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I was of the opinion that getting close to your citizens wasn’t needed for the sequel due to perspective changes. However, I really like the idea of zoom stories. Also, there’s an automation in the upper right of the zoom story image, just something for all you automation lovers to enjoy.


Automatons we’re already in the beta,I would like to see an automaton parade though,as unlikely as that may be lol


If memory serves, it was one of the complaints I saw mentioned several times during the beta. Players missed that connection with the citizens that you are trying to save.


I'm looking forward to the Zoom Stories feature. Being able to see everything up close is one of my favorite features in Manor Lords. Take all the time you need and make it amazing!


Goddamit, I loved the old Idea Tree more.


Same, i hope its changeable in the settings


Very happy to postpone for this. I love the idea of zoom stories! Interested to know what the new resource will be too…


I didn't play the beta but I heard there wasnt any steam cores. Maybe that's what it could be


There are steam cores in the beta,I believe the new resource is >!Structural profiles from TLA to be used in construction of districts!<


That employment slider is a godsend of a feature as it's both reminiscent of assigning work to individuals in the first game and, more importantly, you can now properly manage demands when your workload is short, no more inability to build a factory district because you mistakenly built 4 extraction and 3 food districts or whatever.


Anyone else worried about the new resource and heat re-balancing? Seems like major gameplay changes like that this close to release are more reactionary than anything. If that wasn't included in the core game design, it could either break the game by making it easier, or throw the balance way off and make it unmanageable.


Yeah the new resource mostly. But I'm guessing adds this late will be stuff they were kicking around already. So not all too worried.


I'm assuming it's more late game resources than a new resource from the start.


New hubs sound good. In the beta the only other hub was locked behind research and it granted barely any benifits. Also better abitlies sounds nice. The ones in the beta lasted for like 5 months than went on cool down for like 2 years which felt weird.


good changes, nothing about dark UI, well hope its not like beta white one


Nothing about dark UI cause that shit aint coming. Its reserved for high Tension only.


They mentioned that they showed part of it here. Without going into many details, they may change it given the amount of criticism I was subjected to, and the evidence is that they care about the things that were bothering us, and they gave me some of it so as not to spoil the excitement for us.


If you want to get dark, let things get tense!


i know, I'm already arranging a visit to the ophthalmologist 1 week after the launch


New resource, what could it be ?




I didn’t play the beta but I kinda liked the whole “black ice” thing for the idea tree, still glad they made the ideas closer together though. That seemed like a criticism many people had


Frostpunk must be released in winter lol Well the first one I’ve played through the winter


Just wait until winter i guess


me just figuring out about the postpone today........................... discontent rises


Oh for fuck sake, we finally got rid of the damn worker micromanagement from the first game, then they decide to re-implement it based on minority complaints?  Save the effort for something else.. 


What do you mean? It was an amazing gameplay mechanic. It allowed closer relation to people in your city because you literally gave each and everyone a job yourself and it allowed you to prioritise certain resources or free workers from not so important jobs. For me it is the best change they made from what we were shown.


Its gamey that I have to shift my workers around from A to B constantly in order to min-max my output. It sounds good on paper, bit the whole game just turns into moving numbers between buildings, instead of meaningful decision making.  Instead of having people committed to the sawmill, I now have to use them at the sawmill on dayshift, then hunting for the night shift every day.  The second game simplified a tedious mechanic, while also making your decisions as steward big-picture focused. Now they will undo that, and I once again have to min-max my shifts to make ends meet, taking my focus away from what the game is actually about. 


Well isn't resource management also a decision making? What are immediate needs, what are things I can put off for a while, where are my engineers needed right now? Besides, the game, if played not on extreme, does not require you to min-max everything. You don't need to shift workers to hunters from day jobs. But it does allows you to make decisions about your priorities. Do I slow down research to heal my sick, do I need more food for stockpiles or do I need wood to build more housing? And from what I can see in the screenshots it lessens your burden of managing every single building. It just gives you neat 5 options percentages of people and output, and shutting off district entirely. Which is a very welcome change to deal with overflowing stockpiles while not being hit with the deficit after you forgot to check the topbar.


Workforce management is akin to baby-sitting. I agree that ‘where to use wood and steel’ are decisions, but constantly moving workforce around is just tedious micromanagement, that on top of it isn’t very flavourful.  Sure you can do well and win on hard without gaming the worker system, but you are actively punished if you don’t.  And you certainly can’t win survival.  I will say I welcome the ability to turn districts off, and at least its percentage increments as you point out.  I am just so very disappointed that my absolute least favourite part of the first game, which wasn’t part of the second during the beta, is now being ham fisted into it on popular request.   The second game felt like a true evolution of the first, where the good parts have been embellished and the less good relegated to automation- now I worry.. 


Just commenting that I support the further development and have changed my mind from hesitant to excited for the release. Will definitely order the game now, great job developers!