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Vivian Vance was never really fat and the writers knew it. In some seasons she even appeared thinner than Lucille Ball. Her character was just portrayed that way as a running joke. I Love Lucy did have some genuinely fat characters that appeared such as The Borden Sisters and Audrey Betz who accidentally sat on Lucy on the Hollywood Bus Tour episode. Yes - I watch I Love Lucy too much.


As I understand it what happened was: if they’d gotten a fat actress then her husband making fun of her for being fat would be sad. But with a slender actress, making fun of her for being fat just made the husband look like a jerk and it was funny. But then after season 1 she did gain some weight which made her 1950s-fat, but not 21st century fat.


I love that show and I love Lucille Ball and Vivian Vance. So funny and such fantastic physical humor by beautiful, elegant women. Growing up, my grandma lived in what was, at the time, a suburb of Orange County. Across the street from her house was an old country club that had been bought by a church that was probably actually a cult. But back in the 50s when she built the house, that was the country club Lucy and Desi frequented. Once I went into the “church” building because some weird guy was following me and I figured he’d go away if I went in there and also wouldn’t know what house I was going to. They had a bunch of photographs on the walls of the two of them drinking fancy drinks with little umbrellas, desi golfing, Lucy by the pool, both of them all dressed up and dancing. It was really cool. The church people said the photos were there when they bought the property and they couldn’t bear to take them down. Desi continued to spend time there after the divorce, but Lucy didn’t go back. I think he actually moved somewhere nearby after the split, but I’m not sure exactly where


Fred Mertz was porky.


You want to feel old, look up how old the Golden Girls actors were.


personally I always found Ethel more attractive than Lucy


She was way too good for Fred.


Loved her personality


I'm so old, I remember when Ethel was a grade of gasoline.


It was the night before Christmas and we were all feeling Mary. But Mary got tired so we went to the gas station and pumped Ethel.


Never heard that one. But funny.


From my middle school years late 60s/early 70s.


My grandma said she went to elementary school with Lucille Ball in or around Jamestown NY. I can't prove it but she always talked about her like she knew her.


She’s probably 44 there.


Damn. Turning 44 this yr.


I thought of her as being much older than Lucy and “matronly”. In real life, Vivian Vance was only 2 years older than Lucy!


Plus, when the fuck was sleeping in separate beds a thing? TV censorship I guess.


Idk, but after 21 years, I’m starting to think it might be ok. Not separate rooms, just twin beds. Even pushed together. I just want my own blankets and sheets all tucked in and tight instead of pulled out and loose like my partner always gets them.


Yep. Bewitched was the first show that put a husband and wife together in the same bed. And boy did the stilted old prudes have a field day with that.


Actually it was Mary Kay & Johnny, way back in 1947.


There's a reason for the terms 'master' bedroom and 'boudoir'. His and Her bedrooms have always actually been a thing, and started making a comeback as the 'lower' classes moved up from one/two room-everybody crammed into four rooms type living. My mom and stepdad separated sleeping quarters so she COULD sleep, because his snoring would rock the house, lol. This was before 'disorders' were more commonly known about or believed/less stigmatized/treated like they are now.


Show was hilarious.


I never thought of her that way


i never saw her as an 'old lady' even back then when we were kids watching them as they were being freshly aired. we were observant and nice kids who had moms and friends of moms just like her. She is not old. the attitude that anyone over 25 is old or an old lady is pretty ageist. Also, none of us saw her as overweight or fat.. she was sort of frumpy but that is a function of demeanor and style rather than weight. *it was pretty clear who was fat on that show*


>the attitude that anyone over 25 is old or an old lady is pretty ageist. That's a strange thing to say. Wouldn't 'ageist' being thinking that it's bad to be old, or treating people unfairly for being old? Besides, it's just an illusion of a child's perspective, surely? Children aren't being prejudiced in seeing young adults as old, it's just that they are compared to them.


well, back in the day, we knew the difference between age 30 and 60 and neither of those age brackets were considered "old". Age 30 was young adult, age 60 was just past middle age and was usually grandparent age. Once people got to be 70 and older, they were considered to be old or elderly. Past 80-85 would qualify you as ancient. even when i was an elementary school kid .. age 60 was not old..


She’s built to last.


Damn straight!




And we were supposed to think she was close to Fred’s age. And yeah, she was Lucy’s fat older friend. Poor Vivian Vance.


What ever, Ethel was fine as hell. Way better than Lucy.


Id be one lonely mafo back then. I like them built for comfort, not for speed.


Amazing how your POV can change


Buxom or Chesty did not exist within the 50s mediascape.


Apparently it didn’t exist anywhere in the 50s. I love vintage clothes, but I’ve got a very distinct hourglass figure and I almost always have to have the bust altered. The hips are generally ok, though, because I buy a lot of dresses and the style then had free hips most of the time.


Yep. The Skipper on Gillian’s Island was considered really fat too. Now he’s about average. Actually kinda good shape.


I remember hearing that Lucy and Ethel did NOT get along in real life, which means that they were pretty good actors


She was not happy about being paired with William Frawley. She felt he was too old to be her husband on the show. She did multiple shows with Lucy so they couldn't have hated each other that much.


He WAS too old to be her husband - he was 22 years her senior, old enough to be her father.


he was unbelievably funny... good grief you guys.. they were comedic actors in a very tight ass society.. and they got along fine.


I never said anything about them not getting along. I made a factual statement about their ages.


i said "good grief you guyS"


Your comment should have been directed to “the guyS” who said that, not me.


I hadn't read that before, interesting because the actress continues showing up in Lucy's other shows. I HAD read that Ethel and Fred did not get along at all in real life. They had a chance for a spin-off and she nixed it (I think I read that on her Wikipedia).


If you believe the couple of docs and biopic that came out a few years ago, it was, iirc, implied pretty strongly that Frawley was kind of a crusty old fart.


I think the situation was that Ethel was required to be frumpy with unflattering clothing in order to make Lucy look more attractive, and Vivian Vance didn’t like being made up to look less attractive than she was and asked Lucy to change that but Lucy refused. But that’s part of the job of a supporting character—make the main character seem more *whatever*.


that is a pretty passive aggressive remark


No I don't.


Oh yes!


Vivian was from a small town in Kansas, independence or coffeyville I believe


Elizabeth Hurley once called Marilyn Monroe "Fat."


I was shocked when I found out that Lucy was older than Ethel-


But she wasn’t fat. My mom was fat Ethel was pretty normal.


I always thought Ethel was hot.


I recall reading many decades ago that Lucy stipulated it was written into Vivian’s contract that she always be at least somewhere around 5-10 lbs heavier than Lucy at all times.


Mandatory doughnuts!


My mother sometimes seemed to imitate Lucy; with the same kind of humor and simple-minded plans to influence others. Odd for a role model.


She was actually younger than Lucy.


Not true. In 1951 when the show began: Lucy Ball was born in 1911, she was 40. Desi Arnez was born in 1917, he was 34. Vivian Vance was born in 1909, she was 42. William Frawley was born in 1887, he was the oldest at 64.


Huh. Thanks I guess. The moore you know, lol. Wonder where I got her being older? I remember reading it decades ago, before there was an internet.


Maybe Ethel planted the story lol.


Dang reading that William Frawleys dad could have voted for Abraham Lincoln.


No. I Loathe Lucy.


this is stupid and you are all gossips.