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Oh… shirts? I thought at first you meant that they would stop writing published books, which would be a good sign. Why announce you’re not selling shirts anymore that no one is buying? 🙄 Biz Boss Bestie strikes again.


To unload whatever’s left. Make people think scarcity. Will it work? lol.


They’re obviously not making as much as they want to be and are trying to find ways to cut costs. I’m wondering if their brand is failing because 30-something pearl clutchers no longer appeal to their target demographic, or if they’ve lost a lot of followers due to Bethany’s Discount Dr. Ruth Season of (MARRIED ONLY!!!!!!!!) Seggs


I think it's both and they can't hold the attention of their target audience. They're bad at all forms of social media, there are many more trad wife weirdos who are actually decent at the social media game.


When they started, they were in the right place at the right time. There was a lot of luck involved, but they decided that their success was entirely due to their own wonderfulness. They convinced themselves that they were brilliant content creators and social media experts, so they could just continue their success. But social media is tough. It’s constantly evolving. The audience moves from platform to platform, so you have to either change your content to keep appealing to the audience on your strongest platforms, or you have to change your delivery and chase your target audience to the next platform. They’ve been terrible at either of those things, and they’ve just looked lost, unfocused, and out of touch.


That viral cody ko video helped them out


They were able to sell the single Godly girl aesthetic, but they're awful at homemaking. Their followers grew up & have moved on to content that reflects what they want their life to look like. Younger audiences aren't into them because they're "old" now and out of touch.


Exactly. They targeted themselves at teenagers who are already so insecure and self conscious. And here they were, two older ‘role models’, both conventionally attractive. One married, one not so you hit a little bit of being single/dating life. But those girls grew up, and B and K aren’t interesting or savvy enough to hold the interest of grown women at all.


They used to do in-person events and stuff. They’ve cut back what they actually do a lot, possibly because they don’t have the audience anymore or possibly because they’re too lazy. 


Little bit of both.


> Little bit of both Bort-AY-do Bort-AH-do.


Did we ever get confirmation that they “reached their fundraising goal” at the end of last year? Maybe GD isn’t doing as well now and they’re having to scale back the operation.


My understanding is they haven’t actually reached it with true audience fundraising in a couple of years, at least. I could be wrong.


That is also my understanding, and I know there was speculation that Heidi and Co were keeping it afloat with a “donation” that would magically reach the goal at the last minute. Maybe Heidi is tired of bankrolling her daughter and her deconstructing husband?


I suspect the cleaning business never really recovered after covid and the bank of parents Baird can't afford it.


That would make so much sense why Heidi is trying so hard to be an influencer herself posting all that cringey shit.


I think that's actually unrelated. Heidi has always been extra cringe and super self-centered and self-important. They're all grifters, and Heidi especially wants to be famous. I believe GD is her brainchild and she was living vicariously through Krusty a s Bort.


Ooh good point, I wonder if they would withdraw financial support now he's not Godly®?


In 2022, the last year data is available, they received over $81k in contributions and grants. I wonder what it was in 2023, though. https://beta.candid.org/profile/9623671 Edit to add: they overall had lower revenue in 2022 than 2021 because their 2022 program service revenue was a fraction of the 2021 amount.  


I think a lot of people have theorized that their contributions aren’t necessarily from their GD audience, though. I think the consensus was that their parents / family were mostly the ones helping them out.


That’s just snarker speculation. There’s a lot of horrible people out there that WOULD donate to GD.


> the last year data is available I love this sub 😭


why on earth would they make a big announcement for this???? just do it and don’t announce that part of your organization is failing?!?


Apparently the masses are clamoring for barely legible girl defined shirts, so I guess announcement was absolutely necessary 🙄


Mayonegg 💀🤣 perfect username


Tell me your brand is on life support without telling me your brand is on life support


That ring gets me every time 😂 looks like one of those Ring-Pop suckers


It's giving, "I wanted a big flashy diamond, but we can't afford that, so I opted for a dinner-plate cluster."


Or the twilight ring but a circle instead of an oval


I know everyone hates the twilight ring but at least that beast had a history and a sentimental value for Edward. Bethy does not have an excuse for this monstrosity. And I actually didn’t hate the twilight ring


Tbf, Bethany had a nicer version picked out. This is Dave’s monstrosity. Ugh I hate defending her. She still sucks on every level, but it was his fuckup


She used to claim they designed it together until the internet was collectively like "that's tacky" so I suspect it's also her choice to have a cheaply made, ugly ring.


It looks like it came out of a beachside gumball machine. Or from the discount bin at Claire's. Or like an upcycled button from one of Alexis Colby's power suits.


Alexis would seethe at this comment 😅


I said it looked like alexis' button the first time I saw it 😂


And she always goes out of her way to show it off.


I don't think she understands that a bunch of low-quality diamond chips != one large, high quality diamond. Nobody is jealous of that ring. She just can't differentiate negative attention from positive.


What, you don't sit like that? Such a natural pose.


I zoomed in and her right hand is now haunting me


I like her ring, actually. My great gran had similar art deco ring like that (like truly vintage). But I went to look up pics of her ring, just to see it close up…and I found their wedding album. THEY GOT MARRIED ON MY BIRTHDAY. 🫠


Bethy and I had the exact same due date. 🫠 (Didn't birth on the same day though.)


“More time with family” ma’am you are a SAHW/SAHM and work from home, I’m sitting here wondering when the hell you actually leave your house.


That was also their excuse for shuttering their conference, but I suspect their conference was losing money.


It’s an all-purpose excuse.


Reasons Bethy laves the house: To film a reel (sometimes outside with her child/children, to show she’s such a great mom) Starbucks Raw milk 2fer sale Drop the kids at her mom’s Take Davey to gif honoring Christian day school (not daycare not public school, you worldly heathens) Check out jorts selection at the mall Get some gif honoring hate chicken Church???? To film batches of reels at her parents’ home Family dinners where she can loudly brag about her seggs lyfe


A gif honoring school sounds fun 😂


Aw, just like JLo and her tour cancellation




Privileged white liberals will never accept the idea that a woman who fits their aesthetic of an upstanding member of society (see white and not fat) is bad. "We need to preach love!" True but not to those who sell hate. Edit: Changed a word


That's my entire problem with this. These aren't regular people who want to deconstruct, these are grifters who saw how many people were interested in them flirting with deconstruction and now playing both fucking sides and Zelph and Antibot fell for it so hard. I used to think they were intelligent but if they fell for this, idk anymore.


I'd argue it stems more from moral cowardice than foolishness. As it is easier to call out us (those who are mean to the hateful and are rocking the boat) than people like Bethy who are sadly a long time part of the status quo and are nice to your face.


[THANK YOU](https://media0.giphy.com/media/5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952uzp926l5gw4s3rj87cida7rml6hyx8w9xb43hlxp&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I'm sorry that's been your experience with privileged white liberals. I would have thought a good chunk of users here would fit that category, including myself, that don't do that, but perhaps I was mistaken. Edit: sorry to have offended. I was just surprised to see this sentiment in a sub that I would have thought had a good chunk of the people being generalized, if Im wrong and this is specifically a POC space, then I'm sorry and I wouldn't have said anything if I had known. I just thought it wasn't.


Liberal≠leftist tho 


In what sense? I've seen them used pretty interchangeably. ETA: I'm also not sure why that's relevant here, since no one said leftist? But I am open to learning.


Leftists are further left than liberals. Typically the difference is that liberals want to work within the system (ex: insisting that voting is the main solution to everything), but not actually change the system, while leftists want to change the system. 


Ok I can understand leftists being further left, but I hadn't heard of liberals not wanting to change the system. I've always considered myself both and definitely want to change the system. Still unsure of why that was relevant to my comment tho.


To be clear I say what I said as someone who is white and grew up around liberals. It is a truth it took me a long time to come to terms with. Neoliberalism is fundamentally about maintaining the status quo. It's why when Obama won in a landslide with a super majority he did so little for those 2 years. I don't say this with smugness. You've been sold a bill of goods the establishment Democrats never intended to give you. They will sell you change and progress then hamper it at the same time. As an example they literally did not want Gay Marriage to happen. They pleaded with organizers who actually won that case to not do so.. To be clear fucking vote for them if there's no other option besides a Republican. Cause they will at least keep the lights on and put out the most serious of fires but if your looking to actually create substantial change to attend to the issues of housing, inequality, working rights, police brutality and more you won't find it from them.


See now I'm very confused because I thought neoliberalism is different from liberalism, and all Google searches I'm doing are showing them as different.


Ugh please don't do an "not all privileged white liberals" here. If you aren't like that, then we're not talking about you. Enough POCs, myself included, are wary of these so called liberals because they act like allies but aren't doing the progressive work.


I was explicitly trying to avoid that, so sorry. I was just trying to open a dialogue so I could understand better. ETA: and I was just kinda surprised by the sentiment since, like I said, I would think a good portion of users here fit that description without falling into that apparent trend


“I’m sorry, but here’s how I was actually correct.”


I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry. That wasn't at all what I was trying to say.


I think they are going to soft close GD in the near future. First, it was no more conferences. Now, it's no more merchandise. With Kristen about to give birth and Bethany's stated ambivalence about GD, I can see them winding down operations.


Yep, this and the younger Bairds didn’t pick it up


I completely agree. Bethany and Kristen didn’t move with their audience who were teens/ early twenties 10 years ago and the younger sisters didn’t take over.


Not only is girl defined probably not very profitable currently, Kristen is going on maternity leave for the first time and Bethany is going to be left managing everything. We all know how lazy and incompetent Bethany is, so I’m guessing these “spending more time with family” is a thinly veiled excuse for continuing to shut down the portions of the brand that requires actual work to be kept afloat. Aside from that, Kristen probably doesn’t need the income anymore and Bethany’s side adventures don’t align with the message anyways so they’re scaling back to digital resources only because it requires much less work. They can recycle the same YouTube videos and clips from their podcast into “courses” and “memberships” to keep the cash flowing without any effort. The core following they have seems to be dumb enough to keep giving them money for recycled ventures for some reason, and they’re probably planning to just ride that gravy train as long as possible.


We saw what happened when bethy was left in charge of the book launch. That was the first sign of collapse.


Didn’t one of the younger sisters handle all the merch, though?


Rebecka (or however he spells it). Curly Baird. The raw milk one. Though she's probably moved on a bit since then, and that may be a factor in the collapse of the Girl Defined industry we're seeing here.


It’s all gathering dust in a warehouse and I assume there’s a fee for it taking up space that won’t be available because it’s not selling well and digital products are infinite and digital so nothing needs to be physically held anywhere. Also they 100% really overestimated how many people would buy their shitty merch


It's stored in the Baird parents garage and Bubbleguts is the "shop manager." It's just not selling.


Poor Rebekah lol. As if she wasn’t already BORED ENOUGH with life, now she’s losing her job as the GD shop “manager”


All 5 hours every few weeks to fulfill all those orders! J/k, I'm sure she gets paid the same regardless of orders because GD is a family grift.


It’s all digital and not needing to be physically held anywhere unless you’re BDong charging for shipping on virtual items.


The t-shirts aren't digital. They just aren't selling.


The “warehouse” is literally just a room in the Baird’s garage lol


They're way closer to Midlife Crisis Defined than Girl Defined at this point.


One step closer to a pyramid scheme. You go girl!


She's trying to look provocative, but just really looks foolish. I wish she'd just stop.


Those poorly designed shirts weren't selling? Shocker! Guess they are trying desperately to create FOMO for a product no one wants.


Can the retired shirts be bought, in bulk, for less than cost for various “art” projects? Asking for a subreddit.


Don’t give them money. San Antonio snarkers, keep your eyes peeled at your thrift stores.


Oh, I don’t want to buy them from GD, I want to find them from whoever buys their stock for resale. Which would assume they would liquidate, which they won’t, so maybe nevermind.


Business acumen? Nevar!


What reseller would buy them even at pennies on the dollar?


Why is she sitting there with her hands like that 😗


She often poses such that her left hand is prominent. It is an awkward looking pose though.


So you can see the RINNNNG and also her neon manicure.


Whatever is happening with her knee there is also a little frightening.


She's sitting on her foot. It's just the way the muscles and fat are pushed around when she does that. Still scandalous that she's showing that much leg. Guys might look at that and be driven to lustful thoughts. She needs to keep those legs covered.


Ah you’re right. It looked distorted like a filter gone wrong or something, but yeah that position will look weird in pics no matter what. Lotta leg though for sure lol.


That was OLD BETHY before she had mind blowing seggs. NEW BETHY knows that showing some skin makes Dayve happy, so her previous convictions have been, as the kids say, yeeted.


That's her deep thinking whilst on the toilet pose.




Lil baby Satan help me, I thought this was Kkkasrissa for a second. I think it’s the smarmy expression.


“We ran out of space in our parent’s garage to store all of our unsold crap”


Awww, does this mean that Rebekah has to get a real job now??


This is a good reference


BIG announcement… HUGE


So no more books??


She never misses an opportunity to flash that hideous ring.


Is this why she has a pile of laundry on her lap?


I winder if they know their channel is dead? Or are they really that dumb


Maybe they'll chuck a BDong and charge shipping for their PDFs 


God, I read this as "Girls Aloud" at first and assumed it was in r/popheads and was desperately trying to figure out what that would even MEAN for a band.


Didn't they \*just\* release new stuff like... maybe not even a month ago? I seem to remember a new prayer journal and a candle and some things? I think that no one is interested in their crap and so they're shutting it down.


Wouldn’t it make sense to close their shop after their terrible book has been released, rather than before?


Did she ever play basketball? She’s got the height and finger span for it


Yes, she did and she said she loved it. Both K and B considered going to college and continuing to play, but the family enmeshment (IMO) shut that down.


Bethy claims she was offered a basketball scholarship(s?) by D1 school(s), but turned it down.  The brother whom we never see that had trouble with the law played basketball at Liberty U. (Not the brother who posts here sometimes and not the one who looks just like Bethany). 


Ok that’s right, I recall hearing that before. That’s really too bad she didn’t pursue it


She has claimed that, with zero evidence to back it up.