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No one took her freedom of speech away. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences of that speech. Will they ever learn?


Also freedom of speech only protects you from the government.


Right, was she not pay attention during the gay wedding cake case? Seems like she’d be all over that.


Are some of these girlies even old enough to remember the gay wedding cake case?


Don’t worry, some assholes are keeping it alive and thriving. This is from my state TODAY: https://www.wral.com/amp/21476904/


Ahhh dammit NC, not again


Oh, Southern Pines. I wish this surprised me.


I thought this happened in Australia. I think we had our very own case.


It seems to come up with some regularity at this point.




I’m younger than this girl and I remember the gay wedding cake case because it happened when I was a kid and I remember my parents talking about how a Christian company wouldn’t want to hire a Muslim because then they wouldn’t be a Christian company so they shouldn’t be forced to make cakes for gay weddings. No idea if any of this makes sense but it bothered me then and I barely even knew what a Muslim was at the time.


Ah the old "Jesus totally said to discriminate and away from the world" argument


Boy howdy do I. (Remember Kim Davis, the county clerk worker? Her trial was about 30 minutes from my hometown).


Right? We don’t have the guillotine here, Racist Antionette. The general public and the privately owned business you worked for are allowed to find you gross for being hateful. God I wish these people would all go off grid to live out their communist Russian cosplay and just leave normal society alone.


YES why do they have to suck all of us into their insane delusions? Go find some acreage in Wyoming and live with each other in your all white Christi fascist society. Put some asshole in charge and let him tell you what to do. You can literally go have your cult and leave the rest of us out of it. I’m sure it will be delightful and you will all get along so well and get so much done and really enjoy each other’s very pleasant company.


Problem is, these fuckers LOVE imperialism. Taking over America=Moar Souls for Jeebus.


You just described the founding of the U.S. 


Yeah I don't see a mugshot.


I love using this very important point on the boomers in my family. For example, when I point out that a private business my uncle works for has the right to encourage employees to state their preferred pronouns and if he doesn’t like it he can “just get another job” 💀


They will never learn. I was trying to explain this to my son. “I have the freedom to tell my boss to fuck off. He has the freedom to fire me. Make sense?”


They’re too fucking stupid to understand the first amendment. They also never understand what freedom of religion means.


Which is also freedom FROM religion.


My mom used to argue that we only have freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. It was some kind of argument against atheists and I still have no idea if she meant people had to follow a religion or not, because she doesn’t believe that now so I’m really confused.


We have freedom FROM religion in that no one religion should be nationalized. You can take it a step further to believe that no one religion should be influencing our laws and government.


I had a coworker try that argument on me. So I said fine, I pick satanism.




This is one of my all time favorite sentences.


Yes! TikTok and other social media apps all have community guidelines that they are allowed to enforce. No one is "entitled" to have a TikTok account. The internet is not the Wild West anymore lol. If she wants to be racist online with no guidelines or rules, take it to 4ch\*n and see how much she likes the "freedom of speech" in there!


This really takes me back to the late 90s. The internet really was just the wild west where you could do and say anything and stay relatively anonymous.


And then its like how are Black people the puppets when she was literally born and bred into a religion where puppeteering for Jesus is her most important job. Lmao, loser. Eta: I love, love, love how many funny comments came directly after mine, this community is just -💙😭💙


Puppeteering for Jesus sounds pretty rad tbh. I'd probably actually go to church if it was always a puppet show.


Kind of a la Avenue Q? *the internet is for porn* Fabulous. That’s stuck in my head now.


...oh good, now it's stuck in my head too. Avenue Q is one of those delightful soundtracks that's just about impossible to sing along to in public, unless you're *super* prepared for people's reactions. Other such songs include [Wish I Was A Lesbian by Loudon Wanwright](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idhxrZKlLvc), and the ever-delightful [Springtime for Hitler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca7063tXIP4) from the Producers.


And while not a show tune [Fuck You - Lily Allen](https://youtu.be/4BpFqyxEDbo?si=5exieLJEu0OBrMrN) is right up there with other songs that you have to sing silently in your head.


Oh man, yes. It's an excellent song, but not exactly unsuspecting public ready. Ver' cathartic, though.


*Schadenfreude* changed my life, I love that song, it never gets old.


This makes me feel like you did not grow up evangelical in the 80s, when puppeteering for Jesus was very much a thing and now I have flashbacks


Tammy Fae!




We weren’t super fundie but definitely churchy and yes there were puppets. Like a lot of puppets.


I didn't; I grew up mainline Protestant in that same time period. We had felt boards with little characters for them in Sunday school, which I completely forgot about until you just unlocked that memory!


The church I attended as a teenager had puppet shows, lol. Once a month, there would be a puppet play of a bible story, with snarky jokes tossed in and an ending moral about how to apply it to modern lives. The one I remember best was the one about a widow searching her entire house for a single coin and a shepherd searching for a lost sheep. The moral was that we should not give up on each other and seek our troubled loved ones like the widow and the shepherd. No super serious lessons, it was all made primarily for the sunday school kids, but it was really a lot of fun. I got to be a couple of sheep and baa from under the puppet stage. xD


At this one tiny non-denominational church we used to attend, the last day of Vacation Bible School was puppet-themed. At the end of the night, everyone picked a puppet and lined up behind this partition, and we put on a big puppet show for the parents. I remember my puppet was Woody from Toy Story and I made him do the Can-Can to a song about Jesus.


My pentecostal church as a kid used to do puppet shows. My aunt was in charge of it, and we would move the puppets along to a tape recording. I was too little to use one of the puppets with a moving mouth, so I had a raccoon that I would make dance. We would go do shows at nursing homes, and one time, the PA system malfunctioned, and the eldery people rioted. It was chaos. It's one of my core childhood memories. They flipped over tables, and one guy grabbed his chest and yelled, "They're shooting at us!" An old lady climbed on a table and took out her teeth and held them out on her thumb. They were running around yelling. We had to leave the room so they could get everything under control. That was pretty much the only fun part of church. Everything besides that was confusing and scary. Good ol pentecostal visions, speaking in tongues, and thinking you'll burn in hell at 5 because you don't want to be "anointed" with olive oil.


I also feel like “puppeteering for Jesus” should be flair.


Maaaaaanger Baaaaaaaaaabies!


>puppeteering for Jesus Excellent flair material


No and the hypocrisy is the point. Rules for thee not for meeeeee


I like to refer people to [this xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1357/) when they don't seem to be getting it.


Never if they have their way


The fact that facing backlash for saying the n-word apparently directly leads into a “career in conservative media” tells you *everything* you need to know about their “values.”


I mean, *is* she really gonna have a career in right wing media or is she just sayin shit?


She’s more than likely just saying shit, but it’s telling for her to put “be racist” together with “now I can become a conservative pundit.”


She’s not wrong. They will enthusiastically embrace her


Yeah, racial slurs probably aren't enough for them anymore. You've gotta kill a couple people like Kyle Rittenhouse to become the next right-wing hero now.


I googled him and WOW.


Where have you been that this is the first you've heard of him and had to Google it? I'm kind of jealous


Not in the US, that's where I've been! We don't give freaks like him air time. What a shamozzle! *Australia


I saw a tiktok talking about how the right wingers were criticizing her for not being white enough, something about her real last name, heritage, etc. but I haven't seen it first hand so who knows.


They tend to prefer their racism a bit less overt and more dog whistle, so probably she'll get her 15 minutes and not much beyond that. And her face card isn't enough to have them excuse the overtness


She isn’t even box dye blonde, which Fox prefers.


Brunette = POC for Fox


Flash in the pan at best


Guarantee she’ll be on Fox any time now.


I don't know. She's being torn apart online. Between being called a democratic psy-op and "phrenology experts" saying she clearly isn't a white or a woman, I'm not sure she will.


She definitely hasn't had any significant offers which is why she's continuing to rage bait. I'm sure she'll get something mediocre but the whole right wing media is crumbling so it won't be the payday she hoped for.


I mean, there’s way too many of these people. They keep pulling in anyone who does anything, it’s saturated, unless they’re a truly out there character they’re never going to break out.


I think she's already been on InfoWars.


How did she get fired from her job if she's a tradwife


She’s not married and she works so I cant figure out how she’s justifying calling herself a trad wife?


So she didn't get picked yet, I'm guessing.


Failed pickme girl...  HILARIOUS


I'm convinced these women do this to funnel customers to secret Onlyfans accounts.


She cosplays as one


Tradwife is an aesthetic now I guess.


I mean there's Kelly... I saw someone call her a Laura Ingalls Wilder cosplayer.


The mop and broom fired her.


Can’t get fired if you never use them 🤨


"You can't fire me. I quit long ago!"


[That reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/qFdD4E_96FI?si=Kg0z4Pb547cgZDNW)


That’s what I’m wondering


How does she have friends? She was trying to insult her friends husbands. The layers of ick on this girl, yikes.


It costs nothing to not be a racist piece of shit, but I guess she would much rather lose her only form of income ig Also, how are Black people puppets for reporting her for casually using a racial slur? Does she think it's because we're "controlled by Jews" or some bs? Sis is not as smart as she thinks she is.


I think she is trying to claim that she wanted this all along because she wanted to get herself into a role in rightwing media with the rest of them racist grifters and getting press for this may well have given her the clout she needed.


That's just wild. I've never heard of any person (at least around me) who wanted to get fired for doing/saying racist shit so they can get a spot on OAN or Fox News. If that's the case, then she could've actuvely apploed for a job at a right-wing publication instead of talking out the side of her neck and then crying about getting fired.


Going viral for being a racist pos is how you get hired at Fox News or OAN


The best she can hope for is a blurb in the Daily Mail.


She could’ve just written an inflammatory piece about a beloved and widely known public figure and could’ve gotten the same amount of attention.




She specifically called black people “puppets”


Yeah, I think she’s trying to suggest that the people who reported her to her employer played to her hand. I would not be that surprised to see a tradwife influencer get a job at a Black-owned company and then say something outrageously racist on her platform knowing she was going to get reported and then fired and try to use being “cancelled” as her stepping off point to right wing grifting. That’s how I’m reading what she’s said and it’s absolutely disgusting if true.


She’s rage baiting. She needs to keep the momentum now that she lost TikTok and her actual job.


If her momentum stops she has lost everything. How would their favorite man say it? Sad!


Right wing media and traditional husbands. Both great at respecting women's values.


I'm trying to imagine any world where a person should feel righteous and proud of being a racist dirtbag in order to get enough clout to reach their goals of being a right-wing media star.. The world is truly some kind of cesspool.


Honestly it makes me miss the days of cinnamon challenges and other dumb stuff that went viral.


I saw a post on tiktok about her, she's gone on some right wing bs site for an interview and says that people mistake her for being Jewish, and made some antisemitic comments. She sucks.


Ah yes, THE JEWS, somehow inferior and yet also running the world 🙄


Reminds me of an old joke: Two Jews are sitting on a bench. One of them is reading the local Yiddish newspaper. The other is reading a pamphlet from a local Nazi group. The former says to the latter, “Why on earth would you read that antisemitic drek?” The other replies, “Well, when I read the local paper, we are a poor and battered people who suffer in ghettos, pogroms, and all manner of tragedies. But when I read these pamphlets , we run the banks, the governments, the whole world – life is great!”


But you see this was All Part Of Her Plan! Like Russian propagandists bragging about being "algorithmically amplified™" when they get dogpiled and ratioed to kingdom come! Silly triggered Libruls just can't comprehend the 6557764356D chess and machiavellian genius of social media blowhards! (I guess crying about how "this isn't who I am" and blaming it on Ambien/heated gamer moments/irony has become passè).


I'd think if a black person was being a puppet it would mean licking the boots of people who use slurs, like Uncle Ruckus or something.


How does a "Trad Wife" have a JOB?!? I thought the whole thing was how women only fulfill their True Godly Natures™️ by being at home and *not* working!


She's probably trying the plan of "become trophy wife to a wealthy megapastor and coast along on looks, simpering, and hate". Let's hope it works out for her like it did for Morgan.


Morgan, Paul's participation trophy wife


This would be a fantastic flair.


Omg I love it, I asked the mods. 😂


In this sub, you have to set your own flair. Go to the sub's main page, click the hamburger menu, and select "change user flair." Click on an existing flair and then tap "edit." Input whatever you like.


omg thank you!!


You got it backwards. Paul is Morgan's trophy wife... he doesn't work and sits around doing nothing, including childcare.


LOL yes!


I think it’s time for a new flair, can I have this?


Go for it.






Yeah! Home healthcare aid means going into *other people's homes* not staying home like a good tradwife. Not to mention her tiktoking around. Remember when JustPearlyThings got destroyed by tradmen saying she's not a tradwife and that they wouldn't marry her because she has a public platform? That was glorious.


Apparently she's not even married lmao


I’m just going to say, MANY black creators were STRONGLY suggesting that people do not stitch her, do not tag her or do anything to drive traffic to her page. Not only is it exactly what she wanted but there is enough racism in the world, it’s not fun to see it multiple times on your FYP so someone can give a “hot take”. It’s sooo clear that these influencers do this crap to spark outrage, get engagement and then try to profit off of the traffic. Why do yall think Pearl was doing what she was doing. Also the fact that people are like “lol no one is going to make her a famous conservative influencer” seems to for get Rittenhouse. Only this woman is softer around the edges, pretty and can string two sentences together.


FAFO. Freedom of speech does *not* mean you get to say whatever you want whenever you want and face no consequences. 


The amount of people that do not understand that your EMPLOYER firing you for saying wild shit is not a violation of freedom of speech. These people will never learn. They’ll just scream victim as loudly as possible.


I wonder if it even crosses their minds that people in some countries go to jail or even die for saying they disagree with the person in charge.


I haven’t seen her actually receive any support from conservative media yet though. So did it actually work?


Someone said it above, but she said the quiet part out loud. As racist as conservative media is, they like to at least pretend they aren’t by having their token black Cadence Owens shill for them. She’s just toxic at this point and ruined whatever chance she had at getting any public facing job


She's going to have to kill somebody at a Black Lives Matter protest first, and then they will elect her queen.


She got an interview on infowars so yes


The "trad-wife" has a job? 🤔


That was on of my big questions here too…


Her freedom of speech was not taken nor infringed upon. She was not arrested, jailed, or executed for what she said—that’s what “freedom of speech” protects you from; persecution from your government. She can say whatever she wants—and she did! But others, including her employers, are under no legal or moral obligation to adjust their own boundaries and standards in order to accommodate her. They have rights, too, but these people conveniently forget about other people’s rights as soon as they receive consequences for their actions.   Also: When you agree to enter certain career fields, you agree to a certain level of responsibility. No, your employers or job shouldn’t control your whole life, and you are still your own individual person. But when you agree to go into a helping profession, like nursing, you are agreeing to represent a group of people who have chosen to take on the responsibility of caring for others—usually vulnerable people. Conduct yourself at all times like you have some respect for your patients, your profession, your fellow nurses, and yourself, you absolute shameless clod. 


#"FREEDOM OF SPEECH" DOES NOT MEAN "FREEDOM FROM SOCIETAL CONSEQUENCES"   It means, your government will not imprison (or otherwise punish you) for expressing an opinion, etc.


Who could have seen this coming? Wait... you're telling me that the people who push this "traditional" lifestyle with "old-fashioned" values don't have basic human respect for people of color??? What's next, are you going to tell me that it's a classic fascist tactic to idealize a non-existent whitewashed past in order to motivate people to vote in favor of oppressive policies against "modern degenerates" and the minority? Are you then going to go on to tell me to read "How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them" by Jason Stanley and see how it applies to the tradwife movement with it's rejection of modern progressive values that ultimately exist in favor of the poor in order to promote a fetishized Christianized past that will only end up benefitting the rich??? Nice try, liberal! /s


Why do so many people not understand that the 1st Amendment guaranteeing Freedom of Speech simply means they can't be jailed for what they say? Not that they're free from the consequences of what they've said. It's not hard. It's really not.


Oh no not the consequences of my actions!


You have freedom of speech, but that means freedom of consequence as well.


Trad wives work? Pretty sure that's not how that works. Why isn't her manly man of a husband paying her bills? So dumb.


they talk about us like this and then claimed they’re not racist and we need to get over everything. It’s hilarious.


Watch as she gets hired by Tucker Carlson / shows up with a segment on fox news next. I bet she's already becoming besties with Nick Fuentes too.


She's already been on InfoWars, so she can only go down from there.


They will absolutely kick Pearl to the curb for her, she fits their ideal better but says the same things


I can only imagine pearl's response 💀


Tbh I would love to see that twitter thread. Petty infighting at its finest.


I was JUST talking about this with my husband. Right wing isn't going to touch her for "saying the quiet part out loud." Maybe some fringe group might pick her up for 15 minutes if she's lucky. Otherwise, she'll fade into obscurity. She's an awful person but she's just a pretty face who can't even do a proper dog whistle. Obviously, I don't condone what she's said or stands for. All that said, I did see a comment that said "have you ever heard of piper? She can give you great tips on BBC" which had so many layers I about died laughing lol


As much as they really want to say the n-word, they know their advertisers will run faster than Usain Bolt if they actually say it. They're not going to risk hiring her.


She’s not even that pretty. I mean, maybe she should eat some of her makeup and try to be pretty on the inside?


Happy cake day! And that's a good one lol!


Thank you! I didn’t even realize it was my cake day!


I will never understand how people think free speech translates to social media. You can literally stand outside your house and say whatever shit you want and the government can’t arrest you. You can personally print insane leaflets with hate all day long and no one will arrest you. Social media is a private business that can choose to do whatever they want.


She’s probably eating up this attention


How is she a trad wife if she has a job


At least she admitted you need to be racist in order to be conservative


She’s nuts for assuming only black people are offended. Her second statement really doubled down on showing who she is.


I’ve been following this and I’m convinced she’s a plant by right wing media to do this, get the views/clicks and then “launch” her already prepared media tour on Infowars and become their new right wing darling. She’s attractive, white, blonde, and racist. Meets all the criteria.


Isn’t she the person who went on the rant about how much she hated how the nerds she bullied in high school are successful now or am I mixing her up with someone else? Because if it’s the same person than I’m totally with you


Probably because they studied, worked hard and are decent human beings…not fake racist pieces of shit!


Yes she is.


Where would I find this rant? Because that’s…something.


She could even just be trying it on her own. I feel like it’s so easy to become “someone” in the right wing sphere so long as you 1. Are young 2. Attractive or violent 3. Be loud and fringe 4. Have enough followers. And then it’s just about rage bait. Anyone who would want to be a pundit or right wing somebody doesn’t have to try very hard. I think it’s time to really just silently ice these sorts out, outrage just creates stars for them.


no one took away her free speech lol she broke the terms of service on a website


This belongs in I Am A Total piece of shit!


Not very "trad" of her to be working?


How is she a tradwife if she has a \*gasp\* job???


>"If my freedom of speech taken, they'll be coming for yours next," I'll say this a bit louder for the racists in the back *"Free Speech protects you from the GOVERNMENT and only the Government telling you to shut the ef up, it doesn't apply to others like your Boss or Neighbor."*


I’m so sick of these ass hats saying “if they can do this to me/take this from me, they can do it to you too!” It’s like consequences don’t exist to them.


Its so easy to become a conservative mouthpiece these days- just say something racist, xenophobic, mysogynistic, homophobic, or any myriad of hate (bonus points if youre a christian white woman) and just wait to go viral because people hold you accountable. Then, speak on Fox News a few times, maybe get retweeted by trump or other conservatives until the next person comes along. Rinse and repeat.


Trad wife➡️job. WTAF?


Fucked around and found out. Hopefully she gets cancelled online too.


Her 15 minutes of fame is almost up! Tick, tick, tick…


So it was a ploy to get into the conservative media sphere. Kinda tracks honestly.




I’m sorry since when do trad wives HAVE JOBS??


Not very trad wife of her to have a job


She’s flourishing on X.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean no consequences. I'd love to see her insult someone in front of their face and see what happens


>"Thanks black community for helping me launch my new career in conservative media!" she wrote on [Twitter]. "You all played your role well like the puppets you are." aisleofbuzzlightyearfigures.png


Dirty-mouthed ignorant bimbo. I wonder if her mummy and daddy are proud of her?


The shit fruit usually doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.


Lol I love when they throw around “omg my freedom of speech is being threatened 🥺🥺”. Freedom of speech protects you from being imprisoned or killed by the government for taking bad about them, not being a racist asshole for clout.




MuH frEdOM Of sPeEcH!! Idiots.


So disgusting.


Couldn't have been a very good trad wife if she had a job


On Twitter, she has dallied with far rightists Isabella Moody and Maram Susli. Says a lot about her fringe behavior.


freedom of speech does not protect you from the consequences of exercising it


North Carolina is becoming an absolute hellscape.


She has a very punchable face.


Part of my mom's family lives in Wilmington. They are racist pieces of trash too. We don't talk to them. Wilmington has a history of racism and white supremacy. Check out the book Wilmington's Lie.


Live here, can confirm it’s a deeply segregated city with a dark history. 


Well, well, well....if it isn't the consequences of my own actions....


The absolute definition of a C-U-Next-Tuesday!


How does a trad wife have a job?


Ladies and gentlecars, I introduce you to the next SCOTUS case that will finally break the spine of the us of a. I feel it.


If she's a tradwife why would she even have a job?




You have the right to say what you want. You do NOT have the right to have a platform to say it on OR the right to not ever face any consequences from non-government entities.


The “trad wife” got fired….from her job. I thought the whole point was that they didn’t have jobs?


Can you be a trad wife if you aren't married?! Though facts have never stood in a conservative's way.


Trad wife but working … loser on all fronts


She lives in Burgaw, not Wilmington (I’m a local lol) but the company she got fired from IS Wilmington-based.


I'm confused, I thought trad-wives were against women in the workforce. Is this another case of fundie hypocrisy in addition to blatant casual racism?


Good on the company. As for her, being a tradwife doesn't have to mean being a piece of shit. 


The absolute BEST part about this is that the ones that she wanted to impress and be part of (read: Christian nationalists) are REJECTING her bc she’s “not pure enough”. She apparently has Jewish ancestry somewhere and once dated a Muslim. She has zero allies