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Town. Too many idiots in Colony House . One person can cause the death of fourteen. The fewer people the fewer chances of dying because of someone else's stupidity .


1000%. Plus I don’t want a bunch of people going through my shit


Town and house rule that once night has fallen everyone is in the basement for the night.




I would just sleep at the police station with Boyd, He wouldn't let me die <3


Exactly. Wherever the man who personally took it upon himself to be responsible for everyone in the town is.


Assuming that there is a cell in the jail and that the bars would keep the monsters out as much as they keep prisoners in, I wonder what would happen if you locked yourself in there one night (You have possession of the only set of keys, of course) and took the talisman off the door? Would it be the same as watching the monsters through a window from the safety of your house or would allowing them to get up close and personal, but just out of their reach, help you learn any more about them or cause them to do anything in their desperation to reach you that would reveal any more information about them. Weird thought, I know. I was thinking of having one in a cage so you could check it out then realized you could swap places and theoretically accomplish the same thing.


But since they have the ability to get in your head and control your mind, you may unlock the cell and then you'll be dead. They may be able to get you to come close enough to be within reach.


They're super strong so they can break through steel bars. 


Or...throw stuff?


Boyd is in on the whole thing though..


House. Can't have a lovesick guy be the reason I'm getting ripped apart




House. Locked in my bathroom the furthest away from a window crying every night.


Of course, being locked in the bathroom would only work if your totem was in there too. If anyone else lived with you and took the totem down or opened a window or the door, you being locked in the bathroom wouldn't help.


I don't think the monster automatically know where people are, though, so if you hid well enough, you could survive if they didn't check your spot. The thing is, it's not exactly something you can do repeatedly as they will eventually catch on. I wonder if a false wall could work hmm


False wall in the barn worked. Don't remember who but someone said that they used to hide there before the totems.


Sarah was telling Tabitha about the hiding place so she could lock her in there while she tried to kill Ethan.


They can't know, otherwise no one would have survived the night, before the totems


I'd go town. The tensions are getting to a level where the actual people of Fromville would make me nervous. I'd feel safer in my own house with a few other people. Also, all the plants are dying, if colony house is out of weed, I don't need to be there.


Weed is the best part of Fromville. If you’re stuck hiding from monsters, it’s better to be high.


I don't think anybody who wants to survive would choose colony house. It's insanely impractical and half the people there are insufferable and dangerous. I'll take my own free house, please.


Town 100%, an american 50' type of house, services free, and all I have to do is stay inside at night (which I already do), sign me in I will happily be part of the cold war experiment.


No TV to watch the game 😭😭😭


House. But really that's just a default. Colony house has too many variables. Houses are safer. What I'd actually do is walk the train tracks no one seems to remember existing.


My guess is the train tracks loop just like the road does


Right? Get up at dawn, stretch, go for a run.


Why would you walk the train tracks at night? That would leave you vulnerable to the monsters.


I'm new. I'm NOT eating the food, because I've read Persephone and read the Illiad and know about Montezuma's Revenge - I know "eating the food in magic land" is a drop dead stupid idea. So I'm getting out. Somehow. And (so far) no one has recognized the very convenient "road to somewhere else" that is "the train tracks". If I want to leave, that seems like the best option. If it loops back I'll probably try burning the forest down.


Good luck! My prediction is, see ya back at your starting point in 3 hours. But I’ll guess we’ll find out next season…


Anybody who suggests burning the forest down has obviously never lived in forest fire country. If you're surrounded by a forest fire that you can't even attempt to put out, you're dead. No talisman can save you.


How about chopping down every tree, bringing each tree to a big bonfire, and burning that?


500 years later... Then what? 


I'll be dead


Am I the only one who noticed the tracks just lead to weeds and seemed to discontinue when they were shown?


The tracks might be gone but the built-up superstructure for the tracks (making for a level path where the tracks used to be) that'd still be there. Source: I live in an area thick with bike trails made from old train track superstructure, nice and level for both trains and bikes.


Where are the train tracks and why don’t I remember them? (I just binged 1 & 2 for the first time a few weeks ago, so it’s not like it isn’t fresh in my head)


Season 1 episode 1 when the RV drives around and around, they go over train tracks with each time they do the loop. Also: if you look closely, the train tracks also are different in one of the shots. It's either a production error or a VERY subtle clue. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/13o2xuc/power\_lines\_disappearing\_reappearing\_along\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/13o2xuc/power_lines_disappearing_reappearing_along_the/)


Oh so they’re only in episode 1, no wonder I don’t remember. Whoa, great catch about the power lines! So, that was the only time we saw the tracks? You’re right, it’s crazy that they haven’t been mentioned again. I wonder if they’ll come back, or just be totally forgotten? I bet Victor knows more about them !


The train tracks might be on one of Victor's maps he put up in the Clairy's Canned Produce van [https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/14rk0dp/redrawing\_of\_clairys\_canned\_produce\_van\_map/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/14rk0dp/redrawing_of_clairys_canned_produce_van_map/)


Cool, thanks for sharing these links!


Definitely not orgy house where you need to trust 20 strangers not to let in the murder demons


Not to mention only a select few have actual bedrooms.Everyone else is sleeping on couches or floors next to people having sex in the open.


Even without murder monsters this would be hell. I tried living in college dorms and I couldn’t stand it.


It made zero sense to me, when they gave Julie her own private space and big bitchen bed all to herself. There are people who have lived there much longer, sleeping on the floor!


Julie gets her own room, the parents get their very own house.  Main character syndrome much? 


The house made more sense, because it seemed like there were empty houses available. But for the people in Colony, it doesn’t.


House. Same reasons as listed by others. I wouldn’t wish anyone I love to be in From, so would rather stay alone. Wearing earplugs.


Town. Remember in ep 3 I believe some lady was butt naked boinking some guy on the couch while multiple ppl slept around them? Nooooo thank you


What was with that anyway? There isn’t really anything like this in the show at all. I thought it was really odd and njust that one appearance limits the audience


I thought it felt super out of place as well


I know right. Gross 🤢


Town because DONT 👏🏼 TOUCH 👏🏼 MY 👏🏼 CLOTHES 👏🏼


I’d choose town/my own house but I’d also be friendly with the people of colony house so we could depend on each other for resources and engagement during the daytime hours.


Yeah it makes more sense that they’re all friendly with each other. They’re all trapped in the same nightmare after all.


and go there to bang


Probably the sex house lol if I’m gonna die, I’m at least gonna have fun first


lol the sex house.


Same though. Preferably sleeping in a basement or shed though with a totem.


Neither I’m living in victors pad


Same, me and victor are going to be best friends.


I would go to the cave so they can get me immediately or at least try to turn into a monster. I wouldn’t wanna “live” there. 😭 I can’t handle that shit.


I think I would do the same. When the zombie apocalypse starts, I’m running toward the zombies.


😂 yes just get it over with.




I always joke that I’d just wait it out with a magazine. I’m in chronic pain, I can barely hold it together with regular medication, a super plush sofa, an insanely expensive mattress, and two doctors. Plus you know occasional massages and tons of Netflix. You take all that away, fuck it just kill me.


There are soooo many things that they’re missing and you don’t think of, but can’t live without (like tampons). One major thing for me is a fan or A/C! Luckily it tends to be foggy & doesn’t look very hot. But they can’t even open windows, even during the day now, because they’re boarding them. I couldn’t survive! Fans are like valium to me, I like the cooling factor, air circulation and the sound (I feel very nervous without it). I keep hoping that they have AC with their magic electricity!🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


😂😂😂😂 same


Town. I can trust myself not to be stupid and open a window at night but I can’t trust a bunch of high hippies to do the same.


Until you get blueballed and creatussy seduces you to open the window.


Colony House because marijuana. I’m a simple gal.


Colony House. Might as well party til my time comes


Do they at least give weed to people in town? They’re under stress, they need weed.


Living in a house, is much more my style, but Colony House offers a lot more distraction. I could see easily going crazy, with too much time to think in a house.


Definitely town, easier to control the variables than in Colony House. Plus I don't need all that interpersonal drama inside when there's literally monsters outside


I’d pick town, but I’d also pick town even if it werent life or death. I like my own space.


Oh I’m definitely spending every night in the bar. As long as I can trust anyone who’s with me to not get too drunk and open a door or drop the talisman, then I will have fun drinking nasty potato vodka until I pass out


Drunk people are the least trustworthy sort. Source: Life lol


True. I could hang out at the bar by myself but that would be a bummer. I might have to chain my friends to the wall that way we can still drink and they can’t fuck anything up lol


🤣 this would be the only way lol


I'd live in that shack in the woods by myself and fix it up.


town. especially after seeing that one idiot tried to kiss one of those things when it's a whole house of women


House, I’m an introvert


Me too 😁


My own house, by my fucking self if possible. I am NOT trusting my security to another human. No no absolutely not, no. From town, at least in season one, would be fairly easy to survive in provided you aren't a fucking moron. I'd only feel safe living alone, or if I had to a very small group.


I first thought I would be a colony house to not get lonely. But they have problematic tendencies. My own home would be nice, but I would be scared 😱 of the people creeping around at night.


Colony House as it’s less cooped up and the community feels more cheerful/normal there. If there’s no room there then Tian-Chen’s house.


I would live in the Town. More privacy and space. No one to steal your stuff. Control food supply.


I'm living in town, preferably by myself or with trusted people like Boyd or Kenny.


In town, locked inside the gas station bar


House and board up all the windows.


I don't remember but did they nail the windows down in colony house?


They did, but that idiot guy removed the nails to let that female monster in.  🙄


House, for safety and privacy. Try to have a normal life by the way. You should add a survey to get some numbers 😊


When I first started watching, I automatically said I would choose Colony House. It's gorgeous, has a lot of diversity, and strength in numbers. HOWEVER, I have completely changed my mind. I would live in town. Less people = less minds with impulsive/intrusive decisions. Also, I would not be a fan of everyone wearing my stuff at Colony House.


I wouldn’t get along with the colony house people lol definitely the town.






Town. Too many variables and liabilities at colony house.


Town! Less people, and i hate the community laws of colony house (share my clothes, my pillow … people touching my stuff, no thanks you)


Town. I wouldn't sleep unless I was by myself in a locked room with a talisman.


Town, for the same reasons described above. Plus, despite the fact that a shockingly grim dual murder occurred in the upstairs bedroom of Tabitha’s house, it seems incredibly cozy.


I doubt there are many places left that haven't seen grim murders through the years. The only difference at the Matthews house is the evidence hadn't been scrubbed away at that point.


The town. I want my own space. The colony house has to many people who are constantly fighting.


I would live in the town. I prefer privacy and ownership rights as well as voluntary collective action.


Town. Most of colony house are careless goof balls anyways.


In Town. Colony house seems too chaotic and all it takes is one person to slip up and leave a door or window open


I'd fucking jump off the tallest structure.


Town. Colony house would piss me off so much. Like I feel like at 3 am someone would wake me up bc they are talking to loud.


Town. It's amazing Colony House lasted as long as it did.


House! I'll be staying with Kenny and his mom. She's an awesome cook, atleast there is something to look forward to every morning.


I'd try to convince everyone to do this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/1cs8wg8/fromland\_defence\_strategy\_attack\_on\_titan\_airlocks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FromTVEpix/comments/1cs8wg8/fromland_defence_strategy_attack_on_titan_airlocks/)


live in town and build a double wall/hallway encircling it with pendents spaced incrementally. Bam, problems solved


The Town. Easy. To many risks at CH


If I could get slaughtered at any moment, I’d want to eat and fuck as much as possible. So wherever that is convenient


I don't know but I prefer to live in Victor's secret container in the woods with a talisman (ofcourse) because I prefer to live alone and no way donna will give a full house to a single person and probably there isn't any single house left.


This would make a lot of sense out of all of them. No windows too.


It depends on if I arrive with anyone else, but if I’m alone then Colony House. I expect by default I would not survive Fromville, I might as well enjoy my last few days and feel the comfort of others. Even if I technically could survive Fromville, I’m not sure I’d want to and would probably rather pass the time cross faded 😭 My answer changes drastically if in this universe I have children or someone who relies on me to keep safe. If I had kids I’d for sure go for a house in town.


Colony because I would be too scared to be alone in a house with monsters just outside. I would prefer to sleep in a closet. 


Colony house. Death comes for us all. Might as well have some fun!


Town. I'd also make a "panic room" inside the house, in case somehow a window or a door is left open/is opened during night. Hard to say how exactly I'd construct it, since we don't have a 100% positive on how exactly the talismans work. E.g. where a talisman has to be posted to make it create the protective barrier and how far can it be from the "outer shell" of the house.


I’m gonna go with the colony house. Personally don’t mind sharing all my stuff with people and don’t care if people fuck around me I’ve been to college. Now, living with idiots who might open windows and get us all killed sounds dreadful but, so does being alone in a house all night. They also happen to have weed at the colony house, and that shit is great for my nerves increasing my chances exponentially. People there do seem generally happier, and I find comfort sticking out a shit situation when I’m not left alone. Having said all that, I fully believe I would die in any sort of dystopian scenario imaginable as I don’t have that much will to live, so having a good time before I go and pretending I’m in some weird hippie colony would do just fine. My survival strategy in case monsters did come in tho, is blending in. I am just as pasty in complexion, fake a weird smile constantly and refuse to run under any circumstances. With some luck they’d confuse me for one of their own.


Is this a stretch if I say Colony House represents Liberal beliefs? While the people in town are actually Conservatives/traditional?


Colony house to plot on that asian chick. Town is mad boring No internet or Tv i would rather die


You wouldn't be on a house. You would be IN*** a house.