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I am actually impressed that no ones remember him like???? He was everywhere in season 2


we were all blinded by smiley’s smile


I'm gonna miss him 🥺


i’m really hoping he’s somehow still alive bc how am i gonna enjoy this show without him now 😞


Real 🥹


RIP Smiley


I don't remember Friday.


News to me that people don’t recognize this guy, how could they not?


Right 😂


Can you refresh my memory of when and who that is?


It’s in season two when the people from the bus are just finding out about the monsters. His one of the monsters but while watching it I realised he looks similar to the dude that’s talking in the teaser for season 3


I recognized him immediately. The trailer seems to show a group of monsters tying Boyd up.


There is a monster who looks like a Professor who appears in season 2 episode 6(?) The part where Elgin is driving Fatima and Ellis to Kristi's in the middle of the night after Ellis is stabbed by Dale. It's the same monster who also appears in the season 3 teaser.


It’s literally him and he has the same cowboy outfit, good catch


he's quite handsome he's the cowboy guy right?


It IS him....he's one of the group that surrounded Boyd when he killed Smiley.


Im sorry if im missing something but what exactly is to notice here??


It's the cowboy monster in S3 teaser , seen in S2 ep 2


I thought that was common knowledge


Yeah exactly. This monster made lots of appearances, it’s not surprising he’s seen in the S3 trailer/still around. Not sure what OP is getting at




The woman is staring like she wants that baby


He also there when Smiley body on the floor


What did you notice? This was the guy that said she would feel better if she came outside, right? Is he being interviewed on the news or something. I'll not following what you're saying. Thar this is a character on the show? Did you not notice him before? I'm confused.


In the teaser for season 3, I was confused on the new people thinking maybe they come later in the new season but after seeing this I believe it’s the monsters. That they’ve captured Boyle and are going to torture him or chain him up to replace the other three after the place failed what it wanted. He also looks like the main dude talking in the teaser


Yes, it's the monsters who have caught Boyd. Cowboy monster, mechanic monster, professor looking monster, and a very brief (a frame or two) glimpse of nurse monster. These aren't new people.


And I keep saying when is the Milkman going to get his moment?


I’m still confused. There was doubt that it wasn’t the monsters?…


People on this sub decided that there was some kind of new monster coming in Season 3, based on the tease that was released a few months ago. I've asked multiple times and nobody can explain why they think that. The cowboy monster behaves, in the trailer, exactly as we have seen monsters behave all throughout the show.


I honestly don’t mean this super snarky, but I’ve noticed you’ve called him Boyle multiple times here in the comment section, but his name is Boyd. And my second observation is that it sort of makes sense that you didn’t recognize this character in the photo having already been in the show when you saw them in the trailer for season 3, cuz if you haven’t even caught the lead character’s real name I think you’re the type of viewer that misses out on a lot 😂 if you’re anything like my girlfriend you must look at your phone a lot when you watch shows or something


I think that for one episode everyone should get called the wrong names. Boyle, go see if Klinger is with Felix and Oscar.


>if you’re anything like my girlfriend you must look at your phone a lot when you watch shows or somethin Yes, always thrilling lol


Yeah, he is also by the RV


We saw him quite a bit, even in the worm scene with Boyd/Smiling Guy. I remember him because I kept thinking the monsters had been at a costume party at the HS when they changed. Mostly, you'll notice that they mostly walk in twos, then into fours. Cowboy is always with Headband Girl. At least in S2, S3 will change this a lot.


The teaser looks terrifying


You needed to rewatch to make that connection? Did you not pay attention the first time


Nothing compares to Smiley monster. 😁


I don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️


There's nothing to get. This sub somehow decided that the monsters in the teaser trailer were a new kind of monster. This theory was based on literally nothing. And this post disproves that theory.


I pointed this out in my teaser review video. He wasn't in S1 at all.


This dude looked like the dude from the season 3 teaser, now I wonder if maybe they are going to lock Boyle up in the same place where the old dude was locked up till he died


Cool setup, haha. Jokes aside: yeah I also noticed that on the teaser, that’s definitely the same dude. Season 1/2 the “monsters” seem to be just mindless creatures that want to eat humans (with glimpses of intelligence or self awareness, like smiley on the bus scene, or the chick that played the other dude). My hope is that on season 3 we see a different side of the monsters, after all, scheming to get someone trapped appears to be a different M.O


Exactly what I was thinking, from the teaser it looks like they are torturing him and as we know (from the start of season 1)they do that before killing their prey but it seems maybe his to replace the chains after the place failed on the others at the end of season 2


I wonder it's because he's got worms inside of him, they can't eat him so they're playing in a different way.


But he doesn't have the worms inside of him any more. He "injected" them into Smiley outside the clinic. That's what killed Smiley. Also, I don't think these monsters eat humans. There's too much left behind when they finish. If they ate humans, that would make them less scary because humans would at least be sustenance for them. No, I think it's far more sinister. I think they "play" and kill for the sheer pleasure of it. Why else would they have made the bus girl watch them murder her boyfriend before they drove a piece of rebar through her brain and left her there alive to suffer? Remember the girl that played the Colony House guy so he would let her in? She bit off his tongue and then almost immediately spit it out. These guys just like to kill.