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Bit sad to think about tbh.


Would be like a family holiday abroad to somewhere warm and highly Jewish


YES with a family (related) who are just like them and they find them torturous. With their own Jim😂


Or Jim just sort of.. comes along lol They get on the plane, and he's sitting next to them


"Hello all. Jackie, you look nice!"


"Something smells nice"


Off to Ireland thinking they’ve ended up in Israel because they got ONE day of sun.


Martin probably booked it




Martin would win the lotto and buy Rutherfords


Rutherford they wouldn’t know a button from a monkeys anus!!


We get to see what Jim does for a living. Somehow he is very competent and socially adept and his childlike mannerisms are only just a by product of his high stress job. He's an investment banker or something. Gives his money away to dog charities. Martins death has been addressed. Mum's got a bit of nippy on the side the boys don't agree with. Mum's bf is a simular guy as Martin obsessing over stupid things and saying the most inappropriate things to everyone.


True, I felt like there should of been an episode from Jim's Point of View, it would've of been nice to see, so it would've been nice if that was in the Film if there was one.


Big holiday: Martin books a horrid hotel, not because he forgot to check what it looked like but because he simply saw nothing wrong with how it looked Jim is on the same flight, sat next to Jackie ofc, and has somehow got a 5* hotel room and they use him to sneak into the hotel pool Auntie Val tags along although Jackie never told anyone. Adam gets a severe sunburn which Jonny repeatedly hits We get to see Milson with arm bands


Idk but it would end with them all dying in the desert like The Inbetweeners


Martin booked a family trip on a cruise but accidentally to the wrong country


there are two ways to play this game. wholesome where the entire cast is there or depressing where we're all trying to get closure


They win a beach holiday An extended scene of Auntie Val at the beach putting on sun cream, I hope. Then either piss face or puss face gets worst sunburn ever.


And the other one smacks it.


Starts with them staring at a memorial of Martin (or it could start with it being martin’s funeral) before Jim interrupting it or something


The set up would be them getting ready to head off in a caravan for a holiday without the boys who have popped round to see them off. But they would never actually leave the house and various disasters would befall members of the family. And Jim.


From ChatGPT: ### Title: **"Friday Night Farewell"** ### Logline: When a sudden tragedy strikes the Goodman family, their beloved tradition of Friday night dinners becomes a journey of laughter, tears, and unexpected surprises, as they come together to honor the memory of their late father, Martin Goodman. ### Plot Outline: **Act 1: The Setup** - The film opens with a typical Friday night at the Goodman household. Jackie Goodman is preparing her famous chicken, while sons Adam and Jonny, now married to women both named Lucy, bicker and joke around, causing their usual chaos. Their small children run around, adding to the mayhem. - Neighbor Jim Bell, with his dog Milson, makes his customary awkward entrance, bringing his unique blend of uncomfortable humor to the table. Val, their eccentric friend, also makes an appearance, adding to the hilarity. - The dinner is interrupted by a somber phone call. Martin Goodman has passed away unexpectedly, leaving the family in shock and grief. **Act 2: The Journey** - In the weeks following Martin's death, the Goodmans struggle to cope with their loss. Jackie is determined to keep the Friday night dinner tradition alive as a way to honor Martin's memory. - The family discovers that Martin left behind a series of letters and quirky tasks for them to complete together. Each task is designed to bring them closer and remind them of the good times they shared. - Jim and Val, ever-present in their lives, offer their unique support. Jim, in his awkward manner, tries to comfort Jackie, while Val helps the boys with the tasks, leading to several comedic and heartfelt moments. - Adam and Jonny, with their wives Lucy and their children, navigate their grief while dealing with the challenges of parenthood. Their kids provide comic relief and moments of poignant reflection on Martin's legacy. **Act 3: The Climax** - While following the clues in Martin’s letters, the Goodmans accidentally cause an infestation at their home, leading to the entire house needing to be fumigated. - The final task involves organizing a grand Friday night dinner in Martin's honor, but due to the fumigation, they are forced to hold it at Jim’s house. This revelation brings new humor and chaos as the family sees Jim in a new light. - At Jim's house, they meet his incredibly normal brother, Paul, who is a stark contrast to Jim. Paul is calm, collected, and reveals that he and Jim run a successful business handling a property portfolio of fast food outlets, started by their grandfather, who was a dog breeder. This adds depth and surprise to Jim's character. - The preparations for the dinner bring out the best and worst in everyone, with plenty of comedic mishaps along the way. The juxtaposition of the chaotic Goodmans and the surprisingly normal Paul creates additional humor. **Act 4: The Resolution** - The grand dinner is a success, filled with laughter, tears, and fond memories. Each family member reads a letter from Martin, sharing his final words of wisdom and love. - The film concludes with a montage of the Goodman family's future Friday night dinners, showing that despite their loss, the tradition continues, stronger than ever. Adam and Jonny's children grow up, keeping the spirit of family and togetherness alive. - The final scene features a heartfelt moment at Martin's grave, where the family, including Jim, Paul, and Milson, pay their respects and make a toast to Martin, promising to keep his spirit alive.


Sounds pretty good but I’d me mortified if they started the film with the family being told Martin had died, imagine the actors being told that they had to give a candid reaction to being told their father/husband has died when in fact the actor, who they were all very close with, actually did recently die. Harrowing


Martin eating squirrel in heaven 😢


We get to see Jim's house One of the boys would've got someone pregnant Martin being Martin


I would LOVE to see the inside of Jim's house


I know Jim would have had a crazy after credits scene in the end.


From ChatGPT: **Title: Friday Night Dinner: The Movie** **Plot Summary:** **Act 1: Reunion** The Goodman family is preparing for a significant event: the 50th wedding anniversary of Martin and Jackie. Adam and Jonny return home for the celebration, bringing their own chaos and sibling rivalry. Jim, their oddball neighbor, is excited and decides to help the Goodmans prepare, which only adds to the hilarity. **Act 2: Chaos Unfolds** As the preparations continue, everything that could go wrong does. Martin's hearing aid malfunctions, causing misunderstandings. Jackie’s perfectly planned dinner is threatened by a series of mishaps: the oven breaks down, Jim accidentally lets the dog inside, and Grandma brings a “mystery guest” who turns out to be an old flame of Martin's, creating tension. **Subplot: Romantic Twist** Adam brings his new girlfriend, who is nervous about meeting the quirky family. Jonny, feeling competitive, brings a date as well, leading to a rivalry between the brothers to impress their parents and each other's dates. Their antics create a series of comedic events, from accidental food fights to mistaken identities. **Act 3: Resolution** Despite the chaos, the family pulls together. Jim’s antics inadvertently solve the problem with the oven, allowing Jackie to save the dinner. Martin makes a heartfelt speech, and the family shares a touching moment of unity and love. Adam and Jonny resolve their differences, and their girlfriends get an insight into the family’s unique charm. **Finale: Celebration** The film ends with the anniversary celebration in full swing. The Goodmans, their extended family, and Jim share a dance and toast to the family's enduring love and eccentricities. The last scene shows the family gathered around the table, enjoying a meal, embodying the spirit of the Friday night dinners that brought them together.


It's been a while since the family have seen each other. Adam and Johnnie have been with their girlfriends and after Martin's death (maybe a year before the movie), Jackie needed some time alone. The boys plan a suprise visit for Jackie's birthday but as they drive up to the house, they notice someone else's car. Jackie moved and forgot to tell them. They decide to knock on Jim's door to ask him if he knows anything about this but when the door is answered, it is a really posh family who invites them I for some crumpets and tea. The boys have to accept to be polite and enter the house. The posh family mentions something about the previous owner leaving the house on shambles except from a lovely glass chandelier in the bathroom. The boys look at each other and say something about this being exactly like Jim. As the family is talking about how Jim moved out a while ago, Adam puts some salt in Johnny's tea. After they finish talking, the boys make some excuse to leave and the family asks if Johnny wants his tea, to which he says no. The father says that he'll have it and drinks it all. He then chases them out the house swearing and being the exact opposite of how he was before. The boys now have a vague idea of where Jim lives and decide to go find him. Johnny asks why they don't just call mum but Adam says it must be a suprise because it's Jackie's birthday. They approach a house, decorated with lights and banners. Many cars are parked outside. The boys are confused at this because they don't think anybody would want to be friends with Jim. The house is also very very big. They knock on the door and Jim answers. In one hand he has a leash with 4 or 5 small dogs which he is terrified of. He invites them inside and says he's baked some fish to which the boys are confused at. He means fish pie. They walk in to the living room as Jim prepares and are met with the chicken man who is holding a kfc bucket. Adam asks what he's doing here and he says he was invited because he was Jackie's neighbour. Johnny says something about why being Jackie's neighbour would mean he's at Jim's house but is cut off by Jackie saying hello to them both, saying she never thought they'd come. One of the boys says it's because they didn't know she moved and Jackie says she moved out with Jim when he won the lottery. "Why would you ever want to live with him?" They both say. Jackie says it's because they are engaged. Jim shouts for help and says the dogs are attacking him. Jackie says this always happens, they just want attention and that she has to go and help him, before the boys can ask any questions. The boys begin to come up with a plan to split Jackie and Jim up and one of them mentions that it'll make her more upset especially after Martin's death. Before the other can respond, grandma comes and says hello, with a handsome man, maybe in his mid 30s. Grandma introduces him as a friend of Jackie's. Adam brings Johnny to the side and says that the plan is perfect. Set Mum up with the friend. They talk to him for a bit and try and find out more about him, whilst also telling him how similar Jackie is even though she isn't. Eventually he leaves because someone calls him. The smoke alarm goes off and the boys go into the kitchen to find Jackie and Jim making out awkwardly. The boys ask why they haven't unloaded the oven and Jim says he wants five more minutes. Reluctantly the boys unload the dishwasher as Jackie and Jim are kissing in the corner. When they stop, they all start talking about what life has been like since as Adam is preparing the fish cakes (Johnny told him to, Jim doesn't know how to and its Jackie's birthday). Since the final season, Jackie and Jim moved in together, Milson died, Johnny has gotten engaged twice and is currently in a 4 month relationship with his old boss from the car place, Adam is married to his girlfriend from the final episode and has a child. Johnny does not have a child as when his girlfriend said she was having one in the final episode, she was lying. This makes Jackie feel hurt and she sends them out the room. Jim follows asking where they are going and if they can get the door because it's been ringing for the past 10 minutes. The boys ask why they didn't hear it and Jim says the walls are too thick. The boys race to the door and trip over each other. As they get up, they answer the door. It's Auntie Val. She goes in to see Jackie and the boys go to check in on Grandma and Jackie's friend only to find him with someone else. They ask him who he is and Jackie's friend says that he is his boyfriend. The boys say to each other that the plan failed before it had begun. The boys turn to leave and Val enters, arms crossed asking how Johnny could ever lie to Jackie about something so serious as child birth. Johnny says it was technically his girlfriend that had lied and Val says that he still needs to apologise. She walks past them and sees Mum's friend, calling him gorgeous as she does so. The boys apologise and Jackie asks them to set the table. They ask why as it's a party and Jim says because the pie he made is absoloutely massive. Johnny puts dry gin in what he thinks is Adam's glass as revenge for earlier. This glad turns out to be Grandma's who drinks it without complaining. She eventually mentions how she wasn't expecting her drink to be alcoholic to which Jackie is confused. The rest plays out like a dinner scene in Friday night dinner, only with more people and Jim and Jackie at the head of the table. Characters such as Jibby, the other Jackie or just anyone with relations to Jim and Jackie could also be there. The movie ends with Jackie opening presents only for the boys to realise they completely forgot a present. Val goes mental and makes them leave to go find a present. We don't follow them and instead remain watching Jackie opening presents from people. When the boys return, they have presents but Val inspects them beforehand and says that they need to do better next time. Everyone goes home, Adam and Johnny reluctantly accept that Jackie and Jim are together and the camera zooms in on a picture of Martin on the fireplace with the words: in memory of Paul Ritter. Credits roll.