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Do people actually like posts on instagram where people brag about making money? Like non-birthy posts too. It's so tacky


MLM huns tend to post their payments, too. Although most likes might be from their uplines/downlines or fellow huns.


The MLM huns I've seen post money is getting deposited, but they black out the amount.


Because they don’t want to get roasted for making all of $12.96 on their “business” that they “invested” $10k into


Oh yes. And that is why I said wait til she starts manipulating her Quickbooks to make it look like she is getting sales. Scammy people “selling the dream” like Betty is do this to make themselves look successful. Her pics are probably the same transaction from the course she bought for new newborn and just covered up the info.


Yea, what is the part she covered up? Isn’t that just usually the title of what sold?


It reminds me of people posting pictures of stacks of cash they made from (not) illegal activity back in the early days of social media.




The MLM huns love it.


I actually do appreciate creators who actually talk about the money side of influencing, sponsorships, brand deals, that kind of thing. But that requires content. That people enjoy consuming.


No. It’s so tacky. She thinks this is going to make people want to buy her crap.


Is this even legal? Seems like false advertisement to me, or are you allowed to lie about how succesful you are?


I'm NAL but it does kinda seem like false advertisement, since she's claiming her course will help buyers earn as much as she does, and she seems to be deliberately misrepresentating how much that is


Making income claims is a no no for MLMs, based on what I’ve seen in r/antiMLM. It has to be done really carefully, so that it’s clear that it’s not an implied promise.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antiMLM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Monat hun joins antiMLM subreddit, immediately gets upset with anti-MLM posts](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/so37lm) | [853 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/so37lm/monat_hun_joins_antimlm_subreddit_immediately/) \#2: [That supposedly respectable MLM lost its shine some time ago](https://i.redd.it/ymkevfduefg81.jpg) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/smsbn0/that_supposedly_respectable_mlm_lost_its_shine/) \#3: [This is popping up on my social media! What is this! Looks like an old style pyramid scheme to me 🧐](https://i.redd.it/5k5xobhm68g81.jpg) | [350 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/slyckc/this_is_popping_up_on_my_social_media_what_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good bot




She said "here is a glimpse of my emails", those indeed are her emails. Unethical =\= illegal


Hear me out I feel like the 6:30pm Stripe payout is the same one posted twice in the same screen shot


It's not that hard to fake email notifications, too


oh it absolutely is


Yeah, if this was really all from the same week she’d be showing the dates of the payments. I suspect these represent a couple of months’ income, and that’s being generous.


Man, I fucking despise this clown. She's so ungrateful. She doesn't deserve her big old house. She doesn't deserve donations to her vapid "ministry", and she doesn't deserve *anything* from her useless course in how to make courses of courses to sell courses. Smelly Bethy doesn't worship g-d, she worships the cold, hard, American dollar.


If it helps, she's absolutely miserable and is bitter, angry, and resentful that Dáăåâv isn't bringing in more money and that her PDFs/ courses haven't made her a millionaire. She is SO entitled and SO spoiled that adjusting to this post- "Mommy and Daddy gave us everything we wanted" life is hard, and she's falling apart.


Then what was her explanation for falling apart like a wet pound cake *before* marriage 💀


Come on. Let’s be kind, guys. Not everyone is cut out for the high pressure world of spending your twenties waiting for a rich, tall and *godly* Prince Charming that will never come, while also passive-aggressively tagging along on your sister’s business ventures!


I believe your flair perfectly describes *that* meltdown 😂


I also ugly laugh when I read your flair...they cringe in terror haha


Exactly the response I hope for with this flair 😂




The fact that there are two actual sales in those images... Those are two too many, I don't understand who's buying this thing.




I'm guessing those are the PDFs, right? I think they are around $10 (way too much for such a pdf anyway), so the fees don't seem as much 🤔


Yes her PFF’s but we don’t know how long it took to get those sales or how many she bought for herself to get the screenshot. I said a few days ago she’d start manipulating her Quickbooks to look like she is getting sales. This is just a step above that. Scammy course sellers do this shit to sell the dream.




I just checked, the normal pdfs are $10 and the marriage strengthening questions are $12.


The new Bible study worksheet thing is 10 and she put it on sale for 8.


It's already on sale? 😂


it's a very special sale. IT WILL NEVER BE THIS CHEAP AGAIN YOU GUYS


*marks it down to $6.99*


Fair enough hahahaha


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person


I think Bethany deserves a separate flairs cause all the shit she does is worth it.


I agree!


did anyone see that picture she posted of her bank account transactions acting like she made a sale? but all of the transactions were negative meaning that she actually spent money….. oh also she blocked me so happy Tuesday!


[This one?](https://imgur.com/a/4bRIDt9)


YES!! but that doesn’t make sense right?? because the green positive transaction from Meta would mean incoming money? but the rest is negative meaning outgoing money, right? or am I in the wrong here


The vendor says “Randolf Brooks” which looks to be a credit union in Texas. I think she’s showing transfers from her PayPal account to her bank account which is why it’s showing as negatives.


oh see i don’t use PayPal but this makes sense, thank you for explaining!


If I have money coming into my RBFCU account from PayPal it’s green (along with any other incoming $). Anything I’ve spent is negative.


But that's from the credit union side of things, isn't it? From PayPal withdrawals to a credit union or bank account should show up as negative amounts.


That's how I read it too, but I also don't understand her captions here. I think she is actively making me stupider with each post.


"look at how much money i grift from you suckers."


I would be so angry if I paid for one of these courses and then saw the seller bragging about making money off of me. It feels so incredibly disrespectful to do that to customers. Good thing her data and "sales" are all made up nonsense.


I know she is trying to promote her “course.” But this is sooo tacky on a non-fundie-Christian level. I don’t know where in Christ’s teachings she found, “*consistently brag about your income.*” This is beyond the opposite of everything she believes in.


For building their treasures in heaven and being not of this world she sure loves money.


And Jesus did *specifically* say (in the NIV, at least) that one cannot love both God and money. So...


Let’s see the dates on these emails girl. Instead of editing this to make it look like you made this one week, and like this is a regular thing.


EACH week? Lmaooo sure barfy


Yes each week at exactly 6:30 pm she makes two sales lmao.


It was twins buying at the same time. 🤔


If Birthy were successful selling her products, she wouldn’t need to post messages like this. She posts because she needs to convince the few clients she has that she is successful to keep the grift going.


Non profits get free canva pro. I bet she is using girl defined’s canva pro to make her stuff… to sell for a profit.


I have a small business and I can not imagine posting stuff like this. “Hahah look at the money y’all sent me lol.” Cringe.


Just here reminding you as she brags about how much she made she is not taking into account those credit card fees. She sold something for $399, but she does not get $399 in her bank account. Think stripe is $.30 per transaction plus 2%.


Depends on the rate negotiated with stripe and the card used. Amex is always a higher fee than Visa or MC. Debit cards are a different rate than credit cards. I doubt she even knows what a blended rate is. Plus, there is an extra fee for daily payouts. I'm sure konjobby is taking a cut, too. At least we know Stripe will be reporting her sales to the IRS.


the "konjobby" nickname is cracking me the hell up


This proves nothing. She can easily be buying her own course for the purpose of posting these screenshots in a last desperate attempt to scam someone.


She really is so tacky and shameless. The upside to this is it is public view for the IRS.


"People are giving me money" versus "I am providing a valuable thing, and (subtext) *you should give me money for it*". She's never even been in an MLM, has she?


These are all here sales ever lol


But isn’t her whole brand a tax exempt nonprofit? This seems like personal income to me.


That's supposed to be the girl defined brand, this is her own personal brand


This is so gross and tacky.