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Why not just let the kid sleep in his own bed instead of going for a joyride?? What’s the point of torturing them all?!


Does this kid even have his own bed?


Not since he had to vacate the family sheep skin to make way for Boone


I’m dead at the family sheepskin. I know I shouldn’t be, but I literally squirted beer out my nose reading that. ETA: Totally stole it for flair!


That’s an incredible flair


Always happy to provide flair inspiration!


It's musical chairs in that bunkroom


He does not


He has box


As someone who hates being in the car for a long period of time- this type of lifestyle would be awful!


I get carsick just looking at these pictures 🤢


Apparently the bumps and crazy shaking of the Jeep ride knocked him out.


Probably like being in that wild ride of a womb.




Exactly. And it’s not very maternal / paternal to leave the rest of the (youngest) kids all alone. So, if I understand this situation correctly, Kinsey, who I think (?) is under 12, is now the guardian of all her very young siblings, and all alone, in a bus. Sounds safe./s Look, I’m not a parent (by choice), so I try not to judge too harshly, depending, but there is no way in hell I would leave a bunch of (very young and defenseless) children alone in a bus, and then …leave the entire site for an excursion. I don’t care how many locks are on that bus, anything could happen!


Parent here. I would not leave my 4yo ( who can talk and use the bathroom by himself) with anyone under 16 and would not leave my children together (4y and 5m) with anyone other than another parent or an experienced childcare worker.


My older two are 17&15 and I’ve left them (together or on their own) with the younger two who are 10&5 for a few hours here and there. But we live in a house. With locks. And an alarm. And phones. And neighbours whom they know. And backup plans etc etc. If we were camping in an RV or something? No way.


I didn't even like leaving my cat in my RV. But I hope that while they are gone, at least the kids can be themselves and not perform:( i hope they just sit and zone out watching stuff, and enjoy not feeling the fear and intensity from being living breathing content. I hope it feels like a break, and they come to realize how unhappy they feel as soon as they return. Because they need to put the masks back on.


I sincerely hope so too


I’m a parent, and my older two girls are Red Cross certified babysitters, meaning they did three full (8 hour) training days on infant & child CPR, basic first aid, child development, safety, how to entertain children, etc. They came home with a binder full of information, questions to ask parents, tips, places to write important phone numbers, and the like. They are 15 & 13.5, and they are not allowed to babysit outside of our neighborhood, are not allowed if I am not going to be home the entire time, and if it is more than 4 kids or younger kids & a newborn then they both have to go. They also refresh their certificates every year since they first got them at 12, when they babysat their younger siblings for short errands. We have always had a house phone or their cell phones to call for help. And I pay them. Leaving an 11 year old alone on a bus with that many children while you are off dicking around in the desert is grounds for immediate CPS removal of the kids IMO


No see, they thought about it. Then they wouldn't have to parent even the tiny bits that they do now!


These parent’s lives are so pointless. All they do is drive around aimlessly. They consume resources while contributing nothing.


It’s so weird because the Bible they claim to love is full of stories admonishing people who take more than they give to their communities, and also the importance of having a community. But we all know these dummies didn’t read the book; the just use it to metaphorically beat others.


I was literally about to post this exact comments. They literally don’t do anything but move around constantly until it’s time to sleep.


That's totally not fair, she also bullies the kids and Susbus into making reels and tiktoks.


They have no hobbies, no passtimes, nothing. Their entire personalities are "bus". This kids have 0 education, and the only fun they have is in the parks their parents let them roam with 0 supervision. And I thought I'm boring cause the plans for today are a free Bluey show.


Their job is literally Bus. Bluey slaps, have fun at the show!


If they stay in one place LGBT and CPS finds them.


What would this world be without endless videos of these two clowns dancing poorly in various places while displaying their sex trophies?


I’m sure we’d all find a way to fill that void 😂


The ultimate example of running away from their responsibilities.


Have they lost their whole damn minds? Mobbing a jeep around while their young daughter watches their medically neglected 10 week old in a bus ALONE?   There's no common sense let alone parenting going on in that bus. I'm now quite sure they injured Boone at birth. They're too g'damned stupid to have a baby unsupervised. 


They didn’t realize their own kid needed glasses until *followers* noticed it in videos and mentioned it so….


Is this true? Is that why he has the glasses???


So they do listen sometimes! It seems like MoBus obsessively deletes any comments suggesting Boone is anything less than a perfectly healthy bus miracle & blocks her own followers over it. I wonder what prompted them to finally take Swift to the eye doctor.


For real?!? What on earth???


The little boy in glasses really depresses me, his glasses look way too big for his face. Its like they got a pair of glasses and sized up so he can grow into them but vision at that age is so finicky. I know at that age my eyesight was still changing and I needed regular eye appointments which I’m sure this kid isnnt getting


Not a parent, but I’m pretty sure you want to make sure your kids are getting good quality sleep and naps.


yes definitely. my son does nap in his carseat and on the go, but it's not the norm. many days we skip activities that fall during nap time hours. all my mom friends do the same thing, naps are sacred.


My entire life revolves around my son’s afternoon nap, it’s just not ever worth skipping it. He’s my only child though, I imagine in a huge family like the bus people’s you can’t prioritise multiple napping children’s rhythms. That’s why it’s probably not a great idea to have kids numbering in the double digits.


As a mom of three older kids now, this works when there is one kiddo, but in an attempt to meet the emotional and physical needs of the older ones, naps with the 2nd and 3rd had to be on the go often. BUT you still figure out a way to make sure it's a quality nap that helps the baby rest even on the go. Often means you slow down and let baby finish napping undisturbed somewhere. MoBus doesn't even seem to do that. We never get a "I'm sitting here in the shade with baby while he finishes his nap and the others are with JD." You can still encourage good healthy rest on the go, which these numb nuts are too dumb/selfish to do. Can't spend an extra 30 min chilling making sure a kid can rest so their little brains can develop properly.


I have one kid and she is a mess if she doesn’t get enough solid sleep (and frankly, so am I). We recently took a really fun vacation, and spent the entire last day in the hotel room getting room service, reading, and watching TV. We were just exhausted and needed the rest. I can’t imagine constantly traveling in a tiny bus and spending so much time outdoors (because there is no alternative) with multiple young kids. They must all be so sleep deprived.


That's the biggest most comfortable bed compared to anything on the bus. Probably with amazing a/c, too. Sleep well, little man.


I have a sick feeling that when they finally are forced to admit that something is seriously wrong with Boone, they'll blame it on Kinsey or Gunner. Like something happened to that poor baby while under their watch.


I made a longggg ass post earlier pandering to PaBus. That video from yesterday where you see him and Gunner just completely change vibes made me wonder if Gunner is getting to JD about taking Boone to get checked out and Brittney is in a panicked denial and the only way she can maintain control is by making her family perform. Boone is not getting better. He might not be getting worse, but something is wrong.


I could see one of them just being incredibly stupid and the other stupid and conniving. I’m not sure we have adequate data on which is which yet, though.


I mean you are not wrong haha


Someone mentioned Zelda from Pet Semetary on a post about them the other day and I honestly cannot stop thinking about it.


JD and Brittany Lott, the physical definition of Criminally Neglectful.




This should be his "Fundie Knight" name. Sir Neglect-a-Lott. There could be a whole bunch of them. Jimbob - "Sir Smug-a-lot". People should nominate for King Farquad's Round Table.


A recent video with her holding Boone. The whole family looks like they’ve been rolling in dust for a week. They all look grubby and poor Boone looks filthy (or maybe it’s odd tan marketing


Has there ever been a single moment that the father is responsible for the kids alone?


Hmm that’s got me wondering about the real reason she insisted on going with him every single time.




That harness looks like it’s too loose.


I mean....at least the kid is strapped in with more than "trust in god"?


More like, “there’s no stopping FOR nap time.” These poor kids. The absolute only good thing I can say about this is that at least he’s buckled in properly


The bar is in hell. Im so shocked to see the kid in a car seat.