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Same. I have 3 ASINs with this problem, SS is usless. Buybox % is 0, only 1 seller has buybox all the time. I have to recall all of them and sell on the Bay.


I don't think this is an ASIN issue. I don't know how, but I think this seller has some type of advantage. They seem to have 100% buybox on every ASIN where they have the same price as the lowest FBA price. Very weird. It's like they have a buy box super power.


They could have more/better reviews than you and a better overall track record and they're gonna get the buy box Everytime. You'll have to undercut them. It might be the only way. As for taking the buy box from Amazon at the same price, that sounds like some witchcraft.


Not sure what you mean by better reviews. Do you mean product reviews? What do you mean by "track record"? Most of these products are MAP protected so there isn't any undercutting allowed. And yes, they have a super power that I don't understand but want to.


Seller reviews. Amazon keeps your seller metrics and account history and applies that to your probability of obtaining the buy box. They must have better seller reviews or an aged account to be beating you if you have the same price. If you can't price lower, you might be SOL.


I am guessing you mean Seller Feedback, not "Seller Reviews". The competitor's feedback is 30 days 202 feedback 100%, 90 days 595 feedback 98%, 12 months 1907 feedback 97%, and lifetime 1152 feedback 90%. My feedback is 30 days 85 feedback 100%, 90 days 260 feedback 100%, 12 months 1157 feedback 99%, and Lifetime 16,134 feedback 99%. I started selling in June 2010, so I don't think the age of the account is the issue.


I think that the location of your inventory matters more than some sellers realize. Amazon will give up the buy box to a seller with FBA inventory in California to a West Coast buyer, if their supply is in the Midwest for instance. I've had the buy box, with higher prices due to proximity. Other factors still apply and effect results, price, feedback, account health, sales history, velocity, and so forth.


This is a possibility. We are in the southeast and send most of our shipments to Memphis. They have the buybox for my buying account and they are located in California.


You wrote “I understand the BuyBox very well” but it sounds like your competitor understands it even better. The sooner you accept this thought the sooner you win it over.