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Whenever i hear the “black on black crime.” I wonder why I leaned about the Rwanda genocide in school but not rubber terror. How strange.


42 yo me just found out about it. Thanks Reddit!


I hope you enjoyed every minute before you knew of rubber terror


Your talking about the congo under king Phillip?




He was a very hands off king


Dark joke, but gold.


Got me names mixed up.


Yes i am!! Literally never met a person who’s heard of it other than me and this one guy from el Salvador.


I was watching Victoria and King Leopold was in an episode. I don’t remember what the plot was, but I was placidly watching the tv show for a bit, then suddenly was like “OH WAIT HOLY SHIT THAT LEOPOLD”. It was really weird watching it after that.


Did they at least portray him as a massive cunt? Because I’d also be uncomfortable too regardless.


No, that was King Leopold I. His son was the evil King Leopold II, the one who brutalized Congo.


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, that was King Leopold I. His son was the evil King Leopold II, the one who brutalized Congo.


My school didnt teach it either i picked up most of what i know from behind the basterds podcast


Funny enough I actually learned about it on Instagram. I didn’t believe it then i googled it and instantly regretted it!


I had to explain it several times in school.


yeah that comment section DEFINITELY brought up black on black crime. There were so many FWRs in the thread, and anything you wrote to counter their persecution complex was met with downvotes


The ~~Along~~ Arlong arc from One Piece sound *really* similar to rubber terror. Also never heard of either. I didn't even know about the tulsa race massacre until I went to an HBCU. Like, none of my honors nor AP classes from HS to community college ever talked about it (which makes sense if I think about it). Edit: stupid spell check


I only learned about it on Behind the Bastards.


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t tell what triggered this bot.


Won't somebody think of the whites!!!


Are the whites alright?


Are you?




There's that SNL skit when they find out Beyonce is black


Ok, that's fucking [funny](https://youtu.be/ociMBfkDG1w). "Maybe... this song isn't *for* us..." "BUT USUALLY EVERYTHING IS!"


And the screaming after hahahahaha


Reminds me of the South Park episodes with the White family 😂


the episode when they found out it was spelled "Tolkien" fucking KILLED me hes like'' WHY TF WOULD MY PARENTS NAME ME TOKEN"


Right?? 🤣😂 If you happen to watch with subtitles, they switched the spelling of his name in that episode and it’s been Tolkien since!


They’ve definitely made an effort to pronounce the “L” in his name since that episode. It’s hilarious because it was 100% Token before that. That episode was the perfect example of gaslighting lmao


Seriously! Prime example I love the fact that EVERYONE knew but Stan - even Cartman knew it was Tolkien 🤣 they shamed us good.


I love it when white people explain black issue to me


Lol yeah. Like, thank you, o great white arbiter of knowledge, for explaining shit that I've known since before I could explain them. Truly an invaluable service to humankind.


I'm white but I'm also gay/ace and I feel you friend. Can't tell you how many times I've had cishets lecture me at the "real problem" with XYZ issue related to gender or sexuality.


Thank you for understanding


I'm biracial and queer, so I can get both. Good news is that I'm not a doormat and know how to debunk all that bullshit.


Unfortunately, many people are not very open minded, but perhaps with enough effort that can one day change. We need to teach people to talk less and listen more.


Not bigotry in my case but when anyone I know finds out my diet is plant based, they suddenly become professional dietitians and lecture me on how I’m fat and need to eat fish lol. But if I were skinnier they’d tell me the same thing. I have fat because I still snack and eat sweets, not because I eat vegetables 💀


Somehow as a vegan I’m expected to be both “too healthy” and only eat salads and “too unhealthy” and only eat either salads or Oreos. No in between. Weird how not one single person cared about my protein intake until six years ago.


There are exactly two people whose business your nutrition is - you, and your doctor. My doctor is of the philosophy that if your bloodwork and nutrition panel is okay, then there's no issue and you can go on living your life.


Bad news for me is that I AM a "doormat". I'm not a person of color, but I am pansexual and trans. And when people insult me for my sexuality or gender identity, I just smile and accept it. I know it's not what I should do, but I can't bring myself to be defensive and fight back.


I know how to pick my battles, so most of the time I don’t say anything.


the thing about being black, you don't have to tell anyone, in order to have racism harm you. if you're white, most people don't just assume you're gay/ace. so, you still have the protection of whiteness. you are a white person, that happens to be gay/ace. black people are ALWAYS black first, and then maybe a woman, or a student etc. the black identity never leaves, and is always being taken into consideration. your being gay/ace isn't something everyone knows about you, because you have to tell them, a stranger that meets you, probably doesn't know. same with employers, police, the bank etc. being gay isn't the same as not being white. I really wish white LGBTQ folks would really absorb that fact. I know they know this, but it's not sinking in.


> being gay isn't the same as not being white. I really wish white LGBTQ folks would really absorb that fact. I know they know this, but it's not sinking in. I know it's not the same, I just think it's important to empathize with others and relate to their experiences. Acknowledging our similarities doesn't mean we are ignoring our differences. That being said, while *I'm* certainly straight-passing (and this doesn't apply to me as a result), many queer people *are not* and are very visibly queer. Trans people especially tend to get singled out because depending on one's stage in transition it can be painfully obvious. But *anyone* not conforming to others' expectations for their gender can be singled-out, and it opens them up to a lot of forms of discrimination that straight-passing queer people don't experience. It often even results in people who *aren't* actually queer getting targeted (which still makes it gender/sexual discrimination, just in a different way). So although I have the luxury of being able to stay in the closet, not all queer people do, and that's without getting into people spreading rumors or outing someone without their consent. And even if one were to argue that most queer people can choose not to transition, or try harder to pass, or whatever, there are intersex people who may have anatomy that precludes that. Again, I'm not saying that this makes experiencing homophobia/transphobia the same as experiencing racism, just that they can be very similar in some cases. People's experiences across the gender and sexuality spectrum are not monolithic and can't always be kept "in the closet".


the thing is, they are not AT ALL similar and that white gays keep trying to convince everyone into thinking they are, is white supremacy in action. whiteness is so devoid of understanding how insidious racism actually is, that they think the negatives they experience as a gay person have some comparison. and then they take it a step further, and don't actually work to dismantle the fucked up system, no - they instead want to claim just oppression from that system, which almost always takes the form of piggybacking off of black people experiencing harm, or simply shutting down conversations of harm from racism by inserting their own experiences as white gay people. to me, this behavior speaks to the lack of actual understanding of the issue.


I think you're demeaning the experiences of queer people... Racism isn't inherently "worse" then homophobia or transphobia. Bigotry is bigotry. Playing the Oppression Olympics and trying to sow division by implying that the experiences of another minority group are somehow less important than your own is not a productive use of time and it's a losing argument. It also diminishes the experiences of members of your own community that may have intersectional experiences with queerness. Not only that, [but homophobia and transphobia is utilized to advance the goals of white supremacy](https://www.clasp.org/blog/how-queer-visibility-threatens-white-power/). There's a reason that racism is often accompanied by anti-queer bigotry. Also I really don't understand what makes you think that sharing related experiences and empathizing over specific issues is equivocal to participating in white supremacy. Like, as an example, both queer people and black people have a long history of experiencing police abuse and brutality. If anything, that makes it *more likely* that a queer person would support and advocate for dismantling the police, and in fact almost every queer person I know does exactly that. Our shared experiences make it easier for us to understand where you're coming from when you talk about your own experiences and it helps encourage us to share in advocating for change.


> Racism isn't inherently "worse" then homophobia or transphobia exactly my point - you don't actually understand racism. ​ >really don't understand what makes you think that sharing related experiences you will never experience racism, because you're white. so - we don't actually share ANYTHING. Because racism isn't the same as anti-LGBTQ sentiment. I know gay people like to equate the two, but they're distinctly different. you not understanding this, is more to the point that you simply don't actually understand racism. I think you think racism is just, negative sentiment, or what is called prejudice. But prejudice is a part of racism, not the entirety of it. Only white people do this to other groups, especially racial minorities - because its part of white supremacy in action. When a mexican woman says she had a racist experience, I don't tell her I had one too, and how what we experienced was the same. I simply support her, offer advice, and try to provide tools on how to navigate the racist system. I don't negate by adding myself. I don't tell her what we experienced was the same. I don't insert myself, or black people as a group, into the conversation at all. But white gay folks always have to pivot to themselves, the LGBTQ community, how much oppression they feel, on and on. They have to center themselves, and that is a problem. This is also becoming very common with white people using their autism or other neurologic disabilities to move conversations on race based oppression to a conversation centering white people that experience negative sentiment or interactions relating to their ADHD or Autism. This behavior occurring in this space is equally tiring. ​ >what makes it more likely that a queer person would support and advocate for dismantling the police, and in fact almost every queer person I know does exactly that. because thats the right thing to do. Police shouldn't abuse anyone. I not advocating to stop to police brutality ONLY because of who it harms, but because IT'S WRONG, and a violation of the constitutional right to due process. ​ > it helps encourage us who needs encouragement, but especially white people, to create change? You're already white - GO CREATE IT! people will listen to you, so start advocating. We have already seen, when white gays advocate for change, they only advocate for themselves - for LGBTQ. They aren't out pushing for women's rights, or rights for BIPOC. Yes, they do get in with these groups, but there aren't any white gays that have a platform centered on BIPOC or women's rights. ​ I know you don't want to hear it, and this might just be a big shock to you; but anti-LGBTQ sentiment isn't racsim. not the same, not the same impact. but you aren't actually concerned with racism, you only bring it up as a way to co-opt the social awareness about it. very problematic, but also very common.


>but there aren't any white gays that have a platform centered on BIPOC or women's rights. Okay well this is just ignorant. >you will never experience racism, because you're white This is doubly ignorant. I'm a white Jew. Antisemitism is inherently rooted in white supremacy. I've been told by other white people that I "don't count" as white, I've had slurs directed at me, I've experienced plenty of racism. Romani people also tend to experience a lot of racism. Racism also has effects on the totality of the community in which it is institutionalized. Poor white people have historically suffered from racist institutions and policies *even while themselves engaging in or supporting racism*. Bigotry is a tool utilized by the upper class to subjugate and divide the lower classes. Don't play into their hands by trying to sow discord. You also keep talking about all of these different identities as if black people aren't a significant portion of those communities. You bring up autism and neurological conditions and dismiss discussions related to that as "centering white people" despite the fact that autism is [underdiagnosed in minority groups in the United States](https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/addm-community-report/differences-in-children.html). And outreach and activism related to what you apparently consider to be a white problem has resulted in that gap shrinking significantly in recent years. The LGBTQ rights movement was started by queer POC. It has roots in the Civil Rights movement, and MLK, Jr. himself stated later in his life that he regretted [pushing away queer activists at the time](https://www.advocate.com/arts-entertainment/people/2015/01/19/bayard-rustin-martin-luther-king-s-views-gay-people). Queer people in general have always been closely tied to the civil rights movement and several prominent civil rights leaders were queer. I suggest that you read up on your history and actually educate yourself about all of these different issues before you dismiss the experiences of others. It's mind boggling to me that someone who claims to be so conscientious of discrimination is so quick to dismiss and demean the experiences of others.


I am not dismissing anything - because I'm not even considering it. if you are white - at all, in America - we do not share personal life experiences. None. Never. Because I am a black woman, in America. that you don't understand why nothing more needs to be considered, shows to me you don't actually understand what racism even is. Thus, an informed conversation cannot be had - you are not versed on the information. Because if you were, you would know the how there is no comparison, or similarity between your life as a white gay jewish person in America and my life as a black woman. but I don't need to convince you of this truth, it simply is. Either you'll understand this one day, or you won't. But as of today - you don't.


>I am not dismissing anything - because I'm not even considering it. Please read and re-read this sentence and then think about what you're doing >if you are white - at all, in America - we do not share personal life experiences. None. Never. Because I am a black woman, in America. This is assenine. There's a long and *irrefutable* history of queer communities and black communities suffering similar problems. Both have been victimized by the police, subject to lynchings and other forms of violence, both have high incidence rates of poverty, restricted access to education and healthcare, etc. This is all fact. There's nothing to argue about over it. These are things both groups have experienced, often something that is exacerbated by being a member of both groups. Do I specifically know what it's like to be black or a woman or a black woman? No. But I have experiences and have listened to the experiences of others and can empathize with and relate to the issues that others experience. I'm taking sensitivity trainings to help me detect my own innate biases and counteract them. I'm putting up and putting out not only for my own community, but for others as well. I'm going into advocacy work. Can you say the same?


>not the same impact Tell me you're cishet without telling me you're cishet ​ Talk to me when you need several doctors and years just to "prove" your identity


[https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human\_rights\_magazine\_home/the-state-of-healthcare-in-the-united-states/racial-disparities-in-health-care/](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/the-state-of-healthcare-in-the-united-states/racial-disparities-in-health-care/) [https://www.endofound.org/the-disparities-in-healthcare-for-black-women](https://www.endofound.org/the-disparities-in-healthcare-for-black-women) [https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/maternal-mortality/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/maternal-mortality/index.html)


All US centric metrics but sure let's go that way ​ Nobody is denying this is the case, but if you think there isn't a healthcare disparity against queer people as well then you're just nuts. Forget the original argument, you're only showing your ignorance (giving you the benefit of the doubt here) by acting like queerphobia isn't pervasive and doesn't affect the daily lives of queer people. Ironically given your own arguments you dismiss it simply because you don't experience it ​ The fact you completely missed the mark on what I was saying just tells me all I need to know


I'm an Arab immigrant. The number of times I've had white people tell me why the middle east is a mess, and how "those people" just need to be taught democracy...


Ugh I'm ethnically Jewish and I get the same shit. Even worse is that non-Jewish whites expect me to share in racist attitudes towards Arabs/Muslims because of Israel. My family is like six generations removed from Israel, the obsession with it is really perplexing to me. I've actually been called an antisemite *by other Jews* for supporting Palestinian independence and opposing Israeli war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank.


I get that. My wife's Jewish and she's gotten that same reaction. Some people she no longer speaks to outright accused me of brainwashing her.


How can you be gay and ace? Isn't that contradictory? I'm sorry I'm not trying to be condescending I'm genuinely curious.


Don't ever feel bad for asking! Wanting to educate yourself shows that you care about the subject and want to try to understand people better. This question is complicated so let me divide it into two parts. "Asexual" means "limited or no sexual attraction". That doesn't mean someone does not experience *romantic* attraction, and I very much do experience romantic attraction, specifically to men. Most people don't know what "homoromantic" means, though, so saying "gay" with the added qualifier of "ace" typically gets the point across. If I didn't experience romantic attraction, I'd likely identify as *aromantic*, and it *would* be unusual for someone to identify as gay and aroace, unless they're using gay as an umbrella term for LGBT. Additonally, asexuality is more of a spectrum than it is a neat little box. There's lots of different "types" of asexuality related to how much, how often, and in what situations you experience sexual attraction. An example of an ace-spectrum identity where an individual might still experience some sexual attraction is demisexual, meaning sexual attraction is completely absent until you develop a strong emotional bond with an individual. There's also "grey ace", which I identify as, which indicates that I occasionally experience sexual attraction but it's muted to such a degree that I can definitively say I fall within the ace spectrum. I don't actually like sex all that much and I usually don't really have any desire to engage in it, and in the past when I've had partners I would only really be interested in it maybe once every few months. Gonna add a little addendum here about a common misconception about asexuality - not all ace people are sex-repulsed. Many are just indifferent towards it. Many asexual people still engage in some form of sexual release for a variety of reasons - stress relief, intimacy with a partner, and sometimes even just boredom.


Wow thanks so much for typing all this out! It was actually really interesting to read and very insightful. Appreciate the information!


For the allies who see this and wonder how to respond: Anyone who's spent any time in black communities knows full well that black people in those communities are constantly trying to stop the violence killing their friends, neighbors, and family. Why is it that when crime rates are high in black areas, the police aren't to blame? Aren't we paying them to stop crime? Why is it when crime is high in rich white neighborhoods the police are under pressure to get it under control, but when crime is high in poor black neighborhoods suddenly it's the fault of the entire black community, and we throw more money and cops at the problem instead of asking why are all the cops already there doing such a bad job? Police are given loads of public funding, and they use it to relentlessly hound black "suspects" of crimes while ignoring black victims of crimes. As a result, criminals have learned that if they commit crimes against black people, they're more likely to get away with it. That money could be going towards better schools, better infrastructure, job programs, healthcare, free childcare... but instead it lines the pockets of people who disproportionately make life worse for black people. So yes, the problem of bad police is at the heart of this problem as well. (And of course it is! It's the police's job to stop crime, isn't it?) Why is it that these people only ever want to talk about crime in black communities when it serves their political purposes, but when black people are marching, going door to door, hosting after school activities, starting local businesses to give ex-felons a second chance or help people kick their drug habits, doing all of this stuff to deal with crime... where are these people who were suddenly so concerned about crimes against black people? Where are they when these places need volunteers or donations or support for public assistance initiatives? Poof, suddenly these Very Concerned White People are nowhere to be found. Don't let them get away with this concern trolling and victim blaming. Black suffering is not a weapon they're allowed to turn against black people.


Good points, I have other good arguments, as, disappointingly, advocating for my own humanity isn't an uncommon experience. You're right, the same white people going "what about black on black crime???" literally never talk about anything else, any other black issues. It's always crime,


Tough on Crime is just a dogwhistle for racism. I’m so sick of Republicans using the same old tactics. Boring!


The truth is that crime is segregated. Whites are more likely to commit crime against each other and black people are more likely to commit crime against other black people. White people just ignore the actual stats to keep repeating the same nonsense. And then they run away triggered if you were to bring up the predominant race of school shooters, domestic terrorists, and the opium epidemic.


Watch what they do, not what they say.


You’re right of course


Came to type this much worst than you did. Nice one.


Thank you, I have my moments.


white redditors are amazing lol, wait til they find out that white people kill each other the most. doubt they'll care since it's not attacking a poc though


Also, how the fuck do you protest crime? A violent crime hurting a victim is the intent of violent crime. But police are marketed as protectors of the people (yes, I am aware that their real job is to protect capital). We've been told since three or four years old that the best way to deal with a dangerous situation is by calling the police, so when they shoot a random dude, that's them functioning as "unintended" according to the marketing. It's fucking irrational to say that instead of protesting a system not working the way we're told it's supposed to work, we should protest against people who have shown no desire to work with this system, people who society has already disregarded as "the bad people". Crime is a socioeconomic problem while police crime is a systemic problem. One is the result of systemic issues, the other *is* a systemic issue. (But seriously, I'm rambling at this point, but "protest black on black crime?". Seriously, what does that even mean? How does one do that? BLM is saying that cops who are criminals should be held accountable by the legal system. Black people who commit crime against other black people are already held accountable by the legal system. This is a stupid comparison.)


It doesn't make sense at all but black people, black religious organizations, and black parents have organized rallies and campaigns to stop gang violence and shooting in their neighborhoods. I have never seen any of these white people reference this because they are ignorant tools and truly have no idea what they are babbling about. But here's hope that they'll get off their fake concerned asses and volunteer in a black-lead anti-violence organization of their choice.


I live in a majority black neighborhood. People are upset any time anyone gets shot. It gets talked about and demonstrated about all the time. These racist fucks don't know that, though, because they've never been to these neighborhoods and they get all their information from biased right-wing sources.


Those were all just misunderstandings


mental illness


Broken homes 😪


R/conspiracy is such a cesspool it’s wild


Actually, in a stunning success by the BLM movement, murder is in fact already illegal!


'They'd petition all murders of blacks be halted' Yeah it's such a shame we can't do something about that, like making murder illegal.


Wow. White people are so fragile 🙄 as in racist




You said it not me


So, \/r/conspiracy_commons just an even more racist version of \/r/conspiracy?


I miss the days when conspiracy theorists were anti-government like X-Files The Lone Gunmen and not weird fundie theocratic fascists


Yep I used to be into historical conspiracies big time. I was 13 years old when I learned that an actual Nazi ran the NASA space program to get the USA to the moon, which lead me to learning about [Operation Paperclip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip#:~:text=Operation%20Paperclip%20was%20a%20secret,Europe%2C%20between%201945%20and%201959.) which lead me to [Operation Northwoods](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods). Then my dad who was a Vietnam Veteran tipped me off about the [Gulf of Tonkin false flag attack.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident) That lead me to an entire world of fucked up shit the US Government did "back in the good old days" that Boomers pine over nonstop. Those are the things that made me realize everything I was being taught in history classes was a big fucking lie and that our entire civilization is built upon the labor and the corpses of the oppressed, the enslaved, the brutalized, all so rich people could get richer. Also why I'm a Transhumanism Socialist. But now those spaces in which I used to swim are just full of fascists. Especially here on Reddit because all the vile fucks from The_Donald and like-minded subs illegally immigrated to the conspiracy subs after the fascist subs got banned.


Crazy how the love trump. He is the flag bearer of conspiracy. If you just woke up from a coma after 5 years you would look at his actions and say this dude is crooked. You would not say he was bringing down the deep state


It's for people whose accounts aren't old enough for conspiracy.... so yeah lol


Is that even possible?


There are marches against interpersonal violence.


When will people get it through their thick heads that BLM is about police violence and a corrupt justice system? They have to derail the conversation to something else


You think these guys call the National Breast Cancer Foundation to complain that they aren’t doing anything about testicular cancer?


Unironically; yes. They absolutely center themselves in all cases. Nobody else is ever worthy of care until they are living perfectly happy lives and they refuse to be happy.


Ah yes, Scotland, a land notorious for its hatred of white people. I believe Scottish poet Groundskeeper Willie said it best: "Brothers and sisters are natural enemies! Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!"


When was the last time black people committed genocide on another nation/race? People are fucking stupid.




Yeah... it's sort of like what's happening with the cringe right in America. The only source of media they consume/d feeds/fed into their bias. Hopefully it doesn't become exactly.


What does that have to do with the Rwandan Genocide?


I think he was talking about American black not Africans but way to make us all a monolith


They said black people. They didn't say American black people.


It's very obvious who they are talking about the main subject was American black people, African people are African. Again like I said nice job dude. You showed up to try to prove a point and showed your own racism. They don't bring up black on black crime in Africa because it's mostly black people there. Nice job masking off though


IDK, they just asked when black people committed genocide, not specificifying African Americans, I gave them the answer. Sorry if it was meant to be rhetorical, I genuinely couldn't tell. It wasn't obvious to me.


I'm just saying the black people doesn't necessarily mean Africans. In America it does but when referring to black on black crime they are almost exclusively talking about America. Also yes I think it was meant to be rhetorical lol. It's cool though.


Well, one man on the radio was spewing hate about the minority tribe.


These people are too dumb to understand how gangs work. Gangs are a unique sociological phenomenon that arise out of people living in poor, dense inner city neighborhoods with no opportunities. If you really want to lower black on black violence, then end the drug war and help inner city communities. But of course, they don’t give a shit about helping people. When we don’t teach people about how society actually works they jump to awful conclusions and some of them start thinking that people are just inherently a certain way because of one attribute.


Black gangs rose out of the ashes of the civil rights movement. After the US government murdered and sabotaged each and every leader and movement for black people to have the right to equal housing, job opportunities, education, prosperity. Some of these white people will argue with you about how much they admired Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. but yet have no idea what the man actually said and believed in. Dr. King went after their capitalist criminal acts such as racist housing discrimination and their racist perversion of socialism in his speech on land grant universities. And he was killed for this. Gangs are a collective reaction of generations of black young men after the civil rights movement who have never seen the problems addressed by Dr. Martin Luther King and the greater civil rights movement solved during their lifetimes. The famous Californian gangs - the Crips and Bloods were born out of black Southern migrants and their children facing the racist climate of California. It's not an accident that both of these gangs were established after the time of MLK's death.


Incidentally, I have seen a disgraceful number of people who seem to be under the impression that Martin Luther King was a conservative.


They refuse to accept the historical party switch between Republicans and Democrats during the civil rights era. This is why real history needs to be taught in schools and not the incredibly biased cliff's notes versions that vary based on region and state.


>When we don’t teach people about how society actually works they jump to awful conclusions [like] thinking that people are just inherently a certain way because of one attribute. If you remove that one attribute necessarily being race, this attitude is exactly where violence as a defense, focusing on punishment rather than rehabilitation, and a whole lot of other shifty things that they do get justified. If some people are just “bad people” with no hope for changing, then they think those people must be punished until they correct themselves, or the punishment is the point itself. Also, if “bad people” are on the other end of the military and police’s weapons, then you can call them heroes for “taking out the trash” regardless of what acts they’re committing. All of this flies in the face of actual progress, because “bad people” can only be convinced to change if the things that got them there are addressed. If in your mind it’s just because they’re evil, or too stupid, or whatever shitty reasoning they come up with, that part doesn’t even enter the conversation.


“Reverse the roles” Pov: you think racism is an individual thing and not a systemic one


Oh yeah you’re for blm? Then explain why structural poverty and oppression is still a thing! /s


“Reverse the roles”. So, like, reverse history and it makes sense? Yeah. If blacks and whites were completely reversed in America that slogan would make sense. Yeesh.




connotations and history. for the love of god connotations and history


I joined that subreddit hoping there'd actually be conspiracies.. There are, but just the ones that Trump agrees with 🤡


White person here: I started getting into it with commenters on this post, and predictably got downvoted and reported for mental health. We’ve got a lot of work to do.


As deplorable as we can assume the sign makers are I think the best response would’ve been no response. “No one was saying they don’t, moving on…”


Where to start with this nonsense? It's possible to care about more than one thing at once? State violence and abuse of authority and lack of repercussions poses a unique, serious threat? BLM policies include crime prevention and community safety measures which would reduce the violence these guys only seem to care about when they want to shit on BLM? So many to choose from


r/menkapf user spotted dont you know you can just switch the pronouns and its the same thing, inherent power structures be damned? you want proof? well heres an example: a FULL GROWN MAN punched a BABY a BABY punched a FULL GROWN MAN these are exactly the same thing


Anyone who claims that black orgs don't do anything to prevent crime in Black communities has never spent a single minute talking to a Black person.


mental gymnastic olympians


Maybe these geniuses should follow their own rule about replacing black and white. Before they complain about anything, they need to get their white on white crime under control.


If white lives matter, why aren't we talking about white on white crime? Per 100,000, rural (the whitest parts of) America are where you are most likely to get shot. I don't hear white lives matter people talking about that. What about all the lives lost when white supremacists go to war with everyone from their neighbors to the FBI? Why endorse the very same ideology that has cost more white lives than any BLM march or Black Panther rally?


Reminded me of a DM with some European over that and how he said BLM is racist and if it mattered why don't we cared about the black on black crime/murders. Tried going at it rationally, like how one is about institutionalized racism and how it was that shouldn't happen while the other is just crime, similar to how we never talk about white on white crime/murder. But he kept insisting we should focus on black on black murders. He finally stopped when I asked why are they so upset about a recent terror attack by foreign extremists when most of his countrymen are killed by his own countrymen.




The right is really into pretending the the Black Lives Matter Global Network (a non-profit that pulled a lot of corporate funding in and squandered a bunch of it the way corporate non-profits usually do) is the whole of the BLM movement. Any attempt to explain that there are hundreds of BLM organizations and the movement is highly decentralized is wasted because they are arguing in bad faith anyway.




Some people stealing money from their org is now why you’re against the idea of police not killing black people with impunity? Do you see how dumb that sounds? Those people were not the leaders of the movement, they were the leaders of an organization that shares its name.


>I was all for BLM until their leaders were caught funneling donations to buy a mansion. There's a difference between a movement and an "organization" which takes advantage of said movement for financial gain and profit while pretending to represent the whole movement. Just shut up and sit down. You're using the actions of what was essentially 3 individuals to attack an entire movement with the backing of millions of people around the world.


Disagree but that’s okay.


It's really not.


>Keep downvoting me. I’ll feed off of it. Lmao do you have the power of God and anime on your side


I was all for feeding the hungry until I found out there was an organization called “Feed the Hungry” that didn’t allocate its funds properly, then I just like “I guess the hungry should starve.” \s


Lol i love how you’re using their same tactics of conflating the idea and the organization yet we’re the ones that sound republican 😂


Blm is an idea. In groups of people, like ones that ascribe to blm, there are assholes and good people, just like in any other group. Saying you dont support blm because there were assholes in it is like saying you dont drink water because hitler drank water.


Fascists assume everyone else is a bootlicker to some form of authority, just like they are. That's why they think Biden voters worship the ground he walks on and we get offended if they insult him. (Spoiler alert, we don't and most of us held our noses and voted for democracy. We voted against Trump. That's all.) Their lack of empathy is why they cannot understand the concept of an idea that stands for one's ideals and values. Like good old Auntie Fay. "Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof." - V for Vendetta "We are told to remember the idea because a man can fail. He can be caught. He can be killed and forgotten. But 400 years later an idea can change the world." - V for Vendetta # The idea I believe BLM stands for is: # Black people are human and deserve equal and inalienable civil and human rights and protections afforded to every citizen. We deserve to not be killed by vigilante violence or executed by the police. We deserve justice. # And (RIP my inbox) we deserve reparations. That blood debt is long overdue.


"their leaders" blm is not an organization.


Ill feed off it cuz im a troll


Try not to go crazy ...


Literally what the fuck would “protesting black on black crime” even look like? “Make this thing that’s already illegal illegal!” I don’t know, I don’t tend to see stories about black people getting off scot free because of a justice system that directly benefits them and bends to their interests. I see that all the time with police though.


It must be exhausting to be so oppressed.


i dont understaaadn why do we hold police to a higher standard than gaaaangs?!!11


White fragility.


You can watch as many seasons as you want of a true crime documentary and never hear the words “white on white crime” once


People are so fucking thick skulled


Surprises me this happened in Scotland. I had higher expectations of it. I guess it just shows the power of the Internet at spreading these negative mindsets.


Black on black crime (ignoring the fact that phrase is propaganda in and of itself) is not the focus of BLM. That’s like telling the American Cancer Society they are irrelevant because they forgot about people dying from heart attacks. Or diabetes. Or constipation.


Stupid Fking Redneck Hillbillies


Saw that this morning. I had to ignore it. I didn’t have time to go off at work today.


History never happened. Context doesn't exist.


I just read extensively about it. What white colonialism will do. And the fact that he has skirted by in history is just pathetic.