D map - Car show - Events look more lively and colourful - Car customization - Car list; you can even drive the current Red Bull F1! Bugatti Centodieci and Voiture Noir! Also motorcycles and airplanes - Better faces and clothing for avatar - Map is a whole lot better


Agree on all fronts. Except maybe avatar customization, I personally couldn't care less, but I do agree this is a big selling point on the current racing games landscape. I also play Wreckfest and over there it's one model for all and it doesn't even have it's hands or anything else moving at all lol.


The only thing I wish that Forza has that The Crew has (and it’s extremely small detail) to be the SS badges on “Super Sport” cars.


Yeah I saw some gameplay, it looked like a spectacle but the physics and handling just looked… off?


Those are like the main negatives of the whole franchise


I've always had that physics issue with the Crew games. I love the Crew 2, absolutely amazing map. Nothing like getting on a bike and cruising for 45 minutes real time to a random way point I set, but the physics are just... not great. The best I could think to compare it to is one of those pedal and steering wheel arcade machines they used to have inside Pizza Huts and shit.


Yeah the handling is terrible. Straight up switched my "probably buy" to "won't buy"


Respectfully, I disagree. The physics are definitely *unique* but I got used to them in about 4 races. On my Series X it looks great, are you running performance or resolution? I’m running performance and still think it’s looks good. I’ve been seeing a lot of people saying “I can’t believe it, this is horrible, it’s nothing like FH5!” or the exact opposite “they just copied FH5 but made it worse!”. Look, I have ~220 hours in FH5 and I have every car minus some series exclusives I missed, I’ve completed every event and 3 starred every zone/trap. That goes for every Horizon, I’ve done *everything* Yes the Crew isn’t perfect, it never has been but, if people didn’t just go into a game comparing it to their favorite game and just enjoying it for what it is, we’d all be a lot happier.


Forza horizon physics are great


No idea about the new game, but I played The Crew 2 before FH5 The former was fun, but kinda too much. Not sure what was wrong with it, maybe it just didn't feel right. I didn't end up completing it. I had no idea how heavily it was inspired by Forza until I played FH5, which I still can't stop playing after a month


Well the new game tried to copy the festival atmosphere with all the same mood and tone to the point it has some music tracks that are in Horizon 5 too.


i ain't buying probably now, no good physics then i basically just dislike the game. NFS unbound for example was so bad, lucky it was on game pass. i love customizing cars but if when i want to drive them it just behaves so weird its no longer fun for me


It has a trial mode for a few days, 5 hours of free playtime.


thanks for the info,


So bells and whisles and no substance like Crew 2. The only things that are similar to some capacity to FH are the 'bells and whisles', but you stay and play or quit racing games whether they have handling that is engaging even if it not realistic. Burnout Paradise had more weight to it's car handling than Crew 2 and Motorfest. Why bother with hundreds of cars if they all handle the same.