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Nevermind guys a father committed because I didn't let him search for his daughter in the storm :/


Shame on you! We are okay with you overworking, brainwashing and executing people but that deed you just did is straight up evil.


Just beat the game for the first time and didn't cross the line lol. I thought she was already dead so sending him off with food would have killed him too


damn... you are such an evil bastard... >!as a guy who has played this for 100 times, he 100% succeed!<


How do you know she was dead


Because, and I quote, "this storm looks like it'll get so cold it could kill in minutes!"


The child labour has honed her physiology to survive anything.


i didnt do child labor 😭


Tbf if that was a real life scenario I imagine most ppl would assume the daughter is dead already.


spoiler >!let him search and give him supplies and he'll succeed.!<


im surprised he doenst need more given the balls of fucking steel he has to lug around


FYI automated workplaces can work at any temp, unless that building has a temp limit


They said "sans automaton workplaces" and all their automaton workplaces are absolutely freezing in the picture, so I think they might know that


smh imagine not letting him search(-1 mouth to feed)


I was tryna avoid deaths i had enough food to feed the city 😭 If i didn't think I was sending him to his death I would absolutely have given him supplies


Not saying you were wrong but shouldn't surprise you much. Correct ne if I'm wrong but st that point in the game hope is really low. So that plus not being able to go to find your daughter. When u met that scenario I let him go but I'd I had said no and he committed suicide. I wouldn't be surprised as I imagined ppl would some ppl would already killed themselves but surprisingly they all touched it out and I made it with like 400+ ppl at the end.


Hope was super high. Hope gets really low when the storm starts and and he asks before that


But you're still at the point wjere like everyone knows the storm is coming so I guess I can see why ppl might resort to that. Despite hope being high I'd imagine a fair few ppl would do the same in that scenario