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Um. Isn't your own sister posting about women having orgasmic lives? 


but it’s only okay when a CHRISTIAN does it bc then it’s for JESUS and definitely not to make money like the evil secular culture!




Jesus stole my girlfriend 😕


Jesus' girl now


How can I find a savior like that?


I read this to the tune of "Jesse's Girl." Edit: turns out that was the point and I'm just slow 😂


Jesus is a friend. Yeah you know he’s a good friend of mine. But lately something’s changed— it ain’t hard to define. Yahuauh’s got himself a girl and I wanna make her mine…


That was my intention! 😂


Maybe if you weren't a soy boy and you alpha'd up like Jesus Fucking Christ, you could keep the ladies


I'm gonna cry cuz this is song lyrics and I had hoped someone in this sub would've heard the song 💀


That’s flair material right there. Mm hmm.


Cum shots 4 Jesus 🙏🏻


On Bridgerton like 95% of the fucking happens once married, you’d think they’d love this show for how it CeLeBrAtEs ThE GaWdLy MaRRiAgE BeD


Why am I picturing Bethany literally RUNNING to watch this show after reading Ellissa’s post? 🤣 As to why they show sex scenes … a lot of people LIKE that sort of content. It keeps viewers coming back for more. Don’t like it? Dont watch it. Nobody cares. No reason to run to Instagram to let everyone know you’re bummed about it. (I’ve never watched Bridgerton. I’m tempted now. So thanks for the recommendation, Ellissa!)


Bridgerton is a fun and lovely period drama show! It isn't meant to be like Jane Austen at all and that's okay. The 2nd part of the 3rd season is about to come out and I can't wait! I love the costumes and the Bridgerton sibling dynamics. Also the way they use popular music in the show, a la A Knight's Tale.


I might have to give it another go, but as a historically trained costumer, the costumes were just *wrong* in the first episode and I couldn’t stop being annoyed by that. And I don’t even like historical garments outside of mid bustle era. But I might give it another shot now that I’m a bit more chill about everything lol


Of course the costumes are wrong, it isn't meant to be historically accurate. 😅 It's my lovely funny silly little comfort show which will occasionally break me.


Oh that’s good to know! I went into it knowing nothing and that tripped me up - knowing it’s not will actually make it better now, thank you!


I'm utterly pet peeved by the dance cards (NOT A THING in that period), but it's also a show that pretends that Regency England solved racism (while still keeping child labor, classism, and sexism around) so it's not even trying to be historically accurate and I love it for it.


I love the classical versions of modern songs used for the dance scenes. Took me admittedly too long to notice that


It’s definitely not meant to be historically accurate at all. The costumes are meant to be pretty and look kinda sorta maybe like they could possibly be from that time if you know nothing about how they actually dressed - which actually most people don’t know. I know - as an avid read of historical romance I had to learn the truth. In the books, it’s all wrong so the show which strays even further from the reality of the era would definitely only be for aesthetics. The dance card thing is just a common trope in historical romance as well, no matter the era really. I’m sure they were mentioned in the books as they usually are.


I feel this so hard. 😆 I am an enormous history buff, and I can't watch historical shows unless I pretend they're in the fantasy genre. If I view it as taking place in an alternate reality or in a galaxy far, far away, the costuming and inaccuracies don't bother me as much.


Bridgerton is actually surprisingly deep; I *started* watching it out of curiosity about the sex scenes and **kept** watching because the sex scenes, while admittedly entertaining, aren't even the best thing about the show. It's funny, it's sad, the characters are well-developed, the women are SMART, the costumes are GORGEOUS, the cast is diverse...it's just so GOOD!!!


I love it. It gives Kirsten Dunst in Marie Antoinette vibes. There really aren’t that many sex scenes this season. The first season is pretty raunchy if I remember correctly.


There are sex scenes in your Bible, girly.... Or have you not read that thing?


Yeah and the majority of those are actual violent rape Or incest


Something tells me she’d gloss right over any of that


Or violent, incestuous rape.


Wait now I want to go add it up in my head. There’s a lot of consensual sex scenes that are very short (so and so knew his wife) and a lot of longer sexual violence scenes. There’s an entire book dedicated to extremely porny consensual sex. There’s a bunch of books where wartime sexual atrocities are alluded to. But yeah there’s a lot of sex in the Bible and also a lot of sexual violence.


Wasn't her sister just gushing over Song of Solomon 💀


> gushing 🤢




Love the part where there was an older dude (statutory?) raping his underage girlfriend. Worst case scenario, just had to pay the shekils and/or marry her!


And that part where David's son pretends to be sick and asks his sister to come visit him, but it's a trap and he rapes her.


>Love the part where there was an older dude (statutory?) raping his underage girlfriend. That doesn't really narrow it down...


Babies dying, en masse, more than once. But heaven FORBID a married lass enjoy some Regency-era rumpy-pumpy!


then go watch those movies/shows instead of bridgerton? no one’s tying you to a chair in front of a tv girlie


No, you don't understand. She does not like it, therefore it should not exist.


A pretty succinct way to sum up the entire fundie ethos.


The entire conservative ethos. 


Me with every Kirk Cameron movie😂


Right? Also the fact she’s saying “whatever happened to wholesome period shows” when perfectly wholesome adaptations of Emma and Little Women came out around the same time Bridgerton did. She’s inventing a problem that doesn’t exist and then getting mad about.


Just her idea that Jane Austen's stories are "wholesome" shows that she probably didn't read any of them. Jane Austen would eat this girl for breakfast.


You mean a 15-year-old girl running away with an almost 30-year-old man, and then the almost 30-year-old man being paid to marry the girl because they had premarital sex _isn't wholesome_??




It's very fundie coded


Absolutely. They like the *idea* of these old timey romances, but can’t fathom the fact that women had complex thoughts and feelings even back when they were all supposedly “submissive helpmeets”.


She'd probably get scandalized that the new Emma movie showed the fact that women didn't wear underwear during that time. 🙄


‘I want to feel like I’m better than other people with my morality, but I also want all of popular culture to meet my specifications exactly, so I can judge it anyway’


She seems like someone who would have hated the partial nudity in Emma. (2020)


Yeah like get a Brit Box or Masterpiece Theater account and go to town for Christ's sake.


She just can’t comprehend that something might not be marketed towards her. 


Fucking lol, period shows have been full of sex for ages and so have plays, literature, poetry, etc. Sex is part of life, get over it, girl.


Right. We should all read wholesome classics, like Phaedra.


Or Lysistrata


I have to wonder if scenes of extreme violence would even register. Personally, I would welcome more sex scenes with contenting adults vs the sexual violence a lot of movies and TV shows depict.


>I have to wonder if scenes of extreme violence would even register These types tend to think sex in movies is worse than violence because onscreen gore is simulated, but when someone gets naked you’re seeing real titties.


What if everyone just wears bigger prosthetic boobs fitted over top of their real ones? Yes, there’s not room in the film frame for anything other than bosoms, but at least true modesty will be preserved! 😂


Huh, never thought of that!


She would be so scandalized by Outlander lol


She probably saw the VidAngel ads on SM that say something like “now YOU can watch Outlander (there’s one for Bridgerton too) without all those pesky love scenes and smut.” Which is hilarious to imagine because they’d have to cut out about half of each episode.


So then go watch those? lol, wtf


Obviously, because the movie Fifty Shades of Grey exists, I must watch it.. judgingly.


She didn't watch the show. Big detail she's downplaying.


Imagine having an opinion on something you don’t know shit about. Seems as though the Bairds excel in that, but it seems wild to me.


Lord, give me the confidence of a baird


It’s like all those people who said HP taught actual witchcraft like it wasn’t full of magic wands, unicorns, and people flying on fucking brooms. You’re not allowed anything beyond a (Biblically incorrect) flannel graph of Noah’s Ark for imagination in fundieland.


If she had, she'd know that there's a lot there that's borrowed from Jane Austen. I'm pretty sure Eloise js reading Emma, even.


The way I scoffed, like, of course she hasnt even watched it. No point, she already knows she's right and the show is wrong and went right to Instagram to let everyone know.


Her smug ass facial expression and she hasn’t even seen it 😂😂😂


The understand TV shows like they do the Bible. “I haven't engaged with the source material myself, but I heard from someone who read a synopsis that it means this. I am now a source of authority because I'm on the winning team.”


THIS. Except idk if fundamentally misunderstanding the source material is winning 😂


Oh they aren't, but they sure do think they are


Oh, baby girl, Bridgerton isn’t porn. Porn is porn. 19th century smut was just as “bad”, if not worse. Also, for what it’s worth, everyone in Bridgerton ends up in heterosexual marriages and has at least two kids, so I’d think she’d approve. What I find most interesting about the Baird girl’s obsession with Alcott and Austen is that both authors wrote about heroines finding their own way despite living in societies that wanted to limit every ambition that popped into their brains…or to, dare I say, define what they should and shouldn’t be. It’s ironic as hell that all this collection of airheads reads isn’t biting social satire but a gooey love story.


I was going to say, the majority of the sex scenes on Bridgerton are between married couples, so you'd think they would be thrilled that we are seeing representation of their people. (But don't tell her about the bicurious one...)


No, no, no, it only counts when the ACTORS are married and begin every sex scene with "let's have straight married sex to honour jesus who created the ministry of the bedroom" or whatever crazy bullshit Bethany said.


Eh, the men in that show are all hoes XD it's the women that aren't even allowed to know what sex is until after they're married


It's like they can't even *consider* heterosexual marriage without having at least ONE threesome before.


>19th century smut was just as “bad”, if not worse. I just read the *summary* of Autobiography of a Flea and it was so raunchy I almost accidentally converted *back* to Christianity. Victorians were *on one*.


Oh yeah, Victorians were deeply horny little weirdos just like we are today. A culture that emphasizes repression always makes for some kinky shit.


Yep. Being incredibly buttoned up led to said buttons popping off.


I once saw a Star Trek fanfic that was based on that story. Haven’t read either and have no plans to, but from the tags it sounded like a *lot.* And I *like* smutty fanfic!


Feel free to post the link.


This sent me 🤣🤣🤣


Hell throw in there that there are trans interpretations of Little Women, these prudes would have not approved when they were published. JA couldn’t even publish under her own name because of patriarchy. Okay but where is the 19th century smut? For science 👀


Oh lord, there is a lot of Victorian erotica that is deeply filthy, such as *Autobiography of a Flea* (content warning for almost everything), and as soon as photography became more widespread, naked photos of women abounded, and of course, some of the first films include couples having sex. I'm not well-versed in earlier erotica, outside of things like *Fanny Hill* and erotic art, but by the mid-19th century, filth was everywhere.


https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/victorian-erotica-pornography/ Also, look up Project Gutenberg- The Autobiography of a Flea comes to mind.


Try Adventures of Fanny Hill which was published in 1748. It honestly would be right at home with modern smut. 


Girl, your fcking sister told everyone her husband eats her out like a Thanksgiving turkey and she recently insinuated that he regularly rubs her genitals raw. Maybe focus on that.


Nobody ever had sex in the 1800s!


Of course not! Lord knows it was a much more dignified time where babies were made through hand-holding and butterfly kisses.


When your parents don't tell you about the birds and the bees until you're getting married, the truth is probably quite the shock


Funnily enough, that's a plot point in S1 of Bridgerton.


And S3!


………………….inserts himself wHeRe?


We kiss and then he makes a funny noise and goes to change his britches


And people nowadays have just invented all this weird stuff!


I have a weird hypothesis of why they are so for Victorian nostalgia. Victorians were on surface level recurrence of Puritan moralism with a huge amount of hypersexual undercurrent just like fundies. For example, they sexualized a lot of weird things. And unlike the actual Puritans, most people like Victorian aesthetics. What they do not know is that it was basically a veneer of propriety that hid hypersexuality and flourishing vice trade. Even Queen Victoria really, really loved sex (and hated kids).


It’s easier to list what ISN’T porn to these people at this point


not porn: Bible Porn: everything else Exceptions: borts instagram apparently


Except Song of Solomon which you should act out in a sensual way with your husband.


Horny period pieces are the best tho🥲


There was a show called Harlots that was the epitome of horny period pieces! I miss that show, it's Bridgerton, but for prostitutes. If you haven't seen it you should check it out.


One of my absolute favorites! My username comes from that show.


they really are. an elite genre🤌🏽


Porn for the girlys, as if girls don’t watch actual porn


Girlies deserve tip tier porn and if watching Bridgerton gets you off, go for it. I'm so tired of the demonisation of sexy media enjoyed by women.


Do fundies ever check out period pieces besides those about the works of Austen, Alcott, and Montgomery? Period piece does not equate to being sweet and wholesome. Lots of them address really serious, disturbing issues of the day and even have *gasp* sex scenes, like The Buccaneers, which is mostly a sweet and wholesome mini series, but which still touches on the power dynamics between 19th century couples and how sex and the economics of marriage play their roles in those dynamics.  Also, Bridgerton is a bodice ripper that uses the Regency era as wallpaper to an erotic romance. That's not for everybody, which is fair--it's not my thing either--but it doesn't signify the end of cleaner, more crisply or traditionally told stories. The 2005 Pride and Prejudice imo is the mainstream period piece that has led to period pieces like Bridgerton. They've been focusing more on melodramatic romance and repressed sensuality and sexuality for years. If she bothered to watch anything new, she might have noticed that trend.


How someone could look at a soaking wet Colin Firth climbing out of a lake and claim that’s tame is beyond me.


How someone could look at that and object to it is beyond me 😂


Yeah, that..uh...that did things for me 🫠 Yum


Also, Jane Austen was definitely not wholesome and submissive.


They always think that old = wholesome and that's not true. What they want when they say "wholesome" is "white and cishet."


Don’t forget heteronormative and women=submissive!


🙄 Your sister's whole Instagram is P👀rn for the Girlies but I don't see you posting about how IG used to be so wholesome before Bort posted about being touched until she's raw.


fundies: raw milk and genitals


Seriously, and non-consensual at that. Hasn't she had multiple messages of "Sorry, I had to unfollow because I'm trying to keep my mind off of stuff like that" and she throws a hissy fit about people not wanting her smut stuff right in their instagram feeds? And she keeps posting it. Leave people alone, Bethy.


She misses when period dramas had women get stuck in boring marriages to the first guy their dad approved of. Like her and her sisters. 


“I’m 27 years old, I’ve no money and no prospects. I’m already a burden to my parents and I’m frightened.”


I know that's a P&P quote but it's such a baird thing to say 😭💀


You rang?


I'd offer her some cream for that burn, but I'm too busy laughing.


Bridgerton is awesome and What's-Her-Face could learn a thing or two from it.


Their at home life must be literally so boring. Like actually so fucking boring.


I'll bet the fucking is boring


Oh ya big time. I’d rather take a nap.


Hell, I definitely learned some things from the books!


While I'm not a person who watches things like Bridgerton I do give the show credit for trying new things within this genre. Having men and women of color as main characters for example and hell, I enjoy them doing the whole pop songs turned into orchestral pieces. Im a sucker for that sort of thing.


“What happened to…” well, “Little Women” had a big budget adaptation less than half a decade ago, so I’m going to say absolutely nothing happened to them, AND Bridgerton exists. Two things can be true. Bridgerton existing and being a period piece with sex scenes does not suddenly erase the existence of period pieces without sex scenes. Hope this helps. 😭


Also Little Women had a main character who actively didn’t want to get married and pursued writing (a man’s career GASP)


I watched one episode of Bridgerton and did not enjoy it. So I stopped watching, generally don’t comment on it, and let people enjoy things they like. Why is this so difficult for these people?


They will never be happy until we are like them. They will also never stop seeing us not wanting to be like them as us wanting to eradicate them.


Well you see, the difference is that bridgerton did not offend your delicate sensibilities and the same cannot be said for little Elissa here.


I read the books and liked them, did not like the show at all so I didn't watch it. But we know fundies love to yuck on other people's yums.


Ma’am people fucked back then too




It’s spelled “girlies”. If you’re gonna shit on something, spell it correctly


I’ll never understand this way of thinking. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it! I hate westerns. I think they are stupid, boring, and some are quite racist. But I don’t go around making social media posts about them. I just don’t watch them. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


They know Jane Austen was a feminist, no? Have they read the books? Or are they just spewing what they’re told from others who never read the books????


Also Bridgerton has a fairly diverse cast, and it's a very intentional move and a big part of the plot. Maybe that's what she's actually so mad about?


That’s what I was thinking.


They're so transparent


I’m so tempted to go recommend Atonement to her 😂😂😂😂 but I will refrain from doing so and watch it again instead. That library scene iykyk


James McAvoy….swoon.


There’s more porn on your sisters IG if you ask me.


Well your sister uses her instagram for her personal smut, so…


No, Elissa. Porn is porn for the “girlys”. Bridgerton is just enjoyable mainstream smut.


I don’t remember asking for your opinion tho ✌🏻 People had sex in Victorian times! Shocking, I know.


I was actually wondering if I should watch Bridgerton and I see that yes I should


You’ve never even watched it but you feel like you have to speak on it? Heidi has fucked all her children up beyond repair.


Who pissed in her raw milk this morning?


The cow, I assume.


It took her three seasons to figure out that Bridgerton exists to make straight women horny? Lol.


No, she just has nothing else to say. The whole family is vapid and just hates on whatever's popular at the moment


Fundies massively misunderstand Little Women


Sounds like Mr. Regé-Jean Page caused her to stumble and now she’s mad about it. It’s okay, girl. Me too.


Don’t tell her about *Lady Chatterley’s Lover*


Nobody tell her about *gestures vaguely to literature movies and pop culture*


I don't like sports. I don't watch sports. Now, basketball, football, baseball, soccer, hockey... it's everywhere. I am even from a city with several pro teams. That being said, I'm able to avoid sports in my life. I might see an ad here or there. It will be on the news randomly. Yet, it doesn't ruin my life. So I don't know why it's so hard for her to avoid sex scenes in period dramas...or sex scenes in general. I highly doubt any of them enjoy television that would even *have* sex in it in the first place. That's how I know it's not about her not enjoying it... it's about these people not wanting anything they personally dislike existing. Television, movies, music, or entire populations of people shouldn't exist because THEY don't like it. It's not enough that they have the freedom to live how they want...we aren't supposed to have freedoms too because we aren't choosing what they think is right.


You would think that Bridgerton would be right up the fundies' alley. They follow the same courting rules, and people are punished for premarital sex. They even have to get married if they're discovered alone together.


She should read Wuthering Heights.


She couldn't handle Wuthering Heights


Is it holier if my husband and I “Netflix and Chill” to this show together? I feel like Borthy would approve 😂


Bridgerton is amazing.


They also just make regular degular porn catered to women too, bestie. Some of it is really good filmography tbh


Jane Austen would have hated these assholes. Nothing she disliked more than a sanctimonious prick.


She might want to check out what her sister’s been posting…


"Bridgerton is p\*rn for the girlys." I'm shocked and appalled! What channel does this show come on, and on what day and time?? Just so I know when to, um...avoid it and read the Bible while it's on.


has she been living under a rock?? she obviously missed the Regé craze. 😅 no shit it’s porn for the ✨girlies✨ why do you think it’s so popular, sis??


She’s acting like it’s a new thing to put sex in period shows but this show is based on books with a ton of sex in them! Like, no one is going to remake Emma with a bunch of sex scenes because they aren’t in the book. OMG, this dummy.


God, she'd *faint* at the Korean Regency-ish stuff that's out there. You'd never think "club-like penis" would get so much play, but stuff like Predatory Marriage exists and is hugely popular, so.


Girly couldn't handle Business Proposal 😂


Oh lord. May I suggest a really raunchy older show called Harlots? It’s on Hulu and one of my favorites. 😅.


I’m a Christian, I watch Bridgerton. And I know some of the little old ladies who were part of my church years ago who have passed would’ve ate this show up! So would my grandma. Honestly Queen Charlotte helped me get over some of my own issues being a widow. If it’s not your cup of tea, fine. But I’m tired of other Christians raining on my parade (don’t get me started on Taylor Swift’s latest album and what some Christians are saying.)


Fuck off! No one makes you watch it. As a matter of fact, it comes with a TV mature warning. Whose fault is it that you know about the content?


That smug Baird superiority complex expression, ugh.


So then don't watch it? Nobody gives a shit


I watch Bridgerton. I’m a late viewer only just started it. I have to bite my tongue on costuming but other than that I’ve enjoyed the show. I’m book reader and viewer of Outlander as well. I didn’t watch The Tudors for a history lesson. Just saying.


Oh boy, if she can’t handle (hearing about) Bridgerton then something like The Borgias would melt her brain.


These Baird sisters give me such whiplash with what they post. I bet there is some internal strife beneath their outwardly cozy relationships.


Ohhh 1000%.


Girl, Regency Romances have been ripping bodices since WELL before you were born. Take several seats.


I find pride and prejudice to be extremely sexual tho...


Oh yeah. Mr collins is a panty melter.


Plus his wife gets a sitting room for her own particular use. Nothing sexier.


And you get to meet Lady Catherine! Now don't be ashamed if you cannot speak; many become tongue-tied in the face of the mere prospect of her magnificence.


Both of you, knock it off! I can’t sit here consumed with lust for the rest of the evening


Clearly she's never seen Poldark or Outlander or the Forsyte Saga.


i’m just gonna say it, “bridgerton is porn for the girlies” sounds like an advertisement.


This is probably her dogwhistling "I don't like black men."


So sick of these trad wives telling what I can read and watch. Pretty sure their husbands are watching porn.


LMAO, YEAH suz that’s the whole point


Why can’t there be both?🤷‍♀️


I too think Jesus would love [Bridgerton](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKu2HVp/) 💅🏻🎀


She should stick to Hallmark or Great American Family Channel - the channel Candice Cameron Bure fled to because Hallmark was too progressive for her.


Then don’t watch it. Christ, who cares 😂😂😂


Wait until you watch Game of Thrones