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Tbh that was actually pretty nice of him


Yeah that's when I first realized coop isn't completely evil


He’s horribly cynical and desensitised after 200 years of watching humans be the worst they ever have in all history in their world. Hardly surprising he’s numb to it


Totally, agreed.


*Spoilers* we see him become desensitized before the nuke gets dropped.


I thought it wasn’t actually 200 yrs tho


Yea it was there was another incident that your thinking of.


It was 200 years. In guessing you’re confused because Maximus said >!he was alive when the bombs dropped. He’s wrong. The bombs dropped in 2077, then in 2281 Shady Sands got nuked by Hank.!<


Yea that and I was confused with moldaver, it never said she went in a cryo pod for all those years.


Maybe she didn’t… I have a feeling we’ll be seeing her more in flashbacks and exposition


You think maybe the institute got a couple synths that far west?


Or an experimental drug that causes non-symptomatic ghoulfication… or her own cryo pod in a secret location provided by her “communist” connections. Could be any number of possibilities.


If i lost my family and my world crumbled around me forcing me to walk a wasteland for 200 years id be pretty fucking angry too


Particularly following the unfortunate incident involving his spouse and the canine.




No dogs in the vaults


I thought that was kinda weird. What's more American than having a wife, 2.4 kids and a dog in your white picket fenced house? I mean I know we know Vault-tec's opinons on America having "failed" but they are still selling spaces in the vaults to Americans who presumably are still at least vaguely patriotic.


Hazarding a guess: they don’t serve a literal purpose in the vaults and they also take a lot more space than you might think. I have 4 dogs, two small two big. My house, which isn’t tiny, often isn’t enough space. Can’t imagine 50 dogs in a vault. Although one vault should end up being 1 guy and 100 dogs Wait no nvm I don’t want that, Colby 2012 never forget


Have to be fed, can cause damage to various systems, some diseases can be passed between animal and man (rabies being one of the most notable). I would guess in the Fallout world it's because it impacts Valt-Tech's control over a person. Just from the TV show we see the dog gets saved because she's just under the minimum weight, he hides her and trains her up, she then killed someone leading to his escape. People love their animals and make unpredictable choices.


Maybe that's where those Denver hounds come from?


I feel like they said in the show that dogs (pets) consume resources, so they didn't want them there.


I think it’s more Surly than Angry, no?


*And then he harvested his butt-jerky to spook the Vaultdweller*


I didn’t think he was evil at all. I see him as True Neutral.


He's definitely Chaotic Neutral. He's extremely self-serving, but he doesn't seek to do good or evil, he just does what his whims command with 0 regard for how it affects others.


Bro he was just hungry he literally eats him 20 seconds later 😂


He's just not wasteful. He did a good thing, *and* took advantage of the opportunity it created.


Proceeds to consume way more vials than he needed at super duper mart lol


Fair point lol


If we were counting karma fallout 3 style from start to finish he leans on the bad karma side


hehe, yeah that was dumb. Like, your supplier is dead. Might want to ration that til you find a new supply. and even if he has other suppliers, it's not free


I like how everyone wants him to be the good guy but in the previous scene he cuts Lucy’s finger off then sells her into slavery to have her organs harvested 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Yeah. Like, great actor, and he has reasons to be jaded, but the guy is bad, he does terrible things to get what he wants


Not sure why I tear up when watching it. Maybe it's because Roger's last moment was that of a happy memory


I really liked this moment too. It obviously is a particularly cold action, but it shows Cooper still has some humanity. Any good person puts down an animal that's suffering and Roger was on his way to an awful fate. An even better person ensures they enjoy some happiness at that moment and aren't scared-i.e. expecting it. It also to me showed that Cooper is scared of something - losing what little he has left and going feral. He couldn't let it happen to someone else, especially not a friend. Then of course straight back to being a heartless, ass jerky eating bastard.


Would be heart broken if near the end of the series Lucy has to kill cooper because he went feral


Oh that’s happening for sure


Or finds his family and his daughter has to kill him


If y’all don’t shut up and quit making me think about Coop dying, I’ll give you all the Thaddeus treatment


You're gonna be a shitter? Must explain why you're so fat ^please ^don't ^ban ^for ^toxicity ^it's ^a ^joke


TT The Walking Dead treatment


“You have to shoot me sweet pea” that line is burned into my memory.


Nah, Coop will live but when he finds his daughter she'll be a feral ghoul


Is Betty from the Vault his wife?


Naw. Betty and his wife Barb were in the same building where Coop was eavesdropping onto the vault tec higher ups.


Aw shit I missed that, going to have to rewatch that scene.


Betty and Hank were his wife's assistants.


I was thinking that they would find Coop's daughter as a ghoul and has to kill her when she goes feral as Coop cannot


I think she’s already dead and lived a long, happy life in one of the vaults and Coop is gonna have to deal with the fact he never got a chance to enjoy all of those moments with her. The first time she got a partner, the time he hears her and her final partner are gonna have a baby, meeting his grandkid. I think that would be far more tragic for him. That he was looking for her this entire time and he missed everything when she was right under his nosehole


I think it may be possible she died shortly after the bombs dropped, and maybe Coop had to watch it. We last see the two of them riding off together on horseback as multiple nukes drop on the city only a mile or two away. Kind of pictured Coop having to watch her succumb to rad poisoning as he turned, now he's just looking for his wife either to get answers or revenge of some kind


I disagree. He wouldn’t say, “where’s my family,” if it’s just his ex-wife. If his daughter did die as he rode with her to wherever he was taking her (probably vault 31) I suspect he had a new family after the bombs dropped but there’s just one problem with that. Why ask young Henry who knows nothing about the new family about where they are? No, his daughter made it. Even if he didn’t have any love for his omnicidal wife his daughter would have to have made it somewhere for that line to who he asked to make any sense


Ooooh that's how she's gonna learn Cooper's name.


Bit o’ whiskey, which is a fallout necessity with me now, and i shed a tear for ole rog’. I also enjoy now that I’ve seen it a couple times, I just caught today, where when roger asks for a vial, coop of course says “sorry rog’ I’m all out” and he looked at lucy as if to say, SEE, like if he had them, roger could’ve kept on keepin’ on, but then again, he did use her as fuckin’ bait, the “ass jerky eatin’ bastard” that needs to be that redditors user flare man😂😂😂😂 which also, might’ve done the same in coop’s place, I don’t wanna end up like roger, and his ass jerky has my nutrients, and I ain’t talkin’ protein God damn what a long comment, this hybrid’s kickin’ my ass💀💀🫡


I bet Coop would have given Rog a puff. Not because of the golden rule, but to have somebody owe him.


The cadence of this entire comment is great. Read it all in Cooper’s voice.


That actually means a lot, love the positivity!!!!❤️❤️😂🫡


to be fair he doesn’t exactly need that ass jerky anymore, may as well go to a good cause


Have you ever had ass Jerky? I’m sure Roger was a little tough, but Coop probably has a good whiskey recipe for it. A little whiskey and gun powder rub makes for good eatin! Seriously, I don’t remember if Fallout ever explained in any of the games why some Ghouls never go feral and some immediately did after turning. Is it the Radaway, or Radx?


It's kinda just a mix of luck and the amount of rads you get. Some go feral, others ghoul, some just die of radiation poisoning before turning into a ghoul/feral.


Is it luck or can be traced back to one of Vault-Tecs pre-war experiments? Immunity from radiation? Longevity? Immortality? Or God kniws what?


I'm not a Fallout lore historian, but I don't recall anything about ghoulification being related to a vault tech experiment. Most ghouls are ghouls specifically because they couldn't get access to a vault when the bombs dropped. A lot of em are over 200 years old, but there are some outliers who became ghouls through other means.


It also shows the coop had friends. Probably gave up on them after dozens if not hundreds of friends going feral.


Yeah, you can see that he was disturbed with Rogers slow decent into madness. Knowing too, that he himself was running out of time.


ass jerky don’t make itself.


Understandable, I tear up at shit too. Not at this but a lot of other stuff.


Better to go out on a happy memory then as a mindless ghoul. It’s a perfect contrast to what Lucy tried to do / had to do when captured and ended up having to take down the female ghoul.


For me it's a combination of that, Coop's hardened but subtle reaction to it, and then Lucy in shock essentially evoking the audience's sadness to the moment. But then again I tend to get stupidly emotional during movies and shows anyway, but seeing that range of emotions across the characters in their respective situation is what gets me.


That’s cool and all, but is this really an “always” moment when the show is barely a month old?


I think the saddest part of it (but it’s the kindest part) is that he doesn’t even get to finish what he was saying. It’s sad because you can tell he was so lost in his joy and excitement that he was really ready to share this awesome thing his mom used to do, and BAM. But it’s the kindness because he didn’t have an opportunity to get lost in the thought. Not figure out the plan, not remember that his mom also only made apple pie until his dad died, not get hung up that everything he knows and loves it gone. Just a straight dopamine hit and then BAM, that’s all she wrote


He got to die thinking about apple pie, ice cream, and his mom. For a second he was in the past, and died there, as he always should have.


That last sentence would have been a killer line for coop to tell Lucy.


They did a good job showing it I think


not everything needs dialogue. that wouldve made it less impactful imo


“For a second he was in the past, and died there, as he always should have. Now get that damn ass jerky.” I don’t know that’s poetry to me.


That’s poetic af


God damn, Hollywood get this person a job in creative writing.


Very big homage to "Of Mice and Men"


If we are all so lucky to go out like that. I’ll more likely get mangled by farm equipment. 😞


I interpreted it as he was laughing because apple pie wasn't something he'd have experienced in the wasteland (I think they said he was a few decades old, and to him Coop was old), and he was going to say something like his mom would tell stories of apple pie, or cook them some nasty dish and tell them it was apple pie.


No, it was a few decades since he started “showing”, implying that he’s been going feral slowly for 23 years


Yeah I thought that might be the meaning too, but he asked how long Coop has as well I think, and Coop said a long time.


Really shows that Coop's still got some degree of humanity left in him early on too. He gives Roger a happy memory and then instantly kills him before he can even realize. And he made some damn fine ass bacon.


"Think of the rabbits Lennie"


That book. Fuck me. Ugh 😩


I never read the book but I did know it existed. So when the movie came out I watched it and damn it broke my heart. I was a crying mess. Hell, just thinking about it made me tear up.


That movie is an excellent reprisentation of it's source material


Yes it is. I was forced to read it in high school so I only skimmed it. Then while on a deployment I read it fully in detail. Same year I read Grapes of Wrath. Both have their controversy, and I surprisingly had some heated discussions with people while reading them. Similar to The Jungle. It’s pointed out the horrible environment of the meat industry at the time. The book could have had the last chapter removed and still would have been just as impactful.


What book ?


Of Mice and Men. I highly suggest you read it. Such a great read it’s constantly getting banned, so you know it’s good. It used to be a must for high school literature, but not so much now.


We had to read, then got to watch. What OP put is exactly what I came here thinking


Oh you went to a good school then. I think a school should teach all sorts of manners of works. The classical literature that makes the soul weep to the books that outrage Sunday mass. Most what is put to paper and pen is shit, but every few papers some nuggets of wisdom can be learned.


Blood Meridian


“Remember Blamco Mac and cheese”


This and the ghoul lady repeating her name so she doesn't forget who she is, is so sad.


My name is Martha.


So she can stop Batman from killing her? Brilliant




"Pop what, Magnitude? Pop what?"


Pop pop


The mere fact that you call making love "pop pop" tells me you're not ready.


Bruh I heard that response in Jeff’s voice lol. [pop pop](https://youtu.be/p2ooG1RHSU8?si=11yL2wNCuInRXULJ)


I appreciate it, but my reference was to [Arrested Development](https://youtu.be/DWF2YpQqyY8?si=sYJo3psWZP6gPhqS) haha


Yeah this was a pretty special moment imo. Lucy not understanding in her naivity just compounded it for me, she doesn't understand suffering but The Ghoul does. He's probably had to do this before, he knew exactly how it was going to play out & set him up with a moment of joy whilst he was out of his line of sight. Beautifully done


This scene made me wonder if all ghouls are pre-war. It’s been a while since I played the fallout games and I can’t remember the lore.


Ghoulification can happen post-war. In Fallout 3 Moira turns into a Ghoul if you make certain choices


Keep up the great research, super assistant!


Fuck her and her god-forsaken minefield. Fuckin’ pipboy: “HEY EVRERYBODY-“ one of the only times I turn on the enclave’s station to get courage, fuck butcher pete, that minefield, and the glitch ass mole rats chasing my unarmed build in. A GOD. DAMN. MINEFIELD. Gets me emotional, I apologize😳😂😂


I enjoyed her earnestness but she was definitely a dimmed bulb.


😂😂i was doing the lord’d work for sure edit: WE were doing the lord’s work getting that book together, even made it to the show😂


Ab-So-Lutely Edit: [Fallout 3 Moira Absolutely](https://youtu.be/tDBHTAAJmns?si=uQFJ16LdbatBcrcY)


Most ghouls were created when the bombs dropped. There’s many who succumbed in the centuries after due to radiation exposure. There’s even a rare few who became ghouls before the bombs dropped


There is a feral ghoul that is shown later that definitely was post great war but still the result of a bomb being dropped.


Hancock from Fallout 4 turned into a ghoul post-war after taking an experimental chem


Same chem mix the chicken fucker was selling probably


Prolly not since Hancock said it gave him a good high, but the one the doctor that smelled like that gave to Thaddeus did not get him noticeably high at all


In 1-2 Ghouls were explicitly not only pre-war but from Bakersfield's vault, which didn't lock properly giving them a 'sweet spot' dose of radiation. In 2 it's said there's one generation of Ghouls - them - and they're dying out at that point. Gecko needs Valut City's medical supplies to keep them going. Post-Bethesda, that sweet spot dose doesn't exist, it's not a one-off fluke, and it's prolonged exposure that does it. So you get post-war Ghouls from exposure to rads. Also the case that ghoulification was known to occur pre-war as there's a pre-war character who learns about it and makes himself one to cheat death.


love the fact that if id survived the fallout war id become a ghoul :S rah rah bakersfield


Doesn't this guy say he turned 25ish years ago or something? There is definitely precedent for post war ghouls.


He was saying he first started showing signs of turning feral like 25-28 years ago (i can’t remember the exact number). But it does seem hes a pre-war ghoul


No, he says it has been 28 years since he started turning feral. He’s a pre war ghoul as shown by his remembering ice cream and apple pie


Radiation is rampant. It is definitely possible.


There is literally a new ghoul created in the course of the season.


We don't know 100% if he's actually going to become a ghoul. It could of been FEV making him a Super mutant or it could of been the Serum from Fo76 giving him Healing Factor Mutation


Thaddeus is Harold 2.0


That is true. But my expectation is that we won’t see his character again (although I hope we do!) and that Maximus saying “I think your a ghoul” is essentially confirming to the audience that he is indeed a ghoul now.


There were hints like Doctor chicken fucker telling him he doesn't need to worry about radiation anymore when he brings up shady Sands and what Maximus said. But personally I think the hints are way to obvious and it's a misdirection. He states "he has in his position serums and potions for every malady and misfortune" which could be a hint to Healing Factor Mutation because inf Fo76 you either mutate it naturally or take a Serum to acquire it. Not saying it can't happen but just saying there are multiple possibilities of what will become of him Personally I think it's the Healing factor route because he seems to be comic relief through out the show. Also from a production standpoint if they make him a ghoul it's another actor that has to spend hours in make up to film or if hes a super mutant they will have to spend more money on CGI. Healing factor they don't have to do anything other than CGI whatever gruesome thing happens to him that he heals from


The vast majority of ghouls are pre-war but there are some post war ghouls.


He Of Mice and Men'd him. Kinda sweet.


I enjoyed this therapists interpretation https://youtu.be/qak2ylPRXlE?si=xEUJQrMt7s7dSpZ8


I really think the ghoul did a good thing in this scene. He knew Roger was turning and would suffer so he made sure his last thought was a happy one, just his mom and apple pie. I mean he then proceeds to eat him but still it was done humanely.


That's just pragmatism, it sounds cold but he didn't kill Roger to eat him, it was a mercy kill but then he was dead and there was all this meat going to waste, who knows when he'd get to eat again?


"Hot damn apple pie! Haha y'know my mom used to-BANG" "it ain't all marmalade and pies left up here vaultie sometimes a man's gotta eat"


"sometimes a fella's got ta eat a fella"


Full on 'Of mice & men' vibes with this scene.


Bro pulled of mice and men on him


The green subtitles!!


Yeah, Lenny, we'll get you some rabbits.


He died with a happy memory on his mind and a laugh in his voice, the best he could hope for.


the ghoul isn't so bad after all.


"always" ... How many times have you watched it?? Lol


3 times


Literally just watched this scene a few moments ago. Makes me kinda tear up.


Did he really walk all the way there just to eat him?


nah he was hoping he’d have some vials of anti-feral meds left


This scene always makes you tear up? The show just came out, bro. Let it marinate before diving right back in multiple times already.


This was the moment where my parents really started liking the show. It became pretty real.


Very powerful 💥scene 😨🥹


Can someone explain the timeline? How is he surviving for 200 years?


If you become a ghoul you become immortal. But you always have a chance of going feral


Ah cool. Thanks man. Great show but I was like wtf lol


Yeah, there are even some characters in the games who purposefully turned themselves into ghouls just so they could become immortal.


Really should check out the game. My first venture into Bethesda was Starfield.. 😂


In theory Starfield is the best game Bethesda has ever made and is extremely Bethesda. But Fallout New Vegas is the most true to Fallout the 3D games have gotten to the ethos of the narrative


Made me think of a certain scene from Justified, also featuring Goggins. [Referring to an old black and white family photo of Kentucky coal miners] "Those men saw some hard, bitter times. But they also saw a future. Now you look closely, you can see it in their eyes. Go on, take a look.


Tell me about the rabbits, Lenny.


He really did his homie a kindness in that


Yeah, this felt like a mercy killing to me. He didn’t get joy out of the situation and he wasn’t doing it to spite Roger. And when you have to survive you realize that ass jerky doesn’t make itself.


The mice and men technique


the definition of a mercy killing


He showed mercy. He knew his friend was turning. He at least allowed the guy a happy thought of his mom for his last living interaction.


He was turning feral, so yeah put him out of his misery, but at least let him finish the goddamned sentence. Don’t take him out hank schrader style


At least he gave him a good moment of reminiscence before putting him down


this scene makes me laugh knowing the line "ass jerky" follows it


Spoiler alert who was this guy?


Just some friend of the Ghoul. He only had one scene. Lucy and the Ghoul go to a medical clinic and find him turning Feral. The the Ghoul talks to him about food he likes, then shoots him to put him out of his misery, and he then proceeded to make ass jerky.


I thought he might have been from before


Very of mice and men


think of the rabbits Lenny


personally i wouldnt have written the bits about the ghoul antidote I was really hoping for the twist for that subplot is that the "antidote" is just placebo and the real way to prevent yourself from turning is to not lose hope. like keeping a strong will and not letting yourself be consumed by despair is the trick to keep your sanity. just like how in dark souls people who die don't immediately turn into hollows. they can stay "undead" and essentially be the same as they were still alive as long as they have a purpose but the moment they let go of that hope the hollowfication process starts and they go insane


I hate this scene, I understood why he killed him but wtf why does he then decide to just eat him!?!? bro you dont need food but for some reason you still wanna eat him? who the fuck wrote that confusing ass scene.


But he did need food. Why wouldn’t he need food? His won’t last forever. If you find food you take it because eventually you will need it and you never know how long it will be until you find more. It could’ve been days before he found more food.


You don't know about the whole ghouls don't need to eat or do need to eat issue? This has been a constant thing since Fallout 4 since there was a ghoul kid who just survived 200+ years in a fridge without issue, but ghoul settlers in your settlements need food? Its a very confusing mess of bad writing and massive plot holes. Think this was an issue before fallout 4 as well but the fridge kid is the only thing I can think of rn.


Ghouls still need to eat. A Ghoul in New Vegas said they lived off of Radroach. A plot hole doesn’t completely retcon part how Ghouls work. It’s just a mistake. The show also made a big fried mistake. Maximus survived shady from being in a fridge, but in the back of the fridge there is a big hole for the fan. So much radiation would’ve leached into the fridge Maximus would’ve certainly turned into a ghoul if not die from radiation. Not not mention you can’t survive being thrown in metal box at 1,000 miles per hour. That’s instant death when he hits something.


Always? It’s been out a month.


Ok? The show can be watched in a day. That’s at least 30 times he could’ve watched the show.


People are getting too hung up on the “always” part. Is it that crazy to think people have already seen through the show multiple times? It been out a month. People could’ve seen it 30 times by now. I’ve seen it twice (besides the finale). I watched episode 1 with my parents, then watched through 2-7 throughout the week after work. Finally across Saturday and Sunday I watched the whole show from start to finish with my grandparents.


I like to imagine he got this straight from his war times trying to remind one of his dying comrades in a power armor with faults of the good times before war. Better to end it happy and quick. Edit: maybe comrades is the wrong word considering the context xD


I am on my third runthrough of the show and STILL got teary eyed. The first time I thought it was callous, but after watching the entire show you realize how truly merciful it is. The first sign of the ghoul's remaining humanity.


Meanwhile Gucy was all like... "That's not very okie dokie of you"


Always makes you tear up? How many times have you rewatched it lmao This show is new


meh. he had a long life. longer than most. his time was more than up.


Just how gullible are you Jesus


Finding this scene emotionally resonant doesn’t have anything to do with gullibility


Being empathetic is pretty normal, it's okay if you don't share that quality


Wait. So because he didn’t cry over a fictional character that does not exist and we only knew for a couple minutes, he has no empathy? Do you cry when an extra in a Jurassic Park movie is killed by a dinosaur? No? God you have no empathy.


Actually it's psychotic