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I really hope for the sake of both families a sense of normalcy will come back over time. I don’t even necessarily want frenemies back, I just want both families to find peace with one another


exactly, i feel both of them will be living a happier life if their family can connect more.


I definitely think they should let the kids see each other and catch up off camera. As far as on camera, one reunion ep could be nice. But the show got very toxic in its back half, a regular podcast would inevitably get there again.


I think so too, but maybe they could do like a pod swap and go on each ’others podcast for one episode.


Hey sorry for asking but why are Hila and Moses not talking anymore?


From what I've gathered, Ethan, Trisha, Moses and their families are all on okay/good terms with each other, and wish each other well. Something happened where Hila isn't ready to forgive Moses for some secret reason. We may never know.


No one knows for sure. There’s a rumor that Moses was texting inappropriately to a minor who happened to be a H3 fan? It’s most likely a lot of things.


moses exgirlfriend was a fan of h3 and accused him of some awful things right before his relationship w Trish and in the v early stages of dating her. no idea what is confirmed as true and what isn't but i remember her saying he "stealthed" her


I recently did a deep dive into all of the “ex-girlfriend” (the fact she claims to be his ex is insanity on its own since they literally met ONE time and he told her he wasn’t interested in pursuing anything and didn’t want to lead her on) and I’m sorry but that whole entire allegation is bogus in my opinion. I’m absolutely all for believing victims but in this one instance there’s just far too much proving that these 3 women (the one claiming the stealthing, one actual ex from a 3 month relationship that was literally stalking Trisha and Moses, and a tea account that catfished Moses) were in communication long before the allegations and have said they want to ruin Trish and Moses. The stealthing accuser said in text messages to Moses that she cherished the one night she had with him and will forever have fond memories of it, then also went on to say the 🍆 was so good she’d pay for it, then she actually admitted that she watched him take off the condom and then had sex with him anyway then later claimed the reason she did was because he had guns next to his bed (guns which were allegedly purchased AFTER this incident even happened). There were also numerous texts sent to Moses from this woman literally begging him to be friends even if he didn’t want to date her, and would frequently text him where it was fairly obvious she was baiting him for information about him and Trisha and was irrationally angry when she tweeted “Trisha, if you’re going to take my mans u could at least follow me” thinking Trisha wouldn’t see it but she did and Moses confronted the girl about it basically saying wtf, we weren’t even dating why are you even talking about me still. The same girl went on to publicly wish a forced abortion on Trisha when she was pregnant with Malibu. The three women are very clearly not well and the inconsistencies and lies they’ve all been caught in are truly wild. Plus, the girl was 23 or 24 at the time, none of them were actually underage. They were young for sure which is a bit iffy but they were literally calling him a rapist. Edited to add links for reference (both of these posts break down all of the details): [long detailed post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenemies3/s/wb4jtjN2bz) [Screenshots of texts sent to Moses + some of the unhinged things the accuser has done/said](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenemies3/s/KYgcYFSGD7)


I still watch Frenemies as my comfort show 🥹


If i’m having a rough day, I like to revisit Ethan as The Mask. SSSSSOMMMEBODY SPIT IN MY ASSHOLE-AHHH ….SOMEBODY PEE IN MY BUTT! Oh my god, Ethan!? What!? It’s the mask!


same :(


I don't want Frenemies back if it means them having a bad relationship. I just want them happy ☹️


Let’s push ittttt


YESSS, all the drama accounts have been pushing it and their clip channel is saying a potential reunification so we r hoping!!


Totally missed that, what did he exactly say? Do you think it's a real possibility?


The whole crew spoke about their love for trisha and ethan talked about how frenemies would come back, they even renamed the podcast episode to "Ethan Talks About Bringing Back Frenemies"